Tips to Create the Best Facebook Messenger Bots

best facebook messenger bots

The growth of messaging bots has enabled several groups of people with the right skills to build a bot. They made use of these bots as an item for sale. They even had customizable bots that are for specific businesses. With the number of bots available online, what do you need to have the best Facebook Messenger bots? To have the best Facebook Messenger bot, you must first have an idea of chatbots. You must know its benefits and disadvantages, and the things you need to develop one.

Before identifying the things you need to have the best Facebook Messenger bots, you must first know some things about chatbots.

best facebook messenger bots

Why do you need the best Facebook Messenger chatbot?

According to Cooper, a chatbot is an automated messaging software that uses AI. It helps to communicate with people by answering their queries. It assists in providing high-level customer service, making customers satisfied. A Facebook Messenger chatbot is made for the Facebook application. It is a strategy for business owners to use Facebook Messenger to communicate with their customers.

Moreover, Facebook Messenger bots would change the way that businesses work. From the customer service, sales, and marketing. Facebook Messenger Bots provide a connection to the store and its consumers. It is useful even without a human-to-human interaction. Moreover, it allows the data collection needed to create new offers for their customers. Thus, you will need an AI to keep up with the changes brought by technology.

How can AI boost your business?

Facebook Messenger bot may not always apply to every business. But, with the emergence of the internet and technology, organizations would need to adapt. If not Facebook Messenger bots, innovation would still be one of the best strategies that customers will ask of you

So, what are the things that Facebook Messenger bot can provide your business?

Better Customer Service

There are different types of customers that you can encounter when you have a business. If you have a short temper and find some people frustrating, then a chatbot would be very useful. A chatbot will allow you to communicate with your customers in the best possible way. Your chatbot can recommend some questions for your customers so they won’t have to type their inquiries. In that way, your chatbot can easily understand. Your customers won’t have the burden of thinking the right words to ask.

Encourage more customers

Having the convenience to communicate with your Facebook page can allow more customers to become satisfied. With that, they can share with others their experience. Thus, allowing more curious customers to try and look into your business. When you get to encourage more people, it increases the chances of your brand to grow across the Facebook community.

Direct communication with customers

According to Cooper, people would more likely open a Facebook message than a marketing email. Facebook Messenger has become an alternative for email, which allowed better marketing strategies. Facebook Messenger chatbots provide your customers with quick answers that they want in a business.

Save Time and Money

With Facebook Messenger bots, you can do your work without bothering to reply to every query your business receives. With chatbots, you can prepare a response to every common question in the most consistent way. Furthermore, it saves you money to buy a bot rather than apply for the creation of your business’ mobile application.

Reduces Workload

If you own a large company that employs several people with expertise in customer service, chatbots can help you. As Lloyd (2020) stated, bots allow your staff to focus on more relevant and complicated issues. With bots, you can sleep and let them respond to the messages you receive late at night. You can maintain your page’s activity 24/7, which leaves a great impression on your customers.

best facebook messenger bots

Above are only some tips on how you can boost your business in the market with Facebook Messenger bots. So, what do you need to have the best Facebook Messenger bot?

Tips to have the best Facebook Messenger bot

Have minimal texts.

Simplicity is key. Having minimal texts that are straight to the point is an effective way to satisfy your customers with your chatbot. They want to talk to a human or machine that gives them the exact answer they want. Like the regular messaging app, the interaction of chatbot and customer must seem conversational. Thus, you might want to set limits with the messages on your chatbot.

Use emojis and short messages.

Using emails has the aura the makes you feel like you need to be formal with your conversations. With messaging apps, you can make your customers feel like conversing with a friend. It is possible with the help of emojis and short messages. Emojis and small messages do not make the conversation boring. As you adapt to the growth of technology, you know that people are much more interested in interactive things. So, as much as possible, make the conversation interactive and not too formal.

Provide an unsubscription option

Have you ever received messages that kept notifying you without you knowing how to stop it? Then chatbots can be like that sometimes. Since they get your data and have seen your interest in the business, they can notify you of any new offers. So, to have the best Facebook Messenger bots, you should allow your customers to unsubscribe from receiving messages.

There are a lot more tips to have the best Facebook Messenger bots for your business. Learn to identify what you would want as a customer then apply it to your business’ chatbot. In this way, you realize what your customers would think of the service you provide.

What are the bot-building platforms? is a platform that tries to make the bot appear as if a person is speaking. It allows you to communicate on other apps and use it, not only on the Facebook Messenger app. You could connect it with Shopify, where customers can choose products and move on with payment.


ManyChat is a platform that claims to create a bot in two minutes. It offers several features, like generating message automation that sends the exact message. It also converts commenters as a bot subscriber and many more. They can provide free bot but with their watermark. If you are low on budget, you can make use of it in the meantime.


Like the points of ManyChat is another popular platform, the Chatfuel. It offers a free version for 1k subscribers but would need payment if you would want a better feature. It also helps you get customer insights with the segments it offers.

These three are some of the platforms available online. When you’re low on budget, some platforms can work for your business in the meantime. Otherwise, you can look into the platform with the best feature to highlight your business. Thus, this will be helpful to make sure that you get the best Facebook Messenger bot.

best facebook messenger bots


If you are looking for a nifty way to create the best Facebook Messenger bots without any hassle, look up to Herobot. Herobot is a chatbot building platform that helps its users easily navigate whichever process they want. Also, Herobot offers different subscriptions that is budget-friendly and worth it. It also has various that you can choose from depending on your line of business.

Interested? Visit our website and start creating the best Facebook Messenger bots for your business.