Analyzing the Best Way to Build a Twitter Chatbot

twitter chatbot

You might not realize how widespread chatbots are right now. According to Business Insider, 80 percent of businesses will likely want to invest in a chatbot by 2020. And true enough, most online brands today have a chatbot at the frontlines of customer service. They’re commonly situated on social media platforms to meet where consumers are. And a stark example of this is a Twitter chatbot.

As with any other chatbot, you can make a Twitter chatbot in many different ways. Although its functions may slightly differ from other chatbots, it still has one primary purpose in mind: to increase customer engagement. Though, it’s effectiveness can lie in its programming and development. So to make the most out of it, you need to find the best way to build your Twitter chatbot.

Analyzing the Best Way to Build a Twitter Chatbot

Why You Should Get A Twitter Chatbot

Before analyzing the ways of building a Twitter chatbot, we have to discuss its importance. Constructing a chatbot on Twitter may be one of the best uses of the software. Compared to other social media platforms, Twitter is one of the most bot-friendly channels available to chatbots. This is due to recent updates on the platform’s Direct Messaging (DM) capabilities, making business-consumer conversations easier:

Welcome Messages

Businesses can set planned messages to consumers, even without prior user engagement. This feature allows brands to take the initiative, leading prospects to products, deals, and websites.

Quick Replies

Additionally, businesses also make conversations smoother by offering a set of replies to choose from. These prompted responses help save time and reduce confusion when trying to interact with chatbots. This feature is also great for chat-centric platforms like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, minimizing customer effort.

At this point, Twitter is making the transition from being a micro-blogging app to a more chat-friendly social media platform. From amassing millions of users, making the jump towards a messaging app is the next best choice. This move particularly suits chatbots, as chatbots fit the rapid messaging experience perfectly–consumers want short but speedy replies at the edge of their fingertips.

Furthermore, a recent study shows that replying on Twitter can heighten customer relations. Given good customer responses, customers are 44 percent more likely to share their experience on Twitter compared to other platforms. Customer satisfaction is more transparent on Twitter as it is a bite-sized blogging space where people can air their thoughts more freely.

Moreover, the study also found that brand responsiveness and consumer spending habits go hand-in-hand. Users are more likely to spend on brands that are more receptive. It also showed that faster replies played a factor in generating revenue. Users’ willingness to connect on the next interaction increased when brands in 5 minutes or less.

What to Consider in a Twitter Chatbot

There is no one way to build a Twitter chatbot. With the abundance of third-party developers and chatbot development tools, virtually anyone can make a Twitter chatbot at this point. Although there are still some considerations when it comes to making one. It’s always a marketing strategy at the end of the day, and marketing strategies require the right execution. Factors such as audience, distribution, and long-term goals are essential to its success. Here are some details to consider in making your Twitter chatbot:

To AI or not to AI?

We get it: AI is excellent. We have reached a point where chatbots can have engaging interactions, all thanks to AI. Chatbot software has made it possible for bots to carry out numerous tasks, from scheduling meetings to reporting the time of the day. Companies also have a more comprehensive range with a chatbot, as they can respond to more consumers in a short amount of time. But this begs the question: do you need a high-powered AI chatbot to answer customer queries?

For a Twitter chatbot, where users will only engage for inquiries, an intelligent AI Twitter chatbot might not be necessary. You can achieve the same outcome with a rule-based chatbot, which costs less and takes less effort to tweak and develop. The key here is clear responses and an efficient customer reply flow. The Quick Replies feature helps in this regard.

Chatbot goals are crucial in these times of developing, as it helps set expectations accordingly. Looking back at what you want to achieve with your Twitter chatbot is essential to its success.

Do you need a developer?

Making a Twitter chatbot is not as easy as it looks. While many third-party developers offer an easy click-and-drag interface, chatbot creation doesn’t stop at implementation. Chatbots need to be tweaked regularly to maintain effectiveness, and should always be up-to-date with the latest trends in communication. To add, Twitter chatbots require a server to handle customer requests and integration into the platform’s API. So having a support team behind your chatbot can help it become the best version it can be.

Although with enough resources, there might not be a need to consult developers for your chatbot. It all comes down to whether you can develop it on your own or if you need help from third-party developers. Some Twitter partners provide tools for the development of Twitter chatbots, so developer experience is not required in this aspect. But take in mind: third-party development tools can vary, so be sure to choose one with tools that you want.

More human or more bot?

When you implement a chatbot, it is going to be the face of the business. So it goes without saying that the chatbot must represent company goals and objectives while still being easy to talk to. This is where tone and grammar have vital roles: chatbots have to sound natural to maintain customer responsiveness.

Since chatbots are so versatile, you can program a chatbot beyond planned responses. Chatbot conversations can be more engaging with natural language processing or NLP, where chatbots can learn from past interactions and tweak responses accordingly. But while NLP is making waves in the chatbot community, it’s not necessary the “end-all, be-all” of chatbot communication.

While sounding natural is the key to connecting customers, it’s not a good idea to make the bot sound too natural. No matter how you spin it, a chatbot is a chatbot; nothing more, nothing less. So while it might be a good idea for your bot to have a personality, it’s still a bot at the end of the day.

The Best Way to Build a Twitter Chatbot

You can develop your own Twitter chatbot in many different ways. But in reality, there is no ‘best way’ to build a Twitter chatbot. It all depends on what you want to do you’re your chatbot, and how you plan to do it. And remember, your Twitter chatbot is only as good as you program it, so constant development is the key. Looking at areas of improvement is an excellent place to start after implementation. Making a chatbot is only half the battle, after all. Testing it out with users to see how it fares with users is also essential.

Analyzing the Best Way to Build a Twitter Chatbot

Listed below are some factors to consider for the best improvement in your Twitter chatbot:

Message volume

When you make a Twitter chatbot, expect tons of replies in your inbox, whether on a daily or hourly basis. If your current server, whether your own or a third-party developer’s, cannot handle the load, it might be time to upgrade your systems to accommodate your customers.


As stated earlier, the chatbot is the face of the business, and if it doesn’t get enough engagement, it may be due for revisions. CTR, also known as clickthrough rate, will tell if a chatbot is doing its job correctly. You can trace CTR problems in a variety of factors in your Twitter chatbot, such as the chat flow (Is it too long or is it too short?), the planned replies, how the chatbot converses, etc.

Problems resolved

A chatbot’s primary goal is to make the user experience better, including answering questions when people need it. Regularly check if your Twitter chatbot is handling queries effectively. The number of problems resolved will tell whether the chatbot is a boon or a bane to the business.

Digitalize with HeroBot today!

With the advent of tech development, there may be hundreds or even thousands of Twitter bot builders online right now. But nothing beats the value that HeroBot offers for your business. You’ll have access to top-of-the-line tools at competitive prices. Best of all, there’s an expert team to guide you through the process. Check out the website for plans and other details!

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

messenger chat bot

Eight billion is the number of messages that are sent over Facebook Messenger every month. 1.3 billion, on the other hand, is the number of active Messenger users each month. With these numbers, it’s hard to deny the potential that a messenger chat bot has as a marketing tool. This is a new tactic called “messenger marketing,” where businesses use a mobile chat app to connect with customers. Messenger marketing is not just limited to Facebook Messenger, but its also available to other platforms like Telegram, Viber, WeChat, etc. It provides users easy access when subscribing to business campaigns, updates via widgets like chat bots.

The use of messenger chat bots today is in full swing. You don’t need to pay someone to deliver messages as chat bots are everywhere. Its use is highly valued in the labor market for its ability to engage in conversation without the supervision of a human agent. Since it’s automated, it saves time for both the customer and the business. This time-efficient feature is what makes customers subscribe to the brand faster and what keeps company resources.  Marketing professionals and tech experts agree that in a few years from now, chat bots will handle customer inquiries completely.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

To add, messenger chat bots are no longer simple input-output machines. While they are still great information collectors and organizers, they have evolved to do so much more. This is due to the integration of artificial intelligence or AI, which expanded chat bot functions exponentially. Newer, AI-powered bots can now engage in small-talk and learn from past user interactions. Hence, this opens up new opportunities to utilize them in digital marketing strategies.

Choose Your Fighter: Messenger Marketing vs. Email Marketing

Choosing between the two seems absurd since both have their specific purposes. Messenger marketing is useful in terms of growing the brand’s audience and service awareness through social media apps. Email marketing is prominent for sharing things like news, brand updates, and promotional offers right into a user’s inbox. But since people are unlikely to open their email inbox, they cannot respond urgently to messages. In short, it’s one-way communication most of the time, unlike messenger marketing that encourages real-time two-way communication. Whenever customers have questions regarding the brand, they are likely to ask via messenger instead of email.

Meanwhile, combining these two is not a bad idea. Using both channels can help you address customer demands quickly. Utilize this as much as possible to increase engagement with your audience. The only limitation here is the internet connectivity. In this way, you will be updated with the progress of your business as well as with your customers. Generate FAQs not only increase engagement and traffic to your site but also to gain the trust of prospected customers.

Why Messenger Chat Bots?

Messenger chat bots are now essential to improving sales. Aside from cutting down on routine tasks, they help gain customer loyalty due to the speedy replies in processing customer requests. These bots are also a convenient widget that can deliver content as they have a higher response rate, unlike traditional marketing channels. They can send relevant information and notifications regarding upcoming events. These chat bots can also offer excellent opportunities to re-engage prospects.

Traffic and lead generation are the two things to consider when talking about online marketing. The truth is, it is the biggest challenge among online marketers. Knowing the benefits of marketing methods alone is not sufficient to reach target customers. While most marketing strategies can be both challenging and expensive, messenger chat bots are easy to make. What’s more is that you can integrate them without breaking a sweat. Thus, businesses are resorting to messaging apps, given that messaging app users are continuously growing. Today, it has become a platform where brands and customers meet.

The best part is, they’re a business solution that doesn’t break the bank. With human agents, companies need to factor in salaries, employee benefits, bonuses, and all that jazz. Human agents are limited in the sense that you can only have a number working at a time, which can hurt sales. With a chat bot, your brand can accommodate tens to hundreds of users at a time, without the hassle of working hours or agent availability.

What Messenger Chat Bots Do

Gone are the days of waiting for hours on end to get a call back from a business. Engagement between brand and consumer is now a click away. This is the newfound power that comes with messenger marketing–near-instant response times. Companies, whether they’re only starting or established competitors, are now incorporating messenger chat bots in their daily operations. But exactly how do they use this new technology to drive sales?

Here are some of the capabilities of messenger chat bots today:

1. Customer Service Improvement

Searching answers to the FAQ section can consume precious time. Most users do not have, or rather, do not want to spend their time scrolling for the answers to their questions. Waiting times are also a bother, as customers do not like to wait around. These problems are made obsolete by messenger chat bots.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

2. 24/7 Uptime

Messenger chat bots are one chat away. Writing and sending your questions on an item or service can only take minutes to be processed. You can also write to them at any time of the day since chat bots don’t need to rest. You need not worry if you’re asking about a particular product or service at around 3 AM since these chat bots have your back.

Engaging Conversations

Instead of reading through a great wall of text, you can be at ease when talking to a messenger chat bot. You can get the information you want and when you want it. These chat bots help you navigate through the sea of information on company websites.

3. Faster Response Times

The thing about messaging apps today is that everything is instant. With a stable internet connection, it will only take moments for your message before its sent. This is as if you were asking them in real-time. Chat bots can reply as soon as possible, and this helps converts more visitors into buyers.

4. Saves Company Resources

In a nutshell, messenger chat bots lessen employee workload. Chat bots can handle the usual day-to-day questions while employees can focus on resolving more complicated issues in the customer inquiry department.

Reach New Heights with Messenger Marketing

Compared to other marketing techniques, messenger marketing is something else. It’s no longer a competition of who has the flashiest graphics or visual design. Today, it’s about who can reach the most customers faster. Brands are now racing on various social media apps on who can get the most likes, shares–the most user engagement out of everyone else.

And the birth of messenger chat bots has changed the game. These chat bots have now put customer engagement at an all-time high. And it will only get higher as more people download messaging apps. It’s the perfect time to attract potential customers and convert more leads with this new technology. Thus, it’s crucial to follow this trend before other brands follow suit. Here some of the ways that you can level up your messenger marketing efforts:

Provide meaty content

People access the internet for information. Satisfy them by giving adequate information about your brand and services. Instead of sending them the content via email or SMS, you can send it straight to their messaging app.

Lead your followers to relevant content

While providing content to your followers is your utmost concern, you can also direct them to content with messenger chat bots. Suggesting related sites or content helps them engage with the business, even if they don’t know what they’re looking for yet.

Remind people about upcoming events

Constant updates like this can make your customers value your brand better. An active, hands-on business is more attractive than a passive business.

Use ads to reach your audience

Since the typical user feed is chock full of ads, it is quite impossible to reach your customer without noise. By using messenger ads, you will redirect your customers towards your website. You can also re-engage past leads through ads. This gives you additional opportunity to reconnect with potential customers.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

Jumpstart your Business with Herobot

Messenger marketing is all the rage right now, and messenger chat bots are the newest tools in the digital marketing scene. And at a time where everything is digitalized, there’s no better opportunity to start using them other than today. Watch your brand grow as you boost sales and convert leads faster than before. Hop on over to our website at to learn how you can get started with your messenger chat bot. From bot creation to bot support, our specialized team will guide you through the whole process. Contact us for more details!

How Facebook Messenger Video Calls are Reinventing Connections

facebook messenger video call for android

As the old adage goes, no man is an island. This is especially true with humans, who cannot live without social interaction. It’s an important aspect of our lives, which is fulfilled through constant communication. Communication is what brings people together. We are always improving this with technology, like the invention of the Internet. And more recently, Facebook Messenger Video Calls.

This new technology allowed us to not only connect with people who might be miles away, but to connect with people from all over the world. To clarify, Facebook did not invent the video call technology. Rather, it only made it accessible to people–2.5 billion people, in fact. Anyone with a smartphone, whether it be Android or Apple, can avail this feature by downloading Facebook’s online messaging app, Facebook Messenger.

How Facebook Messenger Video Calls

Now, Facebook Messenger is more than a platform for online chatting and video calls. It’s also the biggest online messaging apps to date, where people can send messages, photos, videos, and audio recordings. Facebook Messenger Video Calls are only one aspect of Facebook Messenger, but even this feature can vary from one-on-one video calls and group video calls with up to 50 people. This is great way to connect groups of people online, without the need for physical meetups.

Facebook Messenger Video Calls Amid COVID-19

The new coronavirus pandemic has taken the world by storm. It caught several countries by surprise, and by the first quarter of 2020, a number of countries had already closed borders to observe lockdown measures. The global economy went on the decline. Businesses worldwide have been forced to shut down. Online classes went on the rise.

More than ever, Facebook has become a crucial platform to maintain communications. With people staying in during the pandemic, going online is now the way to go. This led to the launching of Messenger Rooms.

Messenger Rooms was created out of a growing need to accommodate more people in Facebook Messenger Video Calls. This new feature allowed users to video chat with up to 50 people at a time with no time limit. Anyone can join, and Rooms can be created from either Messenger or Facebook. This encourages the platform for online classes or virtual business meetings.

Facebook Messenger Video Calls in the Corporate World

Social media platforms have become a necessity for businesses operating in the 21st century. Since the advent of the digital era, businesses who don’t adapt to the online are easily left behind. These include not only social media platforms, but online platforms like LinkedIn and Shopify that can boost their business.

Facebook Messenger Video Calls are also a great tool for organizing businesses. During a time where physical distancing is king, these online video calls are a great way to check up on employees. They can also be used as make-shit conferences in the absence of meeting rooms, and are just as functional as an actual meeting. It can be argued that it’s more efficient even, as it disposes the need of traveling to a meeting venue and renting out a conference room.

It’s also not limited to within an organization too. Facebook Messenger Video Calls can be used to set up meetings with clients, or get in touch with other businesses. Face-to-face communications open a much more conducive environment that is more open for negotiations, unlike emails which are succinct and most of the time, straightforward.

And with more younger people entering the workforce, it makes sense to make the shift into the era of video calls. Businesses always have to be on the next big thing if they want to stay ahead of the competition. It can also be a great way to utilize younger members of the organization to directly engage with customer needs.

How Facebook Messenger Video Calls

But video calls can only take you so far. It has its limitations, and these limitations can vary not only to Facebook Messenger Video Calls, but to other platforms as well. With each benefit, it also has its downsides such as being subject to camera quality, internet connectivity, and platform support.

The Role of AI in Video Calls

As technology evolves, video calls are only getting better and better. Before Facebook Messenger Video Calls became an option for business calls, there are already a number of video conferencing apps like Zoom and Skype. These apps have transformed personal face-to-face video calls into online corporate conferences that bring employees together in real time. And with how online platform are booming, it’s only natural that features adapt and evolve to the needs of consumers.

One of the innovations in this aspect is the integration of Artificial Intelligence or AI in video call technology. AI has proven to be very effective in various sectors such as Marketing and Sales. Recent advancements in the technology help improve user experience and cut down on time-consuming tasks through automation.

Below are some of the examples how AI is changing video calls:

Noise suppression

Ambient noise is unavoidable, unless you work in a secluded and shut-off environment. There will always be noise, whether its from an electric fan or your feet shuffling in your chair. AI is able to clean up the noise input before transmitting it in your calls and assure that your colleagues or your clients will only hear your voice and nothing else.

Hi-res video calls

The quality of a video call often depends on what video codec is being used by the platform. Choosing the best one with the proper parameters will naturally improve the quality of the video call. But platform video codecs are often set and users are forced to settle with the current video quality. But with AI, the quality of the call can be greatly improved by adjusting the right video codec based on the quality requirements and what the end-user’s network can allow. This way, Facebook Messenger Video Calls as well as other platforms quality can be improved for the better.

Natural language processing

This feature is relatively new in the video conferencing applications. It allows AI to takes virtual notes of meetings, transcribe conference audio, and list down important points. Also, it can allow translation of conversations in different languages. And this feature can also be integrated with virtual assistant or chatbots that can enable them to join and leave meetings with a voice command.

Video optimization

Video calls with better resolution aside, AI can also help fix inconsistencies in videos such as lighting and color issues. By automatically finding these issues, it can take the necessary steps to correct them by adjusting light balance, focus, and other details. Other features can include gaze correction and even background modification to emulate a more professional environment.

In addition, AI can also detect and shift the focus onto the person who is speaking. This can help audiences recognize speakers during online conferences and ensure full attention to the speakers.

The Role of AI in Consumer Connections

Apart from shaping video calls as we know it, AI has also helped chatbot technology reach new heights. Chatbots are no longer mere question-and-answer machines; with AI, chatbots are able to engage in conversation, improve user interaction, and many more. And what’s more is that this type of technology is now accessible more than ever, with the rise of online messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger.

How Facebook Messenger Video Calls

And this widespread accessibility across platforms is what makes it attractive for businesses, especially the ones who are still transitioning online. Tech reports show that by 2020, 80 percent of businesses will want to have their own chatbot. So far, a majority of online companies already do. Brands can easily reach out to their customers online to provide better customer service and maintain after-sales support. AI chatbots in particular offer a unique user experience with the use of personalized responses tailored to user questions and interests.

In addition, chatbots are also cheaper and cost less to maintain compared to human representatives. With smart chatbots, businesses can ensure 24/7 conversational AI support within arms’ reach. 

Assemble your own Chatbot today!

With the shift towards the digital environment, Facebook Messenger Video Calls will have to adopt the use of AI sooner or later. Current times make it hard for organizations to streamline tasks like transcribing the minutes of a meeting. AI can help in this demand as to cut down on laborious tasks through automation. Consumer needs are always changing, so businesses must always adapt to these changes in order to stay ahead. This is also true for chatbot technology; it’s never too late to get your own.

If you’re wondering where to begin, Herobot has the right solution for you. You can create your own AI-ready chatbot with the most advanced tools in chatbot development software. Our talented crew will help guide you through the process to make sure that when you build with us, you build it right.

Ready to get started? Check out our website at for more details.

Benefits of a Customer Service Chatbot to Digital Marketing

customer service chatbot

A customer service chatbot is a software program that allows conversation between the customer and the company. It utilizes instant messaging to send an inquiry and to respond as well. Artificial intelligence fuels this software. Customer service chatbot is often integrated into company websites and social media applications that feature messaging. However, there are still companies that hire humans to provide customer support. They have not heard of the countless benefits that a customer service chatbot brings to the company.

High customer satisfaction is one of the many goals of a company. It is a very important deciding factor to improve and manage the products or service of a business. Higher customer satisfaction results in customer loyalty and devotion. It is advantageous against competition. Many companies are offering the same products and services. Having a proof of customer satisfaction appeals to other potential customers.

customer service chatbot

How Customer Service Chatbot helps

Additionally, satisfied customers spread positive word of mouth to their friends and families. Customer satisfaction is not only about repurchases. It is also about acquiring new customers. According to research, 73% of customers say customers have satisfaction when the company values their time. Thus, customer satisfaction is all about providing efficient customer service. Companies are continuously improving and investing in customer service support. The latest trend in providing customer support today is a customer service chatbot.

Top benefits of a customer service chatbot

Saves money and human resources

Many companies are neglecting the idea of customer service chatbot. The main reason for this negligence is monetary. On the contrary, it is more cost-effective to use than human resources. There is no need to hire more employees to provide customer support. Since humans cannot work 24 hours a day, companies need two to three sets of staff. Three sets of employees mean higher operational costs for their needs.

Meanwhile, with the use of a customer service chatbot, there is no need to hire people to do night shifts. Employees, on the other hand, can increase productivity. The basic role like answering simple questions is now the job for the chatbot. So, it allows employees to focus on more important aspects of their job. This aid not only saves money but also increases job satisfaction of employees.

24/7 availability of customer support

Customers’ needs are unpredictable. Any time of the day or night, a customer can ask a question about the company’s services. Their needs may arise even after office hours. However, queries during this time should not be neglected. It can cause dissatisfaction on the part of the customer. Problems may also arise when their question or issue is not addressed immediately. That is why there should always be an available person to answer these questions. But, adding a support team working at the wee hours is costly for a company.

Luckily, a customer service chatbot is less costly and does not tire. It can work 24 hours a day without decreasing its efficiency. They can respond anytime of the day or night. There is no need for customers to wait for a long time to get their much-needed answers. As a result, they would feel that their time is valued by the company. Thus, making them loyal supporters and satisfied customers.

Provides instant responses

As problems may arise anytime, chatbots are ready to give quick solutions. Being on hold for a long time can cost the company its customers. People in the modern world get everything in an instant. That is why waiting time is not their favorite thing in the world. They want instant responses to their queries. Answers should not only be instant but relevant. A customer service chatbot may not provide a 100% relevant answer to a question. But, it can reduce frustration on the part of the customer.

While waiting for a human resource who can thoroughly answer the question, the chatbot can fill in for the mean time. An initial response of a chatbot is better than receiving nothing at all. It is better to give an instant solution that partly solves the problem than to make them wait. A chatbot can at least buy time for a human agent to focus on the more critical aspect of the solution to the customer’s problems.

Performs consistently and accurately

Since it is by artificial intelligence, a customer service chatbot gives efficient responses. It can perform repetitive tasks without reducing accuracy. Human agents may get to a point saturation on their job. Instances like this happen when there is nothing new on the job that they are doing. Answering frequently asked questions every day can put them in this state. Reaching this point may decrease their efficiency.

But, this cannot happen to a customer service chatbot. It does not need a break from all the workload. A chatbot also does not get saturated about its job even if it is repetitive. It performs all action at the same level of efficiency and accuracy even if it is repetitive. In fact, they are intentionally performing tasks like these.

customer service chatbot

Decreases customer frustration

Problems that may arise from the company’s services and products are often the same for one customer and another. But, customers have different versions of their problems. Thus, they demand a version of the solution personalized to their problem. Interactive voice response (IVR) systems during phone calls do not provide this kind of response. IVR systems are programs that give the same response and options that customers do not favor for.

Sometimes, customers do not know which department should their question be addressed to. Reaching a wrong department results in customer frustration. With the help of a chatbot, a customer need not be directed to a department. In cases they really want to talk to a person, they may do so. Customers will be connected to a department with the help of chatbot. Since a customer service chatbot can gather data accurately, it will also route a customer to the appropriate department. This way, time and resources are saved while customers are also receiving personalized responses.

Reduces customer anxiety

Faulty IVR systems are not the only cause of stress for a customer. There are customers who get anxious when talking to a human agent about their issue. Some customers are not confident enough talking to strangers about their concerns in the company’s services. A customer service chatbot is often preferred by people who experience anxiety.

Through chatbots, they need not be transferred from one department to another. The instant response and solution that the chatbot provides lessens their emotional stress. For these people, the issue they are raising is stressful enough already. A response that can cause them more stress is the last thing they want to get.

Improves self service

Some people are more comfortable solving their problems on their own. There are just customers who do not believe that a chatbot knows what is best for their issue. But, they still need a chatbot to provide them options. A customer service chatbot can instruct customers without the help of a human agent. After gathering information about the problem of the customer, relevant solutions are provided by the chatbot. This feature gives the customer an option to fix the issue by their own means. Chatbots are providing possible solutions but also give the customer a chance to do it on their own.

Versatile in terms of language

Customers of a global company vary in languages that they use. Inquiries and problems may arise from different parts of the world. Thus, it requires a globally renowned company to hire multilingual customer support staff. But, it is difficult and costly to do so. Luckily, a customer service chatbot can work with several languages. Since it is run by an AI, it will not take the chatbot years to learn a language. Also, chatbots can detect accurate intents of the customers. While it is not comparable to a person who is fluent in a foreign language, it can reduce the costs of the company on hiring more multilingual staff.

Gathers accurate data

Part of providing customer support is gathering data to improve services. Problems that the customers experience contributes to enhancing and developing new services and products. But, a human agent cannot recall an entire conversation thoroughly. Details from a problem and the provided solution may not be accurate if the only reference is the memory of a person. With no offense intended, a person’s memory is not entirely reliable. Some details may be left out or interpreted with bias.

Use Herobot now!

On the other hand, a customer service chatbot is more reliable. It records the data from the conversation accurately. There are also chatbots that are programmed to provide data analytics from the recorded conversations. This data is more accurate to rely on, especially during company decision making.

customer service chatbot

In today’s industry, artificial intelligence is a tool for an automated workflow. Companies invest in AIs to improve services. A customer service chatbot is a great investment for a company. Herobot is one of the many companies in the business world that creates customer service chatbot. Visit their page at  to learn more about them.

Revamping Restaurant Industry with Chatbot Software

chatbot software

It is no surprise how chatbot software is dominating almost every industry in the economy. With its many benefits to consumers and brands, chatbot software has easily gained a reputation in the online world. Digital savvy businesses are continuously taking a step forward to provide the consumers with a level-up experience and convert more sales. Today, even the restaurant industry is leaping to this new era of technology. 

Why chatbot software playing a key role in the restaurant industry? Being traditionally behind the curve of the online world, this industry has been slow in incorporating the latest technology trends in their online marketing strategy. Some are lucky enough to have the seats fully booked through word of mouth and savory tasting food however, some are failed to do so. This is where chatbots step in, to fill this loophole and help these restaurants in paving their way to success.

chatbot software

How Chatbot Software is Paving the Way to Your Restaurant’s Success

How can chatbot software help? Can they be used to book the table? Take customer orders? Create menu suggestions? You won’t believe this but, yes. The answer is yes. It may be too good to be true but chatbot software is playing a vital role to help your business conquer its way up. But before you set up your chatbot software with your website and social media accounts, you need to plan out first how exactly will you be using chatbots. Identify the goals, mission, and problems and create a strategic plan. 

More so, to give you a clear idea, here is how chatbot software can help you grow your business:  

Cater reservation services 

Managing and serving customers is a very time-consuming task. Let alone if it is peak season and customer orders keep coming in and out of your online platform. Human errors can happen anytime. Thus, it means that the wrong order might happen from time to time and will result in two not so good things — customer complaints and losses on your business. 

Through the help of chatbot software deployed on your website, social media accounts, phone, and other possible platforms, you can eliminate and prevent these human errors from damaging your brand image and elevate your customer’s experience. Chatbot software can help you interact with customers quickly and guarantees that the order is 100% correct. 

Enhance table service

Many of us have experienced asking or ordering something from a waiter/ waitress and the unknowingly forgot about it. These inevitable human lapses usually happen and it is a common problem in your restaurants. But with chatbots, it can be ensured that your customer’s order is served promptly. It will leave a good experience for your customers and will surely give a good rate to your brand.

Use to promote special deals and offers

Chatbots are so wise that it can gather customer’s email addresses and can send push notifications. This means that chatbots are not only streamlining your customer service but also your marketing strategies. Chatbot software can remember all regular customers (which the human counterpart cannot) and send them messages to encourage these regular customers to come back. They can send offers and special promotions via different online platforms like Facebook Messenger, email, text message, etc. 

Can create a personalized food recommendations

The ability to remember your customer’s favorite foods out of your menu makes them feel special and valued. Chatbots can create a personalized food recommendation by understanding what your customers want is an ultimate marketing tool. It can be a better and faster solution than instructing your employees to know them inside and out of your menu to be able to make such recommendations. Chatbot software brilliantly collects past purchase transactions and gather this data to know the likes of the customers. More so, it uses these data to recommend the right drink or sides that would perfectly match their orders.  

Streamline delivery and takeaway process

Delivery or take away procedures in most restaurants have complicated processes that customers are tired of. Fortunately, chatbots can simplify the order process even for delivery and takeout orders. Chatbots are a multitasker. They can handle orders while chitchatting with your customers making it less hassle and more convenient for your customers. 

Gathers and follow up customer feedback

Getting good reviews is crucial in making your business grow. It is like a word of mouth that can be seen online. For modern consumers, reviews are very important. Sites like trip advisor and yelp have a wide variety of restaurants and places to visits. Along with this restaurant’s page are reviews from previous customers. If your restaurant’s page has good reviews, it will most likely invite more customers.

chatbot software

However, the hard thing is following up with a single customer to leave a review of your restaurant is time extensive tasks. One of the finest things that chatbot can offer is its ability to send automated reminders from customers who have checked-in in your diner. More so, they can ask permission for the user’s email to use it for email marketing purposes. 

Saves both employee and customer’s time

One of the biggest fear in the emergence of the chatbot is that it may cause unemployment to people since it can replace them in their jobs. But this was just a popular myth circling. On the contrary, it helps employees to save their time for more complicated tasks. Instead of suffering from overloaded work, an employee can enjoy doing their work without the simple tasks that take time. Chatbots can do basic tasks such as answering simple queries, scheduling and plotting the reservation of customers, collating information about the customers, and the like. 

On the other hand, customers are fonder of chatbot software because it is easy to talk with and makes transactions simple. 

Increase customer retention

Customers feel valued when their needs are catered rapidly. Also, modern customers are more likely to support your diner when you have great customer service and food to dine. Chatbot software engages with your target consumers, guide them in their searches, and share your menu and pricing information and offers friendly conversation. All of these things build affinity with potential customers and helps in converting sales.  

Maximizing Chatbots: Bring New Service to the Table

Finding the Nearest Store

Your customers are too busy with their daily life routine that looking for the nearest resto near them needs to be less nitty-gritty. With the usage of chatbot software, a single click could easily lead their way to the nearest diner. It can even send a map to guide customers. It is less hassle for customers who have a scheduled round the clock. And if a person will be meeting someone in your restaurant, they can easily send the direction to them. 

Reordering your all-time favorite menu

Ordinarily, you need to be in a coffee shop every day and encounter the same crew for them to be familiarized with you and your order. It takes time for a human to remember your favorite menu. But with a chatbot, single order or two would be enough to save the data. The next time you will order, all you have to do is to say that you want to order your all-time favorite and boom! Your order is now preparing. 

Buying and sending out surprises

Is there a special occasion you do not want to miss but you are too busy at work? Send your loved ones gifts and surprises during a special celebration in just a click. Through chatbot operated order transactions, you can offer this kind of promo to customers. It will surely hit the ball every time because it is very convenient. 

Build Your Restaurant Chatbot with Herobot!  

From a business point of view, it is no brainer that chatbot software is indeed a winning masterpiece for your brand. It can help you with your marketing, customer service, and sales conversion in many ways. It is also becoming popular with consumers. The research found that 69% of consumers prefer to use chatbots and that brands with chatbots increase brand reliability for them. 

In this fastly changing world, market trends have been continuously curving from one platform to another. As business owners, you need to help your brand in keeping up with the curve. Your brand needs to have a voice in the digital space otherwise, it will create losses on your end. In the same manner, integrating chatbots with your present social media accounts and website will help a lot in increasing your sales and customer retention. 

chatbot software

In today’s business world where competition is tough, it is best to stay on the trend to avoid being left behind. Chatbots are one of the powerful tools to help your business grow. There are many types and ways to program chatbots, with Herobot, we can help you design the best chatbot according to your needs. Whether it be a multitasking chatbot that can take orders or multipurpose chatbots that is flexible for both sales, marketing, and customer service, we can make it for you. Visit our website today to know more! 

Monkey Website Chatbots in Mental Health Awareness

monkey website

There are a lot of reasons why people are experiencing mental health problems around the world. Anxiety about peer pressure along with other issues arises along with the fear of shuttering job security and individual safety. Such strong emotions can be overwhelming and too much to handle for many. Due to this factor, experts noted that it has resulted in an increasing number of mental health issues. Good thing, our technology have monkey website chatbots that serve as an instrument to reach those who need someone to talk.

How did online chatbots become a new “leap” in mental health awareness? Basically, chatbots are conversational AI that is programmed based on a certain purpose to communicate with people. It is widely used in the eCommerce and has been continuing booming to improve customer service.

Why Use Monkey Website Chatbots in Healthcare?

Monkey website chatbots or conversational AI are making waves in the field of the healthcare industry. The healthcare profession is very in demand because there is an increasing number of people who need medical attention. No physical injuries have easily healed on its own without medical assistance. No infections have been healed without operation. Likewise, no mental health issue has been resolved without healthcare assistance.

There are approximately seven billion people on the whole planet and a big part of this population needs healthcare assistance. More so, with the increasing rate of suicide in today’s world, technology cannot prevent but intervene to lower the rate of the said case. Here are some of the advantages of chatbots in the health protection industry.

 Useful tools to provide information to patients

Nowadays, information is easily available online and people are hungry for new learnings as well. Chatbots can be an effective source of accurate information. More so, it can save the inquirer’s time to answer medical-related questions. Generic questions like information about the prescription of drugs and the like can be answered by online chatbots.

Aids the Shortfall in qualified professionals

Wholly, there is a global shortage of healthcare professionals to take care of patients who need treatment. With the assistance of chatbots, basic or simple medical inquiries doesn’t have to be brought in clinics or hospital. Thus, it can be done online effectively.

Enhance the brand identity of healthcare institutions

Because of chatbot’s rapid response, customers are giving positive responses to the customer service of healthcare institutions employing chatbots. More so, it can be contacted round the clock and just one click away so it is very convenient.

Can gather feedback from patients

Just like how chatbots can be used in the marketing field and e-commerce, it can also be a great channel to get feedback or reviews from clients. Learn the points that your clinic needs to improve. Do you have proper after treatment service? Are your customers happy with the services? Did the treatment work nicely to your customers? There are tons of things you need to know and with monkey website chatbots you can easily gather information.

Remind patients of important healthcare to-dos

One of the best abilities of medical chatbots is that it can create personalized reminders for patients. They are like an alarm clock that send patients messages to let them know that it is time to take medicine. If the patient has an incoming appointment with a doctor, it can also remind the person concerned. Moreover, it can monitor the patient’s health parameters.

Appointment setter

Amazingly, chatbots have the ability to schedule an appointment with doctors. Furthermore, they can find the nearest pharmacy, clinic, or hospital that you may visit depending on your needs.

Monkey Website in the Health & Wellness Industry

It is no secret that monkey website chatbots have been integrated into different industries. Because of its proven advantages, it has been incorporated in different fields like eCommerce, B2B, B2C, education, events, financial services, hospitality industry, health, and many more. 

Here’s how chatbots are used in healthcare industry:

Your Dr. Chatbot

Some health services provider websites have a chatbot that is programmed to have wide knowledge in the field of medicine. Just ping your inquiry, how you are feeling and this monkey website will give you advice and tips on what to do. Whether it be a first aid process, home remedy, or if you need to be diagnosed by a physician, it will let you know. Not only that you can get simple medical tips easily but can also save you time and money.

Your fitness tracker

Get rid of those monitoring graphs. Chatbots can now be your fitness tracker. Recording of a person’s heart beat or number of steps taken for a walk, all these can be monitored by chatbot accurately.

Your source of motivation

It also sends motivational messages, reminds you to rest, and even send fitness videos or tutorial guides. The objective is to allow you to do other things than work or study. You are a person who needs to take a break from time to time.

Your “alarm clock” 

Monkey Website can remind you when it is time to drink your medicine. Tell the bots when you should be taking your medicine and it will send you a message to remind you. It even sends a photo of the kind of pill you have to take.  

Your friendly bot

A monkey website can be your friend in this lonely world. When you feel alone, just hit the message button and talk to a chatbot. Sometimes, it is better to talk about your problems with chatbots than dealing with a toxic society.

Chatbots in Support Suicide Prevention

The benefits of monkey website in the healthcare industry are undeniably helpful to both health professionals and patients. Taking further, it has become a new hope for the industry to extend help to those who are suffering from anxiety and depression. Today, there are chatbots that talk with people suffering from mental health issues. Because it is round the clock available and easy to reach, it is very effective. It is also paving the way for non-traditional psychiatric treatment. Because the patient knows that he is talking to someone anonymous, it helps him to willingly open up her thoughts without being afraid of judgments.

In 2018, Lifeline, which is a non-profit organization that supports and provides suicide prevention services and mental health assistance, launched its first-ever chatbot. This monkey website is in partnership with Twitter. It was called #BeALifelineDirectMessageChatbot and aims to easily start a conversation with a person or family who is at risk or battling anxiety and other mental health issues.

Meeting People Where They Are

Almost everyone, if not all, is present in social media. This is one of the reasons why suicide prevention chatbots are important to be present in the digital space. Studies have shown that there is a high percentage of youth ages 13 to 24 years old who commit suicide. More so, the suicide rate has increased at an alarming rate for the last 10 years.

monkey website

Because of this alarming issue, one of the solutions that they saw is to reach young people who are suffering from mental health problems. And the most frequent place where these youngsters are on social media. With monkey website chatbots connected to social media, it will be easy for anyone to message it.

Start the change with monkey website

Monkey website chatbots are paving its way in different industries. With its continuous growth and shown flexibility, it has proven that regardless of the industry and need, chatbots can be helpful. Today, it is now starting to change the norm in terms of healthcare treatment and diagnosis. With its own intelligence and the convenience that it offers, chatbots can even save lives. Do you want to build your own chatbot for your health and wellness business?

Enquire now at, the leading chatbot programming company that offers multiple features to help your business create an effective marketing and customer service strategy. We have years of experience in building chatbots for different types of industries. With our topnotch services and a team of excellent professionals, we can surely help your business grow. Let your business grow with Herobot!

How Message Bots Revolutionalized The 20th Century

message bots

Now that we are in the era of technological advances, everything seems to get easier and better than before. The Internet has given us a lot of opportunities online, opening the gates of endless success. Different industries are now taking advantage of the surge. They use the benefits of artificial intelligence through message bots as a medium of their online businesses. May it is in healthcare, food, clothing, or car booking, message bots are technically everywhere.

Growing your business means gaining more customers. These customers are very demanding and attention-seekers. They want to be taken seriously and be your utmost priority. As customers discover the deepest corners of the Internet and become more active online, message bot becomes a crucial part of eCommerce. But how are these conversational bots crucial in eCommerce?

message bots

What is a message bot?

Also known as a chatbot, a message bot is computer software that simulates conversations and mimics human-like actions. They store conversational data from previous conversations and use it for future interactions. It is amazing how artificial intelligence allowed businesses to leverage the low-end and broad technology to gain more customer engagements.

Messaging is the heart of every mobile experience that’s why message bots are well suited for mobile users. Initially, they are less functional that the first time they were introduced online. Gone are the days where they only collect user’s phone numbers or email addresses. Developers have found a new way to integrate artificial intelligence to simple chat conversations and customer support. Now, message bots are setting a new definition of technological success.

Why is it important in e-commerce business?

Message bots have set a new and exquisite standard of marketing. Many businesses, whether big or small brands, prefer to use automated messages to assist customer’s queries. But what do these entrepreneurs see in using message bots as their number one marketing tool? Here are some of the reasons:

Message bots are highly drugged email marketers.

Are you using email marketing to gain a wider network of customers? Imagine if you make an email that automatically responds to users to answer queries. Message bots are both automatic and personalized so that users on the other end won’t think they are talking to bots. They are like emails, drugged with steroids, and thinking on their own. If there will be someone who responds to users on-set, you have a higher chance of successful customer gain.

Message bots upsell and cross-sell.

The e-commerce industry is a very competitive race. You are lucky enough to get customers who will patronize your brand.  Chatbots are necessarily more potent communication mediums. You are probably wondering how these message bots can upsell customer’s purchase and cross-sell if necessary. These bots provide personalized product tips and suggestions that will persuade your customers to buy a more expensive product. Using bots is a great way of boosting your sales as they guide your customer on their shopping journey. You may think that they are far much better than those sales ladies on traditional brick and mortar stores.

Message bots reduce operational costs.

As mentioned above, customers are very demanding and attention-seekers. These customers hate late responses that usually take a few hours. However, message bots change the usual gameplay. Bots are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Technically, there would be no room for late responses. They can solve and answer customer’s queries and even repetitive questions with no fail. More complex queries will be then left for human service agents, helping an increase in agents’ productivity.

Things To Consider When Building A Message Bot

1. Identify qualified business problems your bots can solve.

Before creating your chatbot for your business, make sure to identify how it can help you. Identify how it can lessen the load in customer support and minimize the use of human agents. Think of questions your bot can answer and tasks your bot can do so that it only deals with the people it can help.

2. Identify your primary use cases.

Uses of message bots are limitless. It is so broad that sometimes, misuse can lead you off-rails. Try to start from specific use cases depending on your industry or functions. This can keep your bots on track and avoid conflicts. Use cases with a specific focus as easier to test, use, and modify. They are more likely to be successful compared to bots with broader applications.

message bots

3. Consider your users.

It seems so natural to consider who will be your users, yet, they are always overlooked. Keeping in mind who are likely to use your bots is essential as it will help you build a more human-like engagement. Designing a user-friendly chatbot will avoid possible conflicts for your business.

4. Use a good dialog engine.

Using a good dialog engine when creating a chatbot is very important to avoid frustrated users. This will determine how good your bots can be.

Uses Of AI In Other Industries

Different industries are taking advantage of the benefits of message bot usage aside form e-commerce. However, these bots can vary in different industries depending on their effectiveness. Here are some of the industries that benefit greatly from using message bots.


Innovations in science and technology greatly benefit the medical field. Chatbots are now very essential for patients to book consultation appointments, medication intake reminders, prescription refills, and even meal plans. Message bots with advanced artificial intelligence can even monitor a patient’s health vitals, make diagnoses, and give medical tips and advice.


Now that people are giving value to their hard work and investments, bank savings are very in demand. Nowadays, banks utilize chatbots so that users can check their current account balance, make money transfer from one bank to another, and even calculate taxes real-time.

HR Recruitment

Recruitment agency chatbots can now automate candidate evaluation for a certain position. Most companies are now using this trend to process job applications and assess if a candidate fits for the job or not.

Real Estate

Now that real estate is booming, a lot of home seekers and apartment hunters are using the benefits of message bots. These chatbots help gather customer’s needs and preferences to offer more personalized suggestions or recommendations. Most of these bots can answer repetitive and common questions. Through this, they can help real-estate agents of brokers spend less time answering questions.

Travel and Tourism

Most of the travel agencies use chatbots to assist their customers. These bots can help travelers buy tickets, book a flight, reserve a hotel, and even have discounts or best deals. They are also handy and helpful as these bots inform users about weather forecasts and best travel destinations.

Challenges Message Bots May Face

Because of numerous technological innovations, chatbots or message bots stabilized their place in the market. But no matter how great and approachable a message bot can be, there may be challenges that might come along the way. They are just sets of binary numbers that need to be taken care of. Below are some of the most common:

1. Message Interpretation

One of the most common challenges when it comes to customer support is the bot’s ability to understand and interpret the user’s intent. Users have different ways of sending messages, may it be long, short, colloquial, or hazy. Advanced artificial intelligence is necessary for bots to be able to understand the message clearly from keywords, as much as possible.

message bots

2. Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing or NLP has limits and it is a big challenge when you customize and make adjustments for your bot’s behavior. NLP is the backbone of chatbots and making mistakes while programming could make miscommunication.

3. Style of Chatbot

Customers will hate it if they found out that they are talking to machines, especially if it’s about product complaints. They want affectionate interactions, more human-like. This means chatbots must act like humans.

4. Chatbot’s Personalization

Personalization simply keeps your user history intact. Since bots should save data from previous conversations for future interactions, users became more engaged. If a user is more engaged, it will keep him happy throughout the whole conversation. But the problem will arise from adapting appropriately to the user.

Revolutionize Yourself With Herobot

Science and technology are very revolutionary. Each year, innovations are being introduced, shaping new ways of lifestyle for humans. Now that message bots have just begun to revolutionize the 20th century, a deeper definition of success is yet to come. These bots put brands at the frontline of customers that are ready to buy. Using the best and finest bot mobiles is a great advantage.

If you haven’t used any bots for your business then now’s the time. We have the best solution for you that offers the most sophisticated mobile bot for your enterprise –the Herobot App. Using the most advanced tools available and best professional crews, you will be able to have the best customer engagements and enormous brand growth from chatbots offered by Herobot App. Check out more offers and great opportunities for your business at now.

Improve Customer Relationship with Artificial Intelligence Chatbot

artificial intelligence chatbot

A company cannot be successful just by itself. The greatest factor that will bring its success is its good relationship with its customers. However, this is where a lot of companies, especially the new ones, are having trouble with. Even if they build great products or guarantee a good service, they still can’t find loyal customers and increase their sales. This is where the customer service departments take control with artificial intelligence chatbots.

artificial intelligence chatbot

The customer service personnel are in charge on connecting with customers and helping them to whatever they need. However, this is not as easy job especially to small companies who cannot hire a large number of agents at once. A large number of inquiries is also a big problem for a developing company who is understaffed. Thus, the best way to solve this answer is to create an artificial intelligence chatbot that can answer multiple customers all at once.

How about artificial intelligence chatbot?

“Can machines think?” This is mathematician Allan Turning’s statement that made a significant mark in the history. As time the modern world undergo constant change, the lives of people are continuously improving and innovating. One of the examples of this innovation is the Artificial Intelligence or AI. This is a branch of applied science where machines are programmed and generated to think like the human brain. So the answer Allan Turning’s question is “yes” machines can think, but how?

Artificial Intelligence works with a vast amount of data and sophisticated algorithms that will be programmed to be a software that can do as specific task or goal. From the simplest to the most complex order, artificial intelligence is made to comprehend all of it. It has datasets where the brain or information that will be needed is placed. Good examples of this are robots. Just like humans, it can perceive and understand instructions. They are made to solve and do a specific task to achieve a certain goal.  Reasoning, learning, and perception are the main goal these machines. Before everything else, there will be a testing process to evaluate the system or application through trial and error.

First, it has datasets or databases where a large number of data needed are stored. It also has weights that correspond to the value that will be needed for the output. Next, it will require inputs from the user. The input will be analyzed and assessed by the AI and produce the output. If the software did not create the output it desires, it will adjust its weight until it constructs the correct one. Artificial Intelligence can be machine learning, neural network, computer vision, and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

But, what is NLP?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of artificial Intelligence that focuses on the interaction of humans and machines through natural language. It allows the machine to understand and decipher human languages. One good example of NLP is chatbot. This is a software program that uses the Internet and makes human connections to machines possible. Often called “conversational agents,” these chatbots mimic how a real person is talking to a user. It uses the Question and Answering System to have a real conversation or talk with a person.

With the utilization of the Internet, it connects to its user through words and voices in real-time. They have programs that enable it to talk and respond to a conversation at any time of the day. These collaborative software applications use Facebook, Telegram, Slack, etc. as their contact channel. As Forbes said, the chatbot industry exceeded $190.8 million in 2016. These chatbots are really useful in different fields and industries. Education, business, health, and social bots are prominent in every field.

Human Live Chat VS. Artificial Intelligence Chatbot

Chatbots can make an impact on the social and emotional feelings of an individual. As stated by Mauro de Gennaro in his study, Effectiveness of an Empathic Chatbot in Combating Adverse Effects of Social Exclusion on Mood, chatbots can give emotional support to an individual. These can also be a great help to relieve negative emotions and thoughts for your products and services. It gives no judgment and unbiased opinions.

But unlike humans, chatbots do not have any feelings. They can hurt someone without knowing or sympathize with them. Humans can offer to understand and care that machines cannot do, for short, humanity. Machines can never take the place of humans, BUT THEY CAN UPGRADE THEM. They are just programmed to perform specific conversations and engage with the users.

Whether chatbots or humans, everyone works together for a greater and stronger bond. But how are do these chatbots work? What is it made of?

artificial intelligence chatbot

Building Relationship with Customers

Chatbots are smart and can even have a function of machine learning that helps it learn based on an experience like a human child. While its main goal is to answer your queries and questions, it can also help in improving the relationship of the company with its customers. But, how is it possible?

Show its human side

Well, this is main factor of how a chatbot can help in building relationship with customers. By creating a personality for a bot, the conversation that it will create will be most likely fun for its users. There are even some corporate AI that were popular by itself due to its fun and entertaining personality. However, you must note that it cannot always be fun and that it should still be a perfect fit for your line of business.

For example, you can’t use a fun and sarcastic personality if your business is dealing with legal or health matters. You cannot have you chatbot going around and joking about a customer who is having a problem about a law suit and health problems or they just might get extremely annoyed or disrespected. In these cases, you should just give it a serious, empathetic, and informative personality.

Answer your customer’s feedback

The most problems businesses are having trouble with customer relation is by being active 24/7. For small to medium companies, this is extremely hard. It is because hiring more customer service assistants that will work for extra time or night shift is costly. Meanwhile, you can answer all this with the help of an artificial intelligence chatbot.

As you know, Artificial Intelligence chatbot provides a chat automation system that enables it to cater the needs of multiple customers at once. It is also available 24/7 and the customers will not need to wait long for a response anymore. Due to this, your customers will raise their approval and trust to your company which will affect your sales positively.

Bring out its Machine Learning

Gaining knowledge with each other is part of being in a good relationship. As for a great customer service, this is also the case. As much as the live servers should give helpful answers to every inquiry, they should also be able to learn when something happens and use it for future reference. However, many people believe that this is impossible for just a mere artificial intelligence.

On the other hand, this is actually not true. Chatbots are able to develop a machine learning capability where it is able to use its experiences with its customers for the future use. This is by storing new and unusual data that the bot may find valuable for future reference. This way, its developers will not need to update it repeatedly to provide better service. It also helps the bot to adapt to the needs of its customers which is important when building a relationship.

Reward your customers without a hassle

When you are doing something good, you always expect a reward for this. It is also the same for your loyal or new customers. For them, they are doing you a favor by buying your products and being a multi-time customer. Well, that is actually true but how can you reward them properly?

artificial intelligence chatbot

Giving special coupons could be one of the best tactics to make your customers feel rewarded. This could also help them feel the urge to buy and be gain rewards again. It is very similar to classical conditioning. Meanwhile, because bots are systematic and smart, it can detect which customers are newbies and which ones are old. In this way, artificial intelligence chatbots can give them vouchers accordingly.

How can you have your own Artificial Intelligence Chatbot?

Having trouble finding where to get chatbots? We have the right solution just for you. We bring you,! Also, we have the most sophisticated and advanced mobile bot for your welfare. With professional crews and modern tools, Herobot offers the best and finest bot mobile for you. Come and visit our website now at

The Impact of Conversational Artificial Intelligence Today

conversational artificial intelligence

The idea about Al chatbots isn’t new. In fact, this conversational Artificial Intelligence have already existed since then. However, it became widely available and turns everything possible recently. Bot application in business and other entity grows rapidly. This automation become more responsive and useful and most likely to use even more in coming years.

Despite the transformation in technology, there is no doubt that chatbot gains significant attention. This conversational Artificial Intelligence enables a greater understanding of its fundamental purposes. Conversational Artificial Intelligencetransform the customer experience making it more convenient for both businesses and their customers alike. In conjunction with the world’s change, the competition among businesses became intensified. Every business goal is to stand out in the rivalry, so they come up with Al Chatbot as their partner.

conversational artificial intelligence

What exactly is Conversational Artificial Chatbot?

Chatbot or considered as Conversational Artificial Intelligence is known for helping people with their daily tasks that may be repetitive or time-consuming. This automation is used through any major messaging applications or on business websites. Chatbot assists the daily queries of the customer which businesses find appealing. Furthermore, this automation is cost-effective and serves as additional manpower to keep the circulation of work in the business.

Notably, 15 % of the customer prefers chatbot as customer support and are not going to stop using them anytime soon. However, it is indeed true that chatbot couldn’t replace humans. This automation just opens several opportunities and effective ways to alleviate complex tasks from employee’s shoulders. Conversational artificial intelligence also increases sales and good public relation of the company with its customers.

Conversational Artificial Intelligence for Business Purposes

The technology advancement we are facing right now introduced series of innovative solutions and methods to satisfy people’s daily needs. Series of inventions brought by the advancement are used in different sectors most specially in Business. One of the latest innovations is Al Chatbot, a device that aims to provide a virtual assistance and bridging the gap between daily needs and technology. It plays a vital role as this automation simplify people’s daily schedules. This tool allows the interaction with the customer. Chatbot are also made to improve the overall customer experience.

Conversational Artificial Intelligence doesn’t have a limitation when it comes to handling customers. This automation can manage all the queries simultaneously. However, here are the Advantages of Chatbots in Business sectors that we should know:

1. Cost Effective

When running a business, keeping a low cost is necessary. If smart enough, a businessman could only use a small money but still grow its business more than others. With this, Conversational Artificial Intelligence eliminate excess cost such as the need of additional manpower for additional work hours. This is obviously a great deal to business that receive a lot of queries a day. Also, chatbot allows businesses to align their strategic plan with this automation without spending a lot of money. Some bots even allow customer to receive more services that are efficient for the business transactions.

2. Manage the Business Interaction

Conversational Artificial Intelligence allows the business itself to be closer to their customer. This automation became the best partner in doing business as it communicates with users with ease anytime and anywhere. It can also do things such as greeting the page’s visitors. It also offers services such as product suggestions, answering inquiries, setting up schedules, and telling them the latest promos.

Moreover, customers do not need to worry about pending messages and forgotten replies because bot can reply to multiple customers within a second. Also, it can offer functions such as changing the default language according to the preference of its customers. This way, the company can connect to its international customers rather than sticking to only one language.  Al chatbot unwrap the possible opportunities for business and helps them maximize strategies in a way that customers will got engage.

3. Fastest Digital Assistants

Conversational Artificial Intelligence can connect through multiple messaging apps providing end-to-end support throughout the process. Undeniably, it works simultaneously and creates the best service for customer. Unlike a normal human employee, chatbot can talk to several employees at the same time without getting exhausted. Also, it can do work such as posting, scheduling, reminding customers, and other tasks without any hassle. More importantly, customers do not need to wait for too long to have an answer to their queries with bots

conversational artificial intelligence

4. Al Chatbot satisfy the customer

Apart from handling customer queries, Conversational Artificial Intelligence can satisfy the customers. Due to the recent advancements in technology, customers have higher and stricter demands to companies now. They expect to easily find the products that they are looking for in your webpage. If they don’t, they need you to answer their inquiries and complaints instantly. However, this is hard especially if you only have limited customer support. Meanwhile, with the automation feature of a chatbot, it ensures the efficacy of customer service available. This automation also allows exceeds the customer expectation that could lead to business future success. 

Conversational Artificial Intelligence adds value to every part of the customer’s journey. Regardless of the nature of the business, it is important to understand the Chatbot is very helpful in many ways. Conversational Artificial Intelligence offers an ultimate benefit for the future growth and development of an entity or organization. However, businesses also need to consider that automation must use to simplify works and not to go for fanciest promises.

Conversational Artificial Intelligence as Your Business Partner

As time went on, Conversational Artificial Intelligence became more advanced. This conversational artificial intelligence holds a lot of opportunities for business growth and development. It became a prominent device to upgrade the service of an entity or organization and builds a massive impact on customers. Al Chatbot is not just to assist customer’s queries but also serves as a support to business employees. This automation makes every task easy and valuable.

Furthermore, Conversational Artificial Intelligence is immensely powerful that’s why businesses see the potential it can offer. This automation delivers a level of customer service far from the existing support channel. It is considered now as the newest but most effective way of targeting customers as it offers very responsive automation. Today, customers have high expectations for any business. Their service must obtain a very responsive customer service that would give customers an accurate answer to common questions.

conversational artificial intelligence

Benefits of automation

There are lots of benefits that Conversational Artificial Intelligence has to offer. This automation allows a quick and easy solution for the betterment of every business. Chatbot may seems as the product of technology advancement, but it brings a massive impact to everyone. In any instances, chatbot provides an excellent customer service. May it be a small business or an empire, this automation may unlock the competitive edge of a business.

Moreover, Conversational Artificial Intelligence helps in reducing typical cost and improve strategic planning. There are different approaches and tools to use a chatbot, but businesses must consider the appropriate application of this automation. Businesses can unleash further innovative ways to maximize opportunity and make a greater result in no time. This automation delivers a real-time service that other platforms unable to achieve.  Whatever purposes are, Conversational Artificial Intelligence will give you a hassle-free and responsive customer service.

Start creating yours now!

The secret on a successful business is not being afraid to try something new especially if you think it would highly benefit your brand. Now, even if you are still having doubts on using conversational artificial intelligence in your business, note that there are already companies using it. If you are thinking that it is too complicated to create without the help of professionals that expects high service fee, then you do not need to worry anymore. This is because Herobot can help you create a chatbot without any hassle.

Despite knowing nothing, Herobot can still lead you to create a good chatbot that you can use for your business. It is also very easy to use and navigate throughout the process. You only need to drag and drop features that you want in order to create a functional bot. Moreover, it offers several templates that you could choose from to speed up the process and give you an idea of what bot to create. Now, chatbot creation is not a hassle and won’t definitely cost you as much as you think. You can also visit our website for more information about this.

How to Build Chatbot for Your WhatsApp Business

how to build chatbot

Initially, WhatsApp is a messaging platform created to connect people with their friends and families. However, as conversational commerce is emerging, business people are becoming interested in it. WhatsApp then took this business buzz as an opportunity to expand their influence and created a separate app solely for marketers.  But, how can you make it more efficient for your brand? Easy. Learn how to build a chatbot for your WhatsApp Business now.

There are a lot of things that you can do with WhatsApp such as sending messages, videos, photos, documents. Moreover, it offers a more private and secured conversations rather than other means of communications. In order to have access on it, you will need an end-to-end encryption which is why most people trust it. As more and more people are becoming interested in this messaging app, it even became one of the most popular communication channels in the world. WhatsApp actually has businesses uses this as a way to interact with their customers and clients.

how to build chatbot

Why is WhatsApp Business such a big deal?

WhatsApp Business is a version of its popular main messaging app which is aimed to help business people on communicating. This also allows small businesses on connecting with their customers. Moreover, it is considerate enough to think about connecting the business app to its main messaging app. With this, customers will not need to install a separate app to engage with companies. The only difference is that WhatsApp Business users will be labeled as businesses which makes it easier for people to distinguish them from normal users.

With this app, companies can now set appointments, send reminders, and give shipping alerts to customers. Moreover, they can even send order notifications and verification codes. Some are even using WhatsApp companies to send product demonstration videos, support messages and conduct surveys. If you will be able to use it efficiently for your business, there is no doubt that you will prosper from using it. Moreover, you can now use chatbots in this app which will make everything easier for companies to provide better communication with customers.

Why you need WhatsApp chatbot?

It is undeniable how useful WhatsApp is for many business people. However, to make it more efficient, you need a bot to answer your customer’s queries while you are away. Now, some will say that the automated messages ready on WhatsApp is already enough. However, the truth is that this feature is only limited to greetings and a simple message to remind your customers that you are away. For busy and multi-tasking businessmen, this is not enough. Here are the reasons why you need to know how to build a chatbot for your WhatsApp account.

Instant responses

If you are going to ask what the main purpose of chatbot is, it is giving instant responses for the customers. Because businesses and its customers might not be available at the same time, chatbots can fill this void. A chatbot can answer customer’s basic queries while its account’s owner is away. Moreover, with the right information input in the bot, it can provide more accurate information in no time. Now, people can receive instant replies whenever they need it. Also, it can help you schedule an appointment for you to directly connect with a live human support. This is more efficient than waiting for days to receive a reply for a simple question or having an appointment. As much as it is useful for customers, it is also beneficial for businesses as it helps them have more leads and increase their sales.

Personalized conversations

Unlike what other people assumes, chatbots are actually able to provide better and more personalized conversation to its users. Bots can instantly look into your profile and use information such as name, age, location and basic interests for your conversations. This way, customers do not need to explain too much to the bot about their basic profile. Moreover, it also enables the bot to give better offers for the user such as discounts for long-time users and potential customers. Also, given that this is WhatsApp, you can still ensure that your data and information are all secured as it has an end-to-end encryption.

Unlimited Availability

The main purpose of building a WhatsApp separate from its main application is to help small or large business owners to run their businesses. It does not discriminate and people around the world can use this application. Moreover, this application is even readily available and installed for numerous phones. With this, there are more users are attracted to use WhatsApp as their messaging platform. This gives a major benefit for marketers who are using WhatsApp Business.

Smart replies

Hiring live human support for your business can be risky for your business. Customers are always asking for direct and accurate answers to their queries. In order to make sure that your supports are knowledgeable enough, you will need to allot time and money to train them. However, you will not need all of this with WhatsApp chatbot. You only need to give it a good dialogue and it will smartly respond to your customer’s questions quickly and without mistakes. This is the main reason why most businessmen prefers learning how to build chatbot for their WhatsApp accounts.

Do you know how to build chatbot?

If you click this article, there is a high chance that you do not know how to build chatbot for your WhatsApp. Note that having a bot means having an upper hand against your competitors. However, making a bot that will be effective and efficient for your business is not easy. But even if it may be a little tricky, there are actually some tips that you can follow.

how to build chatbot

Know your business

It is important that you know your line of business when making a bot. Before you can make a flawless plan on how to build chatbot, you should first know the basics about your market. First, make a research about the latest trends on your business sector and know what your customers are looking for. Moreover, you should also have an idea about your target customers because it will be handy on setting your tone for the bot.

Plan ahead

If you will not be able to plan, you are a lost cause. You cannot just hold a party without knowing what the party is about. Know why you are making a bot and what you intend to deliver for the people. Is it to inform people, answer their queries, or is it to just entertain them while you are away? These are all up to you and it is very important before you actually make a bot.

Never exaggerate

One thing that most people hate is exaggeration and feeling like a thing is just pretending to be what it is. To avoid this mistake, make sure that you will not make it overly friendly or overly stiff. Add a little more personality to your bot so that your customers will be entertained while having a transaction. Moreover, do not make your bot pretend to be what it is not: human. Make sure to tell your customers that they are talking to a bot otherwise, they will feel bad.

Check from time-to-time

There is no such thing as perfection and your bot is not an exception to this. Thus, after launching your bot, you should make sure to check it from time to time to know how well it is working. Try having a basic to complicated conversations with it and see how it responds. It is also nice to see your customer’s feedback about your chatbot. This way, you will know what to correct in your bot and how you can make it better.

Simplify everything

Everyone hates complicated things because they waste time and effort. As always, they will like it better if things are simple and easy. This is what your bot should be. To help your customers know what to reply, you can give them buttons and choices as an answer. Moreover, it is also helpful to give them ready buttons on your chat window where they can access menu and the home page.

how to build chatbot

Learn how to build chatbot with Herobot

With the tips above, you can now easily build chatbot without all the mistakes. To know more about this, you can check more of our blogs on our website. Also, Herobot is a chatbot platform that helps people create bots easily and without any hassle. It has a drag and drops feature that many find very efficient even for those who are new to this. Moreover, there are also various chatbot templates that you can choose from. Visit our website learn how to build chatbot now.