How to Create Facebook Bot Avatar for Your Brand

create facebook bot

Customer service is all about building a strong connection and trust with your customers. To do this, you should provide a smooth transaction at all times. While some people think that what clients need is a fast service, they often forget about sincerity. Their customers often leave with bad impressions from the company in return. To avoid these things from happening, why not create Facebook bot avatar for your brand? It will surely help your overall brand image and improve your customer service.

However, it is important to note that in order to create Facebook bot avatar, make sure to give it a friendly image. With the right appearance and personality for your chatbot, it will surely yield an acceptance from its users. It will also effectively represent a person’s physical and psychological value. This will affect the gratification of the chatbot experience. But, perfecting this is not easy especially if you are just a new learner in the chatbot history. This is why we will give you some tips to create Facebook bot avatar that will fit your business.

create facebook bot

First of all, why bots?

Do I really need to create Facebook bot? Why?

This is the first thing that you should be asking yourself before giving your efforts to create Facebook bot. This will give you a clear view of what you must make your bot of. By asking yourself this question, you will be able to know what your customers might be looking for. To help you answer this, here are some of the reasons why you need a bot.

You want to always be there for your customers

There is a reason why stores, except for convenient ones, have specific opening and closing hours. It is because hiring more employees for different shifts could be really expensive. So, what they do is set for specific hours where there are more customers available. However, there are still a lot of people whose availability would be after normal working hours and it would be a waste not to cater them.

However, when you create Facebook bot, your store will be able to provide 24/7 availability especially for customers who prefers online shopping at night. Chatbots will act as your “always-ready employee” and will answer your customer’s queries whenever. It can also act as an adviser or assistant for your customers. Now, you can easily connect with your customers even after store hours.

You want to build more connection with your customers

The secret recipe to being successful in business is establishing connection with your customers. This way, you can easily have your regulars that will be there to support your products or services. They can also be good endorsers as they commend your products or services to other people who might be interested. This is way better than looking for famous celebrities or models to market your brand. However, how can chatbots help you with this?

Customers are always looking for sincere service. Bots can have a good and steady personality according to what you set it to. It can be friendly, formal, and polite all at the same time. Also, it can answer your customers faster than any customer support. It also helps then you can modify your bots and provide option of different languages for your customers. Now, language barriers are not an issue anymore.

You want to grow your business

It is every business people’s ambition to grow their business and branch out. Why? Because this only means that your brand is successful and widely accepted by your customers. However, making it work is really hard especially for customer support. Thinking that you can answer all your customer’s queries in social media sites, emails, website, and application is just impossible. Meanwhile, hiring more employees to do this work will lessen your profits. It can also bring you more conflict if you will not find the right person for this.

With chatbots, your problems will be answered. Bots can work as you all in one employee that can answer multiple messages simultaneously without any errors. Moreover, even if you branch out and have stores in different areas or even countries, a single bot can occupy them all. With its capability to switch languages, it will be very helpful for your company to be international. Also, it is available 24/7 so having different timelines for your shops is not an issue anymore.

Tips to create Facebook bot avatar

Chatbots may seem to be new for other people but it actually is already around for decades already. Today, more and more people are discovering bots and understanding its importance in businesses. Not only that, some developers also learn that giving a bot a good personality and image gives the brand or company better feedback. Because of this, they are able to create avatars that perfectly represents companies. Here are some tips to create Facebook bot avatar:

1. Know your area

If you want to design the perfect avatar., you must first consider how your target customers will like it. Thus, you have the perfect picture of how your business line works. For example, you are in a legal research sector. Even if you want your bot to appear friendly, you cannot let it just joke around when answering your customer’s queries especially if the topic is very serious. You may, however, add more fun in your dialogue by including links, images, videos that might be interesting and helpful for your users.

2. Consider your brand’s image

When creating your bot, you must always consider the image of your brand. To do it, know how your company appeals for the mass and what their impression is about your brand. You should be able to perfectly create Facebook bot avatar with the distinctive character of your brand. if done right, it could be your best marketing partner. One example of this is how Marvel created a bot for their Avenger’s campaign with Jarvis. In the story, Jarvis is Ironman’s assistant bot that helps him in every way. To leave an impression on its fans and users, Marvel made a bot with Jarvis’ image and personality. I mean, which Marvel fan would not want to speak with Ironman’s trusted bot, right?

3. Test your bot

Now, remember that there is no such thing as perfection. However, if you want to get closer to it, create different bot character designs and make a survey on which one is the best. You can ask your friend about this or even get your customers involved in the selection process. It will help you assess thee errors on your bot. If you do not want any of these, you can also just join online forums and make a survey about it. This way, you will be able to create the best Facebook bot avatar. Moreover, it would be better to have different tests on your bot before launching it.

4. Pick the perfect name

Your name is your label. It is like putting a big mark on your forward indicating your personality. It is your connection to your individuality and identity. Moreover, this leaves other people impression about you. Thus, it is very important to pick the best name for your bot avatar. Choose a catchy name that will best represent your brand’s image and the services you offer.

create facebook bot

Create your bot with us!

Now that you know the important points on how to create bot avatar, it is time to test it out. However, creating bots is not cheap and not relatively easy. If you do not know how to code, you might need the help of professionals to create a good chatbot. Herobot can help you with this. It is a chatbot building tool that will help you build the best bot while saving up some money. Check our website to know more about it.