Analyzing the Best Way to Build a Twitter Chatbot

twitter chatbot

You might not realize how widespread chatbots are right now. According to Business Insider, 80 percent of businesses will likely want to invest in a chatbot by 2020. And true enough, most online brands today have a chatbot at the frontlines of customer service. They’re commonly situated on social media platforms to meet where consumers are. And a stark example of this is a Twitter chatbot.

As with any other chatbot, you can make a Twitter chatbot in many different ways. Although its functions may slightly differ from other chatbots, it still has one primary purpose in mind: to increase customer engagement. Though, it’s effectiveness can lie in its programming and development. So to make the most out of it, you need to find the best way to build your Twitter chatbot.

Analyzing the Best Way to Build a Twitter Chatbot

Why You Should Get A Twitter Chatbot

Before analyzing the ways of building a Twitter chatbot, we have to discuss its importance. Constructing a chatbot on Twitter may be one of the best uses of the software. Compared to other social media platforms, Twitter is one of the most bot-friendly channels available to chatbots. This is due to recent updates on the platform’s Direct Messaging (DM) capabilities, making business-consumer conversations easier:

Welcome Messages

Businesses can set planned messages to consumers, even without prior user engagement. This feature allows brands to take the initiative, leading prospects to products, deals, and websites.

Quick Replies

Additionally, businesses also make conversations smoother by offering a set of replies to choose from. These prompted responses help save time and reduce confusion when trying to interact with chatbots. This feature is also great for chat-centric platforms like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, minimizing customer effort.

At this point, Twitter is making the transition from being a micro-blogging app to a more chat-friendly social media platform. From amassing millions of users, making the jump towards a messaging app is the next best choice. This move particularly suits chatbots, as chatbots fit the rapid messaging experience perfectly–consumers want short but speedy replies at the edge of their fingertips.

Furthermore, a recent study shows that replying on Twitter can heighten customer relations. Given good customer responses, customers are 44 percent more likely to share their experience on Twitter compared to other platforms. Customer satisfaction is more transparent on Twitter as it is a bite-sized blogging space where people can air their thoughts more freely.

Moreover, the study also found that brand responsiveness and consumer spending habits go hand-in-hand. Users are more likely to spend on brands that are more receptive. It also showed that faster replies played a factor in generating revenue. Users’ willingness to connect on the next interaction increased when brands in 5 minutes or less.

What to Consider in a Twitter Chatbot

There is no one way to build a Twitter chatbot. With the abundance of third-party developers and chatbot development tools, virtually anyone can make a Twitter chatbot at this point. Although there are still some considerations when it comes to making one. It’s always a marketing strategy at the end of the day, and marketing strategies require the right execution. Factors such as audience, distribution, and long-term goals are essential to its success. Here are some details to consider in making your Twitter chatbot:

To AI or not to AI?

We get it: AI is excellent. We have reached a point where chatbots can have engaging interactions, all thanks to AI. Chatbot software has made it possible for bots to carry out numerous tasks, from scheduling meetings to reporting the time of the day. Companies also have a more comprehensive range with a chatbot, as they can respond to more consumers in a short amount of time. But this begs the question: do you need a high-powered AI chatbot to answer customer queries?

For a Twitter chatbot, where users will only engage for inquiries, an intelligent AI Twitter chatbot might not be necessary. You can achieve the same outcome with a rule-based chatbot, which costs less and takes less effort to tweak and develop. The key here is clear responses and an efficient customer reply flow. The Quick Replies feature helps in this regard.

Chatbot goals are crucial in these times of developing, as it helps set expectations accordingly. Looking back at what you want to achieve with your Twitter chatbot is essential to its success.

Do you need a developer?

Making a Twitter chatbot is not as easy as it looks. While many third-party developers offer an easy click-and-drag interface, chatbot creation doesn’t stop at implementation. Chatbots need to be tweaked regularly to maintain effectiveness, and should always be up-to-date with the latest trends in communication. To add, Twitter chatbots require a server to handle customer requests and integration into the platform’s API. So having a support team behind your chatbot can help it become the best version it can be.

Although with enough resources, there might not be a need to consult developers for your chatbot. It all comes down to whether you can develop it on your own or if you need help from third-party developers. Some Twitter partners provide tools for the development of Twitter chatbots, so developer experience is not required in this aspect. But take in mind: third-party development tools can vary, so be sure to choose one with tools that you want.

More human or more bot?

When you implement a chatbot, it is going to be the face of the business. So it goes without saying that the chatbot must represent company goals and objectives while still being easy to talk to. This is where tone and grammar have vital roles: chatbots have to sound natural to maintain customer responsiveness.

Since chatbots are so versatile, you can program a chatbot beyond planned responses. Chatbot conversations can be more engaging with natural language processing or NLP, where chatbots can learn from past interactions and tweak responses accordingly. But while NLP is making waves in the chatbot community, it’s not necessary the “end-all, be-all” of chatbot communication.

While sounding natural is the key to connecting customers, it’s not a good idea to make the bot sound too natural. No matter how you spin it, a chatbot is a chatbot; nothing more, nothing less. So while it might be a good idea for your bot to have a personality, it’s still a bot at the end of the day.

The Best Way to Build a Twitter Chatbot

You can develop your own Twitter chatbot in many different ways. But in reality, there is no ‘best way’ to build a Twitter chatbot. It all depends on what you want to do you’re your chatbot, and how you plan to do it. And remember, your Twitter chatbot is only as good as you program it, so constant development is the key. Looking at areas of improvement is an excellent place to start after implementation. Making a chatbot is only half the battle, after all. Testing it out with users to see how it fares with users is also essential.

Analyzing the Best Way to Build a Twitter Chatbot

Listed below are some factors to consider for the best improvement in your Twitter chatbot:

Message volume

When you make a Twitter chatbot, expect tons of replies in your inbox, whether on a daily or hourly basis. If your current server, whether your own or a third-party developer’s, cannot handle the load, it might be time to upgrade your systems to accommodate your customers.


As stated earlier, the chatbot is the face of the business, and if it doesn’t get enough engagement, it may be due for revisions. CTR, also known as clickthrough rate, will tell if a chatbot is doing its job correctly. You can trace CTR problems in a variety of factors in your Twitter chatbot, such as the chat flow (Is it too long or is it too short?), the planned replies, how the chatbot converses, etc.

Problems resolved

A chatbot’s primary goal is to make the user experience better, including answering questions when people need it. Regularly check if your Twitter chatbot is handling queries effectively. The number of problems resolved will tell whether the chatbot is a boon or a bane to the business.

Digitalize with HeroBot today!

With the advent of tech development, there may be hundreds or even thousands of Twitter bot builders online right now. But nothing beats the value that HeroBot offers for your business. You’ll have access to top-of-the-line tools at competitive prices. Best of all, there’s an expert team to guide you through the process. Check out the website for plans and other details!

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

messenger chat bot

Eight billion is the number of messages that are sent over Facebook Messenger every month. 1.3 billion, on the other hand, is the number of active Messenger users each month. With these numbers, it’s hard to deny the potential that a messenger chat bot has as a marketing tool. This is a new tactic called “messenger marketing,” where businesses use a mobile chat app to connect with customers. Messenger marketing is not just limited to Facebook Messenger, but its also available to other platforms like Telegram, Viber, WeChat, etc. It provides users easy access when subscribing to business campaigns, updates via widgets like chat bots.

The use of messenger chat bots today is in full swing. You don’t need to pay someone to deliver messages as chat bots are everywhere. Its use is highly valued in the labor market for its ability to engage in conversation without the supervision of a human agent. Since it’s automated, it saves time for both the customer and the business. This time-efficient feature is what makes customers subscribe to the brand faster and what keeps company resources.  Marketing professionals and tech experts agree that in a few years from now, chat bots will handle customer inquiries completely.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

To add, messenger chat bots are no longer simple input-output machines. While they are still great information collectors and organizers, they have evolved to do so much more. This is due to the integration of artificial intelligence or AI, which expanded chat bot functions exponentially. Newer, AI-powered bots can now engage in small-talk and learn from past user interactions. Hence, this opens up new opportunities to utilize them in digital marketing strategies.

Choose Your Fighter: Messenger Marketing vs. Email Marketing

Choosing between the two seems absurd since both have their specific purposes. Messenger marketing is useful in terms of growing the brand’s audience and service awareness through social media apps. Email marketing is prominent for sharing things like news, brand updates, and promotional offers right into a user’s inbox. But since people are unlikely to open their email inbox, they cannot respond urgently to messages. In short, it’s one-way communication most of the time, unlike messenger marketing that encourages real-time two-way communication. Whenever customers have questions regarding the brand, they are likely to ask via messenger instead of email.

Meanwhile, combining these two is not a bad idea. Using both channels can help you address customer demands quickly. Utilize this as much as possible to increase engagement with your audience. The only limitation here is the internet connectivity. In this way, you will be updated with the progress of your business as well as with your customers. Generate FAQs not only increase engagement and traffic to your site but also to gain the trust of prospected customers.

Why Messenger Chat Bots?

Messenger chat bots are now essential to improving sales. Aside from cutting down on routine tasks, they help gain customer loyalty due to the speedy replies in processing customer requests. These bots are also a convenient widget that can deliver content as they have a higher response rate, unlike traditional marketing channels. They can send relevant information and notifications regarding upcoming events. These chat bots can also offer excellent opportunities to re-engage prospects.

Traffic and lead generation are the two things to consider when talking about online marketing. The truth is, it is the biggest challenge among online marketers. Knowing the benefits of marketing methods alone is not sufficient to reach target customers. While most marketing strategies can be both challenging and expensive, messenger chat bots are easy to make. What’s more is that you can integrate them without breaking a sweat. Thus, businesses are resorting to messaging apps, given that messaging app users are continuously growing. Today, it has become a platform where brands and customers meet.

The best part is, they’re a business solution that doesn’t break the bank. With human agents, companies need to factor in salaries, employee benefits, bonuses, and all that jazz. Human agents are limited in the sense that you can only have a number working at a time, which can hurt sales. With a chat bot, your brand can accommodate tens to hundreds of users at a time, without the hassle of working hours or agent availability.

What Messenger Chat Bots Do

Gone are the days of waiting for hours on end to get a call back from a business. Engagement between brand and consumer is now a click away. This is the newfound power that comes with messenger marketing–near-instant response times. Companies, whether they’re only starting or established competitors, are now incorporating messenger chat bots in their daily operations. But exactly how do they use this new technology to drive sales?

Here are some of the capabilities of messenger chat bots today:

1. Customer Service Improvement

Searching answers to the FAQ section can consume precious time. Most users do not have, or rather, do not want to spend their time scrolling for the answers to their questions. Waiting times are also a bother, as customers do not like to wait around. These problems are made obsolete by messenger chat bots.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

2. 24/7 Uptime

Messenger chat bots are one chat away. Writing and sending your questions on an item or service can only take minutes to be processed. You can also write to them at any time of the day since chat bots don’t need to rest. You need not worry if you’re asking about a particular product or service at around 3 AM since these chat bots have your back.

Engaging Conversations

Instead of reading through a great wall of text, you can be at ease when talking to a messenger chat bot. You can get the information you want and when you want it. These chat bots help you navigate through the sea of information on company websites.

3. Faster Response Times

The thing about messaging apps today is that everything is instant. With a stable internet connection, it will only take moments for your message before its sent. This is as if you were asking them in real-time. Chat bots can reply as soon as possible, and this helps converts more visitors into buyers.

4. Saves Company Resources

In a nutshell, messenger chat bots lessen employee workload. Chat bots can handle the usual day-to-day questions while employees can focus on resolving more complicated issues in the customer inquiry department.

Reach New Heights with Messenger Marketing

Compared to other marketing techniques, messenger marketing is something else. It’s no longer a competition of who has the flashiest graphics or visual design. Today, it’s about who can reach the most customers faster. Brands are now racing on various social media apps on who can get the most likes, shares–the most user engagement out of everyone else.

And the birth of messenger chat bots has changed the game. These chat bots have now put customer engagement at an all-time high. And it will only get higher as more people download messaging apps. It’s the perfect time to attract potential customers and convert more leads with this new technology. Thus, it’s crucial to follow this trend before other brands follow suit. Here some of the ways that you can level up your messenger marketing efforts:

Provide meaty content

People access the internet for information. Satisfy them by giving adequate information about your brand and services. Instead of sending them the content via email or SMS, you can send it straight to their messaging app.

Lead your followers to relevant content

While providing content to your followers is your utmost concern, you can also direct them to content with messenger chat bots. Suggesting related sites or content helps them engage with the business, even if they don’t know what they’re looking for yet.

Remind people about upcoming events

Constant updates like this can make your customers value your brand better. An active, hands-on business is more attractive than a passive business.

Use ads to reach your audience

Since the typical user feed is chock full of ads, it is quite impossible to reach your customer without noise. By using messenger ads, you will redirect your customers towards your website. You can also re-engage past leads through ads. This gives you additional opportunity to reconnect with potential customers.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

Jumpstart your Business with Herobot

Messenger marketing is all the rage right now, and messenger chat bots are the newest tools in the digital marketing scene. And at a time where everything is digitalized, there’s no better opportunity to start using them other than today. Watch your brand grow as you boost sales and convert leads faster than before. Hop on over to our website at to learn how you can get started with your messenger chat bot. From bot creation to bot support, our specialized team will guide you through the whole process. Contact us for more details!

Tips to Create the Best Facebook Messenger Bots

best facebook messenger bots

The growth of messaging bots has enabled several groups of people with the right skills to build a bot. They made use of these bots as an item for sale. They even had customizable bots that are for specific businesses. With the number of bots available online, what do you need to have the best Facebook Messenger bots? To have the best Facebook Messenger bot, you must first have an idea of chatbots. You must know its benefits and disadvantages, and the things you need to develop one.

Before identifying the things you need to have the best Facebook Messenger bots, you must first know some things about chatbots.

best facebook messenger bots

Why do you need the best Facebook Messenger chatbot?

According to Cooper, a chatbot is an automated messaging software that uses AI. It helps to communicate with people by answering their queries. It assists in providing high-level customer service, making customers satisfied. A Facebook Messenger chatbot is made for the Facebook application. It is a strategy for business owners to use Facebook Messenger to communicate with their customers.

Moreover, Facebook Messenger bots would change the way that businesses work. From the customer service, sales, and marketing. Facebook Messenger Bots provide a connection to the store and its consumers. It is useful even without a human-to-human interaction. Moreover, it allows the data collection needed to create new offers for their customers. Thus, you will need an AI to keep up with the changes brought by technology.

How can AI boost your business?

Facebook Messenger bot may not always apply to every business. But, with the emergence of the internet and technology, organizations would need to adapt. If not Facebook Messenger bots, innovation would still be one of the best strategies that customers will ask of you

So, what are the things that Facebook Messenger bot can provide your business?

Better Customer Service

There are different types of customers that you can encounter when you have a business. If you have a short temper and find some people frustrating, then a chatbot would be very useful. A chatbot will allow you to communicate with your customers in the best possible way. Your chatbot can recommend some questions for your customers so they won’t have to type their inquiries. In that way, your chatbot can easily understand. Your customers won’t have the burden of thinking the right words to ask.

Encourage more customers

Having the convenience to communicate with your Facebook page can allow more customers to become satisfied. With that, they can share with others their experience. Thus, allowing more curious customers to try and look into your business. When you get to encourage more people, it increases the chances of your brand to grow across the Facebook community.

Direct communication with customers

According to Cooper, people would more likely open a Facebook message than a marketing email. Facebook Messenger has become an alternative for email, which allowed better marketing strategies. Facebook Messenger chatbots provide your customers with quick answers that they want in a business.

Save Time and Money

With Facebook Messenger bots, you can do your work without bothering to reply to every query your business receives. With chatbots, you can prepare a response to every common question in the most consistent way. Furthermore, it saves you money to buy a bot rather than apply for the creation of your business’ mobile application.

Reduces Workload

If you own a large company that employs several people with expertise in customer service, chatbots can help you. As Lloyd (2020) stated, bots allow your staff to focus on more relevant and complicated issues. With bots, you can sleep and let them respond to the messages you receive late at night. You can maintain your page’s activity 24/7, which leaves a great impression on your customers.

best facebook messenger bots

Above are only some tips on how you can boost your business in the market with Facebook Messenger bots. So, what do you need to have the best Facebook Messenger bot?

Tips to have the best Facebook Messenger bot

Have minimal texts.

Simplicity is key. Having minimal texts that are straight to the point is an effective way to satisfy your customers with your chatbot. They want to talk to a human or machine that gives them the exact answer they want. Like the regular messaging app, the interaction of chatbot and customer must seem conversational. Thus, you might want to set limits with the messages on your chatbot.

Use emojis and short messages.

Using emails has the aura the makes you feel like you need to be formal with your conversations. With messaging apps, you can make your customers feel like conversing with a friend. It is possible with the help of emojis and short messages. Emojis and small messages do not make the conversation boring. As you adapt to the growth of technology, you know that people are much more interested in interactive things. So, as much as possible, make the conversation interactive and not too formal.

Provide an unsubscription option

Have you ever received messages that kept notifying you without you knowing how to stop it? Then chatbots can be like that sometimes. Since they get your data and have seen your interest in the business, they can notify you of any new offers. So, to have the best Facebook Messenger bots, you should allow your customers to unsubscribe from receiving messages.

There are a lot more tips to have the best Facebook Messenger bots for your business. Learn to identify what you would want as a customer then apply it to your business’ chatbot. In this way, you realize what your customers would think of the service you provide.

What are the bot-building platforms? is a platform that tries to make the bot appear as if a person is speaking. It allows you to communicate on other apps and use it, not only on the Facebook Messenger app. You could connect it with Shopify, where customers can choose products and move on with payment.


ManyChat is a platform that claims to create a bot in two minutes. It offers several features, like generating message automation that sends the exact message. It also converts commenters as a bot subscriber and many more. They can provide free bot but with their watermark. If you are low on budget, you can make use of it in the meantime.


Like the points of ManyChat is another popular platform, the Chatfuel. It offers a free version for 1k subscribers but would need payment if you would want a better feature. It also helps you get customer insights with the segments it offers.

These three are some of the platforms available online. When you’re low on budget, some platforms can work for your business in the meantime. Otherwise, you can look into the platform with the best feature to highlight your business. Thus, this will be helpful to make sure that you get the best Facebook Messenger bot.

best facebook messenger bots


If you are looking for a nifty way to create the best Facebook Messenger bots without any hassle, look up to Herobot. Herobot is a chatbot building platform that helps its users easily navigate whichever process they want. Also, Herobot offers different subscriptions that is budget-friendly and worth it. It also has various that you can choose from depending on your line of business.

Interested? Visit our website and start creating the best Facebook Messenger bots for your business.

Top Reasons Why You Need to Build a Bot for SMM Today

build a bot

Two decades ago, marketing was all about search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM). But in the last ten years, social media marketing was born. Right then, it quickly took over other known strategies in various industries. Today, every marketing campaign is not complete without social media integration. However, the competition in this landscape also tightened through time. It ultimately paves the way for the introduction of new trends and tools. In this article, we’ll talk about the era of chatbots, particularly for the SMM. Let us see if this can convince you to build a bot after this. 

build a bot

Social Media Monitoring Bot: The Key to Better Business Engagement

According to most technology predictions, chatbots would soon become one of the most vital tools in terms of engaging with brands. Even the veteran marketers agree that it has the power to bring a paradigm shift in the landscape of digital marketing. With this, many decide to build a bot to help them in advertising.

Today, we are closer to the time when all people would treat chatbots as a vital marketing tool. Ultimately, people would depend on these innovative technologies to purchase what they need. May it be a product or a service, bots will be their number one assistant. Many developments are happening right now. When you build a bot in the future, they would soon become human-like. 

Once it happens, the landscape of digital marketing would be revolutionized. Also, people would become more dependent on chatbots. They would rather use bots instead of spending time on research brought by search engines. During this time, many branded applications would become obsolete. Moreover, users would opt to engage via messaging apps that are already helping them in unimaginable ways. 

Build a Bot: The Primary Role of Social Media Monitoring Bot

It’s not a secret that consumers are dramatically migrating from traditional social media platforms to fast-rising messaging applications. The list includes Apple, Slack, WeChat, iMessage, and perhaps one of the most popular, Facebook Messenger. The mind-boggling growth of these innovative messaging channels, when combined, actually beats that of the largest social media networks today. Well, these messaging apps offer to navigate their ways through intense competition. They exert less effort compared to conventional methods, but they get an increase in monetization. Who wouldn’t love these emerging technologies that save people from fatigue while improving ROI?

Moreover, industry analysts and data sources revealed that these messaging apps have taken over social media platforms in terms of signing up new users. This report is not surprising, as chatbots have made it possible. These social media monitoring bots have allowed people to search for valuable information using their preferred messaging applications.

Build a Bot to Revolutionize Your ROI

Aside from making routines more convenient for people when it comes to searching content, social media monitoring bot also augment the efficiency of the once laborious process. Well, developers today are making them customized. As a result, users no longer need to rely on Google search to find out information about specific products or services. They can simply build a bot and rely on them to do that and get their needs addressed quickly. 

Social media monitoring bot and other kinds of chatbots are one of the vital tools that can empower the core of digital marketing. Its concept opposes the traditional system of digital advertising wherein there is an engagement when clicking on an ad or playing videos. Today, engaging with chatbots is described as having a conversation with a human-like assistant. 

Why? It is because most people would agree that having personalized and fun conversation is more valuable than simply viewing a video or an ad. This new kind of engagement leaves people refreshed, educated, informed, and most of the time, entertained. With the help of chatbots, they also acquire a deeper understanding of the product or the business. So, why not build a bot for your business now?

Social Media Monitoring: What You Need to Know

Are you currently engaged with a brand or product over social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Then there’s a high chance that your engagement and activities are being tracked by a social media monitoring tool. 

build a bot

Often, users think that social media monitoring is the same as social listening. However, these two shouldn’t be interchanged as they have different purposes. 

Social media monitoring is the act of engaging with users using a reactive manner. Brands monitor streams of topics, comments, mentions, and messages and rely on that information before interacting with users. Meanwhile, social listening can be described as proactive. Brands deal with larger pools of data and use them for sentiment analysis. The goal is to find out how brands operating in the same niche are performing. The findings can then be checked by social media analytics expert to find out any trend or pattern.

Notably, many of the known social media monitoring tools today also serve the function of social listening. However, people should still be aware of the significant differences between the two.

How does Social Media Monitoring Bot Work?

Social media monitoring is a straightforward strategy. A businessman must first identify the tool that would fit his brand’s needs. Then, they need to sync their social profiles and work on monitoring and data collection. Thanks to the introduction of social media monitoring bot, a businessman can put everything up and running without exerting much time and effort. 

Main Functions of Social Media Monitoring Bot

Collect Mentions

Collecting mentions and comments that pertain to your brand is one of the primary purposes of a social media monitoring bot. This tool would track all of your brand’s social activities automatically. Some bots even organize and filter data based on different metrics, such as likes, followers, and retweets. When this information had been collected, social media marketers can begin doing their jobs. 

Build brand advocacy.

Every brand’s goal is to acquire loyal advocates and customers. When you have a social media monitoring bot in place, you would be able to interact with these users in real time. Ultimately, you can show them that you are keen to build and cultivate a relationship with them. Remember, even a simple message that acknowledges your customers’ support has the power to make all the difference in your brand’s performance. 

Resolve customer complaints.

As a businessman, there’s nothing wrong in hoping that all people visiting your channel would be your brand’s advocates. However, we can’t deny that it’s almost impossible. Dissatisfied customers would show up in one way or another. During this instance, you can take advantage of your social media monitoring bot to settle the issue immediately. Once you can address their complaints in real-time, there’s a likelihood that you would convince them from preaching negative sentiment about your brand. 

Increase brand transparency.

One surefire way of enhancing user engagement on social media is to send and receive customer feedback. Let your social media monitoring both update your users whenever you’re rolling out new products or services. Then, ask them some questions that can help you enhance your latest offering. This method can not only strengthen your engagement with users, but it can also increase your brand’s transparency. 

Track topics.

A social media monitoring bot can also help you monitor and track hashtags and topics that are trending. When you are up to date with the latest happenings, you can easily spread awareness about your brand. Being armed with fresh information allows you to be a step ahead of your competitors. 

Showcase your brand’s story. 

Social media monitoring bot, just like other known chatbots, has a personality of its own. With the advent of technology, brands have the power to customize their bots, or we can describe it as adding a unique flavor, bringing a brand’s personality to life.

build a bot

The idea is to showcase the story of your brand in the most compelling way via a social media monitoring bot embedded in your digital marketing channels and networks. Once implemented, these innovative chatbots can attract reluctant users, engage them in fun and exciting ways, and ultimately captivate them with your story. Once you have successfully established an emotional connection with them, you have higher chances of translating those relationships into substantial growth. Check out this article on link building which is another good way to substantially grow your business.

Build a bot with the help of HeroBot!

Whether you like to make the switch or not, chatbots are definitely here to stay. They are designed to change the essence of digital marketing. If you want to stay ahead in business, then you must consider these tools as an integral part of your marketing mix. However, keep in mind that just like the others, chatbots are not perfect. They also come with a set of challenges that can either make or break your business. 

To reap the benefits, you must ensure to get your social media monitoring bot from a reliable source. If you’re a newbie, perhaps you would want to visit Herobot. This chatbot platform can help you attract qualified leads and increase sales using their social media marketing bot and other automation marketing tools. Let the experts help you conquer the challenges that are usually associated with this modern technology, and you’ll be able to emerge victorious in the end. 

How to Make a Facebook Bot That Will Up Your Conversion Strategy

how to make a facebook bot

Even with its numerous competitors, Facebook is still at the top of the social media chain. It has more than 2.4 billion monthly active users and one of the leading websites that could advertise brands effectively. With its popularity on different ages, colors, genders or cliques, you can easily run campaigns with Facebook’s ad features. Meanwhile, a lot of people are integrating their own ideas with this and one of them is using a Facebook bot.

how to make a facebook bot

A conversion strategy is important in order to give your customers a good experience while urging them to trust your brand for their next visit. Also, if it is good enough, it can a good brand value to your company which means more traffic, more customers, and more income for you. However, doing this is not easy which is why you will need the help of technology. Thus, it is important to know how to make a Facebook bot that will up your conversion strategy.

Why is an effective conversion strategy essential?

Technology is very helpful to human beings and using it effectively can bring success to most. However, this same thing is also the reason why most people are having problems generating more profits for their companies. Instead of spending on new gadgets and widgets as an investment, they are now just earning to pay for expensive tools that they use. This is where everything goes wrong.

To turn the table around and get the upper hand, you must have a good conversion strategy and just use tools that will most likely benefit you. Moreover, instead of using expensive tools, opt for cheaper tools or those that you will only have to pay once. One of these tools is the Facebook bot. With its great wide-range audience, you can never go wrong with attaching your business on it. Also, this social media site will really be helpful for your business. Meanwhile, bots can offer automation that can save you a lot of money and effort.

How can a Facebook bot up your conversion strategy?

If you will go around the internet and go into some good websites, you will most probably be greeted with an energetic “hello”. You might think that it is unimportant and just an unnecessary addition to making the website look more friendly but you are wrong. It actually helps the website garner more audiences and gives visitors a better experience. It can also negotiate and settle schedules in your stead. Here is a list of the things a good Facebook bot can offer for your brand.

Improves customer experience

Now, you may think that bots are unnecessary to give customers a better experience because that is what customer service is for. However, you should remember that in order to compete with millions of companies around the world, you need to up your game. Start building your Facebook bot that will interact with your customers 24/7 in a human-like way. It works even if you are just starting your company or you already own a bigger enterprise.

You need to be able to cater to your customer’s needs at all times. Even if your store is already closed and it is already 1 AM, you know you just need to respond to your customer’s message. If not, it will just mostly end up them being angry or swearing to never negotiate with your company ever again. Moreover, it will most likely lead to bad reviews for your services. However, the Facebook bot can you from all this hassle.

Because it is an automated program, it can stay up 24/7 and negotiate with all your customers all at once. It talks to a human-like way and has enough artificial intelligence and machine learning to converse appropriately. A Facebook bot can even things more thoroughly than some of your human employees. By keeping your customers satisfied, you can build a better relationship with them and assure that they will remain as your consumers.

Engage in social media

Not all people are aware of your business and your website. However, engaging to customers through their social media accounts will surely boost up your brand name. As you already know, with millions of people using Facebook now, it means that people are more active on this website rather than others. Moreover, studies show that chatbots, such as a Facebook bot, can provide a better mobile experience for the users.

Facebook bots are flexible and can easily be used with mobile phones. With this tool, your customers have unlimited ways of connecting with you anytime and anywhere. As a matter of fact, a lot of companies such as Domino’s Pizza, MasterCard and Sephora are already taking advantage of it. With a Facebook bot, you can add convenience to your customer’s experience which will do good for your business.

how to make a facebook bot

Give good recommendations

Have you ever gone out in the mall determined to buy something but failing to remember what it is? Well, this is common for almost everyone and it can happen in online shops too. This is why most stores make sure that they have sales ladies that can help you shop and give you recommendations whenever you need one. It helps both sides as it gives the customers an idea of what they should buy while giving more sales to the shop.

However, how do you think is it possible to apply the same thing to your online shop? This is where the idea of generating a Facebook bot on your brand comes in. It can converse with your customers naturally and in a human-like way. Moreover, it can help them find the things they are interested in. Facebook bot can also give recommendations by telling the customers basic information about the products. It can also send photos and links to the products to customers.

It can also do predictive lead scoring by going through the profile of the users and looking up to their recent activities. Moreover, it can take note of the demographics and social information of the customers. This way, you will be able to know about their interests and can even help with product recommendations.

Qualify leads

However, if you really want a good conversion strategy, the things mentioned above are not going to suffice. In business, time is very important. Remember, time is of the essence and money. To make sure that you are not wasting time for your online business, make sure to not engage in the wrong person. If you did, you will just spend the time that you should be spending on those who could be a possible customer. This is what lead qualification is all about.

Meanwhile, companies already have a solution for this. They use a Facebook bot that will ask a set of questions to its visitors to know if they can be your possible customer or client. Instead of answering their queries, some pages start the conversations by asking its users some questions. It may include things like how they are able to know about the product or what products they are interested in. Moreover, it will automatically analyze the intentions of the users and if they are a possible lead. Also, it can store the information that it is able to generate from its past conversation which can be useful for your brand.

how to make a facebook bot

Step up your game with Herobot’s Facebook bot!

If you read the article above, there is a high chance that you are already interested in creating your Facebook bot now. And if not, let me tell you that thousands of your competitors are already using one and it will already give them a higher advantage. This is why you need to step up your game and learn how you will be able to build a bot that will not cost you so much.

With Herobot, you can guarantee that the Facebook bot you will create is going to be functional and effective. Moreover, doing it with this platform will give you an easier route without hiring programmers. It is also cheaper than any other site and offers a large variety of widgets and templates that you can choose from. Moreover, it is flexible and will let you work with only drag and drop feature. Learn more about Facebook bot on our website.

Bot Chat App: Your Daily Organizer Buddy

bot chat app
bot chat app

A massive wave of progress has been increasingly evident in our era. Today we can see an evolution of artificial intelligence blasts entirely with the various applications. You can name them as messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Skype. Along with this, bot chat app is becoming increasingly in demand, even in the field of organizing events and plans. Its automation feature has undoubtedly changed how people manage things around them.

A bot chat app is an artificial intelligence that can raise a conversation in natural language through various mobile apps and messaging applications. These virtual chatbots imitate human conversations for solving different tasks. Bots can already send money to friends, set medical appointments and check-in for a flight. Recently, new tools simplify the interaction between humans and computers. Virtual assistants or chatbots are some of the in-demand tools that make their conversation easier.

Why is bot chat app essential in organizing?

A bot chat app is described as one of the most advanced tools for machines and humans to relay their expressions of interactions quickly. It can save your effort and time by automating actions to finish tasks and connecting with customers. For the year 2020, Gartner forecasts that there will be over 85 % of customer interaction without a human. This proves how much people are putting their trusts now to bot chat apps despite being just artificial intelligence. 

Moreover, chatbot systems can provide you beyond giving the response to customer’s questions. You can also use it for your business tasks. Bot chat app can assist you in collecting information about users that you can use to organize meetings and events. Also, it can help you reduce overhead costs that you will need to hire employees and pay for their limited time. It is to no surprise that the bot market proliferates.

What is the bot chat app for?

A bot chat app is an assistant that can communicate with you through text messages. It is a virtual companion that integrates into applications or websites. Also, it helps business enthusiasts in connecting to their customers and building an excellent consumer-business relationship. These bots are a system to communicate with the users. You can also call bot chat apps as conversational agents. These applications can mimic natural human language and written words to stimulate a conversation with a real person.

bot chat app

Furthermore, its artificial intelligence lets bot chat app to collect information that it can use for organization. With all the data, it can store, it can formulate the best plan for events and meetings. Moreover, it can better organize lists of info that you will need for future use. There are two ways that chatbots can offer you services. It is through standalone apps or web-based applications. Customer service commonly uses bots to replace the traditional performance of living individuals, such as customer satisfaction representatives.

Why do business people need bot chat app?

If you are in the business industry, you cannot deny the simultaneous process of multiple requests from users. Also, you can never escape from the concurrent routines in your company or agency. However, bot chat app can help you gain customer’s loyalty despite the lists of responsibilities you need to fulfil. Aside from the owner, customers can also gain benefits from chatbots. It can leave a good impression of your company as it represents a give and takes the image to them. Consumer’s interest in technology increases which is a good indicator of faster business negotiations. There are many reasons why people choose to converse with chatbots.

The factors below are what drives people to use chatbots:


Bot chat app increases the productivity of all websites and companies because it can communicate with multiple personalities at a time. Moreover, remembering things and multitasking is not a problem with this application. As it communicates with people and answers their inquiries, bots can store the information that it gathers from its users. This will then be used as a future reference for plans.


Bot chat app can also entertain people. It gives you different funny tips and also can help you kill time when you are doing nothing. Moreover, it can help you ease your boredom.

Relational and social factors

Chatbots can enhance your social experiences. Bot chat app exposes you to different people, thus improve your socialization. It also can fuel your conversations efficiently. If you want to avoid loneliness, you can tap on chatbots.


People who aim to progress always want to try something new. Bot chat app can spark your curiosity in life. Thus, it helps you explore to things you thought you could not do.

How and where do chatbots originate?

Eliza, which is said to be the first conversational bot app, was developed in the USA. It was in 1996 that a computer scientist named Joseph Weizenbaum crafted this amazing bot chat app that deceived so many people with how authentic it communicates.

A great discovery also happened in the early ’90s to which a particular test, named the Turing test found out the possibility that computers can decipher codes on their own. It circles to identifying whether one is talking to a person or a computer. The main goal of the test is finding out the interlocutor between the two. Conversational programs of today’s bot chat app are applying the observations made out from the analysis.

Where can businesses use chatbots?

With businesses aiming to lower overhead and increase profit, there is a need to be productive as much as possible. The thing is, not all companies are aware that there are specific tools that can help them achieve these business objectives. One of which is the bot chat app gaining popularity with the benefits it can provide to an individual or a business.

Below are some of the areas where a company or a business can utilize bot chat apps other than organizing.

Answering a multitude of FAQs

Perhaps the best help that a bot chat app can give to a busy business is doing the errand of responding to frequently asked questions. Through advanced technology, humans can program bots to do these simple tasks, actually saving much time for them.

Intelligent automation of bot chat app can also be used on the business websites. Aside from customer care, you can also make use of the bot chat app to navigate through your menu. Also, through this, you can direct your website visitor to sign up for your newsletter or browse through your product features.

Connecting to customers

Conversational bot chat apps can be personalized to help connect to customers. Traditionally, most businesses relied on email marketing in branding as well as with their promotion. However, this marketing strategy is now considered a failing business. Even at best, you can only expect less than half of a hundred emails opened by recipients. The worst possible scenario is that they might have opened your email, but they would not take any action or even click your buttons.

This is where bot chat apps serve a tremendous and remarkable part. You can program your bot to send out regular marketing messages to your subscribers or business prospects. To say, as higher as 84% of Facebook Messenger bot messages are opened by recipients. Thus, you can assure the right customer satisfaction level for your business.

Scheduling a meeting

With hectic business events and line ups, setting up your meeting could be nerve-wracking. But as a perfect daily organizer, bot chat app got you covered when it comes to scheduling meetings. An example of this is Meekan, who can look up everyone’s calendars and suggest which date would be best for a conference or coffee meetings.

Boosting social media engagement

When Facebook allowed businesses to use the Messenger platform, it dramatically changed social media marketing. As more people have active accounts on this site, engaging in Facebook is a must if you want your brand to be known by different types of people. Moreover, bot chat apps are now the best feature of this social media site. Rather than making your site, having a chatbot at this platform is far more comfortable and manageable. If you are into organizing stuff for your social media management, relying on a bot is a practical choice.

Choose Herobot as you Bot Creator

A bot chat app is a beneficial tool that you can apply to your business to connect to customers and organize data. This is not only used for customer service but also in devising marketing plans. With the automation and 24/7 services that it offers, it does not fail to satisfy both the needs of the customers and the business, itself.

However, creating a bot chat app is no easy feat. If you are planning to make a chatbot that will do everything that you need it to do, you must be smart. Know what bot platform can help you easily create a bot without the need to hire professionals. With Herobot, you are sure that everything will work smoothly. It is easy to navigate and was able to create the best chat app that will work best for your business. Visit our official website to know more about this.

How Do Chatbot Robot Works in Chat Blasting?

chatbot robot
chatbot robot

As the competition in digital marketing is getting tighter, it is safe to say that every business person is dying to be on the top chain. However, to do this, they must devise specific plans and tactics of winning over millions of brands around on the internet. Meanwhile, one of the best and up-to-date tricks used by marketers is by using chatbot robot and chat blast.

A chatbot robot is a software that can interact with people. It handles appointments, inquiries, scheduling of meetings, directory, and other customer-related matters. Moreover, it is expandable in a way that it assists numbers of online queries. It is also an informational and helpful computer-programmed software that attends to the needs of customers. There are programmed answers for FAQs.

Meanwhile, chatbot blasts are one of the reasons why online marketers are gaining more traffic and engaging in more leads today. It is a marketing technique for customer engagement and messaging reach. Moreover, it is similar to email blasting but more effective. This is the reason why some marketers tend to make their chatbot robot to use for blasting.

Automating website through chatbot robot

An intelligent chatbot robot tries to measure the needs of customers. Afterward, they assist and perform the requested particular task. It helps people to have a more convenient way of marketing. These days, a lot of companies have bots to engage with people. They can do things such as hotel booking, commercial transactions, and many more queries.

Chatbot robot is also capable of automating your website through responding to your web visitors. This software helps maintain consistency in customer service without exerting too much effort from employees. It is very much convenient for both employees and customers. People will get a response in one click through this powerful software. In this digital age, everything is within reach when it comes to promotion online.

How does the chatbot robot work ?

Chatbot robot is under a rule-based approach. It will undergo training through listening to commands and testing if it will follow. Rules are simple and easy to comprehend. It can only handle simple commands or queries. Moreover, it will be difficult for chatbot robot to follow heavy duties. Also, it is only capable of absorbing the simple ones. There are self-learning chatbot robot that use machine learning-based approaches. Moreover, these chatbots have more efficiency than rule-based robots. They can also handle complexity, given that machines train them. There are a variety of chatbots that give convenience to our daily load of works.

chatbot robot

Chatbot robot may differ depending on how you interact with it. Bots are everywhere in the online world. Some works on Slack, WhatsApp, Skype, and Facebook Messenger. Facebook Messenger is one of the most prominent platforms for AI gaining 1.3 billion users as of this year, 2019. Moreover, Creating a bot on Messenger is a piece of cake. It only requires a chatbot builder. This chatbot robot builder is an app that will help you create bots that are accessible on Facebook Messenger. Most platforms are easy to navigate and use.

Chatbot robot is a new channel to invade chat blasting. If social media platforms and bots will pair up, it will be quicker to reach a broader range of users, people, or customers. This will help in expanding and promoting their business. Moreover, with the automation that bots are offering, everything will be easy and accessible.

What are chat blasts?

Customer engagement and creating traffic is essential in digital marketing. One way of improving these is by chat blasting. This is a way of connecting to your customers and endorsing your page through messaging. A chat blast creates a connection with customers. First, you will have to create a chatbot robot page to make chat blasting possible. Push notifications are responsible for sending messages on the Facebook messenger chat app. Those with Facebook ads are not free. Chat blasting is like email blasting. The only difference is the choice of social media platform to use.

A good chat blast must portray an exciting and conversational interaction through messaging. Also, it should provide site visitors with an informational conversation. Other than these, it must possess a sense of urgency. Customers would always want a quick response which is why you should opt to using chatbot robot. As we know, an interrupted conversation can get annoying at times. On the other hand, a fast response is what people are looking for. Chat blasts are paving the way on Facebook Messenger. Using chat blast on Facebook, Messenger is engaging and efficient for some business owners.

How to get more subscribers on Facebook Messenger

When a specific Facebook page sends a message to you, there is a high chance that the user will automatically subscribe to you. For you to receive some broadcast, someone from Facebook Messenger must send you a message. Every reply you submit counts so using a chatbot robot would be a wise choice.

The agenda is simple; you have to gain vast numbers of people sending messages on your Facebook page through Messenger. There are possible ways of achieving the goal of earning more subscribers. Here are helpful tips on how you will be able to attract more subscribers.

Link to Your Bot (Via Email or Webpages)

Creating a link for the chat sign-up page is essential. You must also include all your blog posts as your call-to-action. It is helpful to attract more people and persuade them to subscribe to your Facebook messenger for more information.

email marketing

Add ‘opt-in’ button on all website contact forms

This “opt-in” button is a method used by most firms in digital marketing for subscription purposes. This button allows a customer to send mail or messages to enable marketers to convey information. The opt-on button will be a bridge to let you earn more Messenger subscribers. It is easy to navigate, copy, and paste the plug-in code in the website forms. This can also be included in your chatbot robot.

Installation of Facebook chat on your website

Embedding a Facebook chat application on your website will increase your contact list on Messenger. This method can help you reconnect with your visitors without initiating the live chat. If you have a chatbot robot for your social media accounts, you will surely improve your customer engagement.

Attach Auto-responders to your Facebook posts 

Some people on Facebook love to leave a comment on Facebook posts. Attaching auto-responders on Facebook posts will open the possibility of messaging them back on Messenger. If they respond to your message via chatbot robot, they have now opted into Messenger.

How to do chat blasting?

Create a chatbot page

First, create a folder to achieve the organization of messages. You may name it in the most remarkable way you want. Being creative when it comes to page creation is an edge to make your visitors stay. From the folder itself, you may now create a page for your chatbot robot.

Add your content and put widgets

Widgets are essential to attain home screen customization. Also, these are necessary to sort the most important data needed for chatbot robot. Widgets are movable across the screen. Moreover, it will help the users to multitask. These widgets will make it easier for the users to access texts, answers to FAQs, images, videos, and some elements in navigation.

Add triggers for FAQ’s

Triggers are essential to attend to the frequently asked questions of users. Putting triggers like “directions” or “make an appointment” is helpful to direct users to their desired responses. If someone asks about directions, a chatbot robot will direct the user to the map and address.

Test the bot 

It is necessary to test the bot before launching it. It is possible through using keywords in Messenger to trigger the bot. Next, you may click “Test this Bot” anytime from the editor of chatbot robot content. Afterward, you may now share your bot.

chat marketing

Significance of chat blasting

Chatbot robot plays an essential role in chat blasting with regards to customer service. It handles different queries, such as providing coupons, scheduling appointments and attending to inquiries. Also, it gives directions and more information about a specific business or brand. Moreover, a bot is a helpful tool to promote chat blasting. It is a more natural way to reach the customer’s concerns online. Chatbot robot does tasks automatically in a chat interface since it is a programmed software. It helps resolve customer’s complaints. Furthermore, AI are friendly customer support software.

People seek for an instant response to their queries. A chatbot is helpful in chat blasting, for it provides answers to FAQ through triggers. These generated triggers answer to common questions of customers. Some people would prefer browsing on the internet these days. In a snap, every detail is accessible online. Everyone will benefit from using chatbot robot. The convenience it gives to users is unquestionable. It also creates a sense of reliability for your customer service team. It is a modern tool to promote businesses online. In just several clicks, you are good to go.

Make your chatbot robot with us!

In this digital age, People have all the means to achieve anything with the help of innovated technology. Chatbot robot could be your best all-time buddy in chat blasting. It provides convenience for users. Are you looking for a perfect bot creator? Herobot is here to give a helping hand. Accessibility of your chat blast would be better and engaging with the help of chatbot robot. Join Herobot now and give your users a spectacular experience in accessing your chat blasts.

8 Best Marketing Apps to Boost Your Business

best marketing apps
best marketing apps

The digital marketing world is undeniably growing by each second as technology is advancing. The new generation of commerce requires every business to adapt to the new system. They use social media and the latest gadgets to publicize the existence of their products. This is why numerous applications are built to make the c-commerce easier. In this article, we are going to tackle the best marketing apps to boost your business.

These marketing apps are going to help you while you are venturing the digital business world. They are going to help you make your brand known in every social media sites and the talk of every netizen. Your blog posts and photos are also going to be flawless and will entice more customers from coming. Moreover, each of the best marketing apps that will be mentioned will surely make your business life a whole lot more comfortable.

Why the best marketing apps are the future

Marketing applications are here, and they are going to stay. Even if you think that your business can function without these apps, think of how your life will be more comfortable with them. Remember that in business, time is money, and every second counts. Moreover, the best marketing apps can even offer services that are impossible for you to do at a particular time.

Also, marketing apps can create more traffic and market your brand more effectively in the industry. You can also make sure that your every schedule plans is done on time. Moreover, things like grammatical errors and problems on graphics will be less with these best marketing apps. Today, there are a lot of these that you can find all over the internet and on application stores.

Best Marketing Apps for you

best marketing apps

If you try to search on the internet, you can find the best marketing apps that can be your partner in finishing your tasks. However, you need to be careful because some applications are just too problematic and can cause you more exhaustion. But with the apps mentioned below, rest assured that everything will change in your digital business.


There are a lot of social media sites that business people should engage in to make their business more accessible to the customers. However, for those who are busy and are not fond of social media management (SMM), juggling through different applications is going to be a tough job. But lo and behold because Buffer is going to save you from hereon.

Buffer is one of the best marketing apps for a reason. It can help you from the exhaustion of posting in different social media forms. You just need to connect your accounts on Buffer. After doing this, you can post to each platform at the same time without opening and exiting on an application.

You can also use Buffer for scheduling posts if ever you don’t have the time to check your social media sites every day. This can help you link your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn on one application. It can also make your scheduled posts seem like you are posting every day and checking your accounts. Buffer could gather more attention from the customers and look like you are active online.


Communication is the key to building steady relationships, especially to every member of the business and with clients. This is the reason why Slack made it to the list of best marketing apps. It helps build the communication line within the company and on interacting with clients and customers. Rather than using a regular group chat, this application makes communication simple.

Slack allows a person to message other people or specific teams within the office. Also, contacting external freelancers, stakeholders, and clients are now much more comfortable with the application. Moreover, this software allows a person to transfer files with just a click on a button. The email inboxes are also focused strictly on business-related things. This is much better than using other messenger applications that are generally used as a means of communication for everyone.


There are people who like to keep everything organized. For them, Wunderlist could be their best organization partner. You can save everything on this app. This is more efficient than making a list on a piece of paper and being afraid to lose it. Also, making lists here is much more comfortable, and there are even different menu selections and options.

best marketing apps

Moreover, Wunderlist has a feature that suggests how you should start your tasks effectively to work better for the day. You can put reminders on each assignment as well as due dates, name, assignee, attachments, and comments. Collaborating with other people is also more comfortable with this application. You can ask your desired partners to make their accounts and share your lists with them. This is also updateable, which means that you can change everything on it depending on what you what.


Are you one of those people who tend to keep forgetting your passwords on every account you have? If you are, then LastPass is the one for you. This application lets you save all your passwords without fearing that someone might have access with it. It will help you manage your credentials all over the platforms and devices you are using. Saving your passwords and logins in LastPass is like keeping them on a digital vault. You can be sure that they are protected by encryptions and algorithms.

Moreover, it does not matter how many accounts you have to save in this application. LastPass can save up to two million account logins. If you get locked out in an account or device, LastPass is going to sort your account details out. It will automatically provide you with your logins. Users can log in to their LastPass account on any computer devices. They will not have any problems accessing their accounts.


Hootsuite deserves its spot on the best marketing apps. This social media management application that can make scheduling posts more accessible and faster. It emphasizes employee involvement with its customers. It can also map out the brand’s engagement stats and makes planning the SMM posts more efficient.

Moreover, you can improve your social media presence with Hootsuite without needing to hire or tire out your account admins. This is because, with Hootsuite, you can schedule future posts on specific date and time. It makes it seem like you are posting regularly and not that at that moment. Your employees are also able to respond and like the customer activity more effectively.


As expected with its name, this application is actually a series which comprises three different apps. These apps complement each other—Projects, Desk and Chat. Projects is an app that lets its users do a lot of things. You can make to-do lists, allocate the work, and estimate the time it will take to finish a particular task. Meanwhile, Desk allows the team of your company or to connect with customers with a digital help desk. Chat, being a communication tool, is the one which lets members connect.

According to some reviews, Teamwork enables companies to manage projects more efficiently. It also lets each member talk with each other and makes communication with clients smoother by using a universal email server. It is no doubt that this should be on the best marketing apps list.


If you are going to ask modern marketers about the best marketing apps they are using, they are surely going to mention Trello. It is an organizational platform that can connect you with everyone involved in the project. It enables the partners to view each other’s schedules more efficiently. While other applications can do the same task, Trello is one of the most promising apps in this area.

Trello is very easy to use and having this application on your mobile guarantees your access in the information you needed. It can provide a detailed and transparent action plan. This app also emphasizes the persons dealing with the project and lets stakeholders know the tasks that each person need to do. Moreover, it has features allowing users to create to-do lists and indicate the persons who need to finish a particular job.


Technology is advancing, and if having robots do your jobs seems like a distant future before, it is happening now. Herobot is an application that lets its users create chatbots that users may use according to how they want it. This is one of the best marketing apps because Artificial Intelligence created here can make your businesses obtain more customers and increase your customer engagement.

Also, there are a lot of templates that are available in this app which you can use if you have no idea what kind of bot you need. Herobot allows persons, even those who do not have any idea about coding, to create their bots here. Moreover, these chatbots can be used in different businesses relating to marketing, healthcare, entertainment, and more.

Choose Herobot as your marketing partner!

Chatbots are now trending on the digital marketing world, and almost everyone is dying to create their own. This is to help their businesses boost their sales as well as customer engagement. With Herobot, you can also make sure that you can have the fastest way of creating an impressive bot with machine learning. Herobot is a one-stop-app for creating the chatbot of your dreams.

Facebook Bot Builder: A Guide To Bot Creating Journey

facebook bot builder

The online community is continuously growing as more people are engaging their daily lives on the internet. With these, the demand of people for more technological advancements is increasing. This is one of the reasons why most people in business are trying to enter the digital world. While their customers are growing, the demand for chatbots is also increasing. Now, these businessmen are in great need for a Facebook bot builder that will help them in the journey. 

Furthermore, most of the growing demand for Facebook bot builder comes from new entrepreneurs and small business owners. Because they are still rookie to the industry, they do not have the money to hire professionals. However, they do not also have the skills and knowledge to know codes and the technicalities in IT. This opens up the chance for bot platforms to enter the scene. Now, you do not need to be a professional to make your own. You drag and drop contents to be able to turn your bot to a perfection.

facebook bot builder

What can bots do for you?

If you think bots are only created for messaging, then you are wrong. Actually, different kinds of bots can answer your every need. They are also in various forms and are intelligent enough to be able to do specific tasks. So if you are finding an automated virtual assistant, bots are the ones for you. Stated below are some of the functions of bots.

Bots as pages

Some bots are actually represented as pages on different platforms. These pages are automatically made as you create custom integration applications. Through the page created with Facebook bot builder, your bot can easily be discovered, and more users can interact with it a lot better. Owners can publicize these bot pages to specific audiences. They can also be tagged, seen, and messaged by the members of the company. If you are not interested in this, you can also customize your permission level as you create your bot. Your bot can also send automated messages within the members of the page.

Bots in groups

Bots are handy for groups as they can do various things that real humans can do. With bots, you can automatically post new contents as well as put comments on other materials. You can also make your bot on Facebook bot builder and make them like other posts and comments to indicate your acknowledgment on them. Moreover, bots can have abilities like mentioning other people to get their attention and get a sense of personalization. Members can also mention your bot in posts and comments containing questions and requests. Most of all, these bots can auto-subscribe to groups and have the ability to monitor interacts and contents within the group.

Bots in Chat

When you use bots in the group and pages, you can share and collect information across the group. Meanwhile, in chat, bots can have direct and actual interactions with users personally. Chatbots can remind or notify someone based on the updated calendar that is inputted in it. It can also answer questions and inquiries privately. Moreover, it can gather data and samples of dialogues. This can be used as future reference.

Who uses Facebook bot builder

As you heard, there is already a big hype on the utilization of chatbots. According to them, they are going to replace the mobile apps as well as email marketing. Most of all, bots are going to work in the position of numerous customer care agents around the world. And they are going to do it while millions of people are still sleeping in their beds. Due to this, companies are racing to have the best bot that will provide every customer and use the best services that they will demand.

Most of the competitive bots around are on Facebook, and it is slowly becoming a norm for brands to have their bots in their pages. This must be why, according to a survey done by Oracle, almost 80% of business people want to have chatbots. Most of them are interested in using the Facebook bot builder as there are an estimated 1.3 billion users who they can interact with. 

Moreover, on 80% of the interested businessmen, most of them do not have the basic to advanced knowledge in creating bots. This is why they still need some guidance from Facebook bot builder available for them. This caused many experts to use their expertise in creating applications that will help to create bots. Today, there are more than thousands of bot platforms that you can see on the internet.

What are the best Facebook bot builder?

There are already thousands of Facebook bot builders on the internet that can be used for a smoother process of creating bots. As they are increasing, it gets harder for people to find the best chatbot that will fit their needs. However, the truth is despite what builder you use; everything will still rely on your creative skills. Here are some tips on how you can utilize your chatbot builder:

facebook bot builder
Set your expectations

You may think that setting up high expectations will only lead to disappointments. However, if you are on the verge of creating something, you must always set your expectations. Identify your long term and short term goals. This will be very important in setting up a plan.

Know who your expected audiences are. This way, you know what your limitations should be. Make sure to prioritize customer service, product promotion, discovery, and lead generation. If you are afraid of having a unique but risky bot to interact with your customers, you can start simple and test the waters.

Set your customer’s expectations

Your goals are important but remember that not disappointing your customer’s aspirations must be your top priority. Do the research and ask around about what people might expect from a bot in your industry. List them down and create plans based on them.

Remember that your audience’s expectations will differ depending on your target generation, gender, and status in life. Choose the best Facebook bot builder if you must. Define the purpose of your chatbot clearly in its interactions with customers. Make sure that your bot will take the lead of the conversation to a pleasant experience.

Get personalized

Your chatbot is going to work in the stead of humans so you have to make them as natural as it can be. If you fail on making them seem like people are interacting with a real human, then your bot is a fail. To do this, you have to make their experience as personalized as possible.

Invite your customers to narrow down their preferences so that you can give them fewer options. This can provide higher click-through rates for your bot. This way, users will more genuinely interact with your bot.

Be straight to the point

Your bot should always be straight to the point. If it gets on cycle every time a user asks it questions, it may irritate them. People will stop interacting with it, and your bot will inevitably fail. Instead of making them go around, save their time by being straight to the point in answering their queries.

Be transparent

Know your limitations and don’t make your bot pretend that is all-knowing. It does not have infinite knowledge and will still need some guidance from human servers. Tell the users if you are unable to answer the questions rather than providing a wrong and improper answer. Moreover, make your bots admit their mistakes and apologize to customers. Don’t worry. People will understand those things.  This is all possible if you use a Facebook bot builder.

Keep learning

Knowledge comes from the things you learn from books and other reading materials. Meanwhile, wisdom comes from the experience it encounters. Make sure that you and your bot will incorporate this two and use them to your advantage. Learn to make improvements for your bot that will suffice the expectations of human.

facebook bot builder

While your bot can collect and analyze data and information that it gets from conversing with millions of people, you can also learn. This is by studying the collected data of your bot and making some actions to main problems. Moreover, you can also learn by studying other bots and comparing them to your chatbot. Here are some of the most innovative chatbots that you can learn from.

Know your Facebook bot builder

For a decade already, most people interact with each other by using their Facebook accounts. They post a message and even read some articles with the use of Facebook. This is why conversational commerce entered the Facebook scene to entice more customers. However, small companies are having a hard time utilizing chatbots to compete with larger companies.

With Herobot Builder, you can create the best facebook bot that will answer your every need. You will not need any IT and coding skills because it is just easy to drag and drop materials in this platform. Moreover, there are already hundreds of AI templates that are available and just waiting for you to use. Visit our website for more information.

Why Choosing the Best Messenger Bots a Must?

best messenger bots

As technological improvements arise, we cannot deny its benefits that we users encounter. These changes are clearly evident with how advanced our gadgets are. People can manage and accomplish tasks easier through the help of technology. In addition, connecting with other people will never be a problem because people can connect to everyone, anytime and anywhere. This benefit is being taken advantage by people with business. Apparently, by the use of advanced technology such as chatbots, possible clients can know what type of services a company has. That’s why entrepreneurs seek the best messenger bots to further improve their communication to their future consumers.

This type of technology is a hit for modern businesses. There are numerous reasons why it is well known. But before dwelling into that area, let’s begin with introducing what chatbot is in the definition.

best messenger bots

In a blog from the website Pitch Ground, it states that chatbot is a messaging technology used for conversations. It functions as one of the platforms for communication. Facebook messenger utilizes this technology also. There are specially formulated phrases which are in line with what purpose the user creates. This, later on, creates conversation like how person to person act in messenger.  In short, it serves as a medium for asking questions about your desired topic.

Colonizing the business world

Messenger chatbots occupy the business world as of today. Every time we access a service, chatbots are there. This adaptation leads to the nourishment that flourishes the reputation of a business. An artificial conversation, such as chatbots helps in advertising. It results to abundantly reaching the desired market. That is one of the reasons why this software is rampant in the online marketing world.

The vitality of Messenger Chatbots

Internet, being the fastest platform for reaching the audience, people cannot deny the fact that customers rely more on online. People browse information on the internet because of its ease- of use. That’s why the invention of chatbots increases this satisfaction. This leads to the search for the best messenger bots as several competitions adapt to technological changes.

Perhaps by narrowing down the benefits of having messenger chatbots, this can explain why it is essential in growing a business:

Customer support

Chatbots serves as a support for businesses in terms of providing service to people. Through this messenger bot, customer service is much easier. This tool automatically messages the client who accesses the website or page. It results in faster engagement. With its ability to connect to clients, it provides a preview of what a business can offer to the public.

Building image

Meanwhile, with the use of this support, it strengthens the image of your company. There are options readily served for future transactions for future clients. These options are set primarily for introduction purposes. By means of this action, possible buyers understand what companies can offer. In addition, it assures the potential clients of the capabilities of the company.   Meanwhile, chatbots known as automated messages can validate the reputation of the company. Replies are ideally programmed, resulting in polite answers for the questions. This results in a positive outcome, such as a satisfactory review from the customers.

Convenient use

On the other hand, usage of chatbots provides convenience. This support is available 24/7, which is vital for queries. These queries are then stored and replied as soon as the owner of the business is available. With the use of this support, communication is much faster.  But this function does not only apply to the customers. The owner of the business can use this advantage as it connects them quickly to their target audience. Moreover, selecting the desired audience creates no hassle.  Through chatbots, customers willingly approach for inquiry.

Saves money

Another benefit of acquiring the best messenger bots is it reduces expense in terms of salary. Having bots is an excellent investment as bots functions as customer support, an essential job position. Hiring a person for this dilemma will not be an issue anymore.  Bots can already suffice the needed service.

Multi-tasking communication

Communicating with numerous people is not a problem with the use of chatbots.  With its repetitive options, automated replies are on the way. This results in more engagement leading to satisfied customers.

best messenger bots

Chatbots do assist a business in order to grow and establish what services they can offer. That’s why selecting the best messenger bots is a must to introduce your company further. Here are some of the well-known chatbot tools for that matter.

The Best Messenger Bots for your business

This bot system focuses on the Artificial Intelligence (AI), creating a calm approach as if a person is speaking instead. Through using the context of the inquiry or statement, bots can reply like human beings. It results in an excellent experience for your customers. Moreover, we can achieve the selling of product as communication is suitable.


Another bot that can solve your marketing dilemma is ManyChat. This chatbot is considered as prominent chatbots as several influencers use them. It provides customized features such as visual drag and drop builder. Due to this, creating desired chatbots in terms of its look is possible.


One of the known bots in the industry is Zo Convert. This system helps you to acquire subscribers easily through automated messages. It is one of the growing bots, but it is only applicable to Shopify users. Shopify is an E-commerce platform for you to sell your product. In short, it helps your business to reach more audiences, which is accomplished by Shopify. Now, through Zo Convert, you can collect as many subscribers as you want. Also, reminders such as limited offer products will notify Shopify users, which increases your reached market. Moreover, it sends automated messages which tap and attracts the customer’s interest. Through this strategy, an abundant number of clients will soon be a customer.


This support system is a chatbot that focuses on helping your company to produce more sales. It is not only applicable to Shopify users like the chatbot mentioned above. Through the use of this support, it results in more queries from the customers, meaning more audience reached. Furthermore, a feature of this tool that businesses love to have is replying to numerous questions will never be a problem. That function is what this chatbot has. In addition, It also provides calculation, which is a plus for the customers. Customers can expect the exact amount needed for the needed services. Furthermore, it lessens your expenses in customer support by encoding the required information.

Flow Xo

Meanwhile, another one of the best messenger bots which provides outstanding service to companies is Flow Xo. This support increases your assurance for it helps you to reach more sales. In addition, the gathering of data is not an issue because conversation appears real. With the use of this chatbot, conversing with your client becomes natural. Contexts are taken from the inquiry and are being related to what the owner programmed. In addition, it allows customers to have multiple questions. That feature makes it different from other chatbots.


On the other hand, snatch bot is known for its generous service, for it has a free plan. One of its features is their outstanding bot template. You can customize or modify the appearance of your chatbot through the available models. It results in your chatbot to look at what you desire. This bot developer allows your chatbot to be in line with the design of your business. Another feature is it involves multiple plugins such as Google Calendar, Giphy, eBay, and more. You can acquire all of these features in the free version.


It is one of the new chatbots in the industry, unlike the other which are already prominent. This chatbot is mainly for influencers such as bloggers. But of course, you can also use this to promote your business. It has features that can increase the reach of audiences. Aside from that, there is a welcome message for people who inquire about the topic.


Botsify is another messenger chatbot that uses drag and drop template. This simple process results to ease of use. On another note, it uses Smart Alternative Intelligence (AI), which is usual for chatbots. Also, it allows if there’s a need for a human to take over the conversation.

best messenger bots

Having the best messenger bots as your customer support does create a difference in the corporate world. With the use of chatbots, the job is much easier since it has functions that are specifically for the growth of your business. Furthermore, it reforms the image of your business as it adapts this innovation. That’s why carefully choosing the best messenger chatbot is a must. Select what provides your needed support in order to gain more sales. Also, through selecting the right chatbot, establishing your business is not a problem.

To know more about Messenger chatbots, visit our website Herobot. Or you can contact us at +1 416 623 8882.