How to Create Facebook Bot Avatar for Your Brand

create facebook bot

Customer service is all about building a strong connection and trust with your customers. To do this, you should provide a smooth transaction at all times. While some people think that what clients need is a fast service, they often forget about sincerity. Their customers often leave with bad impressions from the company in return. To avoid these things from happening, why not create Facebook bot avatar for your brand? It will surely help your overall brand image and improve your customer service.

However, it is important to note that in order to create Facebook bot avatar, make sure to give it a friendly image. With the right appearance and personality for your chatbot, it will surely yield an acceptance from its users. It will also effectively represent a person’s physical and psychological value. This will affect the gratification of the chatbot experience. But, perfecting this is not easy especially if you are just a new learner in the chatbot history. This is why we will give you some tips to create Facebook bot avatar that will fit your business.

create facebook bot

First of all, why bots?

Do I really need to create Facebook bot? Why?

This is the first thing that you should be asking yourself before giving your efforts to create Facebook bot. This will give you a clear view of what you must make your bot of. By asking yourself this question, you will be able to know what your customers might be looking for. To help you answer this, here are some of the reasons why you need a bot.

You want to always be there for your customers

There is a reason why stores, except for convenient ones, have specific opening and closing hours. It is because hiring more employees for different shifts could be really expensive. So, what they do is set for specific hours where there are more customers available. However, there are still a lot of people whose availability would be after normal working hours and it would be a waste not to cater them.

However, when you create Facebook bot, your store will be able to provide 24/7 availability especially for customers who prefers online shopping at night. Chatbots will act as your “always-ready employee” and will answer your customer’s queries whenever. It can also act as an adviser or assistant for your customers. Now, you can easily connect with your customers even after store hours.

You want to build more connection with your customers

The secret recipe to being successful in business is establishing connection with your customers. This way, you can easily have your regulars that will be there to support your products or services. They can also be good endorsers as they commend your products or services to other people who might be interested. This is way better than looking for famous celebrities or models to market your brand. However, how can chatbots help you with this?

Customers are always looking for sincere service. Bots can have a good and steady personality according to what you set it to. It can be friendly, formal, and polite all at the same time. Also, it can answer your customers faster than any customer support. It also helps then you can modify your bots and provide option of different languages for your customers. Now, language barriers are not an issue anymore.

You want to grow your business

It is every business people’s ambition to grow their business and branch out. Why? Because this only means that your brand is successful and widely accepted by your customers. However, making it work is really hard especially for customer support. Thinking that you can answer all your customer’s queries in social media sites, emails, website, and application is just impossible. Meanwhile, hiring more employees to do this work will lessen your profits. It can also bring you more conflict if you will not find the right person for this.

With chatbots, your problems will be answered. Bots can work as you all in one employee that can answer multiple messages simultaneously without any errors. Moreover, even if you branch out and have stores in different areas or even countries, a single bot can occupy them all. With its capability to switch languages, it will be very helpful for your company to be international. Also, it is available 24/7 so having different timelines for your shops is not an issue anymore.

Tips to create Facebook bot avatar

Chatbots may seem to be new for other people but it actually is already around for decades already. Today, more and more people are discovering bots and understanding its importance in businesses. Not only that, some developers also learn that giving a bot a good personality and image gives the brand or company better feedback. Because of this, they are able to create avatars that perfectly represents companies. Here are some tips to create Facebook bot avatar:

1. Know your area

If you want to design the perfect avatar., you must first consider how your target customers will like it. Thus, you have the perfect picture of how your business line works. For example, you are in a legal research sector. Even if you want your bot to appear friendly, you cannot let it just joke around when answering your customer’s queries especially if the topic is very serious. You may, however, add more fun in your dialogue by including links, images, videos that might be interesting and helpful for your users.

2. Consider your brand’s image

When creating your bot, you must always consider the image of your brand. To do it, know how your company appeals for the mass and what their impression is about your brand. You should be able to perfectly create Facebook bot avatar with the distinctive character of your brand. if done right, it could be your best marketing partner. One example of this is how Marvel created a bot for their Avenger’s campaign with Jarvis. In the story, Jarvis is Ironman’s assistant bot that helps him in every way. To leave an impression on its fans and users, Marvel made a bot with Jarvis’ image and personality. I mean, which Marvel fan would not want to speak with Ironman’s trusted bot, right?

3. Test your bot

Now, remember that there is no such thing as perfection. However, if you want to get closer to it, create different bot character designs and make a survey on which one is the best. You can ask your friend about this or even get your customers involved in the selection process. It will help you assess thee errors on your bot. If you do not want any of these, you can also just join online forums and make a survey about it. This way, you will be able to create the best Facebook bot avatar. Moreover, it would be better to have different tests on your bot before launching it.

4. Pick the perfect name

Your name is your label. It is like putting a big mark on your forward indicating your personality. It is your connection to your individuality and identity. Moreover, this leaves other people impression about you. Thus, it is very important to pick the best name for your bot avatar. Choose a catchy name that will best represent your brand’s image and the services you offer.

create facebook bot

Create your bot with us!

Now that you know the important points on how to create bot avatar, it is time to test it out. However, creating bots is not cheap and not relatively easy. If you do not know how to code, you might need the help of professionals to create a good chatbot. Herobot can help you with this. It is a chatbot building tool that will help you build the best bot while saving up some money. Check our website to know more about it.

How to Build Chatbot for Your WhatsApp Business

how to build chatbot

Initially, WhatsApp is a messaging platform created to connect people with their friends and families. However, as conversational commerce is emerging, business people are becoming interested in it. WhatsApp then took this business buzz as an opportunity to expand their influence and created a separate app solely for marketers.  But, how can you make it more efficient for your brand? Easy. Learn how to build a chatbot for your WhatsApp Business now.

There are a lot of things that you can do with WhatsApp such as sending messages, videos, photos, documents. Moreover, it offers a more private and secured conversations rather than other means of communications. In order to have access on it, you will need an end-to-end encryption which is why most people trust it. As more and more people are becoming interested in this messaging app, it even became one of the most popular communication channels in the world. WhatsApp actually has businesses uses this as a way to interact with their customers and clients.

how to build chatbot

Why is WhatsApp Business such a big deal?

WhatsApp Business is a version of its popular main messaging app which is aimed to help business people on communicating. This also allows small businesses on connecting with their customers. Moreover, it is considerate enough to think about connecting the business app to its main messaging app. With this, customers will not need to install a separate app to engage with companies. The only difference is that WhatsApp Business users will be labeled as businesses which makes it easier for people to distinguish them from normal users.

With this app, companies can now set appointments, send reminders, and give shipping alerts to customers. Moreover, they can even send order notifications and verification codes. Some are even using WhatsApp companies to send product demonstration videos, support messages and conduct surveys. If you will be able to use it efficiently for your business, there is no doubt that you will prosper from using it. Moreover, you can now use chatbots in this app which will make everything easier for companies to provide better communication with customers.

Why you need WhatsApp chatbot?

It is undeniable how useful WhatsApp is for many business people. However, to make it more efficient, you need a bot to answer your customer’s queries while you are away. Now, some will say that the automated messages ready on WhatsApp is already enough. However, the truth is that this feature is only limited to greetings and a simple message to remind your customers that you are away. For busy and multi-tasking businessmen, this is not enough. Here are the reasons why you need to know how to build a chatbot for your WhatsApp account.

Instant responses

If you are going to ask what the main purpose of chatbot is, it is giving instant responses for the customers. Because businesses and its customers might not be available at the same time, chatbots can fill this void. A chatbot can answer customer’s basic queries while its account’s owner is away. Moreover, with the right information input in the bot, it can provide more accurate information in no time. Now, people can receive instant replies whenever they need it. Also, it can help you schedule an appointment for you to directly connect with a live human support. This is more efficient than waiting for days to receive a reply for a simple question or having an appointment. As much as it is useful for customers, it is also beneficial for businesses as it helps them have more leads and increase their sales.

Personalized conversations

Unlike what other people assumes, chatbots are actually able to provide better and more personalized conversation to its users. Bots can instantly look into your profile and use information such as name, age, location and basic interests for your conversations. This way, customers do not need to explain too much to the bot about their basic profile. Moreover, it also enables the bot to give better offers for the user such as discounts for long-time users and potential customers. Also, given that this is WhatsApp, you can still ensure that your data and information are all secured as it has an end-to-end encryption.

Unlimited Availability

The main purpose of building a WhatsApp separate from its main application is to help small or large business owners to run their businesses. It does not discriminate and people around the world can use this application. Moreover, this application is even readily available and installed for numerous phones. With this, there are more users are attracted to use WhatsApp as their messaging platform. This gives a major benefit for marketers who are using WhatsApp Business.

Smart replies

Hiring live human support for your business can be risky for your business. Customers are always asking for direct and accurate answers to their queries. In order to make sure that your supports are knowledgeable enough, you will need to allot time and money to train them. However, you will not need all of this with WhatsApp chatbot. You only need to give it a good dialogue and it will smartly respond to your customer’s questions quickly and without mistakes. This is the main reason why most businessmen prefers learning how to build chatbot for their WhatsApp accounts.

Do you know how to build chatbot?

If you click this article, there is a high chance that you do not know how to build chatbot for your WhatsApp. Note that having a bot means having an upper hand against your competitors. However, making a bot that will be effective and efficient for your business is not easy. But even if it may be a little tricky, there are actually some tips that you can follow.

how to build chatbot

Know your business

It is important that you know your line of business when making a bot. Before you can make a flawless plan on how to build chatbot, you should first know the basics about your market. First, make a research about the latest trends on your business sector and know what your customers are looking for. Moreover, you should also have an idea about your target customers because it will be handy on setting your tone for the bot.

Plan ahead

If you will not be able to plan, you are a lost cause. You cannot just hold a party without knowing what the party is about. Know why you are making a bot and what you intend to deliver for the people. Is it to inform people, answer their queries, or is it to just entertain them while you are away? These are all up to you and it is very important before you actually make a bot.

Never exaggerate

One thing that most people hate is exaggeration and feeling like a thing is just pretending to be what it is. To avoid this mistake, make sure that you will not make it overly friendly or overly stiff. Add a little more personality to your bot so that your customers will be entertained while having a transaction. Moreover, do not make your bot pretend to be what it is not: human. Make sure to tell your customers that they are talking to a bot otherwise, they will feel bad.

Check from time-to-time

There is no such thing as perfection and your bot is not an exception to this. Thus, after launching your bot, you should make sure to check it from time to time to know how well it is working. Try having a basic to complicated conversations with it and see how it responds. It is also nice to see your customer’s feedback about your chatbot. This way, you will know what to correct in your bot and how you can make it better.

Simplify everything

Everyone hates complicated things because they waste time and effort. As always, they will like it better if things are simple and easy. This is what your bot should be. To help your customers know what to reply, you can give them buttons and choices as an answer. Moreover, it is also helpful to give them ready buttons on your chat window where they can access menu and the home page.

how to build chatbot

Learn how to build chatbot with Herobot

With the tips above, you can now easily build chatbot without all the mistakes. To know more about this, you can check more of our blogs on our website. Also, Herobot is a chatbot platform that helps people create bots easily and without any hassle. It has a drag and drops feature that many find very efficient even for those who are new to this. Moreover, there are also various chatbot templates that you can choose from. Visit our website learn how to build chatbot now.

Avoid Committing These Common Mistakes When You Make Live Chatbot

live chatbot

If you are going to think about the latest trend in e-commerce or digital marketing, you will come across the idea of the live chatbot. This new conversational interface is able to hook numerous customers by utilizing different messaging platforms and engaging with them. Even if there some platforms that can make bots creation easier, building a bot actually is not as easy as you think. If you miss just one factor in making a good and useful bot, all your efforts will just come down to nothing.

live chatbot

Making a mistake is normal and it is fine as long as you know how to fix it right away. However, this could be the hardest part when you are creating a live chatbot. Thus, we made this article in order to help creators who are new to this. We will analyze the common mistakes made by everyone and discuss the best solution you could do. If you will follow these tips, we guarantee that you will be able to launch the best bot in the digital world.

1. Not planning ahead for the Live Chatbot

When traveling, knowing your destination is not actually the first part. What you need to know before anything else is why you are traveling. Everything will flow out after you know the purpose of your travel. This is also applicable when you are creating a bot. You should first identify why you want to create a bot. Is it to help people when they are buying something? Do you want to be a source of entertainment for your users? Everything is up to you. However, you should make sure that it will benefit both your customers and your businesses.

First, analyze the problems your business and your customers are frequently encountering. If you are having problems answering inquiries piling every day, then what you need is a customer service bot. This live chatbot should be able to identify the answers to your customer’s basic questions. Moreover, it should be as responsive as it can satisfy your customer’s demand. It should also be able to create engaging dialogues in order to hook in your users. There are also other chatbots that are made for entertainment, health, and banking purposes.

2. Being hard to get

Technology is made to make the life of human easier. Now, imagine buying a washing machine because you have a large amount of laundry. However, the machine can only load 3 shirts at a time that will take an hour to finish. It will surely infuriate you and will just opt manual washing your clothes. This is what will happen if you made a mistake on making your bot accessible for your users.

What you should do is to make your bot be the one to greet your users when they enter your page. Make it as polite as you can and if they decide that they do not need it for the meantime, make sure that they can still easily chat with it later on. What other creators do is that they leave a chat button at the lower side of your user’s screen. With just one tap, they can now easily ask questions and get some guidance from your bot.

Moreover, it is also important to never leave dead ends in your bot’s dialogue. This happens when you create an awkward phase where your customer will not know what to say. It will be disadvantageous both for the live chatbot and user. As the customer will not know what they should say, the bot will also not be able to know the needs of the customer and how it can help them. It will be a total failure.

How to avoid this mistake

Provide a clear path for your customers

It is important that your users know what they should do after your every replies. You can make this possible by providing choices of quick replies, galleries, or buttons for your users. For example, you can ask them how you can help them and provide buttons for possible answers. However, make sure that the choices will surely cover every possibility of what your customers came in for. This way, they will know how to move forward and you can provide them the best conversation experience.

Give clear instructions

It is easy for first time users to be confused on something offered to them. So, if you are planning on providing buttons for the first time in a conversation, make sure to give clear instructions. Tell them what they should do with the buttons and how it can help them. Also, make sure to remind them that they do not need to type anything will just have to tap a button of their choice. This way, the conversational flow will be easier and smoother for both the live chatbot and its users.

live chatbot

Offer a main menu that users can go back to

The main menu is like the most basic part of your bot that will provide access to every area that your users want to get into. It is important to pave a way for your users to go back to the menu any time they want. It may be letting them type in a message like “back to menu” or providing them a button to go back anytime. You can also just indicate the buttons in the main menu at the bottom part of your love chatbot messenger window.

3. Making long messages.

The main reason why you are creating a live chatbot is to make the life of your users easier. However, it is hard to be like it if you will give them long messages without providing them the chance to say anything. This will be extremely exhausting on their part and can even irritate them. Instead of rambling on your own, make your messages shorter and direct to the point. Make sure to be interactive by asking questions about your customers and what they need. Remember that it should be a two-way dialogue at all times.

Moreover, you should make it appear like they are talking with real humans by giving the vibes of talking with a friend. If they ask for a more eloquent explanation of a certain topic, your live chatbot can just provide links or pages of articles that they could read. This will be extremely helpful if you have blogs on your website. It will be informative and beneficial on the part of your business and page.

4. Not checking your live chatbot from time to time

This is one of the most common mistake that every live chatbot creator do. After they launch they chatbot and see no problems with it, they will later on forget about it. However, what they did not know is that no chatbot is perfect and they need to update from time to time to be more effective. Also, it is better to make a monthly assessment of your bot.

live chatbot

Try checking the effectiveness of its tools and what you can change or improve. This will help you know what you can do in the future. You can also check the reason the reasons why your customers tend to abandon conversations and where most conversations stop. With this, you can edit the conversational flow to make it more effective. It is also useful to check the feedback you receive from your customers about your live chatbot.

Create your live chatbot with your trusted partner

Now that you know the common mistakes live chatbot creators usually make, you are now ready to create yours. Make sure to do it with your trusted bot platform partner. Choose a site that will offer you the easiest way to make a bot like Herobot. It has a drag and drops feature that makes everything easier and smoother. Moreover, it offers various chatbot templates that you can choose from. With this, you will likely avoid the common mistakes in creating a bot. Learn more from our official website.

How Robot Conversation Changes the Online Education System

robot conversation

If you are not keen on going to school to take your classes or have your extra lessons, then taking an online academy is for you. While more and more people are getting interested in the things online education can bring, the demand for more development increases. This is the reason why most educational institutions are already offering online courses and enable their students to choose between having online tutors or having robot conversation.

Chatbots are not something new in the online industry. In fact, a lot of marketers are now enjoying its benefits and are growing their businesses. This is why it is only a matter of time before educational institutions became interested in using robot conversation. With this, they will avoid spending extra hours for employees who will manage online courses and answer the questions of students.

robot conversation

Important Factors that Robot Conversation Contributes

In online classes, professors on specific subjects will post video tutorials and written lessons that students have to study. However, this is not very effective especially for those who have difficulties following video tutorials. Moreover, just reading the whole lesson is very tiresome for most. To answer these problems, students can now have robot conversation with AI to have a thorough tutorial about things they do not understand.

Here are some of the important factors that the robot conversation contributes:

An overall view of subjects

In order to be an effecter teacher, you should make sure that the students are all learning the lessons. Thus, it is important there are no questions left unanswered for your students. However, this is one of the things that students and teachers often overlook when they are inside the classroom. Most of the time, teachers are unaware that there are still some things that are not in discussions. Meanwhile, students are afraid of asking questions in front of the whole class. This can also happen in online courses. However, administering robot conversation can prevent this from happening.

As we all know, most people are more comfortable expressing their feelings and concerns through writing. With robot conversation, students can just message their questions and an explanation of the confusing parts of the lesson. This leaves no room for awkwardness and mistakes. Note students do not also need to feel ashamed about not knowing some parts because they are just talking with a bot. As long as the educational institution creates the bot with the proper knowledge needed for certain courses, then students can rest assured that they will get the right answers.

Different approach of teaching

Every student has differences in their preferences in their studies. Some prefer interactive learning like having games, reports, etc. Meanwhile, there are others who want a simple and strict way of teaching. However, a classroom setup with only a single professor for 50 or more random students will not cater to every one of them. This is the reason why some people prefer having a personalized way of learning through online education and robot conversations.

While they are having a run through their lessons, robot conversation can ask them for their feedback and preferences. It will ask whether the students need more examples or other explanations from other sources. Moreover, a bot can have different languages that students can use as to how they prefer. Other than this, you can also ask if there are other subjects or courses that will fit your liking more. This makes having online classes more effective in some ways.

Better engagement with students

Student engagement is a very important thing when it comes to learning. Professors need to know more about the parts where students are slightly confused. Meanwhile, they also need to ask the students some questions throughout the lessons to make sure that they are paying attention. This can also be a way to measure their learning capacity and what approach is best for students. However, this is the reason why some are still having doubts about enrolling in an online academy. But they are wrong.

Actually, online institutions are administering robot conversation on their websites to connect with their students. It can randomly ask questions through quick quizzes or games while you are the page. Also, you can just ask the things that you want to know about with the bot rather than searching it online. This is more convenient and is easier to use.

robot conversation

Convenient in gathering feedback

Like in other industries, getting honest feedback from students is essential for the betterment of an educational institution. However, this is rarely effective when you are in a classroom system. Some are too afraid to give comments especially if they know their professor will be noted about these things. Meanwhile, this is not the case in the online educational system.

Students need to have positive and negative feedbacks also and this will surely reflect on their future bearings. In a traditional classroom system, administering exams is the way to do this. Meanwhile, online education prefers giving timely assessments with the help of robot conversation. Unlike in normal classes, you will not need to be ashamed of having mistakes and not knowing about how to correct it. Bots will tell you about your mistakes and will explain thoroughly about the correct answers. This is easier to remember and will help clear some confusion about certain things.

Also, the AI bot can give some advice on what subjects to apply next in order to know more about your mistakes. It will also tell you the details of how they can help you based on the outcome of your assessment.

Benefits of Having Online Education

If you are still having doubts about how online courses and robot conversation can help you, let me list some of them.

  • In a robot conversation, a student can freely ask questions about the things he or she did not understand the lessons. Unlike in a classroom setup, they will not have to feel peer pressure and be under the fear of judgments from their teachers or classmates.
  • If you are having a hard time grasping the subjects, you can attend the same training multiple times. You can also take advice from robot conversation about which subjects you can take in order to have more effective and progressive learning.
  • If you think you already know enough about the subjects you are taking, you can advance and ask chatbots of what courses you can take next. This is more effective rather than wasting time listening to things that you already know. This can also help you finish your course faster and even have extra subjects that you can use in your career.
  • Students can now ask unlimited questions to robot conversation if they are having a hard time understanding a lesson. This is more convenient than being scolded by your teachers for having too many questions.
  • Every robot conversation is extremely personalized and can be customized to suit the preference of its students. Not only is it efficient but it is also effective in administering learnings to students.
  • Other than helping the students learn about different subjects, chatbots can also be a counselor and help students who are having a hard time on their studies due to their mental and emotional problems.
  • All in all, a chatbot can be a student’s personal assistant and guide towards learning. Who wouldn’t want to get help from time to time?
  • Getting honest feedback is now possible without getting embarrassed or having fear of getting criticisms.
robot conversation

A Basic Guide to Create the Best Online Education Robot Conversation

  1. You should make sure that you give enough details of your bot. It should be informative and helpful for students. Otherwise, they might deem this as ineffective and can gravely affect the brand of your educational system. You can run some tests and give it more improvements from time to time in order to make sure that it is high-functioning.
  2. You should make sure that the bot will not affect the speed of your overall system. Otherwise, this can give negative feedback from your students. It will be extremely annoying and very uncool and will surely make you lose some profits.
  3. Create your chatbot with the best bot platform. You should make sure to opt for a platform that will give you a full set of tools that you will need. Moreover, there are platforms like Herobot which is very easy to use with its drag-and-drop feature. This is much cheaper and more efficient than hiring programmers to make their own bot.

How Mobile Monkey Helps in Finance Management

mobile monkey

It is apparent how artificial intelligence and automation are reshaping different industries on the internet and are leading to an era of greater performance and productivity. As time passes by, they are getting faster, better, and cheaper to get along with the expectations of the modern world. These days, chatbots are not simply a chat automation software program but it can also perform various tasks that are really useful for e-commerce. With this, developers are now experimenting on making mobile monkey more useful. Several companies are already laying out their plans on creating an AI as financial advisers and investment managers. Moreover, there are now finance bots that can track your daily expenses and help people avoid spending unnecessarily.

Despite the past IT security issues, the mobile monkey was able to survive in the industry and was able to prove its importance for businesses. Moreover, it is now developed and created with better software offering more security and governance needed to support businesses. Also, they are now easier to utilize messaging platforms and websites. If you will estimate that cost of hiring a human live server, it is obvious that creating a bot will be a lot cheaper. As for the finance companies, they use the mobile monkey to do half of the workloads of their employees.

mobile monkey

Why do you need Financial Bots?

It is now essential and practical for finance companies to get their own mobile monkey.  As we know, these companies perform a variety of activities that are technical and extremely time-costly. It includes the gathering of basic data and making some complex decisions for their company. Due to this, bot developers found a way to make things easier to lessen the workloads of financial employees and increase performance through automation.

Moreover, almost a third of all the opportunities you can find in finance is possible with bots and its task-automation technology. Software bots such as the robotic process automation or RPA is one of the best IT system that most companies are now using. It is different than physical robots because it is more suitable for businesses and other tasks that need automation. Moreover, you can avoid more errors and casualties with bots. This is why it is the best tool that you can use for finance companies.

Mobile Monkey in Financial Business

There are still some critics saying that AI applications will still take a while until it can fully function and work independently without errors. However, it is still undeniable how mobile monkey is giving various benefits for its users and developers. It can handle interactions with humans well and even use these experiences for its machine learning. Utilizing it for every business such as in finance is only natural.

Here are some of its benefits for finance companies:

1.    Better customer support

Obviously, the most common use of chatbots is for customer support on every type of business. This is not different from finance companies. As a matter of fact, there are already some large banking companies that are using a chatbot for customer engagement. This includes Bank of America, Royal Bank of Scotland, and even Capital one. Due to this, they are now able to answer more customer inquiries and even do some online transactions without the help of human servers. It also ensures that the customers will not encounter any problem contacting companies whenever and wherever they want rather than contacting a human live server. Moreover, a single system can access multiple conversations and transactions which is really ideal for finance companies. It is also cost-effective rather than hiring BPO agents for night shifts.

2.   Gives better investment advice

Giving investment advice is a very difficult task especially because it involves money. Thus, one of the best ways modern businesses do is having AI do the work for them. The concept that “Robo Adviser” gives is that it will offer investment advice to any investors who seem to have an interest. As it can collect various information from its customers by running the internet and interacting with the customer, it can give them relevant investment offers. This way, you can time and effort contacting customers with this rather than sending numerous emails they do not care about. Mobile monkey is definitely useful in these aspects of finance management.

3.   Provides better security

Scams and different kinds of fraud are now a norm in finance management. Because of the developments in technology, it is now really hard to detect fraudulent transactions. This is one of the reasons why most people avoid using online banking despite its usefulness. However, by using AI software such as mobile monkey, it is now easier to detect such anomalies in online transactions. Now, when you log into your online banking account, you will automatically receive a message from your bank confirming if it is really you. Bots are also able to check and study your patterns of spending activity. One it noticed that there are some alarming changes in your spending pattern, it will notify you and will ask for your confirmation.

4.   Making payments

Companies are now doing some automation tricks for making payments online. One of the companies who are experimenting with using this is Paypal. They want to make paying bills and/or loans possible by mere chat messages. This will not only avoid multiple steps on paying bills but it is also easier and more convenient. Moreover, there is also a company that yearns to make paying bills convenient by voice recognition. Conversational banking is really useful especially if you are a busy person and prefers multi-tasking.

How you can implement it properly

Creating a mobile monkey bot is not as difficult as you think. However, you should take note that the finance sector is a sensitive and complicated industry. Thus, it is important that you follow certain rules and points in order to make it effective. You should make some considerations because it is totally different than the common marketing businesses that use bots to automate their services.

mobile monkey

Make sure to only give the bot basic tasks.

Even if the bots can copy the behaviors and dialogue of humans, it is still imperfect and does not have the capability to think totally alike with real people. To avoid further errors and complications, you should only give your bots some basic tasks such as holding basic dialogues with your clients and answering frequently asked questions. If the user is asking for more in-depth and complicated negotiation, make sure to give them the option to talk with a live human server. Aside from this, you can lessen the workload of your employees by enabling your mobile monkey to collect data and gather customer’s information.

This strategy will surely allow your company to develop a governance model, a workforce-management plan, and a playbook. Moreover, your employees can simply focus on more complex and detailed cases and will improve their productivity.

Know when you need to release people or give them different tasks.

Remember that you created a bot to make things easier for your employees and to save time and efforts. Moreover, this is a great way to cut your cost dedicated for employing more people to do basic jobs. However, most people are having problems with this because they do not know how to manage employment now.  Most employees are just taking advantage of the automation and gets their salaries without working much. This would really be unfair on the part of the employer.

To manage it properly, make sure that you know and have a decision whether you will release people or will just give them another job. Take note that dismissing them for reasons outside their misconducts means that you have to give them proper severance pay. This is why giving them other more complex and challenging jobs is an option too.

mobile monkey

Discuss your plans about utilizing bots with employees.

You need your employees to always be comfortable to their workplace. To do this, it is important that they know your plans for the company especially if it is going to affect their jobs. If you are going to create a bot, make sure that you tell your employees about it. Also, discuss the necessary changes on their works. If you are planning to release some of your employees, make sure that you will tell them how you will evaluate those that will stay and will not. Moreover, you should make a proposal about creating opportunities for their redeployment. Remember that transparency builds the trust of your people.

Create a mobile monkey with Herobot

Bots are really important for companies in order to get along with the modern needs of the developing world. Despite it sounding really difficult, there are actually some websites that offer you an easier way to develop a mobile monkey. With this regard, Herobot is the best chatbot-making website that you can see online. You only need to drag and drop features on your bot to make it functional. Moreover, there is even a variety of templates that you could choose from. Make your finance company prosper with Herobot.

Chatbot Companies: Why You Should Use Lawyer Bots

chatbot companies

Everything is moving towards the digital world and a lot of marketers and business people are considering to utilize the internet for their advantage. With this, chatbot companies are becoming a hot topic as numerous industries are using it in their operations. This does not exclude the legal sector from the list.

Moreover, in the past years, chatbot companies such as DoNotPay is creating a big hype on people who needs legal help but does not have enough budget to get one. Due to this, other developers gain interest in this and start creating their own legal chatbots. Meanwhile, there is still a diversity on the field of legalities and issues that every bot is focusing. This is why it is important to know the chatbots that you should consult and why you should use them.

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Revolutionizing the Legal Department

The success of chatbot companies in various industries is undeniable. In fact, e-commerce, small businesses, travel agencies and even the government services are now using bots as their front-line worker. As different fields start to build their own bots, it is still questionable if there would be a success on building an AI for legal services. However, this is proved to be possible by some websites who uses chatbots to offer knowledges about law.

Even if the law firms are still new on these digital ideas, they grasp the importance of it just like how revolutionary it is on the medical field. Thus, it is only natural for the people to start embracing the advantages of lawyer bots and chatbot companies. Moreover, there are even some people who are acknowledging the usefulness of these bots on handling their everyday life.  

How Lawyer bots can help law firms

Nowadays, it is undeniable how the bot is helping every sector cope up with the technological needs of modern people. However, some still do not have any idea why the legal services need chatbot companies to provide a wider perspective and a bigger hand to help people. Here in this article, we will help you note down all the advantages of using lawyer bots.

1. Legal chatbots lets people know your niche.

One of the common problems of any law firm is having people ask them for legal services that they do not provide. This is because people often thought that all lawyers know every nook and crannies of the law. However, the truth is that most lawyers have specialization such as real estate lawyers and divorce lawyers. Imagine building a firm for divorce cases and receiving calls and inquiries regarding crime cases. It could not only be a waste of time, but this could also waste your resources. This is where chatbot companies can help you.

Chatbot companies can be your best employee and business partner at the same time. It can help you build your niche in the industry and even connect you with interested clients. By automation and artificial intelligence, bots help law firms on answering repetitive inquiries of the customers. Due to this, you can filter the clients who are truly interested on the services that you offer. Moreover, you will not need to hire more people for admin tasks because your online chatbot can do this for you.

2. Lawyer bots can make your website friendlier.

Nowadays, it is only natural for law firms to digitize their approach on their possible clients. However, building a good website does not only mean good contents and design. You should also note that your website visitors should be able to get more information from this. But the problem is that legal terms and jargons may be a little too hard for an average person to understand. With this in mind, you might need a little help from chatbot companies.

If you have a lawyer bot on your website, they can help your visitors to understand some unfamiliar terms by explaining them in a simpler way. Moreover, as your website may be a little intimidating for some users, a friendly bot that is on its way to help anyone may come handy. Imagine them reading some of your blogs regarding legal issues and they found it hard to understand. It will not cost you much if you bot offers them help with it. It can also suggest contacting you for a more personal approach on their case.

3. Legal chatbots can make great use of your existing content.

Just like what was discussed before, having a lawyer bot on your website can be a good way to help your customers know more about your website. Most websites create numerous contents in order to create more traffic and bring more visitors on their page. This is also helpful to get in contact to more potential clients. However, if you want more viewers on your content, chatbot companies can also leverage your site’s information.

Lawyer bot can have access on all your contents such as articles, posts, videos, news, etc. As it scans them, it can extract useful snippets and even copy links. This will then be useful when it is having a dialogue with your potential clients. The bot can also suggest articles and give out links to them. Moreover, will not only help your clients but will also affect the image of your firm. Thus, it is really helpful to have chatbot companies on your law firm website.

chatbot companies

4. You get first-hand information about your clients.

Law firms do not only need to give out information to the public. More than this, it needs to know first-hand information regarding its potential clients. This is one of the reasons why you should have chatbot companies working for your firm. As it converses with its users and asks basic questions, the information regarding its users will automatically compile. These compilations of information will then be sent to you.

Moreover, the conversation that your lawyer bot is having with your potential clients will be really useful for the betterment of your firm and site. With bots recording their conversation with users, you can take note of the frequently asked questions of your clients. You can also take them as suggestions which will help you have better offers for them. This will not only improve your site, but also your firm.

Chatbot companies that you should check

Now that you know how chatbot companies can help legal firms, you might now be interested on creating one. However, remember that this will not be an easy task. You will need a more elaborate knowledge on how you can create an effective bot for your field. Moreover, it will also help to take note of the other lawyer bots around the world wide web.


DoNotPay is one of the most recognizable names when it comes to lawyer bots. It is founded by Joshua Browder and originally intends to help people with issues regarding parking tickets. Sounds pretty simple, right? However, as time goes by, it became widely used by people and is known as the “world’s first robot lawyer.” Now, it is also able to help people with challenging parking tickets around the United States and even get refunds whenever there is a price drop on airplane tickets. Moreover, it will only take a few minutes to finish the whole process as the bot will only ask you a few questions and some relevant legal information to help you.

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If we are talking about multiple immigration issues, then Visabot can help you out. You can communicate with this bot via Facebook Messenger which is why it is very handy. There are different options for any help you need such as B2 extension, getting a green card and even a H-1B transfer. This lawyer bot will only ask factual questions and there will be a ready pre-written response that you can choose from. With all your answers, it will then analyze the situation and will give an appropriate advice to solve the immigration case.


This lawyer bot is an Australian chatbot which has an expertise on creating non-disclosure agreement or privacy policy. It only needs to ask some questions and will use the user’s responses to give out useful advices and documents.

Get your chatbot companies with Herobot!

Herobot is a chatbot platform that can help you build chatbots in an easier manner. It will not require you any coding or other IT skills. What you just need is a witty mind to create the best lawyer bot that will surely help your legal website. We also offer pre-made templates for various uses. Moreover, Herobot offers cheaper deals without sacrificing the qualities of the chatbots they release. Check our website now and learn more about the world of chatbots.

Top 4 Chatbot Business Trends to Watch Out This 2020

chatbot business

Whether we admit or not, the chatbot has been helping a lot of businesses grow in terms of marketing and customer service. Moreover, it helps in building a strong brand impression on consumers which is why it is a big hit for a lot of marketers nowadays. Also, due to some technological advances, chatbot business is creating some trends including machine learning. Some marketing experts even believe that bots will continue to evolve in the following years and will eventually be the central customer service for various companies.

Actually, there are a lot of social media users who are in favor and willing to use bots for interactions. Even if there are still some doubts about how a mere artificial intelligence can act human-like, there still some who really want to try it out. Moreover, because of its convenience, marketers are using this tool in their marketing stunts. Meanwhile, others are utilizing marketing plans in accordance with the latest trends of chatbot business and artificial intelligence.

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Why is chatbot business becoming relevant?

Chatbot business is one of the latest trends in the digital marketing world. It is really useful in automating a lot of marketing stuff which is why most people in the business are interested or already using it. Moreover, according to some researches, there is a high possibility that 85% of business interactions will include chatbots in it. On the other hand, there are also other features of chatbots that can be useful for other marketing strategies.

Here are some of the ways chatbots can help businesses:


Marketing and advertising a very important factor in business aside from the quality of the products or services and employment ordeals. However, some of this would cost you a lot which can be difficult at your end. Meanwhile, chatbot business can help you maximize your profit without spending much on your employees. Moreover, it can communicate with a lot of people at a time and is not prone to errors that an ordinary human staff may do.

Automating repetitive tasks

There are some tasks that requires the same routine to do. This could be really stressful and tiring for any human employee and may seem not motivational for many. However, chatbot can do these tasks without ever getting bored and with an utmost accuracy. This way, it can give other employees to focus on crucial tasks rather than being stuck on doing repetitive tasks.

Gathering customer feedback

If your business is around for quite a while, then it is important to know which improvements you should take for it to be better. In order to do this, you will need the feedback from your customers. However, this is not really interesting for most people and there is a high possibility that they will just ignore yours pleads for feedback. Meanwhile, chatbot business can help you with this one. As it communicates with your users, it can ask questions and gather useful information that you can utilize for your next marketing strategies. This is one of the reasons why chatbot business is becoming trendy for a lot of people.

Improving customer service

Obviously, customer service is one of the main functions of a chatbot business. Because of its automation, it can provide customers fast and accurate responses which most users dig in. Also, most customers need a hand in helping them throughout their purchasing experience and the chatbot can help them. Because of its high artificial intelligence, it can communicate well with its users without any errors. It can even inform people about the dates of when they can be contacted human live support if they prefer talking with them.

The latest trends on chatbot business

If you are going to look around the internet, you will notice a lot of webpages that are using chatbots on their businesses. Some are even using chatbots not only for their businesses but also for entertainment purposes. Whatever the reason, it is only natural to be curious about the latest trends regarding bots for this year.

Here are some of them:

SEO Optimization

Artificial intelligence has been around for almost a decade and it is continuously growing. With the help of numerous developers, the functions of chatbots were increasing and it includes SEO optimization. As you know, there are different aspects that you should focus on in order for your website to have proper optimization. Meanwhile, bots can enhance this by giving more impact on the usability of the website.

As it helps the customers, it is creating more chances to implement the purpose and main goal of the website. However, you must make sure that your chatbot could answer every question that your customers may ask. Also, it can improve the readability of your website as it gives your customers concise and accurate answers right away. Other than this, it can even help people navigate throughout your website even with its complications. This way, your site could have better feedback and higher ratings than the others.

Advertisement with smart speakers

A lot of people are now interested in using smart speakers such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Home. Due to this influx of interests, chatbot business is now becoming more and more relevant in the world of business. People tend to rely on automation brought by technology which is why they are inclined to using these smart speakers. Meanwhile, marketers use this as a chance to advertise their businesses through smart speakers.

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This first started when Disney’s Beauty and the Beast’s advertisement was aired by Google Home. However, the later interests of other marketers put a bad impact on users of smart speakers. In order to bring back their interests, there re now better and less invasive branded advertising and it is what they call a “branded skill”. It is customer-friendly and cooler than other advertisements on the internet.

More content with chatbots

Written contents are very important in businesses as it increases the traffic of your website and introduces your brand to more viewers. Aside from this, contents are even useful for chatbots which is one of the priorities of most marketing companies now. If you have a good written content within your chatbot business, customer will have more fun communicating with it. Thus, it will create a good brand image to your business.

Moreover, there are some researchers that state that for the next three years, chatbots will be a big thing. It will mostly cut the costs of some retailers by roughly $439 billion every year while increasing the profit by $112 billion.

Steady adaptation with chatbots

Humans, just like animals, mostly live with their instincts and adaptation skills. These help humans survive a lot of calamities and problems.  Meanwhile, this is also the reason why people are now adapting to the latest trends of chatbots. They are now using it for chatbot business, amusement, and even their everyday tasks. There are even about 36% of marketers who are using chatbots in order to build better relationships with their consumers.

With this in mind, developers are now doing their best to create more human-like chatbots that will answer the needs of every person. They add an intense machine learning with every chatbot which gives the bot a way to learn speaking as a normal person would. Moreover, they offer customers a personalized experience that can execute tasks such as answering questions, giving advises and even guide them through difficult procedures in banking.

chatbot business

Be confident with Herobot!

It is important for marketers to know the latest trends in marketing and adopt it. This is why a lot of business people are now using a chatbot in their companies. It is in order to survive the competition and garner more customers along the run. This is also the reason why you should consider having a  chatbot now.

If you are planning to make bot for your business, it is essential that you only do it with the best and trusted chatbot platform. Herobot is a bot-creating website that offers its users cheaper deals. Despite this, it still has numerous features as well as widgets. Moreover, you will not need any professional skills when making your bot as Herobot only requires you to drag and drop contents. To know more, visit us at our website.

Top Reasons Why You Need to Build a Bot for SMM Today

build a bot

Two decades ago, marketing was all about search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM). But in the last ten years, social media marketing was born. Right then, it quickly took over other known strategies in various industries. Today, every marketing campaign is not complete without social media integration. However, the competition in this landscape also tightened through time. It ultimately paves the way for the introduction of new trends and tools. In this article, we’ll talk about the era of chatbots, particularly for the SMM. Let us see if this can convince you to build a bot after this. 

build a bot

Social Media Monitoring Bot: The Key to Better Business Engagement

According to most technology predictions, chatbots would soon become one of the most vital tools in terms of engaging with brands. Even the veteran marketers agree that it has the power to bring a paradigm shift in the landscape of digital marketing. With this, many decide to build a bot to help them in advertising.

Today, we are closer to the time when all people would treat chatbots as a vital marketing tool. Ultimately, people would depend on these innovative technologies to purchase what they need. May it be a product or a service, bots will be their number one assistant. Many developments are happening right now. When you build a bot in the future, they would soon become human-like. 

Once it happens, the landscape of digital marketing would be revolutionized. Also, people would become more dependent on chatbots. They would rather use bots instead of spending time on research brought by search engines. During this time, many branded applications would become obsolete. Moreover, users would opt to engage via messaging apps that are already helping them in unimaginable ways. 

Build a Bot: The Primary Role of Social Media Monitoring Bot

It’s not a secret that consumers are dramatically migrating from traditional social media platforms to fast-rising messaging applications. The list includes Apple, Slack, WeChat, iMessage, and perhaps one of the most popular, Facebook Messenger. The mind-boggling growth of these innovative messaging channels, when combined, actually beats that of the largest social media networks today. Well, these messaging apps offer to navigate their ways through intense competition. They exert less effort compared to conventional methods, but they get an increase in monetization. Who wouldn’t love these emerging technologies that save people from fatigue while improving ROI?

Moreover, industry analysts and data sources revealed that these messaging apps have taken over social media platforms in terms of signing up new users. This report is not surprising, as chatbots have made it possible. These social media monitoring bots have allowed people to search for valuable information using their preferred messaging applications.

Build a Bot to Revolutionize Your ROI

Aside from making routines more convenient for people when it comes to searching content, social media monitoring bot also augment the efficiency of the once laborious process. Well, developers today are making them customized. As a result, users no longer need to rely on Google search to find out information about specific products or services. They can simply build a bot and rely on them to do that and get their needs addressed quickly. 

Social media monitoring bot and other kinds of chatbots are one of the vital tools that can empower the core of digital marketing. Its concept opposes the traditional system of digital advertising wherein there is an engagement when clicking on an ad or playing videos. Today, engaging with chatbots is described as having a conversation with a human-like assistant. 

Why? It is because most people would agree that having personalized and fun conversation is more valuable than simply viewing a video or an ad. This new kind of engagement leaves people refreshed, educated, informed, and most of the time, entertained. With the help of chatbots, they also acquire a deeper understanding of the product or the business. So, why not build a bot for your business now?

Social Media Monitoring: What You Need to Know

Are you currently engaged with a brand or product over social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Then there’s a high chance that your engagement and activities are being tracked by a social media monitoring tool. 

build a bot

Often, users think that social media monitoring is the same as social listening. However, these two shouldn’t be interchanged as they have different purposes. 

Social media monitoring is the act of engaging with users using a reactive manner. Brands monitor streams of topics, comments, mentions, and messages and rely on that information before interacting with users. Meanwhile, social listening can be described as proactive. Brands deal with larger pools of data and use them for sentiment analysis. The goal is to find out how brands operating in the same niche are performing. The findings can then be checked by social media analytics expert to find out any trend or pattern.

Notably, many of the known social media monitoring tools today also serve the function of social listening. However, people should still be aware of the significant differences between the two.

How does Social Media Monitoring Bot Work?

Social media monitoring is a straightforward strategy. A businessman must first identify the tool that would fit his brand’s needs. Then, they need to sync their social profiles and work on monitoring and data collection. Thanks to the introduction of social media monitoring bot, a businessman can put everything up and running without exerting much time and effort. 

Main Functions of Social Media Monitoring Bot

Collect Mentions

Collecting mentions and comments that pertain to your brand is one of the primary purposes of a social media monitoring bot. This tool would track all of your brand’s social activities automatically. Some bots even organize and filter data based on different metrics, such as likes, followers, and retweets. When this information had been collected, social media marketers can begin doing their jobs. 

Build brand advocacy.

Every brand’s goal is to acquire loyal advocates and customers. When you have a social media monitoring bot in place, you would be able to interact with these users in real time. Ultimately, you can show them that you are keen to build and cultivate a relationship with them. Remember, even a simple message that acknowledges your customers’ support has the power to make all the difference in your brand’s performance. 

Resolve customer complaints.

As a businessman, there’s nothing wrong in hoping that all people visiting your channel would be your brand’s advocates. However, we can’t deny that it’s almost impossible. Dissatisfied customers would show up in one way or another. During this instance, you can take advantage of your social media monitoring bot to settle the issue immediately. Once you can address their complaints in real-time, there’s a likelihood that you would convince them from preaching negative sentiment about your brand. 

Increase brand transparency.

One surefire way of enhancing user engagement on social media is to send and receive customer feedback. Let your social media monitoring both update your users whenever you’re rolling out new products or services. Then, ask them some questions that can help you enhance your latest offering. This method can not only strengthen your engagement with users, but it can also increase your brand’s transparency. 

Track topics.

A social media monitoring bot can also help you monitor and track hashtags and topics that are trending. When you are up to date with the latest happenings, you can easily spread awareness about your brand. Being armed with fresh information allows you to be a step ahead of your competitors. 

Showcase your brand’s story. 

Social media monitoring bot, just like other known chatbots, has a personality of its own. With the advent of technology, brands have the power to customize their bots, or we can describe it as adding a unique flavor, bringing a brand’s personality to life.

build a bot

The idea is to showcase the story of your brand in the most compelling way via a social media monitoring bot embedded in your digital marketing channels and networks. Once implemented, these innovative chatbots can attract reluctant users, engage them in fun and exciting ways, and ultimately captivate them with your story. Once you have successfully established an emotional connection with them, you have higher chances of translating those relationships into substantial growth. Check out this article on link building which is another good way to substantially grow your business.

Build a bot with the help of HeroBot!

Whether you like to make the switch or not, chatbots are definitely here to stay. They are designed to change the essence of digital marketing. If you want to stay ahead in business, then you must consider these tools as an integral part of your marketing mix. However, keep in mind that just like the others, chatbots are not perfect. They also come with a set of challenges that can either make or break your business. 

To reap the benefits, you must ensure to get your social media monitoring bot from a reliable source. If you’re a newbie, perhaps you would want to visit Herobot. This chatbot platform can help you attract qualified leads and increase sales using their social media marketing bot and other automation marketing tools. Let the experts help you conquer the challenges that are usually associated with this modern technology, and you’ll be able to emerge victorious in the end. 

How to Make a Facebook Bot That Will Up Your Conversion Strategy

how to make a facebook bot

Even with its numerous competitors, Facebook is still at the top of the social media chain. It has more than 2.4 billion monthly active users and one of the leading websites that could advertise brands effectively. With its popularity on different ages, colors, genders or cliques, you can easily run campaigns with Facebook’s ad features. Meanwhile, a lot of people are integrating their own ideas with this and one of them is using a Facebook bot.

how to make a facebook bot

A conversion strategy is important in order to give your customers a good experience while urging them to trust your brand for their next visit. Also, if it is good enough, it can a good brand value to your company which means more traffic, more customers, and more income for you. However, doing this is not easy which is why you will need the help of technology. Thus, it is important to know how to make a Facebook bot that will up your conversion strategy.

Why is an effective conversion strategy essential?

Technology is very helpful to human beings and using it effectively can bring success to most. However, this same thing is also the reason why most people are having problems generating more profits for their companies. Instead of spending on new gadgets and widgets as an investment, they are now just earning to pay for expensive tools that they use. This is where everything goes wrong.

To turn the table around and get the upper hand, you must have a good conversion strategy and just use tools that will most likely benefit you. Moreover, instead of using expensive tools, opt for cheaper tools or those that you will only have to pay once. One of these tools is the Facebook bot. With its great wide-range audience, you can never go wrong with attaching your business on it. Also, this social media site will really be helpful for your business. Meanwhile, bots can offer automation that can save you a lot of money and effort.

How can a Facebook bot up your conversion strategy?

If you will go around the internet and go into some good websites, you will most probably be greeted with an energetic “hello”. You might think that it is unimportant and just an unnecessary addition to making the website look more friendly but you are wrong. It actually helps the website garner more audiences and gives visitors a better experience. It can also negotiate and settle schedules in your stead. Here is a list of the things a good Facebook bot can offer for your brand.

Improves customer experience

Now, you may think that bots are unnecessary to give customers a better experience because that is what customer service is for. However, you should remember that in order to compete with millions of companies around the world, you need to up your game. Start building your Facebook bot that will interact with your customers 24/7 in a human-like way. It works even if you are just starting your company or you already own a bigger enterprise.

You need to be able to cater to your customer’s needs at all times. Even if your store is already closed and it is already 1 AM, you know you just need to respond to your customer’s message. If not, it will just mostly end up them being angry or swearing to never negotiate with your company ever again. Moreover, it will most likely lead to bad reviews for your services. However, the Facebook bot can you from all this hassle.

Because it is an automated program, it can stay up 24/7 and negotiate with all your customers all at once. It talks to a human-like way and has enough artificial intelligence and machine learning to converse appropriately. A Facebook bot can even things more thoroughly than some of your human employees. By keeping your customers satisfied, you can build a better relationship with them and assure that they will remain as your consumers.

Engage in social media

Not all people are aware of your business and your website. However, engaging to customers through their social media accounts will surely boost up your brand name. As you already know, with millions of people using Facebook now, it means that people are more active on this website rather than others. Moreover, studies show that chatbots, such as a Facebook bot, can provide a better mobile experience for the users.

Facebook bots are flexible and can easily be used with mobile phones. With this tool, your customers have unlimited ways of connecting with you anytime and anywhere. As a matter of fact, a lot of companies such as Domino’s Pizza, MasterCard and Sephora are already taking advantage of it. With a Facebook bot, you can add convenience to your customer’s experience which will do good for your business.

how to make a facebook bot

Give good recommendations

Have you ever gone out in the mall determined to buy something but failing to remember what it is? Well, this is common for almost everyone and it can happen in online shops too. This is why most stores make sure that they have sales ladies that can help you shop and give you recommendations whenever you need one. It helps both sides as it gives the customers an idea of what they should buy while giving more sales to the shop.

However, how do you think is it possible to apply the same thing to your online shop? This is where the idea of generating a Facebook bot on your brand comes in. It can converse with your customers naturally and in a human-like way. Moreover, it can help them find the things they are interested in. Facebook bot can also give recommendations by telling the customers basic information about the products. It can also send photos and links to the products to customers.

It can also do predictive lead scoring by going through the profile of the users and looking up to their recent activities. Moreover, it can take note of the demographics and social information of the customers. This way, you will be able to know about their interests and can even help with product recommendations.

Qualify leads

However, if you really want a good conversion strategy, the things mentioned above are not going to suffice. In business, time is very important. Remember, time is of the essence and money. To make sure that you are not wasting time for your online business, make sure to not engage in the wrong person. If you did, you will just spend the time that you should be spending on those who could be a possible customer. This is what lead qualification is all about.

Meanwhile, companies already have a solution for this. They use a Facebook bot that will ask a set of questions to its visitors to know if they can be your possible customer or client. Instead of answering their queries, some pages start the conversations by asking its users some questions. It may include things like how they are able to know about the product or what products they are interested in. Moreover, it will automatically analyze the intentions of the users and if they are a possible lead. Also, it can store the information that it is able to generate from its past conversation which can be useful for your brand.

how to make a facebook bot

Step up your game with Herobot’s Facebook bot!

If you read the article above, there is a high chance that you are already interested in creating your Facebook bot now. And if not, let me tell you that thousands of your competitors are already using one and it will already give them a higher advantage. This is why you need to step up your game and learn how you will be able to build a bot that will not cost you so much.

With Herobot, you can guarantee that the Facebook bot you will create is going to be functional and effective. Moreover, doing it with this platform will give you an easier route without hiring programmers. It is also cheaper than any other site and offers a large variety of widgets and templates that you can choose from. Moreover, it is flexible and will let you work with only drag and drop feature. Learn more about Facebook bot on our website.

How to use effective bot site for your business marketing

bot site

If you are thinking of ways to earn money while you are in your respective houses, then the best option is to start your business online. In this age where everyone seems to live in the online world, e-commerce is a good idea for marketers. However, this is not as easy as you think. To match the expectations of your customers, it is best to use a bot site for our business. As it stays up online 24/7 and can accommodate numerous people at a time, you should consider using chatbots for your brand.

bot site

However, there are steps that you should take in order to create a chatbot that will best suit your business. Almost every one of us had a bad experience with using automated services. Despite its similarities to how some humans respond, bots cannot completely think and feel like them. With a reckless move of bot site, everything can go downhill. These are the things that you should consider avoiding to create more traffic and bring in more sales.

Tips on creating your chatbot

There are many issues regarding the chatbot industry today. Most people do not prefer the robotic and unempathetic way bots are handling their issues. Moreover, unhelpful and repetitive responses of chatbots are annoying customers more than anything. Some people feel that it indicates the lack of care of the company for its customers. However, you can avoid these issues by doing some effective bot site tricks.

Know your line of business

If you want to succeed in the world of marketing, it is important that you know what you are entering. Learn about every nicks and corner of the type of business you have. Read reports and published materials about other successful marketers in this field and learn from them. Know the latest trends and participate in the online forums of people talking about what they like and hate about certain companies. Take note of all this because it will really be useful for your own business. Additionally here is the list of best digital marketing strategies you can use for your business in 2021.

When you already know about these things, creating your own bot for marketing will be much easier. Moreover, you will know the basic problem areas in your business that you can now avoid. Also, you will have a deeper understanding of your customers chose the leading brands rather than other companies. Other than this, you can also distinguish the areas you can improve with the changing trends in the market.

Outline your goals

With the researches that you did previously, you can now outline your goals. This is very important in establishing an effective bot site. Moreover, it will help you define the parts your chatbot should take part in order to make your business successful. This will help you realize the missions of your business as well as in the profit area. As it defines where you should go, planning will be a lot easier along the way and can increase its effectiveness.

To have an effective goal, you should consider making it clear and simple first. Don’t stress out on making it picture-perfect which can lead to further complications. Rather, be specific about your goals and make it realistic as you can. Remember that creating a bot for marketing is hard enough. Thus, your goals on creating one should be as simple as you can. However, this does not mean that you can’t innovate and use your creative juices.

Understand your users

Your consumers are a vital part of the success of every business. Thus, it is only natural to try to understand your customers for an effective bot site. Know the basic profiles of those who mostly and will probably visit your website. As you identify your target market by their gender, age, and economic standing, you can create a good bot marketing plan that will satisfy them.

Moreover, you should consider the type of business you have to know the personalities of the customers who might be interested in your products or services. Learn about the tone that might make them stay and continue talking to your chatbot. If you are in the entertainment or gaming business, then you should consider creating an entertaining bot. Make it witty and you can use memes and gifs as it holds a conversation. Meanwhile, use formal tones in businesses where users need straightforward and professional answers.

Brainstorm with experiences employees

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You should not be afraid of creating a bot because you do not know how it should properly hold a conversation. Instead, call out your employees or friends who are experienced in this area and brainstorm with them. With their help, you will be able to know the things customers frequently ask. Also, you will be able to know the most effective tones and responses that you can use to deal with problematic consumers.

This way, your bot will be able to filter the queries and concerns that they can handle and send a human server those that require more complicated answers. Also, you can now create a conversation flow that will be both simple and useful for your users. However, you should always remind yourself that creating a perfect artificial intelligence is impossible and is bound to fail. Cover every possible subject your customer might bring up and prepare a simple response for them.

Types of bot site

There are a lot of steps and considerations that you should take first before you can devise the best bot site. However, as you plan on creating one, you should know first the type of chatbot that you should create. Also, consider the roles it would take into your company for a clearer agenda and personality of your artificial intelligence. Here is a list of the basic types of bots that you can use for your business:

Sales bot

This type of bot is very important if you want to succeed in the bot site. Obviously, sales bot can help you increase your sales. Moreover, it can make the buying process easier as it converses with the customer about the products or services he/she needs. Also, it has personalized product recommendations. You can also include images, videos, links, and gifs in the usual conversation between a bot and its user.

FAQ bot

If you are going to engage with your customers for a long time, you will notice a series of repetitive questions that they may ask you. Now, it can be annoying and exhausting for your human employees. However, you can design a FAQ bot that is in charge of answering repetitive and frequently asked questions. You can also, include buttons that your customers can choose just in case they are having trouble conversing with your bot. It can also respond to your customers while you are out or your business is closed. This can add to the productivity of your business and increase your sales and connection with your consumers.

Lead Generation bot

A lead generation is important to your business especially in this modern era where you have millions of competitors around the world. It helps you in going all out on the internet and create more traffics than can lead to more sales for your company. As you use lead generation bot, you can automatically create a target group that you can associate with. Rather than wasting your time on people who do not have an inch of interest to your brand, why not focus on those who are actually interested?

Appointment bot

There are different types of businesses and each one of them has different problems that they may face. Now, a company offering intangible goods such as services might differ from those who are offering products. One of these is how it has problems managing appointments. However, with appointment bot, you can now easily set appointments with your clients. This is without worrying about overlapping schedules as bots are intelligent enough to record and manage your schedule.

Survey bot

If you don’t know, surveys are actually really helpful to businesses. This helps in the progress and planning changes and improvements for a brand. However, a modern era means that giving out printed questionnaires will only make you lose money and time. Instead, opt to survey bots that can help you collect answers from your customers with less hassle and more fun.

Enjoy the best bot site with Herobot!

Even if you have the best plans to create an effective bot site, this will all mean nothing if you do not have a good website where you can create freely. Meanwhile, hiring professionals will really be costly and learning programming yourself will be really difficult. This is one of the reasons why Herobot is aiming to be the best Chabot platform for marketers.

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It longs to provide the best services that can make bot creation a lot easier. Also, it offers a wide variety of widgets that you can use to make your bot more personal. If you are still clueless about where to start, Herobot has different templates that you can choose from to set as a help for you. Learn more about chatbot creation on our website now.