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Best Marketing Apps You Can Use in Every Task

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The business industry has always been harsh and hectic ever since human civilization has discovered it. These days, the number of tactical people in business, competitive companies, and excellent products are getting out of hand, and proving that you are better than others is hard. It is wise to use marketing apps to help your business be more prevalent in the industry.

marketing apps

However, note that you still need to know which marketing apps are going to suit your industry. Several sections in marketing will need your attention and expertise. However, for those who are not knowledgeable about these things, it will be quite hard. This is where the marketing apps will be a savior for every businessperson.

Tips for good marketing strategy

To make your marketing strategy effective, you will need to think everything through and devise a plan. It would be best if you thought about your competitors, your customers, and your product. These days, it is not only important that your products are right. What you need is strong customer engagement. Here are some tips for your marketing apps strategy.

Think thrifty.

Look for some cost-effective ways of enhancing your product and business. Cutting out the expenses while maintaining the price of your offers will make your business prosper. If you think you can, try raising the price and analyzing your customers’ reaction as well as the state of sales. If you managed to make your margin and price go up, then you are in the right way.

Speak your customer’s language.

If you are speaking French and your customer is speaking Hindi, you are the one who needs to learn speaking Hindi and not the other way around. Your customer will never adjust for your benefit, so you should know how to modify yourself, depending on your customer’s request. When your customers have complaints, make sure that you will comply with your mistakes and shortcomings. This is the thing that you should always remember when creating your marketing app.

Publicize your brand.

The best way to make your products known to customers is by publicizing it. In this digital age, there are several means of advertising. You can make blogs on your website featuring your products. Try having Facebook ads and creating your account on Instagram and Twitter. Posting images on Pinterest and other sites is also an effective way of publicizing your products.

Entertain queries.

Customers who are interested in a product or service are the ones who will most definitely ask questions about it. You should make sure that you provide the best answer to your product while adding reasons why they should buy it. Also, time is essential for everyone, so send your reply as soon as possible.

Collect testimonials.

Try asking your customers for their reviews and comments. Collect them for two things. The first is for improving your product if the customers have suggestions or complaints. The second one is to make posting good reviews possible and attract more customers. It can provide evidence about the quality of your product and its satisfaction.

Use bots.

If you want a cost-effective way of having your business done, then having a bot do your job is the best decision. As of these days, these marketing apps are being programmed to do several marketing jobs that you will need to be done. Using them will cut the cost of hiring a human, and you can also do your tasks faster and more efficiently. There are also several applications that you choose from.

marketing apps

Marketing apps you can use for your business

This is the digital era, and instead of spending more money to hire some eligible employees to do the task, companies are now just relying on marketing apps. These apps have variations and expertise, depending on the field that you want to enhance. They are very efficient and can finish every job in just a short time. Most of these applications are also free, and can you can download them on your android or iOS devices.

Here are some of the messaging apps that will surely help your business boost:

Google Search Console

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is essential to promote your business on the internet. By using the Google Search Console, you can be more knowledgeable about the stand of your business in the search engine. You can monitor and maintain the SEO of your website on the google search results and enhance its presence for the customers.


If you want to gain more customers, you have to get the heart of netizens. Twitter is one of the big three in the hierarchy of social media sites that has millions of users worldwide. If you own the Twitter world, you will most definitely own the business world. This is why Tweetbot is one of the most popular marketing apps available online. It enables you to organize your account on Twitter by lists and channels. You can even use Twitter directly within the app.


Updating your social media accounts daily is too much hassle, especially for a busy businessman. This is why most of them use marketing apps that will let them schedule posts at once and for different dates. You can do it on different accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and even LinkedIn. This app will update you about the statistics of your business’ posts, such as the number of engagement, views, and likes.


Visuals are one of the factors that profoundly affect the attraction of customers to your products. You will rule the internet if you can make excellent and aesthetic images and post them on your websites and social media accounts. With Canva, creating visual content and saving them will be easy. It has numerous templates that you can choose from, and you also drag the elements you wish to put in your image.


There are lots of people who get easily turned off with grammatical errors es. If you are going to write a blog or post content on your social media sites, make sure to use correct grammar. However, there is no such thing as perfect grammar. That’s why you’ll always need marketing apps that will guide you in the right way. It is Grammarly. Grammarly points out your grammatical errors and gives suggestions. It also grades your content, so you will know if your content is satisfying enough. Moreover, a plagiarism checker is one of its bonuses. With this, you will avoid any issues regarding stolen works and materials.

WordPress Marketing Apps

Almost every blog on the internet is made in WordPress. From small big-time companies are using this application. Sony, New York Post, NBC, and Time, Inc. are its top users. This mobile marketing app is very accessible and makes managing your websites easy. If you prefer using a computer, they also have a website that you can visit. It also has many features that you can use for the needs of your business’ websites, such as showcase a portfolio and host social networks. Moreover, WordPress is user-friendly and will not require technical skills from its users.

Facebook Pages Manager

Completing page management control is not a problem with this marketing app. It makes the life of admins easy because it already offers options on managing your Facebook page. This marketing app advises you to make more ads and offers to feature your page on different sites. Also, it analyzes the monthly, weekly, and daily visits of people on your Facebook message.

marketing apps

Flow for Instagram

Almost every business now have their own Instagram accounts. This makes people more interested in your products with beautiful photos on your account. However, most business people prefer using the iPad rather than a tiny phone. This is why Flow for Instagram is made. It helps people to view the Instagram application on devices like how you see them on your phone. You can also use Instagram right through this. This is one of the marketing apps that is proven to be helpful.

Chatbot Platform

Chatbots are very useful. These applications let you interact with your customers indirectly. You might say that you prefer using human customer service than these bots. However, this is one of the most cost-effective marketing apps that you can see. It can also work 24/7, which can help to boost your business. Moreover, chatbot platforms are straightforward to use and install and are highly interactive.

Create the best marketing apps with Herobot!

If you think you do not have the skills to make your bot, this is not a problem. Herobot is a chatbot builder platform that can help you on your journey, building your chatbot. You will not need coding skills. All you have to do is click and drag feature that you want to include in your bot. Moreover, we also have blogs that contain information and tips on making a good chatbot. 

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