Facebook Marketing Automation Technology: 10 Effective Advertising Strategies

facebook marketing automation

Facebook is one of the best places when it comes to online advertising. For marketers, Facebook marketing automation technology is a powerful tool to boost brand promotion and potentially increase sales. The billions of monthly users of this platform generate an opportunity for marketers to further introduce their products and services globally. In fact, Facebook is now the largest social media network, and it continues to release fresh and exciting features every day. With that being said, it is best to make use of it to our advantage.

However, the diverse features of Facebook and its large user base can get extra-challenging to monitor and optimize. In this busy generation, we barely have enough time to do an additional task such as Facebook advertising.

chatbot marketing

Facebook advertising is an excellent way to attain a positive return on your investment. It can shower money for your business. Don’t worry about your schedule because you can still do Facebook advertising while you’re working on your main job.

How? Just automate it.

Marketing Automation – What is it?

Before we dive further to Facebook marketing automation technology, let us first discuss it really is. Marketing automation, as defined by Marketo, is a category of technology that allows companies to streamline, automate, and measure marketing tasks and workflows, so they can increase operational efficiency and grow revenue faster.

Marketing automation assists in simplifying lead segmentation, nurturing, and scoring, lead generation, as well as measuring marketing ROI. To do all this, you will need the following:

1. Central Database

This will serve as the home for all of your data for marketing. It is a Like a record of your entire marketing information. This will include comprehensive of your customers’ and prospects’ behaviors and interactions. Therefore, this will allow you to properly partition your customers and send an appropriate message or content to each one.

2. Engine for engagement marketing

This will be responsible for driving your customer interactions. You can generate, automate and manage marketing strategies and customer connections through both offline and online channels.

3. Engine for analytics

This shall evaluate, assess, and maximize the ROI of your business’ marketing and its effect on your revenue. Through this, you can find out what marketing process is effective, what is not, and what needs improvement.

You might now understand what marketing automation is. But to make it clearer, here’s what marketing automation is NOT:

1. An effective solution that requires no effort

How convenient it shall be if you could just acquire the technology of marketing automation, then watch your business grow itself into success. Well, the reality is not. To make it work, you will have to devise an effective strategy that incorporates appropriate people, methodology, information, content and many more.

2. Technology for spamming

Results of utilizing technology depend on how it was used. The truth is you can use marketing automation for spamming. BUT, this will be a perfect example of terrible marketing. Rather than wasting this technology, you better use it for doing extraordinary marketing. Use it to send appropriate and relevant contents to your customers. Moreover, create personalized connections based on your customers’ preferences.

3. Brings improvements to marketing only

We can’t deny the fact that the marketing department is the primary beneficiary of marketing automation. However, when used properly, it will also improve sales. Therefore your business’s revenue shall increase.

4. Improved term of email marketing

Not quite. Marketing automation covers all marketing operations throughout all channels used. This includes social, mobile and other online channels, as well as direct phone and mail marketing. Moreover, it integrates intuition-focused and ideal characteristics from your business’ lead management procedure, web-analytics platform, customer relationship management, and more other systems. Therefore, this will generate something even better than all combined parts. Now it’s time to talk about amazing Facebook marketing automation technology.

Guide to Facebook Marketing Automation Technology

facebook marketing automation

Facebook advertising platform allows its users to optimize and automate different activities. The good news is that it is easy to do and will save more of your precious time. Here are some ways to utilize Facebook with a marketing automation system as Facebook marketing automation technology:

Set up Custom Audiences to your ads

Facebook Custom Audiences allow you to deliver ad campaigns to your target audience – who are already on your extent. You can target audiences from various categories. You just need to have their contact information such as email address, phone numbers, and Facebook user id.

Having the option to customize your audiences is very useful to marketers. One of the main reasons is that once you’ve uploaded your customer list, you can choose which audience faction you want to include (or exclude).

Through this, you can deliver different ad messages to each audience category you opt for. Also, this feature allows you to easily determine which ad messages are the most effective for your audience.

Look for new prospects with Lookalike Audiences

The Lookalike Audiences capability is out of the Custom Audiences. However, it is still useful because it has a different purpose. Lookalike Audiences enables marketers to reach new prospects which are relevant to your custom audiences. Once you upload your customer list from your database, Facebook analyzes it and provides a comparable but new addressable audience to your listing.

If you already managed to properly partition your customer list, you can be able to do a hyper-targeted Lookalike audience searches. For instance, you have a customer partition in your database that reacts positively to an offer. With this, you can generate a new Lookalike Audience, and evaluate how they respond with the same offer. The most important thing to remember is to understand your audience. The more you understand your customer, the more you can fortify the targeting of Lookalike Audiences with Facebook marketing automation technology.

Wise marketers always favor Lookalike Audiences. You ask why? This is because Lookalike Audiences is an excellent technique to search for not only new but qualified prospects as well. This is the ultimate goal of every single marketer. By utilizing Facebook marketing automation technology you can easily achieve that.

Generate leads through social shares

Well, this one is most often obvious in Facebook marketing automation technology. However, you’ll mostly be surprised because this one is often forgotten and ignored most of the time.

Make sure to integrate a sharing button to all of the content asset, landing page, and email you compose. Take note that that you should be able to track this sharing buttons. This will enable you to optimize your social reach. Also, this will also help you distinguish your most effective content. Moreover, you can track the number of leads that enters your marketing funnel through Facebook, and determine how effective Facebook marketing is compared to other channels.

Just as important as getting more likes and shares, you should also not forget to share clickable links. This shall bring significant traffic to your site, which will be another important measure of success for your marketing campaign. To effectively do this, you should add Open Graph tags (OG tags).

What is Open Graph tag?

Like Google, which have meta tags, social networks have OG tags. OG tags help to automatically preview links by just looking on the heading or title, image, and description, as the links are shared. Be sure the preview is interesting or enticing enough, as this is a factor to whether customers shall click it or not. Be sure to use the appropriate size of image suited to Facebook.

Use Offer Ads to create new leads

Discounts are not the only perks of Facebook offers. Facebook offers are an ideal way to share slide decks, e-books, articles, and more other content. Most importantly, Facebook offers is a great help to create new leads. You can arrange an offer that can bring people to a landing page (which will be your site or a page on your site). This way, you can direct them to fill up a short online form to get the asset. You acquire new leads; likewise, they receive great contents. It’s a win-win situation.

According to the latest guide for Facebook Ad and sponsored stories, the most difficult step of creating Offer Ad is composing the message. The message should be a maximum of 90 characters. Once you managed to do a clear and convincing offer, the next steps will be much easier. In addition, Facebook automatically resizes high-resolution photos or images to fit in mobile, desktop, and all other available placements. Therefore, you won’t need to upload images of varying sizes. Simple, isn’t it? This is just one of many benefits of Facebook marketing automation technology.

Who will benefit Facebook Marketing Automation Technology?

Big companies and businesses have already enjoyed the benefits of Facebook marketing automation technology. However, this technology isn’t just for large companies. In fact, as of today, small businesses and companies contribute to the largest percentage of marketing automation technology users. Most early users were the business-to-business (B2B) companies like manufacturing, software and business services just to name a few. But today, more and more business of several different industries such as entertainment, retail, health, and financial services are now using automation technology.

Automation and chatbots

facebook marketing automation

Now you might want to adopt Facebook marketing automation technology. If so, you should consider using chatbots. You can put your business in a very excellent position when you integrate artificial intelligence with marketing automation. Doing repetitive marketing becomes easier with personalized marketing and predictive analysis. Moreover, chatbots make marketing automation human-like.

As chatbot can retain customer data, it will be easier to fill your database with accurate information. Therefore, you will find it easier to segment your customer list and send proper contents.

Start your Facebook marketing automation technology now and bring your business one step closer to success. And with Herobot, we will create an excellent chatbot that will kick-start your automated marketing ventures.