How Robot Conversation Changes the Online Education System

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If you are not keen on going to school to take your classes or have your extra lessons, then taking an online academy is for you. While more and more people are getting interested in the things online education can bring, the demand for more development increases. This is the reason why most educational institutions are already offering online courses and enable their students to choose between having online tutors or having robot conversation.

Chatbots are not something new in the online industry. In fact, a lot of marketers are now enjoying its benefits and are growing their businesses. This is why it is only a matter of time before educational institutions became interested in using robot conversation. With this, they will avoid spending extra hours for employees who will manage online courses and answer the questions of students.

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Important Factors that Robot Conversation Contributes

In online classes, professors on specific subjects will post video tutorials and written lessons that students have to study. However, this is not very effective especially for those who have difficulties following video tutorials. Moreover, just reading the whole lesson is very tiresome for most. To answer these problems, students can now have robot conversation with AI to have a thorough tutorial about things they do not understand.

Here are some of the important factors that the robot conversation contributes:

An overall view of subjects

In order to be an effecter teacher, you should make sure that the students are all learning the lessons. Thus, it is important there are no questions left unanswered for your students. However, this is one of the things that students and teachers often overlook when they are inside the classroom. Most of the time, teachers are unaware that there are still some things that are not in discussions. Meanwhile, students are afraid of asking questions in front of the whole class. This can also happen in online courses. However, administering robot conversation can prevent this from happening.

As we all know, most people are more comfortable expressing their feelings and concerns through writing. With robot conversation, students can just message their questions and an explanation of the confusing parts of the lesson. This leaves no room for awkwardness and mistakes. Note students do not also need to feel ashamed about not knowing some parts because they are just talking with a bot. As long as the educational institution creates the bot with the proper knowledge needed for certain courses, then students can rest assured that they will get the right answers.

Different approach of teaching

Every student has differences in their preferences in their studies. Some prefer interactive learning like having games, reports, etc. Meanwhile, there are others who want a simple and strict way of teaching. However, a classroom setup with only a single professor for 50 or more random students will not cater to every one of them. This is the reason why some people prefer having a personalized way of learning through online education and robot conversations.

While they are having a run through their lessons, robot conversation can ask them for their feedback and preferences. It will ask whether the students need more examples or other explanations from other sources. Moreover, a bot can have different languages that students can use as to how they prefer. Other than this, you can also ask if there are other subjects or courses that will fit your liking more. This makes having online classes more effective in some ways.

Better engagement with students

Student engagement is a very important thing when it comes to learning. Professors need to know more about the parts where students are slightly confused. Meanwhile, they also need to ask the students some questions throughout the lessons to make sure that they are paying attention. This can also be a way to measure their learning capacity and what approach is best for students. However, this is the reason why some are still having doubts about enrolling in an online academy. But they are wrong.

Actually, online institutions are administering robot conversation on their websites to connect with their students. It can randomly ask questions through quick quizzes or games while you are the page. Also, you can just ask the things that you want to know about with the bot rather than searching it online. This is more convenient and is easier to use.

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Convenient in gathering feedback

Like in other industries, getting honest feedback from students is essential for the betterment of an educational institution. However, this is rarely effective when you are in a classroom system. Some are too afraid to give comments especially if they know their professor will be noted about these things. Meanwhile, this is not the case in the online educational system.

Students need to have positive and negative feedbacks also and this will surely reflect on their future bearings. In a traditional classroom system, administering exams is the way to do this. Meanwhile, online education prefers giving timely assessments with the help of robot conversation. Unlike in normal classes, you will not need to be ashamed of having mistakes and not knowing about how to correct it. Bots will tell you about your mistakes and will explain thoroughly about the correct answers. This is easier to remember and will help clear some confusion about certain things.

Also, the AI bot can give some advice on what subjects to apply next in order to know more about your mistakes. It will also tell you the details of how they can help you based on the outcome of your assessment.

Benefits of Having Online Education

If you are still having doubts about how online courses and robot conversation can help you, let me list some of them.

  • In a robot conversation, a student can freely ask questions about the things he or she did not understand the lessons. Unlike in a classroom setup, they will not have to feel peer pressure and be under the fear of judgments from their teachers or classmates.
  • If you are having a hard time grasping the subjects, you can attend the same training multiple times. You can also take advice from robot conversation about which subjects you can take in order to have more effective and progressive learning.
  • If you think you already know enough about the subjects you are taking, you can advance and ask chatbots of what courses you can take next. This is more effective rather than wasting time listening to things that you already know. This can also help you finish your course faster and even have extra subjects that you can use in your career.
  • Students can now ask unlimited questions to robot conversation if they are having a hard time understanding a lesson. This is more convenient than being scolded by your teachers for having too many questions.
  • Every robot conversation is extremely personalized and can be customized to suit the preference of its students. Not only is it efficient but it is also effective in administering learnings to students.
  • Other than helping the students learn about different subjects, chatbots can also be a counselor and help students who are having a hard time on their studies due to their mental and emotional problems.
  • All in all, a chatbot can be a student’s personal assistant and guide towards learning. Who wouldn’t want to get help from time to time?
  • Getting honest feedback is now possible without getting embarrassed or having fear of getting criticisms.
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A Basic Guide to Create the Best Online Education Robot Conversation

  1. You should make sure that you give enough details of your bot. It should be informative and helpful for students. Otherwise, they might deem this as ineffective and can gravely affect the brand of your educational system. You can run some tests and give it more improvements from time to time in order to make sure that it is high-functioning.
  2. You should make sure that the bot will not affect the speed of your overall system. Otherwise, this can give negative feedback from your students. It will be extremely annoying and very uncool and will surely make you lose some profits.
  3. Create your chatbot with the best bot platform. You should make sure to opt for a platform that will give you a full set of tools that you will need. Moreover, there are platforms like Herobot which is very easy to use with its drag-and-drop feature. This is much cheaper and more efficient than hiring programmers to make their own bot.