Facebook Marketing Automation Technology: 10 Effective Advertising Strategies

facebook marketing automation

Facebook is one of the best places when it comes to online advertising. For marketers, Facebook marketing automation technology is a powerful tool to boost brand promotion and potentially increase sales. The billions of monthly users of this platform generate an opportunity for marketers to further introduce their products and services globally. In fact, Facebook is now the largest social media network, and it continues to release fresh and exciting features every day. With that being said, it is best to make use of it to our advantage.

However, the diverse features of Facebook and its large user base can get extra-challenging to monitor and optimize. In this busy generation, we barely have enough time to do an additional task such as Facebook advertising.

chatbot marketing

Facebook advertising is an excellent way to attain a positive return on your investment. It can shower money for your business. Don’t worry about your schedule because you can still do Facebook advertising while you’re working on your main job.

How? Just automate it.

Marketing Automation – What is it?

Before we dive further to Facebook marketing automation technology, let us first discuss it really is. Marketing automation, as defined by Marketo, is a category of technology that allows companies to streamline, automate, and measure marketing tasks and workflows, so they can increase operational efficiency and grow revenue faster.

Marketing automation assists in simplifying lead segmentation, nurturing, and scoring, lead generation, as well as measuring marketing ROI. To do all this, you will need the following:

1. Central Database

This will serve as the home for all of your data for marketing. It is a Like a record of your entire marketing information. This will include comprehensive of your customers’ and prospects’ behaviors and interactions. Therefore, this will allow you to properly partition your customers and send an appropriate message or content to each one.

2. Engine for engagement marketing

This will be responsible for driving your customer interactions. You can generate, automate and manage marketing strategies and customer connections through both offline and online channels.

3. Engine for analytics

This shall evaluate, assess, and maximize the ROI of your business’ marketing and its effect on your revenue. Through this, you can find out what marketing process is effective, what is not, and what needs improvement.

You might now understand what marketing automation is. But to make it clearer, here’s what marketing automation is NOT:

1. An effective solution that requires no effort

How convenient it shall be if you could just acquire the technology of marketing automation, then watch your business grow itself into success. Well, the reality is not. To make it work, you will have to devise an effective strategy that incorporates appropriate people, methodology, information, content and many more.

2. Technology for spamming

Results of utilizing technology depend on how it was used. The truth is you can use marketing automation for spamming. BUT, this will be a perfect example of terrible marketing. Rather than wasting this technology, you better use it for doing extraordinary marketing. Use it to send appropriate and relevant contents to your customers. Moreover, create personalized connections based on your customers’ preferences.

3. Brings improvements to marketing only

We can’t deny the fact that the marketing department is the primary beneficiary of marketing automation. However, when used properly, it will also improve sales. Therefore your business’s revenue shall increase.

4. Improved term of email marketing

Not quite. Marketing automation covers all marketing operations throughout all channels used. This includes social, mobile and other online channels, as well as direct phone and mail marketing. Moreover, it integrates intuition-focused and ideal characteristics from your business’ lead management procedure, web-analytics platform, customer relationship management, and more other systems. Therefore, this will generate something even better than all combined parts. Now it’s time to talk about amazing Facebook marketing automation technology.

Guide to Facebook Marketing Automation Technology

facebook marketing automation

Facebook advertising platform allows its users to optimize and automate different activities. The good news is that it is easy to do and will save more of your precious time. Here are some ways to utilize Facebook with a marketing automation system as Facebook marketing automation technology:

Set up Custom Audiences to your ads

Facebook Custom Audiences allow you to deliver ad campaigns to your target audience – who are already on your extent. You can target audiences from various categories. You just need to have their contact information such as email address, phone numbers, and Facebook user id.

Having the option to customize your audiences is very useful to marketers. One of the main reasons is that once you’ve uploaded your customer list, you can choose which audience faction you want to include (or exclude).

Through this, you can deliver different ad messages to each audience category you opt for. Also, this feature allows you to easily determine which ad messages are the most effective for your audience.

Look for new prospects with Lookalike Audiences

The Lookalike Audiences capability is out of the Custom Audiences. However, it is still useful because it has a different purpose. Lookalike Audiences enables marketers to reach new prospects which are relevant to your custom audiences. Once you upload your customer list from your database, Facebook analyzes it and provides a comparable but new addressable audience to your listing.

If you already managed to properly partition your customer list, you can be able to do a hyper-targeted Lookalike audience searches. For instance, you have a customer partition in your database that reacts positively to an offer. With this, you can generate a new Lookalike Audience, and evaluate how they respond with the same offer. The most important thing to remember is to understand your audience. The more you understand your customer, the more you can fortify the targeting of Lookalike Audiences with Facebook marketing automation technology.

Wise marketers always favor Lookalike Audiences. You ask why? This is because Lookalike Audiences is an excellent technique to search for not only new but qualified prospects as well. This is the ultimate goal of every single marketer. By utilizing Facebook marketing automation technology you can easily achieve that.

Generate leads through social shares

Well, this one is most often obvious in Facebook marketing automation technology. However, you’ll mostly be surprised because this one is often forgotten and ignored most of the time.

Make sure to integrate a sharing button to all of the content asset, landing page, and email you compose. Take note that that you should be able to track this sharing buttons. This will enable you to optimize your social reach. Also, this will also help you distinguish your most effective content. Moreover, you can track the number of leads that enters your marketing funnel through Facebook, and determine how effective Facebook marketing is compared to other channels.

Just as important as getting more likes and shares, you should also not forget to share clickable links. This shall bring significant traffic to your site, which will be another important measure of success for your marketing campaign. To effectively do this, you should add Open Graph tags (OG tags).

What is Open Graph tag?

Like Google, which have meta tags, social networks have OG tags. OG tags help to automatically preview links by just looking on the heading or title, image, and description, as the links are shared. Be sure the preview is interesting or enticing enough, as this is a factor to whether customers shall click it or not. Be sure to use the appropriate size of image suited to Facebook.

Use Offer Ads to create new leads

Discounts are not the only perks of Facebook offers. Facebook offers are an ideal way to share slide decks, e-books, articles, and more other content. Most importantly, Facebook offers is a great help to create new leads. You can arrange an offer that can bring people to a landing page (which will be your site or a page on your site). This way, you can direct them to fill up a short online form to get the asset. You acquire new leads; likewise, they receive great contents. It’s a win-win situation.

According to the latest guide for Facebook Ad and sponsored stories, the most difficult step of creating Offer Ad is composing the message. The message should be a maximum of 90 characters. Once you managed to do a clear and convincing offer, the next steps will be much easier. In addition, Facebook automatically resizes high-resolution photos or images to fit in mobile, desktop, and all other available placements. Therefore, you won’t need to upload images of varying sizes. Simple, isn’t it? This is just one of many benefits of Facebook marketing automation technology.

Who will benefit Facebook Marketing Automation Technology?

Big companies and businesses have already enjoyed the benefits of Facebook marketing automation technology. However, this technology isn’t just for large companies. In fact, as of today, small businesses and companies contribute to the largest percentage of marketing automation technology users. Most early users were the business-to-business (B2B) companies like manufacturing, software and business services just to name a few. But today, more and more business of several different industries such as entertainment, retail, health, and financial services are now using automation technology.

Automation and chatbots

facebook marketing automation

Now you might want to adopt Facebook marketing automation technology. If so, you should consider using chatbots. You can put your business in a very excellent position when you integrate artificial intelligence with marketing automation. Doing repetitive marketing becomes easier with personalized marketing and predictive analysis. Moreover, chatbots make marketing automation human-like.

As chatbot can retain customer data, it will be easier to fill your database with accurate information. Therefore, you will find it easier to segment your customer list and send proper contents.

Start your Facebook marketing automation technology now and bring your business one step closer to success. And with Herobot, we will create an excellent chatbot that will kick-start your automated marketing ventures.

Facebook Comment Bot: Increase Your Potential Sales

facebook comment bot

Engaging in a business requires a lot of effort and planning. You cannot enter the industry if you are not equipped with the right marketing tools to promote your offerings. Today’s market relies on the internet. A lot of potential customers are browsing the web to find good stuff because it’s way more convenient. So, having your business on different social media platforms – such as Facebook – is a great way to introduce your products or services. And with the facebook comment bot, you have the advantage to drive your business to the top. However, there are still things that you need to consider as part of your business strategy.

What is a Facebook Comment Bot?

Facebook comment bot is an automation tool that is used for bulk responding/replying on facebook post comments. It allows a page to make instant replies for a massive number of comments at once. It is often used by big brands in order to handle their customers accordingly.

facebook comment bot

Make Instant Replies with Comment Bot

There’s a huge potential in sales for every Facebook user who comments on your page posts. Reaching out to commenters is a great way to attract probable customers. However, replying to them one by one may not be viable and efficient. In this case, you can opt for a Facebook Comment Bot. Facebook Comment Bots help you make instant replies to multiple comments at once. These instant replies are the messages that are seen automatically by users when they initiate a comment on a post on your Facebook page. Comment bots are like chatbots, which help you show that your business is committed to providing high-quality customer service.

Create an Effective Instant Reply

An instant reply is not effective if its content is not relevant to what the commenters want to see. Make it a part of your planning to think of the best response for them. You should customize your content depending on what the market demands. Make it more informative – enough to represent your brand well.

Here are some tips you can consider in creating effective content for instant reply:

1. Make a brief company overview

Since most of the commenters who put interest on your page posts are new to your brand, it will be an excellent opportunity to introduce your products and services. Include in your instant reply what your company offers; products, services, and etc. Also, it is a good idea to mention some of your products so that customers can have an overview of what they are engaging on.

2. Provide contact details

Having a flood of messages or comments can sometimes lead to unnoticed inquiries. The best way to avoid such circumstances is to provide them with alternative ways to reach you. You can include in the instant reply your e-mail address, company number, business address, or other customer service hotline.

3. Set a timeframe

Don’t make your customers wait for the unknown. Provide them with a specific timeframe on when they can expect a response from you. Gain their trust by giving them realistic information about your availability. One way to do this is to allocate a specific time and have it well-organized.

4. Unanticipated Page Inactivity

Usually, some businesses only employ one person to manage a social media account. But what if that person has an emergency and cannot monitor the page? For this reason, you need to inform the Facebook users that your page will be back shortly due to an unexpected happening. It is your responsibility to let them know to avoid a negative impact on your business.

How You Will Benefit from Comment Bots

Facebook comment bot is easy to set up. You will only need one single response for everyone who leaves a comment on your post. You have the freedom to create whatever response you want – given that it will not exceed to 250 characters. Instant replies enable businesses to handle a massive number of messages. However, it is still your responsibility to respond personally after the instant reply so that you won’t miss a chance of getting more customers. Doing so can trim down all the negative remarks about your customer service. Also, it can build a stronger connection between you and your possible customers.

To add, here are some benefits you can get from Facebook Comment bots:

1. Customer Engagement

Research states that companies who are engaged with their customers on social media are able to increase their sales by up to 40%. With that being said, it is essential to keep your customers engaged with your business. Social media is an excellent platform to promote your business, but an excellent companion to assist you with inquiries is a must-have – chatbots.

Chatbots or comment bots are different from conventional customer service representatives. Chatbots only provide brief information. However, there’s still an interaction between the Facebook user and the chatbot. This is possible through the use of the keywords that the user provides each time. So, if you think Chatbots are annoying, you might be wrong. They’re actually entertaining the customers with relevant information while they are waiting for the response of the page administrator.

2. Global Approach

Facebook comment bots can help you reach global customers 24/7. They can solve your customer care problems because one of its features includes multiple languages. Through this, you can expand your target market without the worries of handling numerous incoming requests.

3. Enhanced Lead Generation

Facebook comment bots assist customers by providing necessary information based on the data they receive. A bot replies on related and essential questions, convince the user and generates a lead for you. They ensure that the flow is in the right direction to get high conversation ratings. Also, bots can help determine the unqualified leads, and avert unnecessary deals with time-consuming leads.

4. Cut the costs

Having a facebook comment bot will cut the costs from hiring employees for specific tasks, or creating a cross-platform app for customer service. There are ready-made software you can choose from.

facebook comment bot

Chatbots and facebook comment bots allow you to handle multiple customers at once simultaneously. They are beneficial for you and the customers because you will not only save money from hiring employees, but you can also avoid problems caused by human errors.

Bots are great backups for employees. They can do basic and repetitive tasks with great speed and efficiency. However, one of the struggles you may face is developing the conversation capability of your bot in order to make an impression to your customers.

5. Monitor Customer Insights

Facebook comment bot is a great help in monitoring your business. You can collect what commenters think of your product and use them for further improvements.

Why Consider Facebook Comment Bot as Part of Your Marketing Strategy

There’s so much we can do with Facebook, and this includes promoting our businesses for potential sales increase. If you’re using it for marketing purposes, you might want to use Facebook’s messaging features and allow bots to assist you in incoming messages and inquiries.

Bots can provide your customers with useful details that they can use in determining if you are the one they’re looking for. Also, given that you provide your contact information in the instant reply, customers can find it hassle-free to reach their concerns straight to you. They can send you a private message and initiate a private discussion. Through this, you can answer their questions personally and soon offer them great deals. That’s the magic of having a partner in handling customers. You can be secured that all probable customers are not left ignored. Being interactive with them makes a great impression on your customer service and your brand as well.

If you are able to respond to each comment instantly, you can expect a considerable increase in the demand for your brand. Bots can help you achieve stronger customer engagement. And as said earlier, you can cut the costs without sacrificing the quality of your customer service. There’s no need to hire many employees. All you need to do is generate a bot and have someone to monitor your account.

However, a bot may not be useful if programmed with the wrong type of content. You need to have a strategy or consider the tips that are mentioned earlier. Aside from that, you can ask for assistance. Herobot aims to help marketers expand their market through chatbot marketing.

Chatbot Marketing

facebook bot

Chatbot marketing is now a trend in digital marketing. It is an effective way to introduce a brand to the public. Since many people are using Facebook in their daily lives, there is a huge potential for your business to get discovered. But to make that possible, you have to devote your time in handling different customers.

We all know how hard it is to handle tons of messages at once. However, if you have a facebook comment bot or chatbot, you can have an assistant to entertain Facebook users while you are not available for personal interactions. With Herobot, you don’t have to worry about missed inquiries because your bot got your back. Try it now and see the difference it makes! Visit us here.

The Real Reason why Facebook Engagement for Businesses Declined

Facebook engagement

For the recent past years, almost all of the business owners have depended on Facebook engagement to drive their businesses for excellent customer engagement. Facebook provides ease in reaching out to several users out there. And because of this, Facebook has entered the business world like a magic wand, an instrument that assists business owners and even publishers in skyrocketing to success.

However, recent statistics have shown that this magic wand is not as powerful as it was before when it comes to customer engagement. The truth is that the figures have fallen significantly. The average amount of engagement drops down from 340 to 264, within just the first half of the year 2017.

As of for last year until earlier of this year, the biggest challenge for all business marketers is:

“How can we be able to capture more Facebook engagement for our business?”

In this article, we look forward to assisting you to see the answers with the information we gathered based on several studies made.

We will dive a little deeper into the flagship of all social networks: Facebook. Therefore, we shall see what intuitions we could acquire to assist businesses in attaining good impressions, most especially yours.

Plummet in Facebook Engagement

If you are using Facebook incorrectly, your magic wand has more likely become like an ordinary stick.

Yes, the magic is fading.

How, you ask?

Steve Rayson, the director of BuzzSumo, has analyzed and gathered data over 880 million posts added by publishers and businesses on Facebook for the year of 2017.

In the said study, Rayson has discovered that the average amount of Facebook engagement (likes and shares) that are associated with targeted content has dropped over 20% since January of 2017 alone. Moreover, certain types of content are dropping harder than others.

Factors of declining Facebook engagement

Facebook engagement

The reasons behind the Facebook engagement are debatable. Others may assume that business publishers are spending less on promotions like these, but the truth is the turnaround is actually true.

Facebook engagement marketing strategy key focuses on offering value. According to Mari Smith, a goal should teach the audience something useful, relates to them, and finds the same activities and hobbies where you are an expert, and can do it in a very enjoyable way.

New potential connections through Facebook aren’t coming as frequently as before in the last few years, and because of engagement lacking, paid promotions aren’t properly rewarded. According to research, within 42 to 52 percent, organic feedbacks were declined.

More reasons…

On one statistical data report, feeds averagely hold 1,500 different stories, and the available content on Facebook is also soaring in numbers.

An algorithm that affects the contents of what was displayed for users was also adjusted by Facebook.

The truth is, the Chicago Tribune also encounters trouble in expanding its Facebook reach with the readers. They claimed that algorithm changes were the cause of their one-third posts not surfacing.

If one publisher gets more engagement in his Facebook posts, then you will be highly favored by the algorithm, and results will increase your reach. Increasing your engagement also means that you can spend fewer ad dollars to reach all your audience.

It is important to think why your engagement in Facebook is declined; one of many factors is because of the increased competition in the platform, Facebook algorithm, and new set quality bar.

Users appreciate and feel grateful, and expect a higher standard in a company’s content when you have a unique customer engagement. Even if you post only one content every day or every week, you can reach you’re desired targeted engagements and impressions when you make high-quality content.

Even with many competitors on Facebook, if you try harder and do better, you can achieve your goals, and in time, your content will boom in popularity.

Major Refusal in Facebook Engagement

Not so long ago, image and link posts became the core foundation for Facebook success in the field of visual content marketing. People were more engaged to learn and click on Facebook with a wide variety of topics because; images were shown often fiction and drew the attention of viewers.

Today, links and photos aren’t drawing much attention; ranking from the fastest, images are on the top of the losing ground.

The fact that the Facebook engagement algorithm has an effect on the kind of content shown, it is considered partly responsible for the declines observed since January. On the other hand, average engagements in July and August 2016 are 480 shifting to 340 from April to June 2017. This could indicate that there is more going on to the problems they are facing.

Unicorn Ruler: Video

In contrast with the other forms, video contents are soaring high. Video posts highly increased up to 10 percent comparing to other areas that attempt to publish and was declined.

The average numbers of Facebook engagement with videos are also remarkably higher compare to other categories. Last May 2017, its lowest point was recorded but still manages to reach 525 engagements.

It isn’t really a surprise, though. Facebook has put a lot of effort into improving its videos, and plans perfectly their marketing strategy to become more efficient and provides user’s desires and necessity. This includes the birth of Facebook Live video feeds, where users are really happy with it.

According to BuzzSumo, brands and publishers mostly don’t use video as much as they could because at present it only represents 10 percent of the 880 million total posts.

Graphics on most viral Facebook post highlights the power of videos on social media, out of the top twenty posts, seventeen features this format.

Music videos are being featured frequently, including emotional, inspirational, and cute animal videos. Hack videos about practical and food-related content are also in the first entries on the list.

Fail to notice the importance of video options is like avoiding and ignoring a magical wand standing and waiting in the center of a beautiful room. In this case scenario, this magical wand is considered as the key to success.

Stern Rivalry

The birth of Facebook and other social media sites, in general, led to brands and publishers feel like they were pioneers in this field of marketing – customer engagement. While only a few decided to jump on this risk at the beginning of its popularity, the primary platform was already prepared for its first takers.

Facebook as a means of standard practice is the same as using a donkey to reach the top of the Grand Canyon; apparently, everybody is doing it.

Plus, the increase in paid Facebook advertisements made people newsfeeds busy.

What does it mean? This means that your natural connections on Facebook are getting pushed around in the user’s newsfeed; also these posts may get to the bottom due to the great volume of posts that are being offered to a person.

Maybe, the paid ads were the answer, but maybe it’s the other way around. As previously stated, this is one strategy that brands (such as Facebook fake sites and pages) are using; you can say that you’re contending for partial ad space.

Insights of Facebook Ads Users

Moreover, a user doesn’t always feel happy about seeing the ads.

A recent study shows that 15.3 percent of correspondents didn’t notice there were ads in there, 38.5 percent of users were “indifferent” about the presence of ads but; a full of 30.2 percent found them as “irrelevant and annoying.”

Survey facts were presented in a positive approach. Twenty-six (26) percent of those people who clicked ads really did make a purchase. On the other hand, the uninterested and irritated users are worth paying attention too, seeing its statistical numbers; it may not be a good course to achieve more Facebook engagement numbers.

Developing Engagements

The first and major step to boost the level of Facebook engagement is to take a leap on the latest ride in a magical horse video.

Videos are getting a lot of heavy action on Facebook; the key is to become friendly with the type of content.

If not, you have to make sure that your content provides your users with clear values. Better be sure that the heading of your content can draw people in. Through this, you can expect more Facebook clicks, reach, impressions, and engagements.

Nowadays, if you want to have a positive impression and make users engaged in your platform you have to work your way harder and with passion; because Facebook today is packed with posts from different brands and publishers

Days of safe ship sailing are gone. You better established good images and links to secure your title. People opinionated posts can have a big impact on social media, especially if they can speak the thoughts they have in mind.

Take your time and have a good ride.

Facebook Messenger Bots List for Marketers

Facebook Messenger Bots List

Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular social media platform on the internet. Due to its huge demand, it is only natural to take advantage of it. Thus, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, made some necessary plans to monetize it by using artificial intelligence. This made it possible to develop computer software programs like bots to take over customer service of businesses and accumulate more sales. To help you learn more, I made a Facebook Messenger Bots list for marketers in this article.

Facebook Messenger Bots List

The utilization of Facebook Messenger bots for businesses brings a win-win situation for the marketers and the social media platform itself. Facebook collects data about the preference of its users and how they usually interact with the bot servers. They can use this information for enhancing their AI. Meanwhile, marketers will be able to cater to more customers and have more sales with the help of the services of bots.

Why you need Facebook Messenger Bots

As I mention above, aside from Facebook, marketers are also gaining from Facebook Messenger bots. From the huge range of benefits it can give, the most important would be its ability to rise the conversion rates from a good conversation with customers. However, to do this, you must first develop a good plan on how you want your bot to interact with your customers. Here are some of the things you could do to increase your conversion rate and create a good dialogue for your users.

Improve customer service

First things first, the customer service needs to be exceptional. Always remember that the main role of your bot is to provide good customer service. Thus, you need to up your game and make a perfect bot server as much as possible. However, do not forget that you need to make the bot sound as humane as possible. Create a character that will never get mad for customers but still know the rights of the company.

Build brand awareness

Brand awareness is very important if you want your business to grow. This will affect your sales and your impact to people. But, how is it possible to build brand awareness by using a bot? Keep in mind that your bot will be the main representative of your company. You have to make necessary plans and make the character of your bot more distinct than the others. Other than making it knowledgeable, kind and respectable, it is necessary that you will add fun and quirkiness on it depending on the nature of your business.

Encourage people to visit your product page

While making the dialogue, take not on how you can encourage your customers to visit your product page. After making the bot greet and introduce itself, you can make the bot ask questions to know the motive of your customers on contacting your company. After inquiring and analyzing the needs of the users, make your bot recommend your products and services. Make sure to include a direct link to your product page or blogs (if you have any). This will increase the traffic your page and will help you on gaining more domain authority later on. Moreover, it will increase the chance of gaining more sales form interested customers.

Include augmented reality

There is just no limit to technology. There are always new developments and ideas to make everything easier for humans. In fact, one of the latest ideas on online marketing is the inclusion of augmented reality on chatbots. It enables users to try on products by using camera filters. This is more suitable for businesses in line with fashion and cosmetics, though. Marketers in line with restaurants and hospitality can also use augmented reality to show customers the places.

Facebook Messenger Bots List

Facebook Messenger Bots List

For some people, mere notes and advices are not enough to know more about things. Thus, we created a Facebook Messenger bots list in order to give you some examples of the best and promising chatbots in the social media platform. You can also take note and visit them if you want.

1. Fynd’s Fify

Fify is one of the most promising in our Facebook Messenger Bots list. As their blog claims, it is a very intelligent fashion discovery and a good transaction bot as well. Its developers made sure that Fify is not only equipped with enough knowledge about their business but it also has a good character. Its machine learning capability makes it possible to act differently depending on its history of conversation with the user. At first, it will only talk about their brand but later on, its conversation will range from the latest fashion trends to gossips about celebrities. If you want to make your bot business a success, you might need to learn a thing or two with this chatbot.

2. Burger King

If you will consider the customer service of fast food chains when it comes to online purchases, Domino’s might come in first. However, Burger King proves that an AI does not need to be expensive in order to deliver a good service for its customers. With their bot, you simply need to order by choosing menu items and clicking the closest BK food chain in your area. With this information, the bot will automatically provide an estimation for the delivery time and the total price of your food. Indeed, it is one of the best customer service innovation in line with the food industry.

3. Wall Street Journal

It never hurts to have someone notify you and give you details with the latest news from time to time. Thus, Wall Street Journal delves into the world of chatbots and created one that can provide an easier and faster service for readers. If you subscribe to this Facebook Messenger Bot, The Wall Street Journal Bot will give you messages regarding the news about your place and even provide information regarding stock markets and economic charts. It can even send pings to people when there is a new update about the stories or companies they follow online. It is like having your own secretary/ informant without spending money.

4. HealthTap

Facebook Messenger Bots List

If your business is more on the complicated section than simply online shops, then you should take note of this bot. HealthTap is a bot that can provide a connection to its users from more than a hundred thousand of doctors in different specialties. It works by letting its users ask some health questions. After that, the bot will go through the internet and search for articles and blogs that can answer it. Because it deals with health and medical matters, it can even answer high-level questions that you don’t normally see on other bots. Thus, businesses like law firms and other offices should really learn from this.

5. Besure Messenger

This bot is best for those in line with tourism and hospitality. Besure bot is a bot that helps its users to find great restaurants by telling their locations. It can even provide websites and links for the customers. However, the only downside of this bot is that it is limited to two places only as of now. It ranges from restaurants around Copenhagen to San Francisco. However, if you will be able to create a bot that will provide more coverage, it will surely be a hit for foodies and tourists around a certain area. Moreover, resorts, hotels, and tourist spot destinations can surely get more sales with this kind of bot.

6. Zork

Most people tend to find entertainment in almost anything. This is why some marketers add games and promos to make people more interested in their products. However, with Facebook Messenger Bots, you can now create a game while selling your product. Zork is the best example of this. By doing this, your conversation with customers will never be dull and will be filled with excitement instead.

Create the best with Herobot!

Planning is very important and can be fun if you have the proper resources in order to make it possible. This is why you need a good chatbot platform that will make things easier when you are creating a bot. Herobot provides a drag-and-drop feature that is very easy to do. Moreover, it even offers variations of templates that you can choose from. Visit our webpage to know more.

How to Make a Facebook Bot That Will Up Your Conversion Strategy

how to make a facebook bot

Even with its numerous competitors, Facebook is still at the top of the social media chain. It has more than 2.4 billion monthly active users and one of the leading websites that could advertise brands effectively. With its popularity on different ages, colors, genders or cliques, you can easily run campaigns with Facebook’s ad features. Meanwhile, a lot of people are integrating their own ideas with this and one of them is using a Facebook bot.

how to make a facebook bot

A conversion strategy is important in order to give your customers a good experience while urging them to trust your brand for their next visit. Also, if it is good enough, it can a good brand value to your company which means more traffic, more customers, and more income for you. However, doing this is not easy which is why you will need the help of technology. Thus, it is important to know how to make a Facebook bot that will up your conversion strategy.

Why is an effective conversion strategy essential?

Technology is very helpful to human beings and using it effectively can bring success to most. However, this same thing is also the reason why most people are having problems generating more profits for their companies. Instead of spending on new gadgets and widgets as an investment, they are now just earning to pay for expensive tools that they use. This is where everything goes wrong.

To turn the table around and get the upper hand, you must have a good conversion strategy and just use tools that will most likely benefit you. Moreover, instead of using expensive tools, opt for cheaper tools or those that you will only have to pay once. One of these tools is the Facebook bot. With its great wide-range audience, you can never go wrong with attaching your business on it. Also, this social media site will really be helpful for your business. Meanwhile, bots can offer automation that can save you a lot of money and effort.

How can a Facebook bot up your conversion strategy?

If you will go around the internet and go into some good websites, you will most probably be greeted with an energetic “hello”. You might think that it is unimportant and just an unnecessary addition to making the website look more friendly but you are wrong. It actually helps the website garner more audiences and gives visitors a better experience. It can also negotiate and settle schedules in your stead. Here is a list of the things a good Facebook bot can offer for your brand.

Improves customer experience

Now, you may think that bots are unnecessary to give customers a better experience because that is what customer service is for. However, you should remember that in order to compete with millions of companies around the world, you need to up your game. Start building your Facebook bot that will interact with your customers 24/7 in a human-like way. It works even if you are just starting your company or you already own a bigger enterprise.

You need to be able to cater to your customer’s needs at all times. Even if your store is already closed and it is already 1 AM, you know you just need to respond to your customer’s message. If not, it will just mostly end up them being angry or swearing to never negotiate with your company ever again. Moreover, it will most likely lead to bad reviews for your services. However, the Facebook bot can you from all this hassle.

Because it is an automated program, it can stay up 24/7 and negotiate with all your customers all at once. It talks to a human-like way and has enough artificial intelligence and machine learning to converse appropriately. A Facebook bot can even things more thoroughly than some of your human employees. By keeping your customers satisfied, you can build a better relationship with them and assure that they will remain as your consumers.

Engage in social media

Not all people are aware of your business and your website. However, engaging to customers through their social media accounts will surely boost up your brand name. As you already know, with millions of people using Facebook now, it means that people are more active on this website rather than others. Moreover, studies show that chatbots, such as a Facebook bot, can provide a better mobile experience for the users.

Facebook bots are flexible and can easily be used with mobile phones. With this tool, your customers have unlimited ways of connecting with you anytime and anywhere. As a matter of fact, a lot of companies such as Domino’s Pizza, MasterCard and Sephora are already taking advantage of it. With a Facebook bot, you can add convenience to your customer’s experience which will do good for your business.

how to make a facebook bot

Give good recommendations

Have you ever gone out in the mall determined to buy something but failing to remember what it is? Well, this is common for almost everyone and it can happen in online shops too. This is why most stores make sure that they have sales ladies that can help you shop and give you recommendations whenever you need one. It helps both sides as it gives the customers an idea of what they should buy while giving more sales to the shop.

However, how do you think is it possible to apply the same thing to your online shop? This is where the idea of generating a Facebook bot on your brand comes in. It can converse with your customers naturally and in a human-like way. Moreover, it can help them find the things they are interested in. Facebook bot can also give recommendations by telling the customers basic information about the products. It can also send photos and links to the products to customers.

It can also do predictive lead scoring by going through the profile of the users and looking up to their recent activities. Moreover, it can take note of the demographics and social information of the customers. This way, you will be able to know about their interests and can even help with product recommendations.

Qualify leads

However, if you really want a good conversion strategy, the things mentioned above are not going to suffice. In business, time is very important. Remember, time is of the essence and money. To make sure that you are not wasting time for your online business, make sure to not engage in the wrong person. If you did, you will just spend the time that you should be spending on those who could be a possible customer. This is what lead qualification is all about.

Meanwhile, companies already have a solution for this. They use a Facebook bot that will ask a set of questions to its visitors to know if they can be your possible customer or client. Instead of answering their queries, some pages start the conversations by asking its users some questions. It may include things like how they are able to know about the product or what products they are interested in. Moreover, it will automatically analyze the intentions of the users and if they are a possible lead. Also, it can store the information that it is able to generate from its past conversation which can be useful for your brand.

how to make a facebook bot

Step up your game with Herobot’s Facebook bot!

If you read the article above, there is a high chance that you are already interested in creating your Facebook bot now. And if not, let me tell you that thousands of your competitors are already using one and it will already give them a higher advantage. This is why you need to step up your game and learn how you will be able to build a bot that will not cost you so much.

With Herobot, you can guarantee that the Facebook bot you will create is going to be functional and effective. Moreover, doing it with this platform will give you an easier route without hiring programmers. It is also cheaper than any other site and offers a large variety of widgets and templates that you can choose from. Moreover, it is flexible and will let you work with only drag and drop feature. Learn more about Facebook bot on our website.

Facebook Marketing Automation: Your Ultimate Guide for Success

facebook marketing automation

It’s incredible how we can do almost everything with the presence of technology today. Most of the business people are engaging themselves in embracing the benefits and advantages of technology in achieving success. They abandoned the traditional way of marketing strategies and chose a much more convenient way of gaining customers, which is through Facebook marketing automation.

People are spending most of their time browsing on Facebook every day. According to some studies, Facebook is a way of recreations and social communication for billions of people around the world. In that case, business owners try their best to present their brand and products by posting it on their Facebook pages. You’re probably aware that creating a robust online presence is very important for your business. Your online presence refers to the way you present products and your brand on any social media platform. It will help your business appear more professional and may increase conversions and traffic, as well. Meanwhile, this can be achieved by having a functional Facebook marketing automation.

What is Facebook Marketing Automation in the Face of Business?

Your business’ website plays a crucial role in establishing the trust of your possible customers. Businesses with well-designed and useful websites tend to appear more credible to users. Online visitors’ trust has a significant influence on how many conversions you receive. With this, the internet is now the first place most people look to learn about a new product or company.

Social media is an excellent way of getting attention as well as establishing trust among its users. Hence, maintaining active involvement is a must, along with conducting frequent customer interactions. Facebook brings a more accessible and reliable way of business marketing strategies. It is one of the best ways to reach your desired audience. Although there are several popular platforms, Facebook is the most popular social media platform. What’s more, the platform offers a range of advertising tools that provide a convenient way to create persuasive business marketing strategies.

Facebook Marketing Automation is making a considerable mark in the field of business industry today. It is powered by artificial intelligence that works in automating Facebook pages and posts’ likes instantly. Moreover, Facebook marketing automation is considered as an automation tool that communicates through messages that integrate into websites, applications, or instant messengers to help users give better customer service. It is also famous for its numerous benefits that can help in business success. So what about thinking of using Facebook marketing automation as your business partner? Surely it can give you the satisfaction that will lead you to the success of your business.

facebook marketing automation

Ways to Use Facebook Marketing Automation in your Business

Internet users who participate in social media can contact any other user at any time of day if the network is large enough. As a result, users become comfortable with those people in the community of their choosing and often substitute traditional forms of communication via an online medium. From a social network giant, Facebook to microblogging sites such as Twitter social media allows users to create healthy relationships in entirely new ways. One of the best examples of how social media is being improved is with Facebook marketing automation.

It is essential to create a harmonious relationship between the business and the online users that can serve as a way of establishing a good social media strategy. Justin Smith, editor InsideFacebook.com. Be as authentic in your marketing as possible. Inside social networks, trusted referrals are the most powerful marketing message. It is the primary value that adds to marketing in social networks.

Moreover, social media marketing indicates that the organization or marketer must leave room for the consumers to communicate with each other. The primary purpose of social networks and other social media platforms, while they are involving in the conversation, is to create a relationship with their consumers. However, intense involvement by an organization can be overwhelming for the audience and not seem genuine. People don’t want to be sold. They are doing their best to avoid commercials.

Use Direct Response Advertising

Direct response advertising involves sending out targeted messages that encourage your audience to take specific actions. It could be buying a product, reading posts, referring a friend, or anything else that can contribute to your business’s success. This Facebook marketing automation features are enabling direct response advertising to gain social interaction and response instantly.

As a matter of fact, most of the comments, messages, and advertisements from businesses that you are receiving nowadays are automatic. It just proves how Facebook marketing automation are useful in the digital market. Due to this, more and more customers are finding online stores and services to be more reliable than transacting in person.

facebook marketing automation

Conduct Audience Analysis

You can only say that a business is successful if it can keep its customers happy while gaining profits. This is why if you are going to build a brand today, it is better if you will have a social media account to connect better with your consumers. By connecting with your audience through Facebook marketing automation, you can ensure that the feedback that your customers are giving are all positive.

Moreover, Facebook marketing automation can help you in analyzing your customers more accessible and faster. It can easily collect messages and reviews about your products and services. After the collection of data, these will be segregated and labeled into positive and negative ones. This is where the analysis of the data begins. It will be useful for reference on marketing plans and marketing prerogatives.

Select Advertising

Most people nowadays despises the existence of advertisements on their social media accounts. They hate it every time they are scrolling through their newsfeeds, and an ad will show up. Moreover, they even hate it when they receive spams about the products that they never wanted in the first place. However, how will you make people know your business without these unwanted things? The answer to that would be Facebook marketing automation.

With Facebook marketing automation, you can monitor the pages and posts that a person is liking. This way, you will have an idea of who are the people might be interested in the products or services that you offer. Then, the automated marketer will post Facebook ads and will send messages only to selected persons. As much as this is helpful for the business, this is also beneficial for the consumers. It can help those who are having trouble finding things that they want.

Benefits that You Can Enjoy with Facebook Automation Marketing

You Save Time

If you ever heard of Facebook marketing automation, you will automatically think of the time you can save with it. We all know how exhausting managing an online business can get, especially if you are starting. With this, it is only practical for you to result in automating tasks as much as you can. This can include answering messages through chatbots and posting advertisements by using several applications. Because the system does not need your constant attention, you can surely save time and utilize it for attending other tasks.

Your Brand Never Sleeps

As we all know, sleep is essential to humans. However, there is this difference in the body clock of people nowadays that makes attending to their businesses while awake impossible for a single person. Some prefer working and being awake at night rather than those people who are morning persons. With this in mind, most establishments today are offering 24-hour services for everyone. However, this will be hard and costly. You will need to hire people who can work at night shift, and this costs a lot more than the regular working hours. Meanwhile, Facebook marketing automation can offer you the best and consistent services day and night.

facebook marketing automation

You Can Grow Your Follower Count

One of the essential things in social media marketing is gaining followers. If you have more followers than other businesses, people will tend to think that you are more reliable than others. Also, this can increase your active presence to netizens, which will also increase the probability of expanding sales. However, this is not an easy feat, especially for those who are only rookies in the industry. But with Facebook marketing automation, you can create an illusion that your business is growing and has an active presence in social media. This will have a significant impact on your business.

Have the Best Automation with Herobot!

Having the best Facebook marketing automation can give your business a boost on income and interested followers. Moreover, advertising and posting will also be more accessible. Because it is automatic, you will only have to give your attention to it while you are creating it and having trials. After you are sure that it is functioning well, you can leave it on its own and have your ways. If you are interested in having your systems easier, start by creating a chatbot with the help of Herobot. Not only is it easy to navigate, but there are also templates ready for you to use anytime. Visit our website to learn more.

Best Facebook Bots Utilization to Earn Leads for your Business

best facebok bots
best facebook bots

Social media is slowly becoming a place for markets and businesses to thrive. The high traffic rates in social media sites becomes a breeding ground for possible customers. It even paves a way for potential visitors to have transactions with your business. Besides the intensive traffic every day, different platforms is also a way to make your brand more acknowledged to the online community. However, the growing number of interests also means that the number of inquiries are growing. With this, the best Facebook bots will surely help out. 

Most people are always online, scouring the internet for all sorts of things – ideas, businesses, markets, and products. For this reason, social media sites are now being utilized in marketing and business. And, one notable platform is Facebook. With almost 2.5 billion users, Facebook is a staple for entrepreneurs looking for and engaging with the company. Plus, the intensive line of companies helps customers and visitors search for services and products under one roof. 

Expansive Networks in Facebook

There are multiple ways on how you can use Facebook as a platform on which your business can flourish. Content creation is the leading aspect of any business. This is also true on Facebook. The caption used in each advertisement must always create connection with the audience. Next, the essence of images and videos must still capture the attention of future and potential customers. Moreover, you should know how to advertise them by creating one of the best Facebook bots that will do the talk.

With all of these, you may create a strong foundation where your business could stand. However, to further strengthen your presence online, you must always consider the action of your customers. This is where the collection of data comes in. And the most recognized way of attaining such a task is by conversing with the customer through human servers. The only downside to this is that customer service representatives tend to have limitations – time. This is where the best Facebook bots come in to help businesses.

You can take several steps to resolve the struggling in the communication sector. One such action is by assigning automated messages in such a way that it will capture the interest of the customers. With best Facebook bots, you can rest assure that all messages will be answered immediately and simultaneously. Moreover, rather than spending much to hire for all-nighters, these bots are able to work 24/7 without any additional payments.

Importance of Data Collection in Business

Data are building blocks of your business. It helps your business grow towards a better position in the market. Also, the data gathered by your marketing teams improve the sales and efforts in the industry. In addition to this, enhancing the collection of data by integrating your business with best Facebook bots, you get a more accurate prediction of the ever-changing market. This information will your marketing team on building analysis as well as plans that will be used for the future of your brand.

best facebook bots

Next, the importance of data also involves your customers. Every business is entitled to provide the best products, services, and assistance for its customers to be satisfied. In which case, data becomes the basis of how your business is going to cater the needs of your customers. Moreover, as you already have an idea about their expectations, it is easier to plan your next move and create events that will interest them. With the help of the best Facebook bots, collecting data by surveys is also easier now.

AI in Best Facebook Bots

Technology has become a part of business throughout the years. With this, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the world of customer service. How? Artificial Intelligence or AI is a system that revolves around collecting, analyzing, and supplying the needed actions for the task. This becomes a vital aspect of a business. With the accompaniment of Artificial Intelligence in your business, you lessen the time in working with the collection of data and the necessary workforce in your industry. 

How do best Facebook bots help in accumulating sales?

Artificial Intelligence or AI has become the leading proponent when it comes to system automation and response. Whether it is for sales or collection of data, Artificial Intelligence has proven that a fast response system is indeed critical for business. For this reason, a lot of companies has become more inclined to integrating their process with AI. And, one common way of doing this is by incorporating a highly intelligent firmware – best Facebook bots.

Manually collecting and analyzing data can be troublesome, especially when in competition with time. The process of searching and knowing which components in the business works consume too much time; however, with the help of Artificial Intelligence, this process becomes streamlined and accurate. This straight forward manner of sifting through data with dedicated speed and precision is essential for any business. 

Today, chatbots that are enhanced with AI are crucial investments that help businesses compete in the market. The linking of best Facebook bots with the necessary task inside a company benefits in the process of sales. How? The sales funnel required whether you have a small business or a large enterprise. Sales funnel acts as a flow-on system on how the potential or even existing customers would react or decide when offered with products.

Points to Consider in Best Facebook Bots

Chatbots, in general, are virtual customer service representatives that represent the business by communicating with potential and existing customers in the market. Also, the best Facebook bots are customized for automated messaging systems that help in engaging with customers and turning them to leads. Moreover, they can also act as advertising agents by suggesting products and services to the customers. To sum it up, there are some critical steps that a bot needs to have.

social media marketing

Induce Awareness for the customer

Supplying the necessary information about the business is not enough for you to capture their attention. For this reason, you can utilize the collective capabilities of best Facebook bots. You can analyze the interest, common questions asked by customers and visitors. With that, you can then program your chatbot to respond with regards to the collected data. This will help awareness to your customers that you are offering such services or products. 

Attaining the Interest of Customers

Whether you have a high-rise business or small scale online shop, you must always listen to the local interest of your customers. This helps you in getting more traffic to your business and, in time, turn them to leads and sales. What’s more, after you raise the awareness of the customer that you have such services or products, you can then introduce other information through the best Facebook bots.

Enact a Decisive Question for your Customer

Doing business is about making sales. Keep in mind; your chatbot must also turn leads to sales. How? The best Facebook bots can be intertwined in a series of connections with the business, the market, the shop, and the Social Media platform. With this, you can supply our bot flow with the necessary steps to lead your customers to the sale funnel – start by informing the customer with the prices of the product or the inclusion of the services handled by your business.

Roles of Best Facebook Bots

Traditional marketing requires data collection from the sales and actions of previous customers to create a prediction of the market. This goes the same way with AIs. The only difference is that best Facebook bots with Artificial Intelligence cut the amount of time in collecting and analyzing data to almost half. More than this, chatbots on Facebook app have various roles that they can play for the prosperity of a business.

Facebook Bots as a Sales Representative

As mentioned above, chatbots can offer lead information for the customers in the sales funnel. These AI can relay messages to customers when they are asked with particular words that fall under a specific key-tag. What’s more, the virtual factor of best Facebook bots bases their replies with the information that they have gathered from the customers.

Furthermore, as a virtual sales representative, these chatbots also take the role of customer service, which helps in providing support for the customer.  

Facebook Bots as a Marketing Specialist

Predicting the upcoming changes in the market may seem impossible when done manually. Knowing the highs and lows of products and services in the future can significantly affect the business. However, with the help of best Facebook bots, your business can have a considerable advantage over your competitors. Facebook chatbots can also be programmed as Marketing Specialists. 

Facebook Bots as a Growth Tool for your Business

social media marketing

Businesses, no matter how big or small, can utilize best Facebook bots to engage customers to funnel through sales, increase customer service records, and enhance the throughput of services. Moreover, these chatbots are essential tools that can turn lead prospects into dedicated customers faster and effectively. Plus, bots provide you with a collection of data that can be a basis for an effective marketing strategy and improve sales.

HeroBot: Leading Facebook Chatbot Platform

When searching for a competitive and best Facebook bots that can help your business rank up at Facebook, AI integration is a must. One such example is HeroBot, a top-tier chatbot that combines Artificial Intelligence without hindering the possibility of human interaction. This bot can help your business by supplying the necessary data and functionality needed to create an incremental marketing plan. 

Furthermore, developing your best Facebook bots becomes a breeze with HeroBot. Why? You can choose from a list of chatbot templates that can quickly help in forming engagement with your customers. Also, the efforts that you make in turning potential prospects to customers are greatly enhanced with the help of such bots.

In conclusion, your business needs the necessary tools to create a presence and improve sales. And, collaborating your business with social media site is a solution for customer presence. At the same time, integrating your business’s social media with chatbots from Herobot will improve sales and customer service.

Facebook Bot Builder: A Guide To Bot Creating Journey

facebook bot builder

The online community is continuously growing as more people are engaging their daily lives on the internet. With these, the demand of people for more technological advancements is increasing. This is one of the reasons why most people in business are trying to enter the digital world. While their customers are growing, the demand for chatbots is also increasing. Now, these businessmen are in great need for a Facebook bot builder that will help them in the journey. 

Furthermore, most of the growing demand for Facebook bot builder comes from new entrepreneurs and small business owners. Because they are still rookie to the industry, they do not have the money to hire professionals. However, they do not also have the skills and knowledge to know codes and the technicalities in IT. This opens up the chance for bot platforms to enter the scene. Now, you do not need to be a professional to make your own. You drag and drop contents to be able to turn your bot to a perfection.

facebook bot builder

What can bots do for you?

If you think bots are only created for messaging, then you are wrong. Actually, different kinds of bots can answer your every need. They are also in various forms and are intelligent enough to be able to do specific tasks. So if you are finding an automated virtual assistant, bots are the ones for you. Stated below are some of the functions of bots.

Bots as pages

Some bots are actually represented as pages on different platforms. These pages are automatically made as you create custom integration applications. Through the page created with Facebook bot builder, your bot can easily be discovered, and more users can interact with it a lot better. Owners can publicize these bot pages to specific audiences. They can also be tagged, seen, and messaged by the members of the company. If you are not interested in this, you can also customize your permission level as you create your bot. Your bot can also send automated messages within the members of the page.

Bots in groups

Bots are handy for groups as they can do various things that real humans can do. With bots, you can automatically post new contents as well as put comments on other materials. You can also make your bot on Facebook bot builder and make them like other posts and comments to indicate your acknowledgment on them. Moreover, bots can have abilities like mentioning other people to get their attention and get a sense of personalization. Members can also mention your bot in posts and comments containing questions and requests. Most of all, these bots can auto-subscribe to groups and have the ability to monitor interacts and contents within the group.

Bots in Chat

When you use bots in the group and pages, you can share and collect information across the group. Meanwhile, in chat, bots can have direct and actual interactions with users personally. Chatbots can remind or notify someone based on the updated calendar that is inputted in it. It can also answer questions and inquiries privately. Moreover, it can gather data and samples of dialogues. This can be used as future reference.

Who uses Facebook bot builder

As you heard, there is already a big hype on the utilization of chatbots. According to them, they are going to replace the mobile apps as well as email marketing. Most of all, bots are going to work in the position of numerous customer care agents around the world. And they are going to do it while millions of people are still sleeping in their beds. Due to this, companies are racing to have the best bot that will provide every customer and use the best services that they will demand.

Most of the competitive bots around are on Facebook, and it is slowly becoming a norm for brands to have their bots in their pages. This must be why, according to a survey done by Oracle, almost 80% of business people want to have chatbots. Most of them are interested in using the Facebook bot builder as there are an estimated 1.3 billion users who they can interact with. 

Moreover, on 80% of the interested businessmen, most of them do not have the basic to advanced knowledge in creating bots. This is why they still need some guidance from Facebook bot builder available for them. This caused many experts to use their expertise in creating applications that will help to create bots. Today, there are more than thousands of bot platforms that you can see on the internet.

What are the best Facebook bot builder?

There are already thousands of Facebook bot builders on the internet that can be used for a smoother process of creating bots. As they are increasing, it gets harder for people to find the best chatbot that will fit their needs. However, the truth is despite what builder you use; everything will still rely on your creative skills. Here are some tips on how you can utilize your chatbot builder:

facebook bot builder
Set your expectations

You may think that setting up high expectations will only lead to disappointments. However, if you are on the verge of creating something, you must always set your expectations. Identify your long term and short term goals. This will be very important in setting up a plan.

Know who your expected audiences are. This way, you know what your limitations should be. Make sure to prioritize customer service, product promotion, discovery, and lead generation. If you are afraid of having a unique but risky bot to interact with your customers, you can start simple and test the waters.

Set your customer’s expectations

Your goals are important but remember that not disappointing your customer’s aspirations must be your top priority. Do the research and ask around about what people might expect from a bot in your industry. List them down and create plans based on them.

Remember that your audience’s expectations will differ depending on your target generation, gender, and status in life. Choose the best Facebook bot builder if you must. Define the purpose of your chatbot clearly in its interactions with customers. Make sure that your bot will take the lead of the conversation to a pleasant experience.

Get personalized

Your chatbot is going to work in the stead of humans so you have to make them as natural as it can be. If you fail on making them seem like people are interacting with a real human, then your bot is a fail. To do this, you have to make their experience as personalized as possible.

Invite your customers to narrow down their preferences so that you can give them fewer options. This can provide higher click-through rates for your bot. This way, users will more genuinely interact with your bot.

Be straight to the point

Your bot should always be straight to the point. If it gets on cycle every time a user asks it questions, it may irritate them. People will stop interacting with it, and your bot will inevitably fail. Instead of making them go around, save their time by being straight to the point in answering their queries.

Be transparent

Know your limitations and don’t make your bot pretend that is all-knowing. It does not have infinite knowledge and will still need some guidance from human servers. Tell the users if you are unable to answer the questions rather than providing a wrong and improper answer. Moreover, make your bots admit their mistakes and apologize to customers. Don’t worry. People will understand those things.  This is all possible if you use a Facebook bot builder.

Keep learning

Knowledge comes from the things you learn from books and other reading materials. Meanwhile, wisdom comes from the experience it encounters. Make sure that you and your bot will incorporate this two and use them to your advantage. Learn to make improvements for your bot that will suffice the expectations of human.

facebook bot builder

While your bot can collect and analyze data and information that it gets from conversing with millions of people, you can also learn. This is by studying the collected data of your bot and making some actions to main problems. Moreover, you can also learn by studying other bots and comparing them to your chatbot. Here are some of the most innovative chatbots that you can learn from.

Know your Facebook bot builder

For a decade already, most people interact with each other by using their Facebook accounts. They post a message and even read some articles with the use of Facebook. This is why conversational commerce entered the Facebook scene to entice more customers. However, small companies are having a hard time utilizing chatbots to compete with larger companies.

With Herobot Builder, you can create the best facebook bot that will answer your every need. You will not need any IT and coding skills because it is just easy to drag and drop materials in this platform. Moreover, there are already hundreds of AI templates that are available and just waiting for you to use. Visit our website for more information.

Here Is How Market Messenger Can Help You and Your Business

market messenger

Have you heard of the market messenger? Our world today is undoubtedly in the age of revolutionary technology. It is as if everything we need – can ever need is already within the firm capabilities of our ever-growing technological prowess. ChatBot Digital Marketing is one of the great examples of such claims. This technical marketing strategy makes use of intricate Artificial Intelligence technologies and fits exceptionally well with how various companies nowadays conduct their businesses. Indeed, it is a critical component in any present company’s marketing strategy in terms of guiding their customers through a marketing sales funnel.

The marketing funnel that is programmed into the AI ChatBot would be defined in relation to the products and services being offered into the market place from the company in question. A full-service digital marketing agency may well devise implementation of the particular social media digital marketing strategy.

market messenger

The point being made is that publishing your content on its own is not enough anymore; there is now the need to promote your company and building its own brand. However, this cannot be done by sole human resources alone, no matter how capable and skilled we may be. In today’s time, with millions and millions of potential competitors; for one to succeed, they must take full advantage of what they have. That is where the AI digital marketing and market messengers come into place.

So, What Is A Market Messenger?

The next time you attend a networking event or meet someone social networking online, think of them as a messenger. If you are familiar with how networking works, you probably already had someone share a referral with you. They talk thoroughly and openly about a product or service that they wholeheartedly believe can help you and completely sells you within it.

In general, people who network are aware that giving referrals is the name of the game. It’s common to attend a high power networking luncheon and ask for assistance with a project and get several suggestions of who to talk to. No matter what you need, your network can provide it, somehow through someone. You can treat as if marketing messengers are one of those people because that is exactly what they are purposely designed to do.

These intricate and complex programs are installed with their very own smart artificial intelligence. This gives them the capability to respond rightfully to whatever your customers are inquiring about your product or services. Meaning, you won’t have to do that hard labor by yourself! Let the machine, with its vast memory and tons of data, take in the queries of your potential customers and then answer them while promoting your product or service. Undoubtedly, this technological advancement has worked wonders in helping entrepreneurs reach their goals. Even if you are still starting up, an already blossoming one, or maybe a fully-fledged online marketer, it is essential now to have yourself a market messenger.

More about Market Messenger...

Many large and well-renowned business companies have already regarded using market messengers as the “new way to do business.” They even go as far as saying that this cutting edge marketing programs would become the norm for marketing strategies in the near future. And they aren’t far off with that statement. The fact that we are now in an era where technological advancements seem to have overtaken our everyday lives, it is indeed fundamental to always get one step ahead to succeed. Utilize every given resource, study every trend, and eventually, positive results will definitely be felt.

You won’t even have to think about it anymore; market messengers can genuinely help you and business in more ways than one. Here are some reasons why you need to install a market messenger on your website today.

It Offers Zero Wasting Time

Now imagine if you are a customer that has a specific inquiry. You went to the business’ website, and then there is no chatbot. This means that you must manually search for your particular question on their website. Perhaps in their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), maybe in their blog section, worse yet, maybe you’d be forced to sit through numerous videos just to look for an answer. You’d already be losing lots of precious time now for only one inquiry. But with a chatbot, you can have answers for most of the questions you may ask without any delay.

Every Customer Experience Is Different
market messenger

A personalized experience can be the driving force to help you convert your prospects into customers. With conversational and smartly designed chatbots, you can make your customers feel as if they are interacting with a real person, not a machine. This practically guarantees that every customer may have a different experience every time they use the smart program. Moreover, they offer the desired information or services instantly. For your online retail store, the chatbot will function like a salesperson that can help customers find the required info about what you offer. What’s more, it is definitely reliable and has the consistency that no man can ever replicate.

It Offers Better Customer Service Level

Personalized chatbots powered by great AI can process the natural language at various given levels. This includes discourse, semantics, syntax, and more. This means that chatbots are offered more in-depth insight into human psychology in order to respond to visitors with the appropriate service and information. And as promised, this info, as long as it is in their database, is provided instantly regardless of the number of the queries.

Has Improved User Engagement

Designers and developers of a given business’ website are always under pressure to be able to give out the right and perfect user experience. It is already a given that customer expectations have no definite limit. Meaning that improving the user experience will always be a risky journey that may end up nowhere with just a few mistakes. Chatbots, on the other hand, has been a gift sent from above for these concerns. If designed much or well, chatbots can truly help a business provide services and engagement that will make its customers genuinely happy.

It Can Target A Wider Range Of Audience

Various social media platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram, and Skype work with a chatbot. So, it has become a lot easier to target a much wider audience. To have success in a given business, one must have a broad reach to potential customers. The broader their virtual territories may be, the better chances they are to succeed with their given venture. Chatbots enable your business to reach further than ever before.

Business Intelligence

The latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning programs make this virtual assistant even more powerful. This means that it can collect and process a good deal of conversational data for researchers so that they may get a more in-depth insight into what’s inside the minds of buyers. For any business, no matter what industry they may partake on, it is of paramount importance to have the right intelligence for the business. With the help of chatbots, companies can improve and evolve their products and services.

It Performs Much Needed Survey

An intricate chatbot can definitely get a better idea of the customer experience when they buy a product or service. It stores the data provided by the customer, his or her tendencies, and the right information to understand the needs and wants of the customers better. The problem is that the survey system via emails and websites is not very successful as most visitors are apathetic due to lack of time and many other reasons. On the other hand, chatbots engage customers in a real-time conversation making the survey brief and customers.

These are just seven critical reasons why you, as an online marketer, should install a market messenger on your business website today. What harm can it do for you, right? After all, your end goal is to gain a whole lot more customers and provide a better user experience for them. Chatbots can genuinely help you in more aspects than you may currently realize and that should not be ignored. Your business growth depends on it in a particular way.

Herobot May Just Be The Help That You Need

market messenger

It is essential to make the business the best it can be to generate greater success and profits. There is a vast range of chatbot building platforms that are available for various expertise, such as e-commerce, banking, retails, leisure, travel, healthcare, etc.

HeroBot enables automation of your messenger marketing. With an open rate of 70% to 95% click-through rate above 20% and 3-5x higher conversion rate, Chatbots & Facebook messenger marketing are the future of digital marketing. Additionally, HeroBot makes it incredibly comfortable to grow your contacts and customer’s list by providing a complete set of online tools to convert anyone into a user or subscriber. Whether you already have a business or just starting out – we’ve got you covered! Contact us now at 1 800-622-8282 or visit our website by clicking this link.

12 Facebook Bots List You Should Chat Now

For the past years, Facebook does not stop developing and improving chatbots on Messenger that could be used in numerous ways. This way, businesses, and its customer can have a better conversation with each other. Rather than talking to a bot regarding queries, enhanced Facebook bots list can make its users feel like they are talking to a normal human being.  Moreover, check out updates on pages, liking, subscribing, commenting, and simulating conversation is much more comfortable.

facebook bots list

Furthermore, Facebook has offered Messenger Platform, which is a new system for development and convenience in creating your own bot. Also, this would help for the better and less complicated access of its users for their desired chatbot.

What are chatbots?

With its new fame, chatbots are replacing mobile applications, customer care agents, and email marketing. By utilizing this, businesses are going to increase their revenues while cutting costs. Bots are used and programmed to answer and predict questions, constructing answers, and executing tasks like how human servers would do.

Meanwhile, a Facebook messenger bot is in the Messenger application, which converses with 1.3 billion Facebook users every month. It is widely used by businesses to expand and bring more earnings to their brand while providing their customers with an excellent service.

Here are the top 10 Facebook Bots List you should chat now:

1. Scope Bot

This bot is for those who have experienced hearing a song that hits your feels and sentiments while in a coffee shop or restaurant. However, you just can’t figure out the title of that song. With Scope Bot, you can find any song that you want just by typing simple phrases or verses of lyrics that you remember. The bot will tell you what song you probably are looking for. But, if the suggested song is not right, you can just simply type “wrong,” and the bot will find another song that fits the lyrics.

2. Hipmunk

For travelers, Hipmunk’s chatbot is really useful and innovative. This gives its users an easier way of booking cheap flight tickets and popular flight destinations. Moreover, making reservations in hotels will help in planning and budgeting for your vacations regardless of your destination spot. It can also give your pieces of travel advice for your travel. This is all possible just by using your Messenger application and messaging Hipmunk.

3. Dungeons & Monsters

Are you a gamer and fond of RPG games? Are you one of those who can’t get through the day without killing some monsters with your gaming skills? If yes, then Dungeons & Monsters of Facebook Bots List is a chatbot that you must check out. This will take you on an adventure through dungeons and will give you quests to fight monsters and complete your journey. You can make your own character, your own choice of armor, strength, and others. There is also a level-up feature that you will need in order to have access to doors. Also, you can collect potions, items, and weapons along the way for battles. All of these are possible through a chatbot.

4. Out of Bacon

Out of Bacon is used by those who are in need of shopping for groceries but is having a hard time remembering the items. You just have to chat the bot about the list of items that you are out of stock. Right after, it will send you your list in a cute and organized list where you can cross out items that you already have. Adding items that you suddenly thought you need on the list is also not a problem. Moreover, you have the capabilities of sharing your grocery list on WhatsApp, Facebook, or Telegram.

5. Toni
facebook bots list

Being updated on football matches is not an issue anymore even when you are in school or off to work. If you are going to use this, Toni will ask you about the football team that you want to follow. It will then provide you with information that you would want to know about them. Their match schedule, standing in the table, statistics of players and more will also be given to you. Plus, news articles, highlight videos, and live scores will straight out be reported to you.

6. Kylo Ren

Is the force with you? If yes, then this chatbot is for you. This will give you a realistic experience of having Kylo Ren try to persuade you on choosing the dark side. You can also refuse if you are really good-hearted. Moreover, this chatbot will share you interesting trivia and discuss fan theories where you can argue with the ideas. Star Wars fans are surely going to love this as you can converse not just with Kylo Ren, but also with other latest Star Wars movie characters.

7. Supercop

If you are a fan of mystery games, riddles, and solving crimes, the Supercop will definitely complete your day. This bot will let you experience being a detective, and several cases will be presented to you. In order to get more clues and answer the riddle, you can interrogate witnesses and figure out who the criminal is. It will start out easy, which can earn you rapports and points in the police department. This will give you more access to harder cases and better clues. The game will then be progressively more complicated, which will give you more thrills.

8. theScore

There are many fans of sports in the world, and everyone just wants to get updated about the latest sports matches and news. Moreover, updates regarding the National Basketball Association, National Football League, National Hockey League, and other soccer leagues will be given through Messenger. Other than that, you can ask questions regarding your favorite team and follow them. It is like you are subscribed into a newsletter, only which is about sports. If you are really a fan, then this will be very helpful for you.

9. Zodiac Fire

Are you fond of reading your latest horoscope predictions? Well, you are not the only one who is a fan. When you are having a bad day or is just nervous about something, the horoscope can give you hope to get through the day. This is the main reason why Zodiac Fire is here to give you daily horoscope predictions on Messenger. You just have to enter your Zodiac sign, and this chatbot will send you your predictions right away. It also has a great personality which makes conversing with it really fun and interesting.

10. HP Printbot

Having to open documents, wait for it to load and set it to print can be pretty exhausting if you have many things to do. This is the reason why HP Print Bot is created to print your documents by connecting your printer into the web. You also just have to upload the file into the Messenger and provide your printer’s information and email address to get your document printed.

11. Genius

Do you wish for a chance to talk to Albert Einstein and ask him of the details about his life as well as his accomplishments? This Facebook Messenger chatbot is an interesting interactive chatbot that will give you the chance to have a conversation with the greatest scientist of all. This can also be used for educational purposes, and even kids can find this fun and very useful.

12. Meme generator bot

Are you the kind of person who spends hours just scrolling and sharing memes in your Facebook account? Do you like sending funny pictures to your friends and families instead of typing normal boring words? Meme generator bot will surely answer your dilemmas. This bot will let you navigate through the meme word and create your own. You can show your creative and funny side without having too much hassle of editing and finding meme-able photos or videos.

facebook bots list

There billions of Facebook users around the world. Some of them just use it for communicating while most people are using it for fun. With many social media competitors finding new ways to be better, the Facebook messenger does not stop finding ways to tie down users into their application. Moreover, this is by providing better and improves tools and features. One of these features is the chatbot. This Facebook Bots List helps people have easier and more efficient ways of accessing information. They also created chatbots that could be really entertaining by being innovative through games, riddles, and many more.


So, do you agree with our best Facebook bots list? If you are more interested in making your own chatbot may it be on business or entertainment purposes, then you should find the best bot platform. In Herobot, we help you in creating the best innovative chatbot that will surely suit your taste and goal. This platform won’t require you any engineering and IT skills because it is just one click away. It does not need any code-cracking, and  It aims to give anyone a chance of creating their own chatbots without any hassle and for a lower price. For more information, you can visit our website by clicking this link.