Facebook Bot Builder: A Guide To Bot Creating Journey

facebook bot builder

The online community is continuously growing as more people are engaging their daily lives on the internet. With these, the demand of people for more technological advancements is increasing. This is one of the reasons why most people in business are trying to enter the digital world. While their customers are growing, the demand for chatbots is also increasing. Now, these businessmen are in great need for a Facebook bot builder that will help them in the journey. 

Furthermore, most of the growing demand for Facebook bot builder comes from new entrepreneurs and small business owners. Because they are still rookie to the industry, they do not have the money to hire professionals. However, they do not also have the skills and knowledge to know codes and the technicalities in IT. This opens up the chance for bot platforms to enter the scene. Now, you do not need to be a professional to make your own. You drag and drop contents to be able to turn your bot to a perfection.

facebook bot builder

What can bots do for you?

If you think bots are only created for messaging, then you are wrong. Actually, different kinds of bots can answer your every need. They are also in various forms and are intelligent enough to be able to do specific tasks. So if you are finding an automated virtual assistant, bots are the ones for you. Stated below are some of the functions of bots.

Bots as pages

Some bots are actually represented as pages on different platforms. These pages are automatically made as you create custom integration applications. Through the page created with Facebook bot builder, your bot can easily be discovered, and more users can interact with it a lot better. Owners can publicize these bot pages to specific audiences. They can also be tagged, seen, and messaged by the members of the company. If you are not interested in this, you can also customize your permission level as you create your bot. Your bot can also send automated messages within the members of the page.

Bots in groups

Bots are handy for groups as they can do various things that real humans can do. With bots, you can automatically post new contents as well as put comments on other materials. You can also make your bot on Facebook bot builder and make them like other posts and comments to indicate your acknowledgment on them. Moreover, bots can have abilities like mentioning other people to get their attention and get a sense of personalization. Members can also mention your bot in posts and comments containing questions and requests. Most of all, these bots can auto-subscribe to groups and have the ability to monitor interacts and contents within the group.

Bots in Chat

When you use bots in the group and pages, you can share and collect information across the group. Meanwhile, in chat, bots can have direct and actual interactions with users personally. Chatbots can remind or notify someone based on the updated calendar that is inputted in it. It can also answer questions and inquiries privately. Moreover, it can gather data and samples of dialogues. This can be used as future reference.

Who uses Facebook bot builder

As you heard, there is already a big hype on the utilization of chatbots. According to them, they are going to replace the mobile apps as well as email marketing. Most of all, bots are going to work in the position of numerous customer care agents around the world. And they are going to do it while millions of people are still sleeping in their beds. Due to this, companies are racing to have the best bot that will provide every customer and use the best services that they will demand.

Most of the competitive bots around are on Facebook, and it is slowly becoming a norm for brands to have their bots in their pages. This must be why, according to a survey done by Oracle, almost 80% of business people want to have chatbots. Most of them are interested in using the Facebook bot builder as there are an estimated 1.3 billion users who they can interact with. 

Moreover, on 80% of the interested businessmen, most of them do not have the basic to advanced knowledge in creating bots. This is why they still need some guidance from Facebook bot builder available for them. This caused many experts to use their expertise in creating applications that will help to create bots. Today, there are more than thousands of bot platforms that you can see on the internet.

What are the best Facebook bot builder?

There are already thousands of Facebook bot builders on the internet that can be used for a smoother process of creating bots. As they are increasing, it gets harder for people to find the best chatbot that will fit their needs. However, the truth is despite what builder you use; everything will still rely on your creative skills. Here are some tips on how you can utilize your chatbot builder:

facebook bot builder
Set your expectations

You may think that setting up high expectations will only lead to disappointments. However, if you are on the verge of creating something, you must always set your expectations. Identify your long term and short term goals. This will be very important in setting up a plan.

Know who your expected audiences are. This way, you know what your limitations should be. Make sure to prioritize customer service, product promotion, discovery, and lead generation. If you are afraid of having a unique but risky bot to interact with your customers, you can start simple and test the waters.

Set your customer’s expectations

Your goals are important but remember that not disappointing your customer’s aspirations must be your top priority. Do the research and ask around about what people might expect from a bot in your industry. List them down and create plans based on them.

Remember that your audience’s expectations will differ depending on your target generation, gender, and status in life. Choose the best Facebook bot builder if you must. Define the purpose of your chatbot clearly in its interactions with customers. Make sure that your bot will take the lead of the conversation to a pleasant experience.

Get personalized

Your chatbot is going to work in the stead of humans so you have to make them as natural as it can be. If you fail on making them seem like people are interacting with a real human, then your bot is a fail. To do this, you have to make their experience as personalized as possible.

Invite your customers to narrow down their preferences so that you can give them fewer options. This can provide higher click-through rates for your bot. This way, users will more genuinely interact with your bot.

Be straight to the point

Your bot should always be straight to the point. If it gets on cycle every time a user asks it questions, it may irritate them. People will stop interacting with it, and your bot will inevitably fail. Instead of making them go around, save their time by being straight to the point in answering their queries.

Be transparent

Know your limitations and don’t make your bot pretend that is all-knowing. It does not have infinite knowledge and will still need some guidance from human servers. Tell the users if you are unable to answer the questions rather than providing a wrong and improper answer. Moreover, make your bots admit their mistakes and apologize to customers. Don’t worry. People will understand those things.  This is all possible if you use a Facebook bot builder.

Keep learning

Knowledge comes from the things you learn from books and other reading materials. Meanwhile, wisdom comes from the experience it encounters. Make sure that you and your bot will incorporate this two and use them to your advantage. Learn to make improvements for your bot that will suffice the expectations of human.

facebook bot builder

While your bot can collect and analyze data and information that it gets from conversing with millions of people, you can also learn. This is by studying the collected data of your bot and making some actions to main problems. Moreover, you can also learn by studying other bots and comparing them to your chatbot. Here are some of the most innovative chatbots that you can learn from.

Know your Facebook bot builder

For a decade already, most people interact with each other by using their Facebook accounts. They post a message and even read some articles with the use of Facebook. This is why conversational commerce entered the Facebook scene to entice more customers. However, small companies are having a hard time utilizing chatbots to compete with larger companies.

With Herobot Builder, you can create the best facebook bot that will answer your every need. You will not need any IT and coding skills because it is just easy to drag and drop materials in this platform. Moreover, there are already hundreds of AI templates that are available and just waiting for you to use. Visit our website for more information.