11 Reasons Why A Chat Application Is Great For Business

chat application

Back then, social media was just a platform for users to connect. But now, with the advancement of social media, it has integrated the use of a chat application. It’s an essential but necessary development that paved the way for users to communicate instantaneously on a whole different level.

Also known as a messaging app, a chat application is a platform that enables a user to connect and message another person through the use of their computers or mobile device. To name a few examples of chat applications are Facebook Messenger, WeChat, WhatsApp, and many more.

11 Reasons Why A Chat Application Is Great For Business

Now, as we are living in this device-dependent world, it’s not a surprise why these chat applications are a massive help in making our daily lives more comfortable. We might not see it clearly, but it’s slowly becoming a necessity as many more users are switching into using chat applications to communicate with friends and families from anywhere, even across the globe. All they need to do is have an account and an internet connection.

Why Use Chat Application in Business?

To keep up in this fast-paced world, we need to be able to adapt to constant changes. Communication is one of the most critical factors in any business. And being able to improve these factors are significant in growing a business.

Having a good customer service team is essential to nurture business and consumer relationships. But it’s also helpful to reach your clients where you are. Showing that you are too are evolving can have a significant to your consumers. This aspect shows that you are willing to adapt to various changes to land potential clients.

Furthermore, chat applications allow employees to engage with one another and work together. Teams of workers can share ideas and solve company issues with one click. In the time where people sit at computers all day, it makes sense for conversations to happen there. A chat application is also more efficient for communication versus email. And the main goal of a chat application is to collaborate. This means that its integration can lead to better employee performance and productivity.

Benefits of a Chat Application for Business

While some are still in doubt or having second thoughts into making the shift, here are some of the underlying benefits that a chat application would have on your business:


A chat application allows you to message or contact a person in real-time. In some cases, it becomes the bridge on where customers, potential leads, prospects could ask inquiries about products or services, and you can respond instantly. This factor alone has a tremendous effect on the productivity of your business and a perfect reason to incorporate chat application for your business.


Businesses started sending emails to customers and potential clients right after they learned that people use chat applications as a means to communicate with friends and family. Likewise, companies had only adopted the use of GIF’s and emojis in their social media posts, emails, and on their website after audiences had started using GIFs and emojis as a different way of communicating with one another.

People nowadays send messages to one another to discuss just about anything. With the growing number of users of social media, businesses could take advantage of using chat applications as their medium in communicating with customers. Almost 70 million businesses are on Facebook right now, and only 20 million of them started sending Facebook messages, it means that there is a considerable gap in the total addressable market. It shows that most businesses aren’t there yet. But when the time comes that they decide to use this platform, we will see a massive increase of integration because of the familiarity of the users with the channel.

11 Reasons Why A Chat Application Is Great For Business


You can seamlessly blend a chat application into your everyday agendas. You can reach out or respond to an inquiry from your computer or mobile device, close the app, and return to whatever you are doing. All you have to do is wait for the other party to respond, then reply whenever it’s your turn.

This nature of the channel is extremely convenient for you and your consumers as it allows both parties to receive the full context of the conversation and continue the thread whenever you want.

Segmented Target Advertising

Segmented target advertising is a crucial part of targeting customers.  By using instant messaging for a business, you can share your content either one to one or in a group. Companies take benefit of this feature of messaging apps to enhance their promotional content depending on customer demographics and interests.

Example – In WhatsApp, the maximum limit of adding people in a group is 256, but you can create an unlimited number of groups. The number of targeted people is much smaller, but in these small groups, you have the most engaging and targeted customers.

Increased Productivity

Smartphone applications are a staple in our modern digital world. Everyone has a broad range of apps on their phone, and every notification is another thing to respond to.

While some social media apps are distracting and decrease work productivity, it’s still advisable to have a team messaging or chat application dedicated for work purposes only. This can ultimately increase productivity and improve time management among your staff.

By integrating a chat application for your team, employees now have a channel in which they can communicate with you or co-workers where they can address issues regarding a project or a specific task.

File Storage and Sharing

Developments in chat applications now include the feature to send pictures, sound bites, documents, among other things. This means it can also serve as a backup if ever you are in a situation wherein the main methods didn’t work correctly, or your device broke or got stolen. Having this feature in your chat application allows you to find files that were sent there and retrieve it.

Employee Engagement

Who says that chat applications for business are strictly for business only? Team messaging apps aren’t as dry as email communications. You can create another chat stream that gives colleagues an avenue to share personal information and exciting family news.

Having this separate channel can boost the bond between employees, which can result in better performance. Now, they can feel that their workplace is like their second home, and colleagues are an extension of their family.


Chat applications such as WhatsApp, Apple Business Chat, Facebook Messenger, Viber, and Telegram are all direct channels where information is private and secure. Customers don’t have to worry about anyone seeing their private information — including the messaging company itself! Messaging apps with end-to-end encryption offer data protection so secure that you can discuss any customer service issue with no worries.

Saves Money

Chat applications are usually can be developed and utilized with a lite investemnt. You can communicate with any client, customer, or overseas employees with instant messaging solutions without paying for international charges. You can also hire staff in other countries and conduct business internationally. HeroBot is a great example of a low-cost chat application that can save you tons of money and increase your productivity tremendously.

11 Reasons Why A Chat Application Is Great For Business

Easy to Setup

Unlike a conference call, which takes time to set up and everyone needs a number to use, IM is right there to be accessed at any time, and everyone can communicate with it all the time. You can also connect with people who are offsite as well. You don’t have to put everyone from the company in one conference room. It can all be done with a simple through features in a chat application.

Less Troublesome

Compared to a phone call, messaging in a chat application is less disruptive. It’s more difficult to manage several calls at a time than to juggle different chat windows. Chat applications are a better alternative to making phone calls. Leaving a window open could ultimately serve as a reminder to respond to a client or send essential information to a team member.

How Chat Application Can Jumpstart Your Business

Starting a business, whether you are a small-sized or a medium-sized company, could be a lot harder than you think. Many businessmen fail to acknowledge change and the use of technology as tools in helping their companies, which will eventually go downhill from there.

As this may not always be the case, staying open in trying out innovations is what could set you apart from other companies out there. Another difference-maker would be the reach to your market. With everyone being in the online world, it would make sense that using chat applications to communicate with them is the best possible move you can do.

Evolve Your Business with Herobot

A chat application can offer a lot of advantages for businesses. These apps can help take brands to the next level. But with Herobot, you can take these benefits one step further by integrating a chatbot into your chat applications. Along with a dedicated team of professionals, Herobot has the perfect tools that will guide you through the basics of chatbot software. Visit our website at herobot.app for more details.

Why is Bot Marketing the Bright Future of Business? – Herobot.app

bot marketing

In the world where all things are now digitized, customer service has become the firm foundation of any business. However, it is a known fact that not all booming businesses can offer the perfect customer service with bot marketing. Why? This is due to the fact that, in the digital world, there is no time to be idle.

bot marketing

This means that things just keep on rolling, and is never-ending. And if anyone can stay afloat of this unbreakable sea of marketing traffic, they are those who make customer service top priority. To fortify their customer services, businesses take advantage of using bot marketing. However, this cannot be utilized without proper knowledge and understanding. What comprises a successful business?

What comprises a successful business?

A successful business can be comprised of a myriad of factors. These factors range from values to ethics especially for chatbot marketing. However, all of these factors point to one single objective and that is to the betterment of the business.

1. Business Culture

According to the Collins dictionary, “culture is the manifestation of strong beliefs and achievements that are considered important for the development of principles in a social group.” In the business world, culture is the well-defined unification of people who would be successful in that specific establishment. This becomes the firm ground on which employees have the same objective to one another. Also, having a mutual business culture makes it easier to attain collaboration in the business and bot marketing.

2. Point of View

The point of view of the chatbot business does not only limit itself to you, the owner. Rather, the point of view or attitude in the business must be well-known in every part of the business. However, as the owner of the business, you must always see to it that having a positive attitude and a clear view of the goal requires a diligent understanding of your people.

3. Business Strategy

Strategies come in a myriad of forms. However, to make a business strategy work, you must consider 2 key points: simplicity and effectiveness. First, a simple well thought-out one-page documented strategy always beats a long and complex strategy. Why? This goes to the second key point, effectiveness. Effectiveness is how well can the strategy be implied in the business. A successful business plan drives the activities and defines the behavior of the entire business. Look at it this way, without a strategy, a bot business is a delivery truck with no wheels. You got the service but no way on how to deliver them throughout the market.

4. Training

Everything around you is constantly changing and evolving. This is why you should make it a habit as a business owner to implement learning as a viable resource in the organization. Many successful business owners continually spend time and effort in investing in training. However, to make this training be worthwhile for the business, you must achieve a link between it and your chatbot business strategy.

5. Technology

Today, technology plays a huge role in any business. Throughout the years, the ever-changing course of technology has molded business and marketing to what it is today. This change defines customer service on a whole different level.

What really defines success in business?

To understand what defines success in a bot business, one must know what the business’ goal is. Setting goals may be simple enough. However, attaining the right points is fairly difficult. The only thing that matters when it comes to a successful business is the conformity to customer service.

Key points of Customer service in a Business:

1. Flexibility

Being able to comply with customer complaints is essential to any business. Frequently asked questions from customers are critical for a chatbot marketing to thrive. This is why customer service lines and live chat integration has been used in many businesses.

bot marketing
2. Knowledge

Knowing what you offer is crucial for customer care. Since most customers drop a call to complain about the product or service that you have offered. Being knowledgeable about what you offer makes the difference. Always remember that your customers will search for real and concrete answers rather than possibilities and chances. When provided with tangible answers, retaining customers on bot marketing becomes much simpler.

3. Communication

Communicating with your customers is vital when you want your business to boom. Why? Immediate and quick responses to your customers’ questions and complaints are regarded as quality customer care.

4. Teamwork

As a business, individuals must learn to work as one body. This will ensure that the company handles complaints and other customer-related services as a whole. Being a team makes it less complicated for the business to analyze and interpret the problem and deliver an agreeable solution.

5. Organizational Skills

A good customer service representative knows where to find information at any moment. This requires team members to be well organized and trained in where to find information. However, if a team member is unsystematic, this can cause additional hindrance by forcing a customer to wait.

What ways can a Chatbot boost customer service?

Here are some ways you can use your chatbot to boost customer service and conversions:

1. Get personal

Your customers want to feel like they have access to real people. With this said, take full advantage of social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp) and write replies when your customers post on your page. Post photos and bios on your website. This shows your customers that you are real people working on their behalf. Utilizing a bot to be representative of customers is the new trend in marketing today. How? First, you can customize it to respond as a human would. Second, certain chatbots offer integrated ways to comply with customer needs. Lastly, they are easy to manage and could be set up quickly.

2. Be Available

Make sure that your customer can reach you immediately. For example, if your business is primarily online, meet in person occasionally with local customers and offer video calls. However, it cannot be denied that sometimes you are cramped up with lots of work and can miss some important meetings with customers. This is where chatbots play a useful role as an announcer for your business.  A chatbot can notify you that a certain customer is in need of your service quick.

3. Cater to your customers

Make sure you are fully meeting your customers’ needs. Consider assigning reps to specific customers so they can build a relationship. Offer treatment for your best customers to let them know they are appreciated. For instance, what special services might your customers like? In fact, chatbots can utilize this too, you can program your chatbot to provide and send useful messages for your customer. For instance, they would want to know what specials are you offering, chatbots can filter the needed resources and send them to your customer.

4. Create communities

Your customers will feel even more valued if you treat them as important members of a community. You can bring various customers together in numerous ways, including webinars, interactive websites, and social media. Also, don’t forget that while your customers come to these forums to learn from you, you can learn as much–if not more–from them when it comes to bot marketing.

Why do businesses need bot marketing on their strategy?

Utilizing bot marketing in your business strategy is one advantageous step to a successful business in the future. Here are some of the reasons why your business will benefit from bot marketing.

1. It Targets a Wider Audience

Bot marketing guarantees a bigger customer base for your business. Installing a chatbot on your website can provide you a bigger scope of audience. You can integrate your chatbot to reply with different languages upon request or by ruling them out in the software. Also, the quick and immediate response that chatbots carry out can supplement the time when you are not around.

2. Personalized Experience

Personalizing your chatbot can help you convert your would-be customers to legit customers. Through the use of conversational chatbots, you can make your chatbot react like a real person and not a machine. More so, you can use your chatbot as a representative that will help your customers find the required information about what you offer.

3. Artificial Intelligence

A chatbot can function as a virtual assistant and a powerful one, so to speak. Artificial Intelligence on chatbots can process a big load of information, question, and queries. This data are then analyzed by people of the organization so that they can get a better insight into the customers. For any business, this becomes a crucial course on which the business can act and innovate their services and products.

4. Great Surveying Tool

Chatbots provide customers real-time chat experience with no idle time to spare. This becomes a great tool for business owners who do not have much time to leave it to the bots. Also, bot marketing can record and survey the process on how the conversation that it had.

Technological advancements played a great role in refining the quality of life. In addition, some technological expansions make things complex, especially in the business domain. However, when managed and employed properly, these advances can bring a great improvement to your business. And if you are searching for a flexible and organized chatbot for marketing that is quick to install and integrate, then look no further than Herobot. This chatbot will certainly change the pace on which your business runs. You may visit our website at https://powerpres.com/.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

messenger chat bot

Eight billion is the number of messages that are sent over Facebook Messenger every month. 1.3 billion, on the other hand, is the number of active Messenger users each month. With these numbers, it’s hard to deny the potential that a messenger chat bot has as a marketing tool. This is a new tactic called “messenger marketing,” where businesses use a mobile chat app to connect with customers. Messenger marketing is not just limited to Facebook Messenger, but its also available to other platforms like Telegram, Viber, WeChat, etc. It provides users easy access when subscribing to business campaigns, updates via widgets like chat bots.

The use of messenger chat bots today is in full swing. You don’t need to pay someone to deliver messages as chat bots are everywhere. Its use is highly valued in the labor market for its ability to engage in conversation without the supervision of a human agent. Since it’s automated, it saves time for both the customer and the business. This time-efficient feature is what makes customers subscribe to the brand faster and what keeps company resources.  Marketing professionals and tech experts agree that in a few years from now, chat bots will handle customer inquiries completely.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

To add, messenger chat bots are no longer simple input-output machines. While they are still great information collectors and organizers, they have evolved to do so much more. This is due to the integration of artificial intelligence or AI, which expanded chat bot functions exponentially. Newer, AI-powered bots can now engage in small-talk and learn from past user interactions. Hence, this opens up new opportunities to utilize them in digital marketing strategies.

Choose Your Fighter: Messenger Marketing vs. Email Marketing

Choosing between the two seems absurd since both have their specific purposes. Messenger marketing is useful in terms of growing the brand’s audience and service awareness through social media apps. Email marketing is prominent for sharing things like news, brand updates, and promotional offers right into a user’s inbox. But since people are unlikely to open their email inbox, they cannot respond urgently to messages. In short, it’s one-way communication most of the time, unlike messenger marketing that encourages real-time two-way communication. Whenever customers have questions regarding the brand, they are likely to ask via messenger instead of email.

Meanwhile, combining these two is not a bad idea. Using both channels can help you address customer demands quickly. Utilize this as much as possible to increase engagement with your audience. The only limitation here is the internet connectivity. In this way, you will be updated with the progress of your business as well as with your customers. Generate FAQs not only increase engagement and traffic to your site but also to gain the trust of prospected customers.

Why Messenger Chat Bots?

Messenger chat bots are now essential to improving sales. Aside from cutting down on routine tasks, they help gain customer loyalty due to the speedy replies in processing customer requests. These bots are also a convenient widget that can deliver content as they have a higher response rate, unlike traditional marketing channels. They can send relevant information and notifications regarding upcoming events. These chat bots can also offer excellent opportunities to re-engage prospects.

Traffic and lead generation are the two things to consider when talking about online marketing. The truth is, it is the biggest challenge among online marketers. Knowing the benefits of marketing methods alone is not sufficient to reach target customers. While most marketing strategies can be both challenging and expensive, messenger chat bots are easy to make. What’s more is that you can integrate them without breaking a sweat. Thus, businesses are resorting to messaging apps, given that messaging app users are continuously growing. Today, it has become a platform where brands and customers meet.

The best part is, they’re a business solution that doesn’t break the bank. With human agents, companies need to factor in salaries, employee benefits, bonuses, and all that jazz. Human agents are limited in the sense that you can only have a number working at a time, which can hurt sales. With a chat bot, your brand can accommodate tens to hundreds of users at a time, without the hassle of working hours or agent availability.

What Messenger Chat Bots Do

Gone are the days of waiting for hours on end to get a call back from a business. Engagement between brand and consumer is now a click away. This is the newfound power that comes with messenger marketing–near-instant response times. Companies, whether they’re only starting or established competitors, are now incorporating messenger chat bots in their daily operations. But exactly how do they use this new technology to drive sales?

Here are some of the capabilities of messenger chat bots today:

1. Customer Service Improvement

Searching answers to the FAQ section can consume precious time. Most users do not have, or rather, do not want to spend their time scrolling for the answers to their questions. Waiting times are also a bother, as customers do not like to wait around. These problems are made obsolete by messenger chat bots.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

2. 24/7 Uptime

Messenger chat bots are one chat away. Writing and sending your questions on an item or service can only take minutes to be processed. You can also write to them at any time of the day since chat bots don’t need to rest. You need not worry if you’re asking about a particular product or service at around 3 AM since these chat bots have your back.

Engaging Conversations

Instead of reading through a great wall of text, you can be at ease when talking to a messenger chat bot. You can get the information you want and when you want it. These chat bots help you navigate through the sea of information on company websites.

3. Faster Response Times

The thing about messaging apps today is that everything is instant. With a stable internet connection, it will only take moments for your message before its sent. This is as if you were asking them in real-time. Chat bots can reply as soon as possible, and this helps converts more visitors into buyers.

4. Saves Company Resources

In a nutshell, messenger chat bots lessen employee workload. Chat bots can handle the usual day-to-day questions while employees can focus on resolving more complicated issues in the customer inquiry department.

Reach New Heights with Messenger Marketing

Compared to other marketing techniques, messenger marketing is something else. It’s no longer a competition of who has the flashiest graphics or visual design. Today, it’s about who can reach the most customers faster. Brands are now racing on various social media apps on who can get the most likes, shares–the most user engagement out of everyone else.

And the birth of messenger chat bots has changed the game. These chat bots have now put customer engagement at an all-time high. And it will only get higher as more people download messaging apps. It’s the perfect time to attract potential customers and convert more leads with this new technology. Thus, it’s crucial to follow this trend before other brands follow suit. Here some of the ways that you can level up your messenger marketing efforts:

Provide meaty content

People access the internet for information. Satisfy them by giving adequate information about your brand and services. Instead of sending them the content via email or SMS, you can send it straight to their messaging app.

Lead your followers to relevant content

While providing content to your followers is your utmost concern, you can also direct them to content with messenger chat bots. Suggesting related sites or content helps them engage with the business, even if they don’t know what they’re looking for yet.

Remind people about upcoming events

Constant updates like this can make your customers value your brand better. An active, hands-on business is more attractive than a passive business.

Use ads to reach your audience

Since the typical user feed is chock full of ads, it is quite impossible to reach your customer without noise. By using messenger ads, you will redirect your customers towards your website. You can also re-engage past leads through ads. This gives you additional opportunity to reconnect with potential customers.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

Jumpstart your Business with Herobot

Messenger marketing is all the rage right now, and messenger chat bots are the newest tools in the digital marketing scene. And at a time where everything is digitalized, there’s no better opportunity to start using them other than today. Watch your brand grow as you boost sales and convert leads faster than before. Hop on over to our website at Herobot.app to learn how you can get started with your messenger chat bot. From bot creation to bot support, our specialized team will guide you through the whole process. Contact us for more details!

How Facebook Messenger Video Calls are Reinventing Connections

facebook messenger video call for android

As the old adage goes, no man is an island. This is especially true with humans, who cannot live without social interaction. It’s an important aspect of our lives, which is fulfilled through constant communication. Communication is what brings people together. We are always improving this with technology, like the invention of the Internet. And more recently, Facebook Messenger Video Calls.

This new technology allowed us to not only connect with people who might be miles away, but to connect with people from all over the world. To clarify, Facebook did not invent the video call technology. Rather, it only made it accessible to people–2.5 billion people, in fact. Anyone with a smartphone, whether it be Android or Apple, can avail this feature by downloading Facebook’s online messaging app, Facebook Messenger.

How Facebook Messenger Video Calls

Now, Facebook Messenger is more than a platform for online chatting and video calls. It’s also the biggest online messaging apps to date, where people can send messages, photos, videos, and audio recordings. Facebook Messenger Video Calls are only one aspect of Facebook Messenger, but even this feature can vary from one-on-one video calls and group video calls with up to 50 people. This is great way to connect groups of people online, without the need for physical meetups.

Facebook Messenger Video Calls Amid COVID-19

The new coronavirus pandemic has taken the world by storm. It caught several countries by surprise, and by the first quarter of 2020, a number of countries had already closed borders to observe lockdown measures. The global economy went on the decline. Businesses worldwide have been forced to shut down. Online classes went on the rise.

More than ever, Facebook has become a crucial platform to maintain communications. With people staying in during the pandemic, going online is now the way to go. This led to the launching of Messenger Rooms.

Messenger Rooms was created out of a growing need to accommodate more people in Facebook Messenger Video Calls. This new feature allowed users to video chat with up to 50 people at a time with no time limit. Anyone can join, and Rooms can be created from either Messenger or Facebook. This encourages the platform for online classes or virtual business meetings.

Facebook Messenger Video Calls in the Corporate World

Social media platforms have become a necessity for businesses operating in the 21st century. Since the advent of the digital era, businesses who don’t adapt to the online are easily left behind. These include not only social media platforms, but online platforms like LinkedIn and Shopify that can boost their business.

Facebook Messenger Video Calls are also a great tool for organizing businesses. During a time where physical distancing is king, these online video calls are a great way to check up on employees. They can also be used as make-shit conferences in the absence of meeting rooms, and are just as functional as an actual meeting. It can be argued that it’s more efficient even, as it disposes the need of traveling to a meeting venue and renting out a conference room.

It’s also not limited to within an organization too. Facebook Messenger Video Calls can be used to set up meetings with clients, or get in touch with other businesses. Face-to-face communications open a much more conducive environment that is more open for negotiations, unlike emails which are succinct and most of the time, straightforward.

And with more younger people entering the workforce, it makes sense to make the shift into the era of video calls. Businesses always have to be on the next big thing if they want to stay ahead of the competition. It can also be a great way to utilize younger members of the organization to directly engage with customer needs.

How Facebook Messenger Video Calls

But video calls can only take you so far. It has its limitations, and these limitations can vary not only to Facebook Messenger Video Calls, but to other platforms as well. With each benefit, it also has its downsides such as being subject to camera quality, internet connectivity, and platform support.

The Role of AI in Video Calls

As technology evolves, video calls are only getting better and better. Before Facebook Messenger Video Calls became an option for business calls, there are already a number of video conferencing apps like Zoom and Skype. These apps have transformed personal face-to-face video calls into online corporate conferences that bring employees together in real time. And with how online platform are booming, it’s only natural that features adapt and evolve to the needs of consumers.

One of the innovations in this aspect is the integration of Artificial Intelligence or AI in video call technology. AI has proven to be very effective in various sectors such as Marketing and Sales. Recent advancements in the technology help improve user experience and cut down on time-consuming tasks through automation.

Below are some of the examples how AI is changing video calls:

Noise suppression

Ambient noise is unavoidable, unless you work in a secluded and shut-off environment. There will always be noise, whether its from an electric fan or your feet shuffling in your chair. AI is able to clean up the noise input before transmitting it in your calls and assure that your colleagues or your clients will only hear your voice and nothing else.

Hi-res video calls

The quality of a video call often depends on what video codec is being used by the platform. Choosing the best one with the proper parameters will naturally improve the quality of the video call. But platform video codecs are often set and users are forced to settle with the current video quality. But with AI, the quality of the call can be greatly improved by adjusting the right video codec based on the quality requirements and what the end-user’s network can allow. This way, Facebook Messenger Video Calls as well as other platforms quality can be improved for the better.

Natural language processing

This feature is relatively new in the video conferencing applications. It allows AI to takes virtual notes of meetings, transcribe conference audio, and list down important points. Also, it can allow translation of conversations in different languages. And this feature can also be integrated with virtual assistant or chatbots that can enable them to join and leave meetings with a voice command.

Video optimization

Video calls with better resolution aside, AI can also help fix inconsistencies in videos such as lighting and color issues. By automatically finding these issues, it can take the necessary steps to correct them by adjusting light balance, focus, and other details. Other features can include gaze correction and even background modification to emulate a more professional environment.

In addition, AI can also detect and shift the focus onto the person who is speaking. This can help audiences recognize speakers during online conferences and ensure full attention to the speakers.

The Role of AI in Consumer Connections

Apart from shaping video calls as we know it, AI has also helped chatbot technology reach new heights. Chatbots are no longer mere question-and-answer machines; with AI, chatbots are able to engage in conversation, improve user interaction, and many more. And what’s more is that this type of technology is now accessible more than ever, with the rise of online messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger.

How Facebook Messenger Video Calls

And this widespread accessibility across platforms is what makes it attractive for businesses, especially the ones who are still transitioning online. Tech reports show that by 2020, 80 percent of businesses will want to have their own chatbot. So far, a majority of online companies already do. Brands can easily reach out to their customers online to provide better customer service and maintain after-sales support. AI chatbots in particular offer a unique user experience with the use of personalized responses tailored to user questions and interests.

In addition, chatbots are also cheaper and cost less to maintain compared to human representatives. With smart chatbots, businesses can ensure 24/7 conversational AI support within arms’ reach. 

Assemble your own Chatbot today!

With the shift towards the digital environment, Facebook Messenger Video Calls will have to adopt the use of AI sooner or later. Current times make it hard for organizations to streamline tasks like transcribing the minutes of a meeting. AI can help in this demand as to cut down on laborious tasks through automation. Consumer needs are always changing, so businesses must always adapt to these changes in order to stay ahead. This is also true for chatbot technology; it’s never too late to get your own.

If you’re wondering where to begin, Herobot has the right solution for you. You can create your own AI-ready chatbot with the most advanced tools in chatbot development software. Our talented crew will help guide you through the process to make sure that when you build with us, you build it right.

Ready to get started? Check out our website at herobot.app for more details.

Benefits of a Customer Service Chatbot to Digital Marketing

customer service chatbot

A customer service chatbot is a software program that allows conversation between the customer and the company. It utilizes instant messaging to send an inquiry and to respond as well. Artificial intelligence fuels this software. Customer service chatbot is often integrated into company websites and social media applications that feature messaging. However, there are still companies that hire humans to provide customer support. They have not heard of the countless benefits that a customer service chatbot brings to the company.

High customer satisfaction is one of the many goals of a company. It is a very important deciding factor to improve and manage the products or service of a business. Higher customer satisfaction results in customer loyalty and devotion. It is advantageous against competition. Many companies are offering the same products and services. Having a proof of customer satisfaction appeals to other potential customers.

customer service chatbot

How Customer Service Chatbot helps

Additionally, satisfied customers spread positive word of mouth to their friends and families. Customer satisfaction is not only about repurchases. It is also about acquiring new customers. According to research, 73% of customers say customers have satisfaction when the company values their time. Thus, customer satisfaction is all about providing efficient customer service. Companies are continuously improving and investing in customer service support. The latest trend in providing customer support today is a customer service chatbot.

Top benefits of a customer service chatbot

Saves money and human resources

Many companies are neglecting the idea of customer service chatbot. The main reason for this negligence is monetary. On the contrary, it is more cost-effective to use than human resources. There is no need to hire more employees to provide customer support. Since humans cannot work 24 hours a day, companies need two to three sets of staff. Three sets of employees mean higher operational costs for their needs.

Meanwhile, with the use of a customer service chatbot, there is no need to hire people to do night shifts. Employees, on the other hand, can increase productivity. The basic role like answering simple questions is now the job for the chatbot. So, it allows employees to focus on more important aspects of their job. This aid not only saves money but also increases job satisfaction of employees.

24/7 availability of customer support

Customers’ needs are unpredictable. Any time of the day or night, a customer can ask a question about the company’s services. Their needs may arise even after office hours. However, queries during this time should not be neglected. It can cause dissatisfaction on the part of the customer. Problems may also arise when their question or issue is not addressed immediately. That is why there should always be an available person to answer these questions. But, adding a support team working at the wee hours is costly for a company.

Luckily, a customer service chatbot is less costly and does not tire. It can work 24 hours a day without decreasing its efficiency. They can respond anytime of the day or night. There is no need for customers to wait for a long time to get their much-needed answers. As a result, they would feel that their time is valued by the company. Thus, making them loyal supporters and satisfied customers.

Provides instant responses

As problems may arise anytime, chatbots are ready to give quick solutions. Being on hold for a long time can cost the company its customers. People in the modern world get everything in an instant. That is why waiting time is not their favorite thing in the world. They want instant responses to their queries. Answers should not only be instant but relevant. A customer service chatbot may not provide a 100% relevant answer to a question. But, it can reduce frustration on the part of the customer.

While waiting for a human resource who can thoroughly answer the question, the chatbot can fill in for the mean time. An initial response of a chatbot is better than receiving nothing at all. It is better to give an instant solution that partly solves the problem than to make them wait. A chatbot can at least buy time for a human agent to focus on the more critical aspect of the solution to the customer’s problems.

Performs consistently and accurately

Since it is by artificial intelligence, a customer service chatbot gives efficient responses. It can perform repetitive tasks without reducing accuracy. Human agents may get to a point saturation on their job. Instances like this happen when there is nothing new on the job that they are doing. Answering frequently asked questions every day can put them in this state. Reaching this point may decrease their efficiency.

But, this cannot happen to a customer service chatbot. It does not need a break from all the workload. A chatbot also does not get saturated about its job even if it is repetitive. It performs all action at the same level of efficiency and accuracy even if it is repetitive. In fact, they are intentionally performing tasks like these.

customer service chatbot

Decreases customer frustration

Problems that may arise from the company’s services and products are often the same for one customer and another. But, customers have different versions of their problems. Thus, they demand a version of the solution personalized to their problem. Interactive voice response (IVR) systems during phone calls do not provide this kind of response. IVR systems are programs that give the same response and options that customers do not favor for.

Sometimes, customers do not know which department should their question be addressed to. Reaching a wrong department results in customer frustration. With the help of a chatbot, a customer need not be directed to a department. In cases they really want to talk to a person, they may do so. Customers will be connected to a department with the help of chatbot. Since a customer service chatbot can gather data accurately, it will also route a customer to the appropriate department. This way, time and resources are saved while customers are also receiving personalized responses.

Reduces customer anxiety

Faulty IVR systems are not the only cause of stress for a customer. There are customers who get anxious when talking to a human agent about their issue. Some customers are not confident enough talking to strangers about their concerns in the company’s services. A customer service chatbot is often preferred by people who experience anxiety.

Through chatbots, they need not be transferred from one department to another. The instant response and solution that the chatbot provides lessens their emotional stress. For these people, the issue they are raising is stressful enough already. A response that can cause them more stress is the last thing they want to get.

Improves self service

Some people are more comfortable solving their problems on their own. There are just customers who do not believe that a chatbot knows what is best for their issue. But, they still need a chatbot to provide them options. A customer service chatbot can instruct customers without the help of a human agent. After gathering information about the problem of the customer, relevant solutions are provided by the chatbot. This feature gives the customer an option to fix the issue by their own means. Chatbots are providing possible solutions but also give the customer a chance to do it on their own.

Versatile in terms of language

Customers of a global company vary in languages that they use. Inquiries and problems may arise from different parts of the world. Thus, it requires a globally renowned company to hire multilingual customer support staff. But, it is difficult and costly to do so. Luckily, a customer service chatbot can work with several languages. Since it is run by an AI, it will not take the chatbot years to learn a language. Also, chatbots can detect accurate intents of the customers. While it is not comparable to a person who is fluent in a foreign language, it can reduce the costs of the company on hiring more multilingual staff.

Gathers accurate data

Part of providing customer support is gathering data to improve services. Problems that the customers experience contributes to enhancing and developing new services and products. But, a human agent cannot recall an entire conversation thoroughly. Details from a problem and the provided solution may not be accurate if the only reference is the memory of a person. With no offense intended, a person’s memory is not entirely reliable. Some details may be left out or interpreted with bias.

Use Herobot now!

On the other hand, a customer service chatbot is more reliable. It records the data from the conversation accurately. There are also chatbots that are programmed to provide data analytics from the recorded conversations. This data is more accurate to rely on, especially during company decision making.

customer service chatbot

In today’s industry, artificial intelligence is a tool for an automated workflow. Companies invest in AIs to improve services. A customer service chatbot is a great investment for a company. Herobot is one of the many companies in the business world that creates customer service chatbot. Visit their page at https://powerpres.com/  to learn more about them.

Utilization of The Top Chatbots For Quality Services

top chatbots
top chatbots

Modern society integrates the use of technology in developing different sectors of it. This includes education, politics, economy, infrastructures, and communication. This form of development leads to various inventions to improve the lives of the people. Moreover, it is essential to see these developments as part of the growing society today. Innovations can be of great help to understand the potentials of the works of man. In this regard, the realization of outputs or end-products uses the intellectual capabilities of humans, such as having the top chatbots. Society continues to grow along with the population with different needs and necessities.

Technology is part of the changes in the world. Modernization of technology has to lead the world into multi-functional services. It helps people to live their lives at ease. Thus, applying these innovations to daily living is an excellent opportunity for discoveries. It is one of the beneficial works of man. Technology grows fast. It appeals to the needs and necessities of the people. It opens new opportunities for socialization, mobility, connectivity, and safety.

One of the innovations of technology is the introduction of chatbots. There are certain developments in technology which have a significant impact on society. It is essential to look for the functions of these creations. Chatbots have an indispensable role in modern society. As the world continues to grow and develop, and so the technology. Chatbots are flexible and are very useful in different areas for specific necessities. Moreover, this application can move sectors into great heights. They can open new possibilities of growth by adopting chatbots to be part of their system.

What is a chatbot?

Knowing certain things about top chatbots is actually there in the online world. A bot is a program that can perform automatic tasks. It can have a conversation with a human. Also, a user can ask for inquiries and statements. The bot will respond according to the nature of its program. It also replaces the direct interaction of rational discussion. Moreover, a virtual conversation can happen through chatbots. It simulates human conversation over a computer. It also provides programmable responses to answer specific questions. Furthermore, it gives accessibility for the users to receive the feedback immediately.There are different sectors where you can use chatbots.


top chatbots

Education is one part of the society. This builds the future generation of the world. Moreover, it needs improvement to provide quality education for the youth. The integration of technology can be of best help to make this happen. The use of chatbots can offer many opportunities for students to learn more. In this way, they can also be one of those individuals who can develop outstanding inventions for the sake of quality education. Practical instructions from the bots can also guide the students just the way the actual teacher teaches them. Students are exposed to use modern technologies to enhance learning.


Many business companies are struggling for the top spot in the business world. They are very much competitive to take risks at everything. Thus, the integration of technology is of great importance to them. Businesses with a modern way of approaching the customers are very much at a great advantage. Bots are part of the marketing strategy of some companies. They use top chatbots to communicate with their prospects. Customers find it convenient when there is a program that they can turn to without the burden of going to the physical company to settle a query. A quick response due to the installation of this software is an ace for a company.


Communication is part of the daily scenario of human interaction. Through this, socialization takes place. Technology has now paved the way for enhancing communication. A bot can best help to have a discussion more engaging than before. There are different conversation bots for specific purposes. If someone wants only to have a companion, bots can offer a friend in need. A long-distance communication are in a closer gap through these top chatbots. Thus, making communications clear to prevent further misunderstanding and delay of responses. These can open great opportunities in building connections with distant places.

Social Media

Social media is a platform that is very useful nowadays. Many people use this to meet new people, engage in social activities, or promote businesses. This gives people full access as a better tool to reach out to one another. As for entrepreneurs, the use of top chatbots is an advantage for a fierce competition. It is also used to promote connectivity among society. Bots create an atmosphere where you can do such various activities. It is essential to use technology in meaningful ways. Business transactions often happen in social media. For the reason that many people have access to it, there would be a broader audience to pursue.


Bots can be used as a weather announcer for the public. Since this is a program, it automatically answers the questions of the user. Most people often rely on their gadgets when checking for the weather condition for the day. It is essential to take note of this so that they will be ready for what will happen on an entire day. This gives convenience and awareness to the public before leaving their homes. Bots connected to the weather updates are of great help to many since it could give them a prior notice on what to expect on that day.


digital world

Current events are like lightning strikes that spread so fast. Many people, especially those with access to the internet, want to have the latest news right away. To get attached to this, you can rely on bots that can give you the latest updates. Furthermore, they can provide coherent information on what is happening in that particular occurrence. Bots are software that is made up to give the user the response that they want to have. Nowadays, it is essential to know the updates. Because of this, the public will be aware of what is the local and international trends. This will give them the idea of how they will cope with the current issues.

Financial transactions

Money remittances often occur in computer services. Bots also have a part in this. Money transfers are also programs that use virtual conversations such as confirmations of the codes and verifications of the identities of the users. It is very convenient for working individuals from distant places. They need not worry anymore about sending money to their loved ones. It will be as easy as one click away to transfer money. Another thing is that users can have financial services, such as bank-related services. It is very time-consuming when going to the bank physically. With the help of these top chatbots, it will be a lot easier to access bank services. 

Why is it essential to have top chatbots?

Technology developments are beneficial in today’s modern society. These open a more extensive range of opportunities for the public. In this manner, it can have a lot of developments to enhance the utilization of technology at greater extent further. It is essential to make use of top chatbots for the given areas since the public commonly uses it. Trends of technology is a good indication that further studies and discoveries keep on flourishing. It is good to know that creations are utilized in a more comprehensive and useful way. 

A chatbot is a program that helps the public to access different services quickly. Having the top chatbots is very important, especially in this modern day’s society. As the generation of the computer age, we are ton utilize the creations of technology. This provides easy access to sites. It also helps in receiving and sending quick responses to the users. Chatbots are an opportunity to make your connections more flexible and valuable in society. 

digital world

How can you have the top chatbots?

Herobot is an automated platform for messaging and social media interactions. This platform can provide the public with broader access to various services. It is very convenient for society. Having such bots can help you to deepen your connections among the community. This is to develop harmonious relationships among one another. Because of technology, distance doesn’t matter nor a hindrance anymore. If you are planning to have a bot that will help you to discover more, and live your life with ease, take action to this. 

There are various means of reaching out nowadays. As proof, communications are now possible, even from remote places. This allows the public to maintain relationships. Services are now in different perspectives. It is integrated into the use of technology, such as bots. Do you want to have the top chatbots for your necessities? Herobot is at your side to assist you in having one. Chatbots are software or programs that can be of great help to the public. Have a visit to Herobot now. With this, you can enjoy the flexibility and advantage of the development of technology. You can also have the best quality services for your messenger app as you have your top chatbots of your own. 

AI Talking Robot: A Bridge to Market Your Beauty Salon

ai talking robot
AI talking robot

It’s natural for us to be conscious of our looks, especially when going outside. Due to social standards, we always want to improve the way we dress up. This is the reason why more and more people are getting addicted to finding the perfect salon. However, this practice is a very stressful thing to do. Most especially when you don’t have any idea about the services and price range of a particular salon. But with an AI talking robot, the road to beauty and wellness is easy.

AI talking robot is your go-to app when finding the perfect salon that would change your life. The fast-changing technology gifted us a tool that will let us easily reach salon owners and staff to inquire. It also allows the salons to communicate and answer queries immediately. Moreover, it can keep conversations fun and informative as it tries to persuade customers to get their services. Meanwhile, making an appointment with an AI talking robot will not require you to fill up several papers. It is almost like you are communicating with the staff themselves. This is a godsend for both customers and salon owners.

Why Beauty Salons are an Escape from Stress

This is the generation where everyone seems to be busy at all times. People are either studying for school, training for competitions, looking for a job, working, or running a business. Despite this, society still expects us to be well and look presentable at all times. But pampering ourselves is not a crime. It is a must to treat ourselves to beauty salons every once in a while. Since we don’t visit salons all the time, we deserve the best service that’s worth our money. An AI talking robot can help you to achieve this.

The moment we enter a salon, the mixed smell of shampoo, conditioners, and other hair treatments are enough to make us feel that we are in the right place. We’ll enjoy sitting on a soft chair while enjoying a scalp massage, and it’ll be everything. Foot spa is also helpful to relieve the tiredness and soften the callouses of our feet. Moreover, a facial treatment can ease the stressful feeling brought by deadlines we need to meet. Most importantly, a hair makeover is what you need to lift a heavy heart. Visiting a beauty salon is indeed a sweet escape for those who want to run away from day-to-day commitments.

Possible Problems in a Beauty Salon

Owning and managing a salon is not an easy task. Some beauty salons are not in demand in the market due to their poor marketing strategy. It’s a good idea to look for a partner in promoting your business. Creating an AI talking robot to reach customers would be a huge help. Even if it’s difficult to persuade customers, it will be different with the help of chatbots. This will be a great tool to let people know about someone’s business.

And as we all know, the goal of every business is to attract customers and make them patronize their offers. Distribution of flyers and posting tarpaulins nowadays are not enough to convince people. People tend to engage in social media, and this can be the ideal platform for your marketing strategy. To make this possible, what you need to do is to create an AI talking robot that could hold a conversation with online consumers. This kind of promotion can guarantee you more sales for your salon. It will also save your business from losing a chance to reach target sales.

Perks of Using an AI Talking Robot in Beauty Salons

AI talking robot

Promoting a business in the current market requires flexibility in the trends. The innovation of technology has a lot of things to offer for promotions of products and services. In line with this, an AI talking robot has many functions and is a friendly tool a digital entrepreneur is looking for. It can introduce your products and services to customers without making them feel annoyed and bored. Moreover, it can attend to its users’ businesses at all times without getting exhausted or irritated.

Moreover, an AI talking robot will provide the best help to customers. For common questions asked, they will receive generated answers. It will not be an inconvenience for salon staff to accommodate a considerable number of people walking in a while engaging in people inquiring online. Moreover, a chatbot can arrange appointments of customers and give them the exact time where they could have the services they want. It can also give basic instructions about how long the treatments and services will take and what to expect when inside the salon.

AI Talking Robot in Online Promotion

Every business owner knows how essential developments are when it comes to business. It’s a way of making your brand known and encouraging people to be your customers. If done correctly, it can be your key to achieve high-rocketing sales and the right name in the industry. Today, the latest trend in digital marketing is a friend of all: the AI talking robot.


An AI talking robot is set to inform customers about the working hours of the salon. Moreover, it can also provide a list of the available stylists and staff with their corresponding specialties. It is perfect for those people who hate walking in a place and having to wait for their turn.  By knowing these things, it will be a lot easier for customers to make appointments. Meanwhile, the owner does not have to hire a person to handle customer service 24/7. This is a win-win situation and promises a smooth transaction for both of them.

This generation showcases an improvised way of marketing. All thanks to the digital age, where the innovation of technology takes place. There will be no questions left unanswered. Furthermore, because chatbots have artificial intelligence, they can generate answers while also learning with their customers at the same time. AI talking robot is the best business affiliate in this modern generation. You can get everything you’re looking for with a single click.


AI talking robot will bring convenience to customers. Checking the services offered by the salon online is more manageable. Some people want to swipe on their mobile phones and check for their desired services. For sure, they are looking for services that will suit their budget. People would always seek for convenience. Chatbots are what they’ve been looking for.

It will be time-consuming if they will still choose for services once they reach the beauty salon. Good thing there’s software like the AI talking robot that’s ready to assist inquiries. Your desired relaxation is now one click away. Moreover, you can handle questions and concerns faster and easier. It’s accessible and more convenient for everyone.

Promos and offers

Discounted services are appealing in the eyes of customers. AI talking robot is here to attend to the questions of customers. Introducing promos and low-budget offers online will reach a bigger market. Salons will reach techie people through the chatbot. It will be easier to attract customers in an instant.

A beauty salon can expect a full house once promoted online. Customers love the convenience of inquiry. After a smooth booking online, they will sit back and relax when they reach their chosen beauty salon. All thanks to AI talking robot, transactions are more accessible these days.

Consistency of AI Talking Robot

Beauty salons are not open 24/7. Most of the time, they are only free for 8-10 working hours, which is inconvenient both for students and workers. This is because they are only able to get out of their duties at the same time salons are closing. Due to this, it is tough for them to make an appointment at a particular salon. However, AI talking robot can continue advertisements and promotions even when it’s not working hours. Everything online is accessible anywhere we are using our gadgets. Some people may want to send bookings or check on the salon online. Through this, the flow of information about the business is continuous.

The innovation of technology made it easier for business owners and customers. This application is also helpful if walk-in customers need to ask further queries. Customers always look forward to receiving an instant answer. Nothing is too complicated in this fast-changing world of technology. In this digital age, people can get what they want with a blink of an eye. Everything is accessible on the internet. What we have to do is browse, swipe, and click.

Create Your AI Talking Robot at Herobot

Technology has always been excellent business support, and many leading brands already test it. Moreover, AI talking robot is valuable for the promotion and expansion of any businesses, including salons. You may be wondering how to create chatbots, but there’s no need to worry. Herobot is going to rescue you to the hassle of hiring professionals to make a bot. With this chatbot platform, you can create your bot without needing professional skills. It is effortless to use and navigate. Join Herobot now and give your business a brighter future ahead.

Why Should Customers Talk To A Chatbot?

talk to a chatbot

Does your company receive an immense amount of emails every day and you can’t answer them all at once? How long does it take you before you can send all your response to them? Perhaps, it takes a lot of your time and effort before having it answered. If so, this might result negatively in your business. Customers nowadays expect a very immediate response from the concern they have relayed whether via email or other social media platforms. That’s why investing in chatbots for customer service purposes would not be a wasteful decision. Letting your valuable customers talk to a chatbot for their concerns is indeed a wise choice.

talk to a chatbot

Chatbots’ efficiency level is indeed more than enough. It can perform various business operations all at once. Do you know what makes chatbots ahead of a real-human agent? Well, chatbots have a unique feature we call automation. If compared to a human, automation almost equates our perseverance.

However, perseverance is sometimes not enough to please our customers. Customers always expect instant gratification, which is not attainable with just a mix up of determination only. It requires strong technical effort and online support to be able to reach this goal. Do you feel threatened that you might fail your loyal customers? Better not, because chatbots are there to help you.

When it comes to efficient and effective customer service, chatbots are the best partner you can lean on. Are you eager to know the reasons why? Well, let’s get through it. 

The New Customer Service Superstar – How Chatbots Rise to Popularity?

Have you already heard about chatbots before when you were just a kid? Well, maybe not yet. Chatbots have risen to popularity for not more than about ten years ago. However, do you wonder how chatbots instantly become the new superstar in customer service today? If so, let us take a look at some reasons why business owners suddenly turn to chatbots for customer service:

1. To complement the rise of messaging apps

Since the beginning of 2018, messaging apps have become popular around the world. Many expect that billions of people around the world are using messaging apps as the primary mode of communication. As a result, businesses enter these platforms for customer service purposes. Till digital advancement continuously transforms customer service and eventually contributes to the birth of chatbots.

2. To meet the customer’s expectation for immediate response

Take note of this: customers are always right. Whether you understand or not, they are still on the right side. Therefore, the only thing that a business industry can do is provide them the best services your business can offer. However, though you know to yourself that you have already done your part, it is still not enough sometimes. Customers demand more, especially for a quick yet with a quality response. That is why developers have decided to create a computer program that can cater to this expectation. Perhaps, they do not make a mistake to develop chatbots that undeniably become so useful today.

3. To spend a lesser cost on customer service

Hiring a full-time agent to manage your customer service would be extremely costly. As a result, the business owner wants to resort to an alternative that would give them the same and uncompromised service in lesser expenses. Well, chatbots become the instant answer for their life-long prayer. They have the level ability to continually manage their customers without paying for their service every month.

4. To keep their business updated to the latest trend

As companies see that their competitors are using chatbots for a more innovative customer service experience, why would they let their business left behind? That is why; the use of chatbots for customer service purposes suddenly soars to popularity.

Why Would You Let Your Customers Talk to A Chatbot?

No wonder how chatbots can reshape the existing landscape of our customer service. As years of digital advancement go by, customers can no longer distinguish themselves if they are talking to a real-human agent or a chatbot. That is why business owners allow chatbots to talk to their chatbots. Today, it almost has a perfect resemblance to a real human customer service agent. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that letting your customers talk to a bot regarding their concerns is undoubtedly a wise decision. If you are not still convinced, below are some specific uses of chatbots to customer service:

1. Chatbots provide transparency when it comes to customer records

Your chatbot is programmed to have direct access to your database. That is why it can provide your customers with transparent information regarding their transactions with your business. More so, chatbots act more interactive and flexible when talking to your customers. With regard to informational purposes, chatbots can easily accommodate and interpret changes and provide solutions at the same time.

2. Chatbots act as your 24/7 customer service agent
talk to a chatbot

As we know, the most number of customers always demands immediate and 24/7 assistance, especially when it comes to technical and online support. In this matter, chatbots would be a great help. Chatbots can always help your customers whenever they need to retrieve their forgotten passwords, track the progress of their transactions, and other related concerns. As your virtual customer service agent, chatbots are anchored to a standardized functional structure. This makes it knows enough about your business and able to entertain the needs of your customers effectively.

3. Chatbots serve as your company’s front liners

In customer service, collecting customer’s information is crucial to the success of other business processes. With chatbot’s advanced technology, retrieving customer information while entertaining them is efficiently possible. Chatbots can perform them simultaneously since chatbots have direct access to business databases. More so, chatbots can also verify the encoded information right away.

Why Should Your Customer Trust You?

As a customer who’s seeking for convenience and immediate actions, why won’t you mind to transact with a chatbot? Once you talk to a chatbot, you must be aware that you put all your personal information in them. Are you worried about some confidentiality issues? You should not. You can trust your chatbots with your personal and most confidential information as long as you consider some data security measures.

Below are some of the best security practices you must take into consideration whenever you talk to a chatbot:

1. End-to-End Encryption

Since chatbots are connected to vast channels such as Facebook Messenger, Slack, and Telegram; invasion to data privacy would no longer be impossible. That is why; the development of E2EE is indeed a great help to preserve confidentiality. With E2EE, all the conversations you had while you talk to a chatbot gets encrypted. In this way, data trespasser would get a hard time interpreting your personal information since it has been all converted into codes.

2. Authentication and Authorization of User Identity

As technological advancement continues to move forward, the ability of hackers does integrate as well. Chatbots utilize authentication and authorization to verify the credibility of logins to prevent hacker attacks. The user has to secure an authentication token that he can use throughout the particular session. 

3. Self-destructive messages

In maintaining confidentiality, erasing all the traces of past conversation is a great help, mainly when it tackles highly-confidential information such as bank account numbers. With self-destructive features, the data would stay only on a particular conversation within the prescribed amount of time. This confidential information will vanish right away.

4. Secure Protocols

Nowadays, we can hardly tell if someone unauthorized is sneaking through our essential transactions. Therefore, HTTPS is helpful to keep the chatbot’s network security intact. Hypertext Transfer Protocol helps chatbots to transfer data using an encrypted connection. In this way, people can’t go through your conversation.

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We still can’t deny that the traditional way of managing our customers is still useful nowadays. However, little integration wouldn’t hurt. If you wish to elevate your service to your customers, engaging with chatbots would be the best move you can ever make. However, of course, responsibility and discipline is still the key to keep everything in place. Your adequate knowledge about this technology would help you save yourself from getting compromised.

talk to a chatbot

As a professional business owner, you must not just resort to chatbots opportunity because you want your business to get exposure across the online platforms. More than this, you should genuinely care for their welfare. Give them a very efficient customer service experience by letting them talk to a chatbot. Try to provide them instant gratification while your company itself savors fruitful benefits. Are you interested to know how to get to it? Well, it begins with a great and wise choice.

If you are eager to serve your customers from the bottom of your heart, engage with a reliable chatbot industry. For chatbot concerns and how it can help your customer service, consider HeroBot. We have skillful and experienced chatbot experts to cater to all your chatbot needs. We offer a variety of services where you can choose from depending on the needs of your company. Interested in our services? Come and visit us at https://powerpres.com/.