Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

messenger chat bot

Eight billion is the number of messages that are sent over Facebook Messenger every month. 1.3 billion, on the other hand, is the number of active Messenger users each month. With these numbers, it’s hard to deny the potential that a messenger chat bot has as a marketing tool. This is a new tactic called “messenger marketing,” where businesses use a mobile chat app to connect with customers. Messenger marketing is not just limited to Facebook Messenger, but its also available to other platforms like Telegram, Viber, WeChat, etc. It provides users easy access when subscribing to business campaigns, updates via widgets like chat bots.

The use of messenger chat bots today is in full swing. You don’t need to pay someone to deliver messages as chat bots are everywhere. Its use is highly valued in the labor market for its ability to engage in conversation without the supervision of a human agent. Since it’s automated, it saves time for both the customer and the business. This time-efficient feature is what makes customers subscribe to the brand faster and what keeps company resources.  Marketing professionals and tech experts agree that in a few years from now, chat bots will handle customer inquiries completely.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

To add, messenger chat bots are no longer simple input-output machines. While they are still great information collectors and organizers, they have evolved to do so much more. This is due to the integration of artificial intelligence or AI, which expanded chat bot functions exponentially. Newer, AI-powered bots can now engage in small-talk and learn from past user interactions. Hence, this opens up new opportunities to utilize them in digital marketing strategies.

Choose Your Fighter: Messenger Marketing vs. Email Marketing

Choosing between the two seems absurd since both have their specific purposes. Messenger marketing is useful in terms of growing the brand’s audience and service awareness through social media apps. Email marketing is prominent for sharing things like news, brand updates, and promotional offers right into a user’s inbox. But since people are unlikely to open their email inbox, they cannot respond urgently to messages. In short, it’s one-way communication most of the time, unlike messenger marketing that encourages real-time two-way communication. Whenever customers have questions regarding the brand, they are likely to ask via messenger instead of email.

Meanwhile, combining these two is not a bad idea. Using both channels can help you address customer demands quickly. Utilize this as much as possible to increase engagement with your audience. The only limitation here is the internet connectivity. In this way, you will be updated with the progress of your business as well as with your customers. Generate FAQs not only increase engagement and traffic to your site but also to gain the trust of prospected customers.

Why Messenger Chat Bots?

Messenger chat bots are now essential to improving sales. Aside from cutting down on routine tasks, they help gain customer loyalty due to the speedy replies in processing customer requests. These bots are also a convenient widget that can deliver content as they have a higher response rate, unlike traditional marketing channels. They can send relevant information and notifications regarding upcoming events. These chat bots can also offer excellent opportunities to re-engage prospects.

Traffic and lead generation are the two things to consider when talking about online marketing. The truth is, it is the biggest challenge among online marketers. Knowing the benefits of marketing methods alone is not sufficient to reach target customers. While most marketing strategies can be both challenging and expensive, messenger chat bots are easy to make. What’s more is that you can integrate them without breaking a sweat. Thus, businesses are resorting to messaging apps, given that messaging app users are continuously growing. Today, it has become a platform where brands and customers meet.

The best part is, they’re a business solution that doesn’t break the bank. With human agents, companies need to factor in salaries, employee benefits, bonuses, and all that jazz. Human agents are limited in the sense that you can only have a number working at a time, which can hurt sales. With a chat bot, your brand can accommodate tens to hundreds of users at a time, without the hassle of working hours or agent availability.

What Messenger Chat Bots Do

Gone are the days of waiting for hours on end to get a call back from a business. Engagement between brand and consumer is now a click away. This is the newfound power that comes with messenger marketing–near-instant response times. Companies, whether they’re only starting or established competitors, are now incorporating messenger chat bots in their daily operations. But exactly how do they use this new technology to drive sales?

Here are some of the capabilities of messenger chat bots today:

1. Customer Service Improvement

Searching answers to the FAQ section can consume precious time. Most users do not have, or rather, do not want to spend their time scrolling for the answers to their questions. Waiting times are also a bother, as customers do not like to wait around. These problems are made obsolete by messenger chat bots.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

2. 24/7 Uptime

Messenger chat bots are one chat away. Writing and sending your questions on an item or service can only take minutes to be processed. You can also write to them at any time of the day since chat bots don’t need to rest. You need not worry if you’re asking about a particular product or service at around 3 AM since these chat bots have your back.

Engaging Conversations

Instead of reading through a great wall of text, you can be at ease when talking to a messenger chat bot. You can get the information you want and when you want it. These chat bots help you navigate through the sea of information on company websites.

3. Faster Response Times

The thing about messaging apps today is that everything is instant. With a stable internet connection, it will only take moments for your message before its sent. This is as if you were asking them in real-time. Chat bots can reply as soon as possible, and this helps converts more visitors into buyers.

4. Saves Company Resources

In a nutshell, messenger chat bots lessen employee workload. Chat bots can handle the usual day-to-day questions while employees can focus on resolving more complicated issues in the customer inquiry department.

Reach New Heights with Messenger Marketing

Compared to other marketing techniques, messenger marketing is something else. It’s no longer a competition of who has the flashiest graphics or visual design. Today, it’s about who can reach the most customers faster. Brands are now racing on various social media apps on who can get the most likes, shares–the most user engagement out of everyone else.

And the birth of messenger chat bots has changed the game. These chat bots have now put customer engagement at an all-time high. And it will only get higher as more people download messaging apps. It’s the perfect time to attract potential customers and convert more leads with this new technology. Thus, it’s crucial to follow this trend before other brands follow suit. Here some of the ways that you can level up your messenger marketing efforts:

Provide meaty content

People access the internet for information. Satisfy them by giving adequate information about your brand and services. Instead of sending them the content via email or SMS, you can send it straight to their messaging app.

Lead your followers to relevant content

While providing content to your followers is your utmost concern, you can also direct them to content with messenger chat bots. Suggesting related sites or content helps them engage with the business, even if they don’t know what they’re looking for yet.

Remind people about upcoming events

Constant updates like this can make your customers value your brand better. An active, hands-on business is more attractive than a passive business.

Use ads to reach your audience

Since the typical user feed is chock full of ads, it is quite impossible to reach your customer without noise. By using messenger ads, you will redirect your customers towards your website. You can also re-engage past leads through ads. This gives you additional opportunity to reconnect with potential customers.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

Jumpstart your Business with Herobot

Messenger marketing is all the rage right now, and messenger chat bots are the newest tools in the digital marketing scene. And at a time where everything is digitalized, there’s no better opportunity to start using them other than today. Watch your brand grow as you boost sales and convert leads faster than before. Hop on over to our website at to learn how you can get started with your messenger chat bot. From bot creation to bot support, our specialized team will guide you through the whole process. Contact us for more details!

How Message Bots Revolutionalized The 20th Century

message bots

Now that we are in the era of technological advances, everything seems to get easier and better than before. The Internet has given us a lot of opportunities online, opening the gates of endless success. Different industries are now taking advantage of the surge. They use the benefits of artificial intelligence through message bots as a medium of their online businesses. May it is in healthcare, food, clothing, or car booking, message bots are technically everywhere.

Growing your business means gaining more customers. These customers are very demanding and attention-seekers. They want to be taken seriously and be your utmost priority. As customers discover the deepest corners of the Internet and become more active online, message bot becomes a crucial part of eCommerce. But how are these conversational bots crucial in eCommerce?

message bots

What is a message bot?

Also known as a chatbot, a message bot is computer software that simulates conversations and mimics human-like actions. They store conversational data from previous conversations and use it for future interactions. It is amazing how artificial intelligence allowed businesses to leverage the low-end and broad technology to gain more customer engagements.

Messaging is the heart of every mobile experience that’s why message bots are well suited for mobile users. Initially, they are less functional that the first time they were introduced online. Gone are the days where they only collect user’s phone numbers or email addresses. Developers have found a new way to integrate artificial intelligence to simple chat conversations and customer support. Now, message bots are setting a new definition of technological success.

Why is it important in e-commerce business?

Message bots have set a new and exquisite standard of marketing. Many businesses, whether big or small brands, prefer to use automated messages to assist customer’s queries. But what do these entrepreneurs see in using message bots as their number one marketing tool? Here are some of the reasons:

Message bots are highly drugged email marketers.

Are you using email marketing to gain a wider network of customers? Imagine if you make an email that automatically responds to users to answer queries. Message bots are both automatic and personalized so that users on the other end won’t think they are talking to bots. They are like emails, drugged with steroids, and thinking on their own. If there will be someone who responds to users on-set, you have a higher chance of successful customer gain.

Message bots upsell and cross-sell.

The e-commerce industry is a very competitive race. You are lucky enough to get customers who will patronize your brand.  Chatbots are necessarily more potent communication mediums. You are probably wondering how these message bots can upsell customer’s purchase and cross-sell if necessary. These bots provide personalized product tips and suggestions that will persuade your customers to buy a more expensive product. Using bots is a great way of boosting your sales as they guide your customer on their shopping journey. You may think that they are far much better than those sales ladies on traditional brick and mortar stores.

Message bots reduce operational costs.

As mentioned above, customers are very demanding and attention-seekers. These customers hate late responses that usually take a few hours. However, message bots change the usual gameplay. Bots are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Technically, there would be no room for late responses. They can solve and answer customer’s queries and even repetitive questions with no fail. More complex queries will be then left for human service agents, helping an increase in agents’ productivity.

Things To Consider When Building A Message Bot

1. Identify qualified business problems your bots can solve.

Before creating your chatbot for your business, make sure to identify how it can help you. Identify how it can lessen the load in customer support and minimize the use of human agents. Think of questions your bot can answer and tasks your bot can do so that it only deals with the people it can help.

2. Identify your primary use cases.

Uses of message bots are limitless. It is so broad that sometimes, misuse can lead you off-rails. Try to start from specific use cases depending on your industry or functions. This can keep your bots on track and avoid conflicts. Use cases with a specific focus as easier to test, use, and modify. They are more likely to be successful compared to bots with broader applications.

message bots

3. Consider your users.

It seems so natural to consider who will be your users, yet, they are always overlooked. Keeping in mind who are likely to use your bots is essential as it will help you build a more human-like engagement. Designing a user-friendly chatbot will avoid possible conflicts for your business.

4. Use a good dialog engine.

Using a good dialog engine when creating a chatbot is very important to avoid frustrated users. This will determine how good your bots can be.

Uses Of AI In Other Industries

Different industries are taking advantage of the benefits of message bot usage aside form e-commerce. However, these bots can vary in different industries depending on their effectiveness. Here are some of the industries that benefit greatly from using message bots.


Innovations in science and technology greatly benefit the medical field. Chatbots are now very essential for patients to book consultation appointments, medication intake reminders, prescription refills, and even meal plans. Message bots with advanced artificial intelligence can even monitor a patient’s health vitals, make diagnoses, and give medical tips and advice.


Now that people are giving value to their hard work and investments, bank savings are very in demand. Nowadays, banks utilize chatbots so that users can check their current account balance, make money transfer from one bank to another, and even calculate taxes real-time.

HR Recruitment

Recruitment agency chatbots can now automate candidate evaluation for a certain position. Most companies are now using this trend to process job applications and assess if a candidate fits for the job or not.

Real Estate

Now that real estate is booming, a lot of home seekers and apartment hunters are using the benefits of message bots. These chatbots help gather customer’s needs and preferences to offer more personalized suggestions or recommendations. Most of these bots can answer repetitive and common questions. Through this, they can help real-estate agents of brokers spend less time answering questions.

Travel and Tourism

Most of the travel agencies use chatbots to assist their customers. These bots can help travelers buy tickets, book a flight, reserve a hotel, and even have discounts or best deals. They are also handy and helpful as these bots inform users about weather forecasts and best travel destinations.

Challenges Message Bots May Face

Because of numerous technological innovations, chatbots or message bots stabilized their place in the market. But no matter how great and approachable a message bot can be, there may be challenges that might come along the way. They are just sets of binary numbers that need to be taken care of. Below are some of the most common:

1. Message Interpretation

One of the most common challenges when it comes to customer support is the bot’s ability to understand and interpret the user’s intent. Users have different ways of sending messages, may it be long, short, colloquial, or hazy. Advanced artificial intelligence is necessary for bots to be able to understand the message clearly from keywords, as much as possible.

message bots

2. Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing or NLP has limits and it is a big challenge when you customize and make adjustments for your bot’s behavior. NLP is the backbone of chatbots and making mistakes while programming could make miscommunication.

3. Style of Chatbot

Customers will hate it if they found out that they are talking to machines, especially if it’s about product complaints. They want affectionate interactions, more human-like. This means chatbots must act like humans.

4. Chatbot’s Personalization

Personalization simply keeps your user history intact. Since bots should save data from previous conversations for future interactions, users became more engaged. If a user is more engaged, it will keep him happy throughout the whole conversation. But the problem will arise from adapting appropriately to the user.

Revolutionize Yourself With Herobot

Science and technology are very revolutionary. Each year, innovations are being introduced, shaping new ways of lifestyle for humans. Now that message bots have just begun to revolutionize the 20th century, a deeper definition of success is yet to come. These bots put brands at the frontline of customers that are ready to buy. Using the best and finest bot mobiles is a great advantage.

If you haven’t used any bots for your business then now’s the time. We have the best solution for you that offers the most sophisticated mobile bot for your enterprise –the Herobot App. Using the most advanced tools available and best professional crews, you will be able to have the best customer engagements and enormous brand growth from chatbots offered by Herobot App. Check out more offers and great opportunities for your business at now.

Top 4 Chatbot Business Trends to Watch Out This 2020

chatbot business

Whether we admit or not, the chatbot has been helping a lot of businesses grow in terms of marketing and customer service. Moreover, it helps in building a strong brand impression on consumers which is why it is a big hit for a lot of marketers nowadays. Also, due to some technological advances, chatbot business is creating some trends including machine learning. Some marketing experts even believe that bots will continue to evolve in the following years and will eventually be the central customer service for various companies.

Actually, there are a lot of social media users who are in favor and willing to use bots for interactions. Even if there are still some doubts about how a mere artificial intelligence can act human-like, there still some who really want to try it out. Moreover, because of its convenience, marketers are using this tool in their marketing stunts. Meanwhile, others are utilizing marketing plans in accordance with the latest trends of chatbot business and artificial intelligence.

chatbot business

Why is chatbot business becoming relevant?

Chatbot business is one of the latest trends in the digital marketing world. It is really useful in automating a lot of marketing stuff which is why most people in the business are interested or already using it. Moreover, according to some researches, there is a high possibility that 85% of business interactions will include chatbots in it. On the other hand, there are also other features of chatbots that can be useful for other marketing strategies.

Here are some of the ways chatbots can help businesses:


Marketing and advertising a very important factor in business aside from the quality of the products or services and employment ordeals. However, some of this would cost you a lot which can be difficult at your end. Meanwhile, chatbot business can help you maximize your profit without spending much on your employees. Moreover, it can communicate with a lot of people at a time and is not prone to errors that an ordinary human staff may do.

Automating repetitive tasks

There are some tasks that requires the same routine to do. This could be really stressful and tiring for any human employee and may seem not motivational for many. However, chatbot can do these tasks without ever getting bored and with an utmost accuracy. This way, it can give other employees to focus on crucial tasks rather than being stuck on doing repetitive tasks.

Gathering customer feedback

If your business is around for quite a while, then it is important to know which improvements you should take for it to be better. In order to do this, you will need the feedback from your customers. However, this is not really interesting for most people and there is a high possibility that they will just ignore yours pleads for feedback. Meanwhile, chatbot business can help you with this one. As it communicates with your users, it can ask questions and gather useful information that you can utilize for your next marketing strategies. This is one of the reasons why chatbot business is becoming trendy for a lot of people.

Improving customer service

Obviously, customer service is one of the main functions of a chatbot business. Because of its automation, it can provide customers fast and accurate responses which most users dig in. Also, most customers need a hand in helping them throughout their purchasing experience and the chatbot can help them. Because of its high artificial intelligence, it can communicate well with its users without any errors. It can even inform people about the dates of when they can be contacted human live support if they prefer talking with them.

The latest trends on chatbot business

If you are going to look around the internet, you will notice a lot of webpages that are using chatbots on their businesses. Some are even using chatbots not only for their businesses but also for entertainment purposes. Whatever the reason, it is only natural to be curious about the latest trends regarding bots for this year.

Here are some of them:

SEO Optimization

Artificial intelligence has been around for almost a decade and it is continuously growing. With the help of numerous developers, the functions of chatbots were increasing and it includes SEO optimization. As you know, there are different aspects that you should focus on in order for your website to have proper optimization. Meanwhile, bots can enhance this by giving more impact on the usability of the website.

As it helps the customers, it is creating more chances to implement the purpose and main goal of the website. However, you must make sure that your chatbot could answer every question that your customers may ask. Also, it can improve the readability of your website as it gives your customers concise and accurate answers right away. Other than this, it can even help people navigate throughout your website even with its complications. This way, your site could have better feedback and higher ratings than the others.

Advertisement with smart speakers

A lot of people are now interested in using smart speakers such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Home. Due to this influx of interests, chatbot business is now becoming more and more relevant in the world of business. People tend to rely on automation brought by technology which is why they are inclined to using these smart speakers. Meanwhile, marketers use this as a chance to advertise their businesses through smart speakers.

chatbot business

This first started when Disney’s Beauty and the Beast’s advertisement was aired by Google Home. However, the later interests of other marketers put a bad impact on users of smart speakers. In order to bring back their interests, there re now better and less invasive branded advertising and it is what they call a “branded skill”. It is customer-friendly and cooler than other advertisements on the internet.

More content with chatbots

Written contents are very important in businesses as it increases the traffic of your website and introduces your brand to more viewers. Aside from this, contents are even useful for chatbots which is one of the priorities of most marketing companies now. If you have a good written content within your chatbot business, customer will have more fun communicating with it. Thus, it will create a good brand image to your business.

Moreover, there are some researchers that state that for the next three years, chatbots will be a big thing. It will mostly cut the costs of some retailers by roughly $439 billion every year while increasing the profit by $112 billion.

Steady adaptation with chatbots

Humans, just like animals, mostly live with their instincts and adaptation skills. These help humans survive a lot of calamities and problems.  Meanwhile, this is also the reason why people are now adapting to the latest trends of chatbots. They are now using it for chatbot business, amusement, and even their everyday tasks. There are even about 36% of marketers who are using chatbots in order to build better relationships with their consumers.

With this in mind, developers are now doing their best to create more human-like chatbots that will answer the needs of every person. They add an intense machine learning with every chatbot which gives the bot a way to learn speaking as a normal person would. Moreover, they offer customers a personalized experience that can execute tasks such as answering questions, giving advises and even guide them through difficult procedures in banking.

chatbot business

Be confident with Herobot!

It is important for marketers to know the latest trends in marketing and adopt it. This is why a lot of business people are now using a chatbot in their companies. It is in order to survive the competition and garner more customers along the run. This is also the reason why you should consider having a  chatbot now.

If you are planning to make bot for your business, it is essential that you only do it with the best and trusted chatbot platform. Herobot is a bot-creating website that offers its users cheaper deals. Despite this, it still has numerous features as well as widgets. Moreover, you will not need any professional skills when making your bot as Herobot only requires you to drag and drop contents. To know more, visit us at our website.

Virtual Talk AI Chatbot– An Amazing Invention For Virtual Communication

virtual talk ai chatbot
virtual talk ai chatbot

Communication is vital to everyone’s daily life, as it makes the world go round. Basically, it’s the grandest way of information exchange between people and other living things. But going more to it, communication acts beyond what most people know. The constant flow of communication fuels up the world for a brighter perspective for everyone. It converges people, reconciles disputes, and even brings the whole nation together. That is why people are now getting hooked with virtual talk AI chatbot.

The exchange of information started only from basic methods and processes. Before, people were just talking personally or via snail mail. It was quite inconvenient for many, that’s why; brilliant developers invented devices like mobile phones and the computer to make life much easier for everyone. Good Lord, these devices have been a good companion to all, regardless of their purpose, even up to this date. They were just improved more to reach a certain level of convenience for everyone when it comes to communication. Today, there’s a lot more enhancement that you might not know about yet regarding this essential human matter. Do you believe that messages can now be transferred around an imaginary avenue called the internet and reach all the people geographically? Well, you should. Virtual talk AI chatbot can prove it to you. Let’s get to it and find out why.

Learn More About Virtual Communication

If you’re enjoying digital life to the extent that you can actually talk to your loved ones overseas with the help of the internet and a device, give thanks to the advent of virtual communication. Generally, this form of advanced communication method pertains to a specific type of technology that allows people to talk conveniently, even without the presence of physical interaction. Virtual communication provides real-time conversation between two or a group of people where they can actually hear and see each other by the presence of a third-party device.

This particular electronic device can be in the form of a mobile phone or computer. Inputs sent by humans are collected by these devices and distributed to from the sender to the receiver in the presence of a stable internet connection. It can be possible with a simple call, plain text or chat messages, and a clear video call. Actually, this kind of communication was already hurdling in society during the late ’90s. However, the audio and video quality produced during that time were poor, unsecured, and inconvenient. It was just so recent when people had already come up with a better and much more effective alternative. It comes in many forms, but all of them are highly-functional in addressing the wide-ranging needs of everyone in the world.

For a more rounded idea, below is the list of some forms of virtual communication: 

Virtual Games

It may be in subtle ways, but leisure and recreational activities are also a type of human communication. That’s why; developers also make this mode of communication on top. They came up with a brilliant concept to bring all the exciting and enticing games into cellphones and other devices. So there’s no need to get surprised when most people today prefer to stay at home with their phones, instead of going outside to play underneath the glazing sunlight.

virtual talk ai chatbot

Online Video Chat and Conference

Since the world today has already grown too much, the demand of people for instant gratification has also become more prevalent than it is before. That’s why; casual phone call or text message is no longer appealing in today’s present time. Nowadays, online video chat and conference is where most people are looking forward to. It can be applied to personal purposes or professional necessities. If you feel you want to talk to someone over the phone, you can direct to a mobile video call. More so, if your team from different corners of the world requires having a connective company meeting, a video conference call will go ahead to rescue. At this point, it’s safe to say that this technological advancement, along with virtual talk AI chatbot , has gone far in helping people to continue their lives with a more proclaimed ease and convenience.

Digital Classroom

Believe it or not, this recent advancement has also extended even up to the educational aspect of the present society. If the student-wanna-be feels that physical presence may be too difficult for him or her to continue with his or her education, virtual communication is right there around to rescue. It can all be possible through specific software where students and teachers can actively interact with the daily discussion, examination, quizzes, etc. More so, this virtual talk AI chatbot can also cater to the necessities of every student to expose to the knowledge and apply it to them while going through their everyday life. Basically, this set- up can be successfully possible with the use of scanners, web cameras, and a stable and fluid internet connection.

Portable Environment

The main course of virtual communication is perhaps setting a new environment where people can actively interact with each other without being compromised by distance and unwanted circumstances. This can all happen as long as the potential users have enough interest and willingness to get the devices needed, which include mobile phones, computers, and the internet. These three kinds of stuff are the fundamental necessities that each people must bring with them if they wish to survive the world today. Just a friendly reminder, the world today includes a different and new dimension with virtual talk AI chatbot . And therefore, living your life in a specific way where you grow accustomed to may no longer effective anymore.

Virtual Talk AI Chatbot as your Virtual Communication

Take note of this, virtual communication can’t be so successful without the presence of third party technology. It can be in various types like software or a physical device. But one name that rocks the digital world today is virtual talk AI chatbot.

Virtual talk AI chatbot is a new and free mobile application that is almost similar to other social networking software. It allows people to talk to whoever they want to. Hence, the four main key points discussed above regarding virtual communication is bundled inside this particular chatbot application.

Here are the best features of virtual talk AI chatbot that can make sharpen your communication necessities: 
  1. You can have a good conversation with some virtual characters. 
  2. You, yourself, can set up your desired name and photo for these virtual characters. 
  3. If there is something you wish to add or improve in their vocabulary, you can teach them directly without too much hassle. Virtual talk AI chatbot is one of the smartest artificial intelligence ever invented. 
  4. Conversing with various people within the chatroom is now possible. 
  5. You can also send some personal messages to some people you may know with virtual talk AI chatbot . 
  6. Anyone can receive some unexpected messages from strangers. 
  7. If you feel that there’s something you want to share with your followers, you can instantly post some inspiring quotes or beautiful images. 

Benefits of Virtual Communication Software like Virtual Talk AI Chatbot

Aside from messaging, calls, and other social network services, there are still a lot more with virtual communication software. More than you can imagine, there’s still a lot more to it. Virtual talk AI chatbot has already gone far in everyone’s lives and helps them in simple ways they are not aware of.

Listed below are the known advantages of trying out some beneficial virtual communication:

It offers maximum convenience.

Why do you still need to go out to talk to someone if you can do it indoor using your phone? Less hassle. Less trouble. All you need to do is get your phone or laptop, set up an account in virtual talk AI chatbot, download the app, and done. You can boundlessly talk to people you want to using a mobile phone and this software.

It helps you save time and money.

Since there’s no need to go faraway places just to settle the businesses, you can absolutely save time and money. All you need to have is a well-working mobile phone and a stable internet connection to make virtual talk AI chatbot work.

It serves an immediate response.

It can’t be denied that everyone in this world is now living in a very fast-paced environment. There’s no time for turtle-moving transactions between people and businesses. That’s why; the advent of virtual talk AI chatbot software really comes of the greatest help to everyone. It provides instant response to everyone and keeps all the transactions go smoothly than ever expected.

Wrapping Up

Communication— whether it’s virtual or physical— this is something that every individual living in this digital world must never disregard in every option possible. It maintains the daily operation of the people in great harmony. Once this particular aspect gets out of the scene, the world would surely turn down and crumpled. So while you still have the means, never compromise what you have on your hands. As much as possible, use all the virtual resources laid in front of you. Interested? Get some more from Herobot— the best partner where you can turn to with regards to virtual talk AI chatbot. Visit us at for more information.

Online Chatbot Buttons: A Way to Enhance your Bot

online chatbot

This digital age aims for one thing: to make everything easier and more accessible for everyone. This is the reason why almost every gadget and appliance has buttons that you just need to click to do a certain task. Meanwhile, the online community adopted this to make shortcuts in particular transactions or web pages. However, how important are buttons in the online chatbot?

bot buttons

Buttons are available everywhere in the digital community. Whether you are using a website or browsing an online shop, you use buttons to do a task. Moreover, clickable elements are helping users to make everything faster. Now, the online chatbot also contains actionable buttons that business pages are using for their conversion growth. However, even though almost every online chatbot has buttons available, they differ as they appeal to different reactions. 

Now, if you succeed in creating online chatbot buttons, you will surely experience the most of user engagements. An increase in the engagement will signal an increase in business conversion, thus resulting in sales development.

What is online chatbot buttons

An online chatbot needs to have buttons. These are designed to be clickable elements that can be sent to a user. This helps customers in sending replies because they will not need to formulate sentences stating their concerns anymore. Instead, they are given options that they only need to click so that they can proceed through the conversation. This makes the transactions faster and easier for the bot to understand. Moreover, most mobile users find this more convenient and prefer this than the traditional way of conversing with a bot.

Furthermore, most people use various applications available on their phones simultaneously. Rather than waiting for something to load, they prefer to do other things that they can dedicate the extra time. Moreover, almost all people can be distracted by messenger applications and other types of notifications. Due to their limited time for different tasks, developers thought to make conversations more convenient and easily accessible. This is by using clickable buttons that will complete the tasks that customers intend to do.

With buttons, an online chatbot can become a window to different parts of the internet. It is because you can do various actions such as opening new pages, having an option from a menu, or even dial a number. It answers the needs of the new generation in terms of multi-tasking. Moreover, buttons make the conversation of users to online chatbot more dynamic and interactive.

Furthermore, they are also able to narrow down discussions and allow you to control the conversational flow with the bot. As we can see, it is not enough that the natural language processing of an AI is getting better. Businesses need a foolproof device and actionable buttons that can easily control possible scenarios on conversations.

Importance of online chatbot buttons

As we know, an online chatbot is highly in demand in different industries of the digital world. May it be on business or just for entertainment, people are dying to get their version of AI that can enhance their website or social media pages. However, rather than complicating the development of a conversational flow of a bot, people opt for a more natural route.

Buttons are now being used by many developers to make their online chatbot more user-friendly. These clickable functions are sent to users during conversations to give them ready-made options rather than letting them type their concerns. Moreover, these buttons are commands for specific actions. Also, other controls are real-timer access, which leads to another page where visitors can proceed with their transactions. These things add to other things that a bot can do to help businesses build audience interaction.

Also, online chatbot buttons act as the guide of new users who is not very knowledgeable about the bot and its functions. It can help in sustaining a conversation and monitor the way a user interacts with the AI. Moreover, this affects the responsiveness of customers with the page as it affects their mentality of clicking buttons provided.

bot buttons

Tips on creating chatbot buttons

Although it is effortless to use and navigate, many people are still struggling with how they can create an active online chatbot button. Just thinking of possible conversational flow and how you can attach these clickable options without making it look bland and pushy. If you are interested in using buttons for your bot, then here are some tips that you can follow.

Make words as brief as short as possible

Nowadays, people tend to have too much on their plate, which is why they want things as simplified as possible. This is also the reason behind the fame of online chatbot. They are now commonly used to answer frequently asked questions without spending too much time waiting for a response. Remember that when customers see long sentences, they tend to lose interest in the conversation because reading those costs too much time.

Meanwhile, to make transactions more brief and accessible, you should take note that your conversational flow should not consist of lots of paragraphs. As much as possible, make sure that the conversational flow is made up of 1 to 10 words per sentence only. Furthermore, this tip should also be applied to clickable buttons. Make sure that they are easy to read and will not confuse users. This will surely increase customer engagement with your bot.

Avoid using “yes” or “no” buttons

Usually, people will think that having yes” or “no” buttons are staples on creating a bot. However, these are things that you should avoid when you are making an online chatbot. Polar questions tend to make people feel like you are not giving them enough options and can make you seem pushy. These are not called closed questions for anything.

Also, when you are making polar questions, yes-or-no buttons fail to explain and elaborate on the functions that a person is going to proceed to. Rather than doing this, create buttons indicating the action it is for. This could also help businesses by getting more positive reviews. When you are asking a person about her satisfaction with your services, it is better to give them more options for an answer.

Make your buttons simpler

If you know anything in marketing, then you might already know this one. If you are making a bot, make sure that it has a friendly nature. Rather than giving it sophisticated features, please make it as casual as you can. People tend to be more comfortable engaging with someone that is at the same status than her. This is because if your online chatbot seems too professional, it is easy to get intimidated with it.

To give your online chatbot a lighter feel, avoid using jargon as well as complicated terms. Instead, opt for simplified synonyms of your sentence. If your chat buttons are not easy to understand, customers can lose interest and leave without proceeding to available transactions. If you are successful in doing this, then you are doing well in your task.

Use visuals on your buttons

There are times when words are just not enough. If you are planning on making an online chatbot button, make sure that it is easy to understand. Remember that this will be the window of your customers towards a specific response or action. Moreover, it is essential to put visuals in your buttons so that it will be more pleasing to look at. Try using emoji to make the intentions of a button clearer. Keep in mind that you should make conversations with customers as engaging as possible. Putting images aside from emoji is also helpful in driving attraction from your customers.

Limit the options you offer

Before, I warned you about giving closed options to your customers. However, you must also remember than everything that is too much can be problematic. This is why you must limit your options but not to the point that customers will feel like they are trapped within “yes” or “no” options. Remember that people say that buttons work best if you are going to offer them in just a small number.

online chatbot

Moreover, if you are going to create buttons for your online chatbot, make sure that you are only going to develop 3-5 options for your customer. This is so that you will not need to make more complicated commands. This also helps in making marketing analysis.

Have the best buttons with Herobot!

Buttons are significant in making an online chatbot. This helps the life of customers more manageable and make transactions faster. Also, developers are given fewer reasons to create more complicated conversation flows. Moreover, buttons can have various functions that can help your customers have more engagement with your page and your bot.

Now, if you are looking for a way to create an online chatbot with the best clickable buttons, Herobot is the one for you. Herobot offers various services to help you create bots without any hassle. It is very accessible due to its drag-and-drop feature and offers numerous templates that can guide you easier. Visit our website to learn more.

Robot Chat: Revolutionizing the Art Industry with AI

robot chat
robot chat

For so many years, artists and artworks are often neglected despite their importance. However, the situation has changed these days. People now understand the beauty of art and how it is essential to living. For this reason, there are a large number of new artists that are arising. Moreover, people are also now eager to buy artworks regardless of the fame of the creator. What is more interesting about robot chat innovations is how it helps the art industry in various ways.

The birth of robot chat has changed the industry of marketing for many reasons. However, the year of 2019 is the signal of bot utilization in different sectors of businesses. Today, AI is even used in entertainment, games, and also for medical purposes. Meanwhile, the art industry is now using a chatbot for marketing and customer engagement. There are even numerous advances made to make proper use of artificial intelligence and help local artists.

Functions of robot chat in the art industry

Many artists, especially those who are only new to the industry, are known for doing a lot of things that a team should all by themselves. However, this causes them to face numerous problems regarding the transactions and even on getting new clients. However, robot chat is nowhere to help them in management and other activities such as setting schedules and giving out reminders. For more information, here are some of the functions of robot chat as it helps the art industry.

Engaging in customers

As we all know, most artists are using art to communicate with others, and they prefer it rather than speaking. However, you can’t make deals without engaging with customers and contacting them. Moreover, it is not practical for hiring a person to do these things, especially when you are just starting your art business. With this in mind, robot chat is here to save artists by using their artificial intelligence to engage with customers.

Now, communicating with customers is more manageable and does not have to be hands-on. After creating your chatbot, you don’t have to put in much effort into some things. Its artificial intelligence is enough to communicate appropriately with people and store data for your references. Moreover, it has a machine learning ability that enables it to use the information it acquires from its users for future instances.

Finding artworks and artists

This one is for both the customers and the artists. Nowadays, due to a large number of emerging artists in the industry, it is hard to find one that will fit your taste. Moreover, searching on the internet or asking other people for an artist will not guarantee that you will be able to find someone that will fit you. However, the robot chat can give you a set of artists that matches your preferences.

robot chat

You only need to tell the robot chat about the details you are looking for along with the samples of artworks that you like. Right after, it will look upon the internet and find artworks that match the one that you sent it. Information about the artists will also be given to you. Moreover, if you find an artwork but you have no idea about its creator, robot chat can also help you find the artist.

Giving information

Part of art aesthetics is the interpretation of artworks, learning about its history, as well as knowing the background of the artist. Knowing this information helps viewers learn more about the piece and appreciate it better. This is why museums must-have tourist guides that can explain information regarding the artwork. However, if you are not fond of hiring uninterested guides, robot chat is the one for you.

With just one click on your robot chat app, you ask it about any information that you need regarding an artwork. Also, you can take a picture of the artwork, send it to the chatbot, and let it search on the internet. This makes it easier for art enthusiasts to understand artworks better. Moreover, for those who are taking up art courses, this is also very helpful.

Creating works of art

The services of robot chat are not only limited to customer service and answering inquiries. Because of the extensive innovation of developers to artificial intelligence and bots, they can build an AI that can create art on its own. It is done by finding photos that have the same mood and creates a feedback loop with it. Thus, it was able to make a whole new image that is both aesthetic and artsy. With this innovation, more developers are finding ways to develop artificial intelligence that will be able to change the art industry ultimately.

Famous art robot chat in the industry

This is the year where robot chat has invaded the entire digital sector, may it be on marketing or other services. Today, one of the areas that it was able to stretch its hand is in the art industry. It makes both being an artist and an art enthusiast easier. Here are some of the art robot chat that can change the art industry.

ArtFinder’s Emma

ArtFinder is a website that aims to help people on finding pieces of art for buyers to match their preferences. To extend its services, Artfinder developed a robot chat named Emma. This company uses the social media platform Twitter and enables users to communicate with it regarding their art preferences. Right after that, it will search on the entire website and match the taste of the users. Moreover, this robot chat can help creators to gain more customers quickly. This is probably why ArtFinder’s Emma is one of the best-known bots in the industry.

bot for art


If you think that only the websites and online art shops are using robot chat to extend their businesses, you are wrong. Museums are also starting to adapt to technological innovations to provide reliable services and help them improve their audience interaction. One of the museums that are using bots is the San Francisco Museum of Modern. They developed “Send Me SFMOMA,” which is an SMS chatbot and makes their art collection more approachable. Users only need to send a keyword, name, emoji, or color. Send Me SFMOMA will scan the group to provide you an image of what you are looking for.


You are mistaken if you think that the skills of robot chat are only limited to customer services. Numerous developers are already finding ways to create a bot that will be able to create a masterpiece. This is why Google has developed the art generator, which is called DeepDream. This program can utilize identical neural nets to recognize images and creates images from them. Moreover, users can send pictures to this bot, and the system will look for similar patterns. After enhancing them, DeepDream is going to repeat the process, thus creating a feedback loop.

How to create your chatbot for art

Now, you may already be interested in creating your robot chat for painting, but you have no idea where to start. However, doing this is only going to cost you creativity, which, if you are an artist, is not much.  With the right attitude, planning, and bot platform, you will surely succeed in creating a robot chat that will save you on art marketing. Here are some of the tips that you can do.

Manage your time

Time management is essential to finish the tasks that you need. Whether it be on studying or marketing, knowing your timeline is very important. Meanwhile, if you are going to create a robot chat, it is best if you set yourself a time limit while also considering your schedule on doing other things. Some people can do this on a day. However, some can finish this project within a week, depending on their plans.

Know your goals

To be successful in anything, you must first know what your goal may be. It is essential that you already have an image of the final product would be. To create a good robot chat, make sure that you do your research about the capabilities of a bot to make your ideals realistic. Also, learn more about the tools available in the market that will help you along the way.

Be open to feedback

Your users will only identify the success of your robot chat. Look for the input of real people regarding the other chatbots and take note of what they say. This will give you an idea about what the users like for a bot. Moreover, it is essential to do surveys from time to time. Also, ask your customers about their feeling about the bot. This will help you know the glitches and problems on your bot and improve the quality of your bot along the way.

bot for art

Map out the conversational flow

Building a robot chat is all about knowing how it will interact with the users and what kind of information will it disseminate. This is why you should map out the conversational flow of your bot as well as its personality. Moreover, you should know the possible questions it may encounter and understand how it will answer. Also, imagine various scenarios of conversation to make your bot more flexible than the others.

Create your robot chat on Herobot

Now that you already have an idea of how you can create a robot chat for your journey in the art industry, you will need a bot platform. Herobot is here to provide you with the most natural way of creating a chatbot that will answer your every need. Moreover, you will not need to hire other developers to do this because this can be a DIY site for bot building. You only need to drag and drop features to finish your creation. For more information, visit our website now.

AI Chat App – The Most Outstanding Innovation of 2019

AI chat app

In traditional psychology, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs became the foundation of many human beliefs in older times. It illustrates the fundamental factors needed for people to survive. Moreover, it divides into three essential needs, which includes self-fulfilment needs, psychological needs, and basic needs. In modern time, the world seems to have another need that only AI chat app can suffice.

In today’s society, the principles are deemed to be reversed. As part of the digital revolution, technology influences the wants and needs of most people today. If you analyze, there are some changes on how people perceive their necessities these days. This is the main reason why they need an AI chat app. Interested? Let’s try to get through it.

AI chat app

Things most people demand today as part of their daily needs:

1. Immediate Response

In many ways, quick responses and actions seem to be so prevalent nowadays. As you observe, you will notice that most people expect an immediate response whenever they interact with other people. This scenario is much more visible in the customer service industry. If the customers ask something to the agent, they always demand instant answers to their questions. If the agent fails to do so, the bad service will surely affect negatively the company he is representing. This is why most companies are now relying on the AI chat app to help them in customer service.

In this era, communication has been so easy and accessible for everyone with the help of internet. Therefore, many people believe that there is no valid reason to not receive an instant response when they need something. In this matter, the AI chat app would be a fantastic helping-hand. This is especially for those who belong in the business sector. Customer service would be more efficient than the traditional.

2. Technology

With regards to the existing condition of today’s society, it can’t be denied that technology is now part of the human’s fundamental needs. If you’re going to walk around, you are most likely to see a bunch of people holding their phone. Their daily tasks tie up on various applications and features installed in their phones. Without their phone, it feels as if they have lost a limb.

Nowadays, it’s all possible to accomplish wide-ranging tasks over the phone or computer regardless of where you are. It is something that technological advancements have birthed and given to us for our convenience. The emergence of functional technologies like AI chat app has brought a significant change to the lives of everyone. They function to represent and work in the stead of humans in various fields. Most find it easier to incorporate with these bots rather than real human agents.

3. Innovation

Our modern society has made significant developments that are continuously developing. This is to answer and satiate the needs of the human world. However, as people create new innovations, their demands are also moving to the next level. The trend is changing each day because people can get bored easily with new products on the market. To succeed, the trick is that you need to create a change that will address the problems and needs of different people in the world. This also applies in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

As you go through various fields today, you would surely find traces of
AI chat app incorporating to serve various functions. Many people today have already entrusted critical operations to their particular AI technologies. Furthermore, with all the improvements and data bots were able to collect, it is not surprising how people can no longer identify chatbots from real humans. If the industry of AI continues to evolve positively, it can be tagged as one of the most successful innovations in our generation.

The AI Chat App of 2019

Most of us are now enjoying a care-free life under the presence of artificial intelligence. This is why we should start thanking brilliant developers who formulated the most innovative chat apps today. These AI chat app is also helping numerous companies in improving the popularity of their brand and boosting their profits. As they interact with customers regarding their concerns, they were able to advertise the company.

With these applications, not only customer service but even those who have illnesses are benefiting. There are some that are being used for anxiety, insomnia, and even Alzheimer’s diseases. There are even AI chat apps that were helping in organizing stuff. Examples of these are groceries and even diet meals for the entire week. For those who are into gaming, there are also bots that will help you in many ways. They communicate and complete other tasks without spoiling your game. There are already lots of services that bots are offering and lots of people who are utilizing them to answer their needs.

As of today, the chatbot is known for being the highest-paid application in the technological market. This is why many developers are dying to create a unique AI chat app that will excel despite the big competition. They are eager to be known in the market and advertise the brand that they are representing. For other developers, they simply want to build an app that will be famous and help a large number of people. No wonder why it is possible that AI will be dominating the lives of people in the near future.

What is the perfect AI chat app for you?

There is a wide variety of AI chat apps that you can meet on the internet. There are bots that are text-based. These are best for people who despise calls and talking to people verbally. You just have to type a message, send it to the AI and you will receive an answer almost instantly. This is less stressful than waiting for a human server to have time to accommodate you. Moreover, most people prefer this kind of bot because it is more convenient and easier to use. It is also simpler to develop because it does not require any complicated tools. 

However, if you are the kind of person who cannot bother spending time to type all your messages, then the voicebots are best for you. You can talk to them casually like you are in a call with someone. Most of the time, this is being as a treatment for illnesses and are commonly called as companion bots. This AI chat app is more conveniently used by people who cannot type messages anymore. Moreover, if you are looking for something that will help you in your sleep like a therapeutic talk, then this bot is for you. As of these days, there are already numerous bots that are like this and people are embracing its hype.

With the wide variations of bots, choosing the perfect one for you is based on the personality that bots develop. There are bots that are funny while some are more informative and serious. If you are looking for something that can help you in some certain tasks, then it is better to choose a bot with a proper tone. However, if you just want to get your boredom away, there are also some with sarcastic and funny characteristics.

HeroBot: Builds the most suitable chatbot app for you

AI chat app is a worthy application that plays one of the biggest roles in modern technology—something a person can conveniently talk with. companies launch various kinds of bots each day which gives wider choices for people. Now, the question is how can you pick the right chatbot that will fit your every need?

Moreover, they very helpful and if you want to create your own, you do not need to be afraid of having difficulties with these. With different kinds of AI chat app platforms around the internet, your journey to build the best bot will just be easy. If you are looking for the best bot platform that will offer you the easiest path, then Herobot is your best choice.

Moreover, you won’t need exceptional IT skills to make a bot with us. HeroBot platform is complete with the set of tools in developing chatbot applications that can create intelligent bots. Moreover, our main focus is the satisfaction of the customers so we are also providing numerous templates that you could choose from. With a simple drag and drop, you can build your chatbot app.

Furthermore, bots made from our platform are proved to create more lead generations for companies and businesses. We also offer different kinds of tools and widgets that you can use in your chatbot. This way, your bot can be as unique as you want it to be. Also, AI-experts recommend this platform because it offers less expensive consultation. It provides infinite resources in enhancing the efficiency of the customer’s business. Herobot is going to help you in any way we can. For further details, click this link and explore the world of chatbot technology.

The Value of a Good Chatbot Builder

Chatbot builder

Artificial Intelligence is an essential factor in this modernized world. Everything keeps on changing and evolving – a lot of applications or technological devices are being used. However, as this modern-day keeps on growing, the business sector as well has to change and improve. This is why it is now essential for businessmen to find a good chatbot builder.

Chatbot builder

Why you need a bot builder

Every business owner wants to achieve something that will somehow keep them a step ahead than their competitors. May it be through their products, services, advertisement, or marketing strategies—everyone aims to improve. Many business owners can attest how helpful a chatbot can be to lessen their work. A chatbot is an Artificial Intelligence that is used to improve a business’ when it comes to responding to customers through social media accounts or website.

Moreover, a chatbot is easy to build as long as you have enough knowledge in navigating it with the use of appropriate platforms. A chatbot builder is a platform that creates a chatbot and helps a business to make the communication between the company and customers more accessible and better. With bot platforms, chatbot will allow sending an update, reminder, provide customer service, or fulfill an order that could be a great help to a business.

Chatbot Builder Best Practices

Let us say that a salon business owner would like to level up the popularity of his/her business. A large number of potential customers will have the tendency to ask how they can make appointments with you. They will also ask about the prices and the other services your salons could offer. In this matter, a chatbot can help the salon owner on accommodating all their costumers at the same time on answering their concerns and questions.

Here are some of the best practices on chatbot builder:

Make sure that you know the goal of your bot first.

If you are planning to make a bot that will be a perfect match for you and your business, then you will need to set your goal first. Knowing this is important in devising your plans and customizing the characteristic of your bot.

Moreover, it would be best if you made it a point that your goal is still in line with your industry. Write down some reasons why your business needs a bot and how you want it to function. With this practice in chatbot builder, you can also pinpoint the personality your bot will have as well as its unique features.

Take other chatbots as an example.

Meanwhile, to fully understand how a chatbot works, you should have at least tried communicating with a chatbot. Try searching for other chatbots that have high reviews and use them. Also, discover its strength or weaknesses and jot down some notes on how to improve them for better service. While at it, you can use these notes on planning to make your bot.

Here are some of the bots that you can look up to:
  • Insomnobot

This is a night owl chat which was created by Casper, a company specializing in pillows and mattresses. Insomnobots aims to give persons who have Insomnia to have someone to talk with. Moreover, the company engages with its users in a way that they will not feel like the bot is only a marketing scheme. Instead, it only brings up the product seldom. This way, the customers tend to feel more intimate and private with the bot.

In addition, Forbes has included Insomnobot in the “7+ Amazing Examples Of Online Chatbots And Virtual Digital Assistants In Practice”.

  • Woebot

Woebot is created by a psychologist named Alison Darcy to help reduce depressions by active listening and giving positive feedbacks. This is really user-friendly and even uses funny images and gifs to add more flavor to the conversation. Furthermore, attentiveness and sensitivity to its users’ emotions are highly praised by Business Insider and New York Times.

  • Hipmunk

If you have experienced using travel applications, you surely have experienced mid-search freeze and only presents very few airfare options. However, everything is funnier and easier with Hipmunk. You have to tell it on when and where you are planning to travel. It will then give you plenty of accommodation and airfare options for your vacation. If you are going to use a chatbot builder, you can consider the points used by this bot developer.

Chatbot builder
  • DoNotPay

Despite the fact that it is not too conversational, it still does not fail to do its function. DoNotPay is designed to answer and educate people about simple and minor cases to save them from injustices. It balances its formal and legal tone with a colorful background and fun fonts.

Predict the possible mistakes that can happen upon using a chatbot.

There are some common mistakes in building a chatbot that almost anyone can overlook. It may be on understanding natural languages or their conversational skill. Set your expectations into it so that you can utilize the best solution to overcome them. It is also best to know the limitations of what services and options your chatbot can provide.

Here are some of the disadvantages of using a chatbot:

  • Bots cannot be perfectly trained to perform tasks precisely as it was mandated. This is because bots can easily misunderstand instructions from its users.
  • The knowledge of bots is limited, which causes some problems. There will be times that customers will ask for an answer or suggest some tasks which were out of the capabilities of the bot. If there is no human server that will handle these mishaps, it will be a big issue for your business.
  • Some things are impossible to be taught. Chatbots are not capable of interpreting additional features in order. This is why humans are still needed to deal with specific issues that bots cannot understand. Although you’ve done your best using a chatbot builder, your bot’s knowledge will still be limited. 

Be sure to make your chatbot more user-friendly and approachable.

Customize it in using emojis, images, and gifs that are appropriate to the conversation. It is also helpful if it can send link to your users that will direct them to a page that they can use to answer their queries.

Look for the best builder that can help most efficiently.

Make sure that you will find the right one for your taste and needs in your industry. Moreover, it is best if you know your technical capabilities and demands you can carry on.

Here are some of the chatbot builders:
  • Chatfuel

This is a chatbot builder for Facebook Messenger which makes creating bots easier for everyone. Professional skill is not important and needed in this platform. It also makes reusing and managing messages very stress-free.

  • Flow XO

You can make a bot that you can launch in other sites and messengers aside from Facebook here. Chatbot widgets are also possible in Flow XO as well as integrating them with other third parties. Moreover, you can also share your chatbot with others.

  • ChatterOn

This bot promise is one of the fastest chatbot builders in AI space to help to build bots within only five minutes. There are already some pre-built bots or templates that you could choose from. You can also customize your bot using its simple menu.

All of the AI created in ChatterOn is also pretty solid, which supports rich content. It can also include some buttons, gifs, photos, videos, and carousels. Monetizing your new bot by using contextual ads that you can get from Radbots is also possible.

  • Botsify

This is one of the most uncomplicated bot builders that will let you create your bots that you can use for your numerous websites. Unlike other platforms, Botsify offers integration features which enables you to connect with Shopify, Alexa, and WordPress. This will help you create conversion forms and allow human stand-in taking over some conversation.

  • Herobot
Chatbot builder

Meanwhile, Herobot is a platform that helps people in the business industry to market their products and connect with customers easily. You do not need to have IT skills to be able to make the best bot that will suit your taste. The absolute goal of Herobot is to make companies grow in terms of sales and fame in the industry.

Choose the best chatbot builder

There are many steps and ways that you can take to make your bot. If you are able to do each step correctly and effectively, then you will surely succeed in making the best bot you wishes to have. This will surely help your business in boosting sales and enticing more customers. However, finding the right chatbot builder is still not easy.

There are some platforms that do not suit your taste and are really complicated to use.  Moreover, most chatbot builders were not able to help you in utilizing widgets and connecting your bots to other sites. This is why Herobot is here to save you from wasting your time on creating incompetent bots from other platforms. Moreover, our chatbot builder will not cost you as much as other platforms will make you spend money on a subscription. To know more, you can visit our website and contact us.

How To Determine if Chatbot is Intelligent?

chatbot intelligent

How can we describe the Intelligence of a chatbot? How can we determine if a chatbot will appear intelligent just like in every article around the world? A chatbot is computer software that can simulate a conversation in a real-time through the website with a user. And also, these chatbots decode the user’s messages quickly and respond accordingly. Intelligent chatbot has the ability to handle any situation of a conversation with comfort. But did you know that there are two types of chatbots?

chatbot intelligent

Moreover, they are Rule-Based Chatbot and AI Based Chatbot. These two types of bots have a lot of different about their Intelligence. Rule-based chatbots, also known as decision tree bot, these bots have a well-defined set of rules for solving user queries. They cannot handle any questions outside a particular set of rules, and it is why they become predictable.

Another type of chatbot is the AI-Based Chatbot that is also known as contextual chatbots. Natural Language Processing makes them smart enough to understand the intent, context, and language of the user, all of this makes AI Chatbots lot more efficient and effective. One of these AI-powered chatbot examples is the HeroBot. HeroBot’s Chatbot is Intelligent that learns through machine learning and provide the more human touch in their conversations.

These chatbot applications are the interactions between people and services. They recognize the user’s intent and then derives with the best response. And with these kinds of technological advancement, this platform getting much bigger and better. A Person can’t perform or do his job practical if he does all the work all alone in gathering the pieces of information about their clients.

How can a chatbot’s Intelligence help a business improve customer service?

In this article, everybody could learn how chatbots Intelligence can help them improve their customer service.

1. Chatbots delivers quick response to the users.

People are easily frustrated when they receive a note that tells them that it’d take several business days before simple issues can be resolved. And sometimes they don’t even get a reply. Every customer wants an instant response to their query nowadays. Also, some of them don’t solve their issue on their own. And that is why they require assistance from a chat agent. But even a live agent takes a while before resolving the customer’s issue. And that is when they consult for a piece of advice with the chatbots.

2. Chatbots Can Help the User to Save Cost on Customer Service

Did you know that a chatbot is intelligent that they could perform a task of a numerous customer service agent? Yes, it can. Chatbots are the most cost-effective customer service solution for any brands, even in a high and low budget. You don’t have to employ many customer service agent representatives that can manage your customer’s question if you have these chatbots. Therefore, it is a win to win situation between the customer and the company itself. However, chatbots may not be capable to solve complex problems that need a serious analysis.

3. Chatbots Reduce Error of the Human Agent

Chatbots applications have access to massive information that can help them answer your customer’s questions accurately. Unlike people that can forget small details because they are too much busy doing their job. Due to many errors or mistakes, a potential customer could not be satisfied with the interactions between them. An unhappy customer will now willingly do transactions or business with the company again. But a chatbot can keep the customers happy and willing to have business with them again. With their intellect, these chatbots can determine whether the customer is happy and satisfied or not.

Voice Recognition

With the growth of the advancement of technology, chatbots intelligence is not just about having a conversation with a text dialog box. One of the chatbot’s Intelligence now is voice recognition. A voice chatbot allows the user to accomplish tasks on their devices hands-free. The main benefit to a messenger chatbot is that it has the ability to occur on multiple voice messaging platform, synchronized across devices.

There are still similarities between voice chatbots and messenger chatbots, such as they are both rely on natural language processing. Text-based chatbots understand shorthand and typos just like voice chatbots suggest word when they are unfamiliar with the word the user said. Text-based chatbots understand shorthand and typos just like voice chatbots suggest word when they are unfamiliar with the word the user said. These are the reason why chatbot is intelligent.

chatbot intelligent

Voice recognition software allows the users to input their data the technological devices using their voice. In traditional, people input data through keyboard text. But because technology is getting more advance, Programmers add up something easy to use. And now, voice recognition software is being used by a wide range of professionals, and that includes executive, reporters and many more. These professionals could use this software and present it to the people effortlessly.

However, some of this software only allow fewer words than others. Voice recognition software is useful in medical purposes. Quality of a voice sound in voice recognition depends on the quality of microphone of the devices. In the medical transcription field, voice or speech recognition is one of the new developments. Voice recognition in medical transcription field is the solution for the health provider’s documents that are needed.

HeroBot’s performance

Nowadays, Chatbot platforms are scattered all over the World Wide Web. But what are the criteria of a good and progressive chatbot platform? How to determine that chatbot is intelligent? How can they prove that they are the best platform? Herobot platform assesses the user’s needs and has technical capabilities. This platform varies regarding its AI, ML, and NPL capabilities and the technical insight to yield a successful result. Another thing to consider is that Herobot Platform is more intuitive and is more capable in accomplishing the task.

If the user needs a high chatbot functionality that requires technical programming, then Herobot chatbot platform is perfect for the user. Get successful result without the correct technical acumen. Herobot Platform allows the user to write their program code, and that means that the user can have access to advanced functionality in many cases.

HeroBot’s chatbot is intelligent and can interpret messages from the input of human users. Herobot’s chatbots have their ability to create a way that chatbots can still comprehend kinds of data unrelated to their essential functions. But Herobot is just a machine, and a machine can make mistakes and errors. But upon having technical difficulties, the developers studied more about chatbots and upgraded Herobot application. With the user-friendly interface and language proficiency, Herobot application online is now easy to access.

App security becomes more and more strict and hard to breach. When talking about the customers’ issues, Herobot’s chatbot app is too focused on the users’ queries. And lastly, this Herobot application can ensure if the user is happy and satisfied or sad and angry with their conversation. Herobot is a platform that has its potential.

Best customer service online “HeroBot”

In the era of technology, there are a lot of online applications on the internet. But some of the application are nonsense because of its simple functionality. But most of them can help people all over the world to make their daily lives more manageable than before. And Herobot is one of those applications. Upon visiting their website, the viewers would see the opening article of the chatbot’s Intelligence.

Scroll a bit more then you could see the reason why Herobot is the number 1 messenger marketing platform. And one more reason why Herobot is the highest-ranked in marketing platform is that their chatbot is intelligent. In this website, they could see all the abilities or powers of the Herobot’s chatbot application such as chat broadcast, create conversion funnel, and so much more.

chatbot intelligent

With the help of an AI, you can finish any tasks without any stress or tensions. Not to encourage laziness, but these chatbots helps make people job more comfortable and better. And Herobot chatbot’s Intelligence proves that all over the world. Building chatbots is funny and Herobot platform makes it evident to the people. Explore the world of Artificial Intelligence to acquire more significant knowledge about modern advanced technology. Programmers are now developing their biggest and brightest inventions and also competing all over the world. These developing platforms are unique in their methods or way of creating something new and far different from other developments.

So, are you now thinking of building your own chatbot? Then there’s no better platform to visit than HeroBot. Come and visit our website by clicking this link.

18 Best Bot Platform You Can Use for a Successful Business

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As time goes by, the world is evolving with better and more advanced technologies. This then results in more convenient solutions for our daily tasks. Also, as we work smarter with new innovative tools, our labor needs and costs are dramatically decreased. No matter how negative others may think of this, it is undeniable how science has helped us live with ease. So in that matter, one of the latest emerging inventions that are proved to help many people is a chatbot. Building a bot shouldn’t be difficult. In this article, you will have the knowledge to help you select the best bot platform to build your chatbot. Make sure you read until the end, as we have saved the best for the last.

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Bots are an autonomous program on a network or computer. They are used for communicating and acting with computer systems or users like how human servers are expected to behave. Also, they are commonly used for businesses online. However, finding and creating the right artificial intelligence that is most applicable to your page is not an easy task. This is why there are numerous variations of Bot Platforms that can help you with this.

Here are the list of the best Bot Platforms and their functions:

1. IBM Watson Assistant

In terms of conversation services, IBM Watson Assistant is proved to be one of the best choices in bot platforms for most businesses. It was able to comprehend two languages, English and Japanese, unlike any other bots. Also, it is a built-in neural network which interprets, analyzes, and understands dialogues and entities. Additionally, IBM Watson is flexible and allows you to deploy various solutions and provides different developer tools. It also offers choices of free, standard, and premium plans, depending on your budget and needs.


Landbot helps users in creating personalized conversational chatbot systems. In addition, it gives a more intimate and special interaction with prospective customers. Also, it provides an easier and convenient way of creating and developing conversational bot flows. There are also options on how you are going to publish your bot in different forms in different channels.


Of over 200,000 users, most developers find Wit.Ai to be the most trusted bot platform. It is appropriate in using entities, contexts, intents, and actions. You can also use either text or voice bots on mobiles and home automation. In addition, its system learns human language from collecting information on different interactions of its users and is used across other developers. Moreover, Wit.Ai have bots that can understand 50 languages.

4. Aivo

Aivo is an artificial intelligence that integrates human empathy and human-like dialogues to build more friendly and useful conversations. It is also most useful in costumer services, increased sales of companies and for a hassle-free billing process for the costumers. Additionally, this Agentbot can adapt to the rules of the channels you are going to use to avoid any bugs and complications. It supports English, Spanish, and also Portuguese languages. Moreover, the platform has a memory for long conversations from gathering information and applying it on building solutions for issues. Also, this easily integrates with third-party platforms like Zendesk, Salesforce, Live, and others.

5. Api.AI Bot Flatform

This is a platform for bots, applications, services, and devices. uses intent-based solutions based on the information contained in the conversation. It depends on the examples, entities used, parameters, annotations, and contexts contained in the dialogues. Subsequently, it transforms any queries into actionable data and returns as output data. Moreover, Api.Ai can support 14 languages that can be useful to your business’ international transactions.

6. Botsify

Encoding is hard, especially for those with limited to no knowledge about computer programming. But with Botsify, you will not need any of this. Specifically used for Messengers, slack or other website chatbots, Botsify lets you collect user data in forms. Depending on how you like it, you can either use questions or direct information like emails, address, phone numbers, and location. Also, this features a way of transferring queries to human servers whenever artificial intelligence has problems.

7. Semantic Machines

Semantic Machines develops new, language-independent technology that can be used beyond understanding commands and conversations. It also includes a conversation engine, speech synthesis, reinforcement learning, speech recognition, and language generation (NLG) technology. In addition, this engine picks up semantic intents from the dialogue, may it be on text or voice form. It then transforms the queries into a solution that will answer the needs of the costumers.

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8. Digital Genius

This bot platform enables customer support on autopilot by understanding conversations, automating repetitive processes, and excellent customer services. It also features two ways of developing dialogues: autopilot and co-pilot. The former helps agents in dealing with repetitive lower-level conversations and lowers the cost of customer service operations. Meanwhile, co-pilot predicts the best possible answer for automation purposes, where human-learning and machine integration are combined.

9. Pypestream

With its more than 500 business users, Pypestream is proved to be the best for the commercial world. With its Smart Messaging Platform, its framework is used for natural language processing and keyword parsing. Moreover, its open and flexible API platform customs integrations and development of third party connectors and plugins.

10. Chatfuel

On creating chatbots for Facebook and Messengers, Chatfuel is the best suitable choice. Moreover, it automatically provides answers to comments and questions commonly asked by projected customers and prospects. However, if there are complications and the bot cannot answer a certain query, the dialogue will be transferred to human servers. This allows the business to provide more appropriate and direct answers to the costumers.

11. Mobile Monkey

Facebook Marketing is a trending and useful way of developing commerce into our modern generation. This is why creating chatbots that will enhance this method will surely help boot that popularity and sales of the company. With Mobile Monkey, creating useful and efficient conversations on Facebook is achievable. It is used in managing a number of lead generation activities such as chat blasts, drip campaigns, and list building. It has an automatic customer service that generates frequently asked questions into best suitable solutions.

12. ManyChat

Maintaining old patrons is essential, but having new prospected costumers is crucial in running a business. This is why ManyChat thought of a way to welcome new users by sending them contents, schedule posts, set up keyword auto-responses, and much more. By doing this, new customers will find your customer service to be more friendly and reliable. This is also an efficient cost because it is offered for free.

13. PandoraBots

Communication is always the key to good transactions; may it be in building relationships or customer interactions. With PandoraBots, communicating with local and international customers is made easier with its multilingual feature. It also allows you to incorporate a bot hosting service and natural language processing engine into your application. Moreover, you can easily build and deploy chatbots on your website, applications, and other popular messaging platforms by enabling two-way communication scale.

14. Chatscript

Winning the Loebner’s Award four times already, you can already see how Chatscript is one of the best Bot Platform there is. It is a rule-based engine which makes conversations more efficient and straight to the point. Also, this engine offers many features like pattern matching aimed at detecting meaning and simple rule layout. Moreover, it has integrated tools that can maintain and test large systems.

15. Reply.Ai

This is one of the best enterprise-level bot-building and management platforms. Its visual bot builder makes it easier to build bots as it enables useful two-way communication at scale. Moreover, its dashboard has built-in CRM, machine learning, and real-time insights. It helps in creating smarter and faster bots. Customer service is noted to be better with this engine.

16. Meya.AI

Running a business is the best experience with easier assistance in messaging costumers and creating support applications. With Meya.AI, building bots is like raising a child that you can train, host, and scale its abilities and communication skills. It also allows for easier integration with third-party platforms.

17. Boost.Ai
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This engine helps enterprises in building their personalized chatbots that they can use in specific actions. Boost Ai provides quicker support to costumers for a faster transaction. Moreover, this is possible by providing the best solutions that they have gathered and analyzed through ordinary conversations and frequently asked questions.

HeroBot as your best chatbot platform

If you are looking for a bot platform that will provide you with accessible and easy-to-build bots, HeroBot is the one for you. It will surely help you run and expand your business through Facebook Messenger Bot for drip campaigns, lead generations, sales, and support. It can also minimize your labor by automated communication and growth tools that are helpful for any industries. Scheduling, posting, tagging, and discovering is also easier with these chatbot creations.

The world is continuously growing and developing with technologies used in our everyday lives. Moreover, it is only natural for entrepreneurs to align their mode of business with the norm. This is why bots are developed and are now being used by numerous companies. Bots do not only increase the efficiency of their business but also the cost of labor. However, how do you know that you have entrusted your business in the hands of the right bot platform?

In this matter, you will need to be with the most trustworthy and efficient bot platform that will not lead your business to bankruptcy. With HeroBot, we are sure to give you the best bot experience. Visit our website for more information.