Best Chatbot AI: The Best Valentine’s Day Idea for You

best chatbot ai

Technology has a wide application in today’s modern world. People spend a lot of time studying where they can integrate the power of technology in different industries. It is the application of the bodies of knowledge to the daily aims of human life. Technology comes with various materials, techniques and strategies to make life easier for the individuals. While science talks about how and why things occur, technology like the best chatbot AI deals with making things work.

In today’s modern transactions, there are lots of technology integrations. May it be for business, communication, education, politics or simply socialization. Moreover, consistency is the key to build valuable relationships from afar. To reach out someone that is distant from you, instant messaging can help you work on it. There goes the use of the best chatbot AI to pursue communication.

best chatbot ai

Communication and Chatbot AI

Communication keeps the bond stronger between people. There are various ways on how you can communicate with one another. During the previous days, messages sent by the mailmen takes time to arrive, and the messages are already passed out. The chatbot AI is a computer program that can manage human conversation through text chats or voice commands or both of them.

A chatbot is a short terminology for chatterbot. It is an Artificial Intelligence that can be used in any messaging applications. You can easily have communication with your connections through the use of best AI chatbot. Moreover, there are some events that bots are very much in demand and helpful for the individuals.

In this early phase of the year, February is one of the awaited and lovely month of the year. It is known as the “Love Month”. Valentine’s Day is a yearly celebration of romantic love, admiration, appreciation and friendship. February 14 is the day that people send messages and express affection towards loved ones, friends and close family ties. Mostly, couples send valentine’s greetings and special gifts to their partners. They usually spend quality time together on this day. However, there are some instances that people get busy with their works and duties. That is why spending this special day can be somehow a struggle for a few busy individuals.

Using Chatbot AI in Preparing for the Love Month 

Chatbots are now integrated into messaging applications. Celebration of Valentine’s Day doesn’t need to be a difficult thing to do even if you are busy. There are applications that can help you with your transactions. May it be for the sweet messages, special gifts or booking a romantic date with your special someone. Chatbot AI is a technology application that can enhance communication.

It can also make the life easier of the individuals using these applications. Moreover, they can save time and energy rather than directly going into a shop, restaurant or writing a letter to someone that can be quite time-consuming. Chatbots also come with special feature such as stickers, special offers or discounts that you can avail on Valentine’s Day.

Here are some advantages of using chatbot AI during Valentine’s Day:

Sending off romantic and sweet messages.

Chatbots are computer programs that have immediate responses to the messages that you have sent to someone. During Valentine’s Day, there are randomly sweet messages that you can receive from the chatbots. Love is in the air in February. Many individuals express their love for the bots that they are using. More women are likely to show that they love using chatbots than men.

Bots can automatically send sweet greetings to the ones using the application. Stickers and Graphics Interchange Format – Picture Formats usually had customized designs and images when Valentine’s Day came. These can be immediate responses to send your loved ones your warmest greetings on that day.

Contact for flower delivery.

valentines with bot

Flower shops have their websites online. These websites have chatbot AI that can attend to the needs of the customers as easy and as fast as possible. Calling for a flower delivery can be an easy way for the public to buy and send flowers as a gift to your special someone. Instead of directly going to the flower shop that can cost your time, you can reach through the messaging applications of the business.

You can also have special offers when this season rushes in. Chatbots can ease your transactions towards stores so that you can save time and do other things that you need to accomplish before you celebrate this special day. 

Looking for chocolate deals.

During Valentine’s Day, chocolates are very much in demand in public. There are special offers that are accompanied by the deals of the chocolate merchandises. Commonly, chocolates are one of the gift ideas that people prepare. Chatbot AI can help you search for the best and affordable chocolate deals for your budget and your loved ones. Moreover, you can also plan the purchase that you would like to do before the big day comes in. Usually, there comes a shortage or high-price deals when you buy on the same day. Bots can also help you to decide on how you would like to purchase your order.

Book a special day in a restaurant.

Usually, on Valentine’s Day, there are so many people in different eating stores, such as fast foods or restaurants. If you decide to go somewhere else on that exact day, you might find difficulty in looking for available spaces. Planning can save you from the stress of looking for a convenient place to eat.

Chatbot AI can assist you in booking with your prospective restaurant. You can also check their Valentine offers, such as couple dates, family deals or something like discounts. Moreover, you can have the assurance that you can celebrate your romantic day with full tummies. Bots can also give you the schedule, menu, and location of the restaurant that you want to dine in.

Purchasing pastries as Valentine gifts.

Pastry and bakery shops are also one of the in-demand business during Love Month. These sweet products can add to the romantic feeling during February. Shops can also offer various offers during this special day. Online websites can also be the avenue for customers to purchase their orders. Moreover, they can also have a quick check on the products that they can buy from them. Bots can reply to the queries of the customers once they engage in the application. This is very helpful for them. It gives convenience for the public to reach out for the stores.

Chatbots as Part of the Modern Day Industry

Chatbots are results of technology innovations. They can be used in different industries such as business, food, health, education and communication. These applications can make the connection and bond of the users to be closer and faster. Moreover, bots are created to manage immediate services such as message response and information provider.

Chatbot AI can help the public reach out to the shops or markets that they want to purchase services or products. It is also a good point for the entrepreneurs to have these chatbots in their company. Since most of the people engage in gadgets and technology nowadays, these could be an effective tool for them to franchise and promote their business.

Occasions are one of the most-awaited parts of the year. Celebrations are everywhere. These events give people another reason to be excited. One of the awaited special events of the year is Valentine’s Day. February, like the Love Month, is full of wondrous celebrations all over the world. Many people express their most profound and warmest affection and appreciation on this day.

There goes the sweet letters, romantic dates, special gifts like chocolates and flowers. This modern celebration of Valentine’s Day can be accompanied by the use of technology. Chatbot AI can help you plan and surprise your loved ones in the most creative way possible and convenient for you. You can celebrate this special day full of love and sweetness.

Your Choice to have the Best Chatbot AI

If you are to find the one that can help you to have your own messaging application, Herobot can help you out. This marketing platform can help you grow your business and communicate with other people. Whether you are just starting to put up your business or you already have one, Herobot can assist you with it.

With the aid of Herobot marketing platform, you can widen your connections to reach out for more customers. You can also boost your sales by having your own chatbots. Chatbot AI is an instrument that you can use for these special occasions such as Valentine’s Day celebration. Most customers browse online for the special deals and offer that they can purchase to spend most of this love season.

Herobot is here to help you reach greater heights for the success of your business. Technology integration can be one of your advantages in the business world. Entrepreneurs must deal with the tough competition that comes along the way. It is a way of surviving in the industry. Have a visit in our website at and learn more about how you can have your own chatbot AI for the improvement of your business.

Why Chat Website is the Future Today

chat website

The world’s technology keeps advancing and reaching new heights. From the education system to marketing, every aspect of our lives has some form of technology with it. In today’s world, chat website is the most common and most convenient way to get in contact with anyone.

This applies especially to those in the business industry. You will need a way to respond to all your client’s inquiries. That’s where chatbots come in. It is an artificial intelligence that you can program with set responses. This way, you can handle common inquiries from your clients without having to respond one by one.

Chat websites allow people to contact businesses that are near or far from the comfort of their own homes. You can place an order, inquire about a product, or even schedule a meeting with them. Businesses can take advantage of them to reach and optimize their business operations.

The Evolution of Chatbots

chat website

Chatbots started in the mid-1990s when Joseph Weizenbaum created ELIZA. He is a professor from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ELIZA only had a few responses that it could provide. If you talked about your mother, it would focus on the word mother and would ask you to talk about your family.

Since then, chatbots have made significant leaps in improvements. Another notable chatbot is Mitsuku. AIML Technology created Mitsuku withallf its databases included in its system. Mitsuku can converse with the meaning and properties of the sentence or question. After that, it will create an appropriate answer.

Chatbots are now used daily for several purposes. Especially for businesses, chatbot websites have now become its essential part. any businesses can work more efficiently with them.

Chatbots vs. Humans

There are a couple of things you need to consider when using chatbot services. Chat websites provide almost instant responses to your messages. But, the only downside it that it can only offer you primary responses. Unless it is one of the frequently asked questions, there is no way that it can respond directly.

However, there are still some advantages on using chat websites. It can offer more privacy and people become less hesitant talking with bots. They can also continue working without rest or the limitations of an 8-hour work shift. Moreover, training cost is also less. You can upgrade your bot anytime if you have someone who can develop your chatbot well.

Chatbots are a great help to give your customers a quick and helpful response. But, there are still some cases where a human intervention is needed. Thus, the presence of a live human in your company is still important. When a chatbot can no longer answer a customer’s inquiries, it can connect them with a live representative so you can get your issue resolved.

Chat Websites and your Business

A lot of businesses are now going digital, with the popularity of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. By joining these social media platforms, companies can reach and appeal to different kinds of audiences. By managing their pages, they could establish a client database that will provide them with regular business to support and improve their operations.

After these potential clients finish viewing your pages, they can proceed to contact you to place their orders through chat websites. But, having to comb through hundreds of messages that could either be orders or just inquiries can take you hours. And before you’re finished with the first hundred or so words, another batch is already waiting. With chatbots, you can skip the tedious task of going over hundreds of messages.

By incorporating chatbots into your business’ system, you will be able to focus on the messages that require you’re immediate attention. Artificial intelligence can do a multitude of tasks to increase the efficiency of your business. They can automatically respond to emails to determine what the customer’s concern is. Also, they can either meet with the information they need, suggest other products they may be interested in, or re-route the chat to the appropriate department. This can optimize how you run your business and the speed in which you respond to and handle the customer’s needs.

Chat Website as Artificial Intelligence Assistant

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Artificial Intelligence or AIs have been around for years now, and they make our lives a lot more convenient than before. An example of artificial intelligence that you may know and take advantage of would include SIRI, Alexa, and Bixby. These AIs can do a lot of different tasks for you like playing music and setting the alarm. It can also help by reminding you of an appointment, and even operating your home entertainment system. One of the most commonly used types of Artificial Intelligence today are chatbots.

Chatbots are an artificial intelligence program designed to respond to messages with pre-determined responses. AI can analyze and determine which of its set responses will help the customer. They can also handle a sudden flood of emails and still respond to them without any delay. With bots, it will be like having your army of employees answering your customers, but in reality, it’s just a computer program in your server.

If you are running an online business, you will probably need a chatbot to assist you in your business venture. These bot websites can respond to your customers 24/7, so you’ll never miss out on any business opportunities. Chatbots can be the perfect tool for you when you have a business that is getting more and more traffic from your social media marketing.

Connecting your Business through Chat Website

Before the rise of social media and chat websites, businesses can only reach a limited number of people. Usually, these businesses can only be contacted by the people in the area or those willing to travel to get the service or product offered. With the invention of social media and chat websites, people can now place orders from wherever they are. Moreover, businesses can now reach audiences that would otherwise be too far for other advertisements they run like billboards or flyers. Chat website is now connecting businesses to the entire world, thus giving them access to a global audience. This allows local businesses to gain more customers and possibly expand their business operations to more locations.

Lots of entrepreneurs start and develop their business from the comfort of their own homes. They create content for their websites or social media intending to reach their target audience. Once they reach their target audience, their goal is to get them interested enough to buy their product. The customer may have questions or requests for a specific product and may contact you before finalizing their purchase.

Customers can contact you by going to your profile on a chat website then messaging you with their inquiry or request. When your business is just starting, managing these incoming messages is no problem. But after a while, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the sheer number of words coming in. At this time, you’ll need a chatbot to assist you so you can keep up with the demand for your services or product.

Top 5 Chat Website Services

1. HeroBot- is one of the best Bot builders out there. It is easy to use and can help you manage your business by helping you create an automated response for your business.

2. Chatfuel- this bot builder is easy to use even if you don’t have any coding knowledge. It will show its logo on your chat once used, but that’s a small price to pay. This is a builder made explicitly for Facebook Messenger.

3. Sequel- this is a great builder that focuses on making bots that connect with your audience on a conversation level. You can also choose from templates for publishers, GameBot, personal assistants, or a StoryBot. With Sequel, you can publish your chatbots on Messenger, Viber, Telegram, and Kik.

chatbot on business

4. this bot builder helps you build bots that can comprehend human commands. However, is best used by experienced bot builders. also allows you to improve your training data and get better results.

5. Botkit- this is a free bot builder that includes a community of over 7,000 developers worldwide. They also have a paid subscription you can avail depending on how many subscribers you have.

Upgrade your digital market now!

If you’re new to the world of Chat websites and bots, we recommend you use HeroBot. It is easy to use, and there is a guide you can use when selecting templates and choosing the responses for your chat. There is also a free 30-day trial where you can try out our critical features like Facebook and Instagram comment tools.

Meanwhile, for the test, there is no limit for the subscriber count you have. HeroBot also has paid services you can get once your business starts to grow and flourish. Start your trial today, and take your business from zero to hero with HeroBot.

This Chatbot AI Will Surely Save You from the Holiday Shopping Spree

The holiday season is fast approaching, and with this, the tightly-packed malls and stores will inevitably make shopping troublesome. The long line on the cash register is an eye-sore for every shopper. Needless to say, searching for your preferred item on each shopping isle can be nerve-wracking. The endless T.V. commercials and repetitive jingles on the radio can make you indecisive to whether or not spend on the upcoming holidays. However, the best chatbot AI is here to save you from the hassle.

What’s more, the internet is riddled with different Holiday promotions. Social media is the leading advertising tool being utilized today by various companies. The best chatbot AI on Facebook can provide you with the latest trends or even offer you the best deals in the market. 

Holiday Shopping can become Stressful

Christmas shopping is truly an event that happens all year round. The preparation can take weeks or even months before the season begins. With this, being knowledgeable about what and why you should purchase items on the store becomes relevant. With that being said, most companies comply with having an assistive software wherein they can notify their customers. Take, for example, chatbot AI on Facebook supply different information for businesses to attract viewers to become potential customers.

best chatbot AI

Although shopping takes a considerable toll on your body, as well as your wallet, most people spend a lot on the holidays. Also, the process of knowing when the stocks in the market are relatively cheap or expensive can make shopping stressful. Most holiday seasons offer deals or even discounts due to the high demand in the market. Keeping this in mind, planning your next purchase for the holidays can save you a lot. You may check out the business or stores’ Facebook page for the deals that can earn you potential savings. Moreover, once you have subscribed to high profile Facebook pages with the best chatbot AI, you may get the chance to be informed of discount codes or promos. 

Chatbot AI can also aid you with your holiday shopping spree. These intelligent platforms can provide you suggestions that you may need in the upcoming season. Taking Holidays as the main plot, most chatbots will eventually suggest different items or products within the Christmas range. Online stores or businesses with an online presence can technically integrate chatbots to their shops. 

Chatbot AI never Stops

Whether you only have a day or two before the holidays start off, the essence of getting the items you need happens months before. As early as October, most households purchase Christmas and holiday goods in the market and even online. Leaning on the definite fact that, when peak season comes in, most products have a higher price tag or have eventually sold out. For this reason, several companies and store owners use the chatbot AI on Facebook or on any social media platform. Informing the customers what is in store and what deals does the store offer much entice the buyers to check out the goods.

The Magic of Chatbot AI

Chatbot AI is an automated platform powered by Artificial Intelligence that can be programmed in different ways. One of which is to aid in customer shopping. Shopping can be gruesome, especially when you decide on doing it in the middle of the peak holiday season. However, one best way of getting your needed items is through online shopping. Online shopping does not only provide you with ease by ordering in the comforts of your home, but the wide selection of items in online stores also saves you the hassle. 

Store companies and even businesses always take customer service as an essential tool to retain and gain customers. One of the methods they use is integrating chatbots to their online stores through social media sites, like Facebook. The best chatbots on Facebook uses four critical points in shopping aid. 

Engagement and Rapport

Every customer service starts in the get-go. The process of engaging the customers and getting their attention is essential. For this reason, most chatbots on Facebook or any social media site deliver an upfront conversation. Asking the customer what they need or looking for is one of the most common lines given by chatbots. Christmas season turns chatbot AI into dependable ways to search for materials online. Building different suggestions and lines of item listings will be provided to you by a single chatbot, especially if the database that it has is vast. Also, upon checking out, chatbots can bring up time-limited deals or offers on an online store.

Providing Choices for the Customers

best chatbot AI

When you search for items online, you may come across hundreds of brands. With that extensive array of choices, you may be reluctant to explore, let alone, buy the item you want. Needless to say, chatbot AI can help you with the decision that you make while shopping online. The best chatbots on Facebook or online shops can provide you with an extensive suggestive list for you to choose from. What’s more, AI can search the web to offer you suggestions for your search. Whether if you are searching for a specific brand, type, or model, chatbots can supply you with choices this holiday season.

Supplying Additional yet Relevant Information

Chatbots integrated into a big industry or company is not limited to just being a shopping aide but also as a dedicated support representative. One function of a chatbot being a support team is to provide sustainable information for the product. The other purpose is for the company itself. Once you have purchased a product for the holidays, shipping information or policies come into play. You may simply enter some keywords that point toward the matter, and the chatbot AI will inform you. Whether you are asking for refund and exchange policies, product reviews, or even updated shipping information, bot chat app will give you relevant information every single time. 

Delivering Sustainable Order Status

Late orders can become frustrating. The resolve such problems, chatbots can check or even provide you updated status for your order. Also, following up with the order, information can be done by a chatbot AI. Christmas season can delay orders in delivery due to the heightened traffic and an immense load of orders in shipping facilities. However, you can ensure that your order is tracked simply by sending a message to a chatbot.

The Face of Chatbot AI soon as a Shopping Service

Chatbots are regarded as full-time support channels that boast accessibility in every way. Although most people may perceive chatbots as automated bots. However, this is not true. The chatbot AI highly intelligent platforms that make up the backbone of any business. 

Potential or even existing customers can use this chatbot as an online shopping service, whether if it’s searching for a specific item or material. Also, a chatbot AI can retrieve different yet necessary information in the customer data that it has slowly collected over time. Chatbots have become an indispensable solution for marketers to provide a solution in constant marketing. Supplying the needed information that the customer asks for is the chatbots’ main objective. 

Whether you are a buyer or an entrepreneur, the best chatbot AI is a must-have when dealing with shopping. Not only during the holidays but all the time. Here are some advantages of why chatbots are now slowly making their way to customer service.

Less Mistake & More Profit

Any business-minded person would want their company to have that definite edge over their business rivals. This is where the chatbot AI reigns supreme. Not only do these AI-driven platforms supply information at a fast pace, but they also give competitive analysis for the business owners themselves. With this in mind, you can have both the data of every market condition, trends and even the methods other companies may have.

Faster Collaboration of Data

Collection and analysis of data can be challenging to handle, especially if you have a tight schedule. Chatbots make it easier for you to check the scores of your company. Collecting them in a database and supplying you with different reports are relevant for the growth of the company. Also, the chatbot AI can analyze the data collected from previous customers, which can then be later used to predict the market outcomes in the near future.

best chatbot AI

Better End Results and Outcomes

When you decide to purchase items online, the quality and brand must always be assured. Nobody wants a defective or even a faulty item bought online. One way to reassure that you have got what you have searched for is through asking. Online businesses will always supply you with the information that you need when looking for specific products. With this, it can be a hassle, not just for you but for the retailer itself. With chatbots, you get the needed information in one swoop. The specifications, prices, deals, and even potential incomes are just some things thatchatbots are able to display and offer.

Shopping this holiday is now easier with the introduction of chatbots in online stores. So whether you’re searching for a decoration or a present for this upcoming season, check out online stores with integrated chatbots. Also, you can create your own chatbot AI by visiting the Herobot app. It can truly make your shopping spree a better experience.

Automated Chat App: Your Travel Assistant for This Holiday Season

automated chat

The holiday season is coming and this means that there would be a lot of out of town getaways and travel plans. Because of this, travel agencies has been getting numerous messages and calls these days. Meanwhile, the technological advancements has made a great difference in the way people are planning their trips. With the creation of automated chat app, travel companies are able to digitalize and transform the travel experience of travelers.

automated chat

Moreover, automated chat applications has made a notable impact in various sectors of businesses across the globe. This computer program enables the companies to communicate better with their customers and answer their needs. These bots are integrated in websites and other messaging applications to provide customers more ways to connect. As the generation of new travelers are increasing, travel companies are using chatbots to integrate with them.

Roles of an automated chat app for travelers

If you think that the best thing that an automated chat app can do for travelers is to connect them to traveling agencies, you are wrong. Chatbots are useful in other aspects and plays different roles for users. It can be a guide for them, help them find good deals and even book rental places and hotels. It is also very easy to use and does not require any hassle. To know more about the roles an automated chat app can embody, here are some of them.

Expense manager

One of the problems that every traveler encounters in their trips is budgeting their money and allocating their expenses. However, bot creators has made an easy way to track your expenses and give you a brief summary of your purchases. With this, you will able to know where your money went and calculate your future possible expenses. As you plan your next destination and book places and flights, this automated chat app can track and compute them at the same time. This is very handy especially for those people who find numbers a really stressing matter.

Moreover, one example of this automated chat app is beta version that SAP Concur is offering on Slang. This can help people book flights and create an expense summary of the whole trip. Furthermore, Teampay is one of the leading bot that is famous for its performance. This chatbot can help track other expenses such as corporate purchases. It is very helpful for those who wants to have the grasp of the expenses of their business while they are away.

automated chat

Local guide

One of the reasons why people are traveling is to taste the culture and way of living of the people in a place. They wanted to have an experience that a local would have in his everyday life. This includes the way they eat, relax, commute and live. With this in mind, bot creators thought of making automated chat app that would allow travelers to experience all this things. It is by collecting local reviews and recommendations and suggesting it to the bot user.

In line with this, Marsbot of Foursquare is an automated chat app for Uber is one of the most trusted bot. Most travelers are not forgetting to download this on their phones or tablets before they leave their place. No matter the activity that you would want to experience in a place, you can find the best place to go without being cautious of false advertisements.  Moreover, you won’t have to make intense research about the most recommended places via internet and social media.

On the other hand, finding the best foods in a place is one of the hardest part when you are visiting a place. You cannot rely on mere advertisements and what you read on internet reviews. What you will need is an honest recommendation of the locals and those who have already visited the place before you. Bebot, a Japanese automated chat app, helps its users by guiding them and giving out information about the local foods and navigate the best restaurants around the city.

Flight and Hotel Assistant

When you are travelling, the hardest part would be to book flights and find hotel reservations that comes in cheap deals. Because it is the holiday season, you may find all of the best hotels around the areas of tourist spots to be totally crowded. Most of these would be either fully booked or are only offering expensive prices. Due to these, your experience would be totally time-consuming and exhausting. However, automated chat apps are able to help you with this task.

Multiple travel companies are already integrating their brands with automated chat apps that will help users on booking and having reservations. Examples of this is the Skyscanner, Expedia, and They can provide people with recommendations and process bookings for flights and hotels. Moreover, most consumers prefer this kind of bots to help them communicate faster and easier with brands. According to a study, almost 69% of the consumers are now relying to bots with these kinds of tasks.

ai for travel

How automated chat apps helps the travelling industry

The tasks that an automated chat app can do does not end with recommendations and bookings. Developers can program bots to assist travelers in various ways imaginable. Starting from deciding the places that you can go up to keeping tabs about the expenses that you made, bot is your go-to assistant. Moreover, chatbot does not only help its users but also assists travel companies and agencies on navigating their businesses.

As it assists travelers, automated chat apps enable companies to have more customers and even advertise their respective businesses. Because it is very easy to use and navigate, people prefer using chatbots rather than filling up long forms or communicating to people via calls. It promotes active interaction between consumers or clients and brands. Here are some of the ways an automated chat app can help you grow your business.

Customer Service Management

The sector that helps businesses connect with its consumers is the customer service offices. However, most companies fail in providing quality services and communication. This is because not all people can keep up with this exhausting work especially on peak season this holidays.  Meanwhile, an automated chat app can help you overcome this struggle. It can function as the best customer support that you can meet.

Because an automated chat app is merely a computer system, it is able to keep up with its emotions and stress. It is available 24/7 to different countries which is good as most travelers can use it despite different time zones. Moreover, bots can even learn different natural languages around the globe. If anyone wanted to know something about a place or thing, bots can collect information and provide guidance to customers.

Feedback collection

If you are looking for honest feedbacks and collecting them, then an automated chat app can help you. It can automatically provide reminders to customers to give reviews and suggestion for your business. Meanwhile, it can even get back to the customers right away if they are unsatisfied with the services that you offer. This will also improve your interaction with them and might even change their mind about the bad review.

Moreover, having a chatbot is better than letting your customers leave bad reviews on your official website. With bots, you can communicate with them privately and settle the issue in a calm manner. As it communicates with users, it is also able to collect information and categorize them accordingly. It could be a great help for the brand reputation.

ai for travel

User history recording

When customers are dealing with humans, it would be hard for them to recall past conversations and history about an event or person. However, automated chat app can easily search up on the previous contents of your entire conversation. With this, the user can go back to the past conversation and look up for the past suggestions of the bot.

Furthermore, this can help the company to take note of fraudulent acts and repetitive pranks that people may do against the business. Because everything is saved with only a single conversation flow, businesses can track important information. Companies can use it for future references and on avoiding frauds.

Beat the jetlag with Herobot!

Automated chat apps are one of your most reliable partner when it comes to travelling. It can help you find great deals and book places that you desire. Moreover, it can even provide you information about your flight schedules and even the sudden cancellations. This lessens your worries and hassle about searching from time to time just to have a flawless travel experience.

Moreover, it can help travelling agencies, hotels, and restaurants on advertisements. Organizing and collecting information is very easy with this system. However, creating an automated chat app may be intimidating for some. Meanwhile, Herobot is here to help you create the best travel chatbot that can help people around the globe on planning their trips. It is very easy to navigate and even offers numerous templates that you can take as a guide. You also won’t need to have any coding skills with this platform. Visit our website to learn more.

Bot Chat App: Your Daily Organizer Buddy

bot chat app
bot chat app

A massive wave of progress has been increasingly evident in our era. Today we can see an evolution of artificial intelligence blasts entirely with the various applications. You can name them as messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Skype. Along with this, bot chat app is becoming increasingly in demand, even in the field of organizing events and plans. Its automation feature has undoubtedly changed how people manage things around them.

A bot chat app is an artificial intelligence that can raise a conversation in natural language through various mobile apps and messaging applications. These virtual chatbots imitate human conversations for solving different tasks. Bots can already send money to friends, set medical appointments and check-in for a flight. Recently, new tools simplify the interaction between humans and computers. Virtual assistants or chatbots are some of the in-demand tools that make their conversation easier.

Why is bot chat app essential in organizing?

A bot chat app is described as one of the most advanced tools for machines and humans to relay their expressions of interactions quickly. It can save your effort and time by automating actions to finish tasks and connecting with customers. For the year 2020, Gartner forecasts that there will be over 85 % of customer interaction without a human. This proves how much people are putting their trusts now to bot chat apps despite being just artificial intelligence. 

Moreover, chatbot systems can provide you beyond giving the response to customer’s questions. You can also use it for your business tasks. Bot chat app can assist you in collecting information about users that you can use to organize meetings and events. Also, it can help you reduce overhead costs that you will need to hire employees and pay for their limited time. It is to no surprise that the bot market proliferates.

What is the bot chat app for?

A bot chat app is an assistant that can communicate with you through text messages. It is a virtual companion that integrates into applications or websites. Also, it helps business enthusiasts in connecting to their customers and building an excellent consumer-business relationship. These bots are a system to communicate with the users. You can also call bot chat apps as conversational agents. These applications can mimic natural human language and written words to stimulate a conversation with a real person.

bot chat app

Furthermore, its artificial intelligence lets bot chat app to collect information that it can use for organization. With all the data, it can store, it can formulate the best plan for events and meetings. Moreover, it can better organize lists of info that you will need for future use. There are two ways that chatbots can offer you services. It is through standalone apps or web-based applications. Customer service commonly uses bots to replace the traditional performance of living individuals, such as customer satisfaction representatives.

Why do business people need bot chat app?

If you are in the business industry, you cannot deny the simultaneous process of multiple requests from users. Also, you can never escape from the concurrent routines in your company or agency. However, bot chat app can help you gain customer’s loyalty despite the lists of responsibilities you need to fulfil. Aside from the owner, customers can also gain benefits from chatbots. It can leave a good impression of your company as it represents a give and takes the image to them. Consumer’s interest in technology increases which is a good indicator of faster business negotiations. There are many reasons why people choose to converse with chatbots.

The factors below are what drives people to use chatbots:


Bot chat app increases the productivity of all websites and companies because it can communicate with multiple personalities at a time. Moreover, remembering things and multitasking is not a problem with this application. As it communicates with people and answers their inquiries, bots can store the information that it gathers from its users. This will then be used as a future reference for plans.


Bot chat app can also entertain people. It gives you different funny tips and also can help you kill time when you are doing nothing. Moreover, it can help you ease your boredom.

Relational and social factors

Chatbots can enhance your social experiences. Bot chat app exposes you to different people, thus improve your socialization. It also can fuel your conversations efficiently. If you want to avoid loneliness, you can tap on chatbots.


People who aim to progress always want to try something new. Bot chat app can spark your curiosity in life. Thus, it helps you explore to things you thought you could not do.

How and where do chatbots originate?

Eliza, which is said to be the first conversational bot app, was developed in the USA. It was in 1996 that a computer scientist named Joseph Weizenbaum crafted this amazing bot chat app that deceived so many people with how authentic it communicates.

A great discovery also happened in the early ’90s to which a particular test, named the Turing test found out the possibility that computers can decipher codes on their own. It circles to identifying whether one is talking to a person or a computer. The main goal of the test is finding out the interlocutor between the two. Conversational programs of today’s bot chat app are applying the observations made out from the analysis.

Where can businesses use chatbots?

With businesses aiming to lower overhead and increase profit, there is a need to be productive as much as possible. The thing is, not all companies are aware that there are specific tools that can help them achieve these business objectives. One of which is the bot chat app gaining popularity with the benefits it can provide to an individual or a business.

Below are some of the areas where a company or a business can utilize bot chat apps other than organizing.

Answering a multitude of FAQs

Perhaps the best help that a bot chat app can give to a busy business is doing the errand of responding to frequently asked questions. Through advanced technology, humans can program bots to do these simple tasks, actually saving much time for them.

Intelligent automation of bot chat app can also be used on the business websites. Aside from customer care, you can also make use of the bot chat app to navigate through your menu. Also, through this, you can direct your website visitor to sign up for your newsletter or browse through your product features.

Connecting to customers

Conversational bot chat apps can be personalized to help connect to customers. Traditionally, most businesses relied on email marketing in branding as well as with their promotion. However, this marketing strategy is now considered a failing business. Even at best, you can only expect less than half of a hundred emails opened by recipients. The worst possible scenario is that they might have opened your email, but they would not take any action or even click your buttons.

This is where bot chat apps serve a tremendous and remarkable part. You can program your bot to send out regular marketing messages to your subscribers or business prospects. To say, as higher as 84% of Facebook Messenger bot messages are opened by recipients. Thus, you can assure the right customer satisfaction level for your business.

Scheduling a meeting

With hectic business events and line ups, setting up your meeting could be nerve-wracking. But as a perfect daily organizer, bot chat app got you covered when it comes to scheduling meetings. An example of this is Meekan, who can look up everyone’s calendars and suggest which date would be best for a conference or coffee meetings.

Boosting social media engagement

When Facebook allowed businesses to use the Messenger platform, it dramatically changed social media marketing. As more people have active accounts on this site, engaging in Facebook is a must if you want your brand to be known by different types of people. Moreover, bot chat apps are now the best feature of this social media site. Rather than making your site, having a chatbot at this platform is far more comfortable and manageable. If you are into organizing stuff for your social media management, relying on a bot is a practical choice.

Choose Herobot as you Bot Creator

A bot chat app is a beneficial tool that you can apply to your business to connect to customers and organize data. This is not only used for customer service but also in devising marketing plans. With the automation and 24/7 services that it offers, it does not fail to satisfy both the needs of the customers and the business, itself.

However, creating a bot chat app is no easy feat. If you are planning to make a chatbot that will do everything that you need it to do, you must be smart. Know what bot platform can help you easily create a bot without the need to hire professionals. With Herobot, you are sure that everything will work smoothly. It is easy to navigate and was able to create the best chat app that will work best for your business. Visit our official website to know more about this.

The Best AI Bot for Service Marketing

best AI bot
best ai bot

Service marketing has something to do with the selling of things that are not like the typical physical products. There are personal services that are considered as part of service marketing. Examples are spa treatments, medical care, vehicles and spaces rental, dance lessons, and attendance of concerts. Things like promotional deals, done by some of the best informational content, advertisements are considered valid approaches. With the best AI bot, you can make these things easier.

Companies that sell to individuals are typical users of service marketing. To create advertisements appealing to demographics, these companies research on the behavior of the consumer. Researching allows companies to promote concentrated effort that narrows the marketing focus.

Example, a particular company that provides swimming lessons would prefer to use strategies of services marketing. It is to look for different kinds of people that are swimming enthusiasts. After finding the target interests and groups, they will create the advertising materials and promotions. The said ad material must be specifically designed for the target market.

What makes service marketing difficult?

Marketing is hard itself. It is all about endless competitions, advertising, and planning. However, more than marketing products and goods, trying to offer services to doubtful customers is tough. Think about this. If you are going to sell a car, you can boast about its color, the engine it has, the leather seats, and the other materials used for it. Because it is a tangible good, customers can see the quality of the product you are selling before they even purchase it. This removes the doubts of your customers and increases your sales.

However, if you are dealing with services marketing, you are going to have a really hard time. You have to assure customers about the things they are not sure about. Also, you have to let them see reviews that are hard for them to rely. Moreover, you have to promise customers sweet nothings make no room about distrusts. Meanwhile, if you want to at least have less worries in your back, having the best AI bot at your hand would really be a great help.

Significance of the best AI bot in the service marketing

best ai bot

As of now, the competition on service marketing is one of the hardest struggle of every businessman. This may be because as the population is increasing, the number of people engaging in the business world is also growing. Moreover, the hardest part of this is assuring possible clients that your services are better than the others. However, if you can adapt in the growing community, you will surely be able to thrive and succeed. To start, make sure that you know how to use technology and best AI bot for your digital brand.

For customer support

If you are planning to make your business a reliable one, you must be sure that your clients are always happy. To make this possible, ensuring that customer service is rated high is a must. However, this will be hard because, as days pass by, consumers are becoming more and more demanding, especially for a fast response. To cope up with the demands of clients, a bot is best for a company to have bots at their expense. AI bot is capable of responding to simple requests of customers. In this sense, customers will feel accommodated and assisted.

For customer screening

In business, you must know your target audience to make advertising more effective. When you already set your goal, assessing the people who may be interested in your services would be easier. However, some things, such as the assessment of people fit for the services you are offering is still adamant. Meanwhile, AI bot is helpful to help some companies to screen customers.  Like for example, a chatbot is responsible for identifying who among the customers must receive incentives to buy insurance. 

Keeping up with the updates

When you are managing a business dealing with services, you must have the updates about the status of the service you are offering. If you have a repair shop, you must have the complete contact details of your clients as well as the service that they may receive. Moreover, you should keep a tab about the employee that you are going to assign for the task. As digital marketing is getting popular, your brand can be damaged with just a single bad review about you. This is where the best AI bot can help you. By putting up important information in this system, it can monitor the services being given to the clients as well as the productivity of your employees. As it communicates with the costumers, you can analyze the problems of your business.

What service markets can use the best AI bot?

In general, the best AI bot are helpful in numerous industries around the digital market. It is also a famous helper the field of services marketing as more and more people are making use of it. Business people are learning to adapt in the technological advancements of the world. However, if you are still doubtful about how it can help companies, here are some of them.

Repair shops

When you think about repair shops, you might think that it is impossible that AI bot can be of help for it. However, nowadays, owners are using a chatbot to make their services better. With bots, clients can contact repair shops and inquire about the services that they are interested in. Right after, the bot will refer the best staff that can help the customer and make appointments with it. AI can also be responsible for giving out quotations which give users more detailed information about what they should expect.

Medical clinics

There are still some clinics which are still sticking with the old ways of dealing with customers. However, if you are practical enough, you will create a website with a friendly AI bot app that can assist your clients throughout the transaction. As we all know, knowing the availability of doctors and the equipment they will be needing is not an easy job. But with bots, patients can inquire about the schedule. Also, knowing the history of the patients as well as recording files about the person is also easier now. The best AI, bot truly made a big improvement in the medical industry.

Employment Agencies

If you are an owner of an employment agency, you undoubtedly need to have the best AI bot at your service. It can connect with more interested applicants and check their profiles faster. Right after, this AI will run through its system and find job hiring for the user. As it communicates with the person, it can analyze if the user is fit for the company as well as the job. Moreover, it can easily detect possible fraud and unfit applicants. In this modern world, you should incorporate technology into your business if you want to survive.

Catering services

Catering services does not only mean that you have to make sure that your food is delectable. It also offers various services that a person may need in parties. This may include the decorations for the reception hall, sound system, photographs, videos, and even the hosts for the event. With all the hassles that you may encounter with these tasks, answering common inquiries from your clients can be tiring. However, if you have the best AI bot, you can answer all the inquiries of interested persons much faster. If you give it the right attitude, you can even add entertainment to the transaction.

Graphic designing

You may ask why a graphic designing company may need the nest AI bot. However, it is the truth. Most artists are not great talkers and can be stressed out by communicating with demanding customers. However, an AI bot can do the job and make the transactions successful. It can answer basic inquiries and give the usual quotations. Moreover, it can collect data and information that your company may need in the future. This may include the common trends, usual demands, and the number of clients you are getting in a given time. Furthermore, you can avoid angry customers asking where you are and why you are not responding.

Create your chatbot with us!

Your customers and clients are the most important factor that you will need to consider to ensure your sales. However, they could also be your biggest problem when you are offering services in the market. They will have a lot of doubts and may even have biased thoughts. Encouraging them to avail your services will be really hard because people are not really trusting these days. However, technological developments can help you with this.

best ai bot

If you want the trust of the customers, you have to let them see that you are reliable and that you are always available for them. The best AI bot will help you with this. To create one for yourself, let Herobot help you along the way. It is really easy to navigate and offers templates that you can use as a guide for bot creation. To know more about this, visit our website now!

Facebook Marketing Automation: Your Ultimate Guide for Success

facebook marketing automation

It’s incredible how we can do almost everything with the presence of technology today. Most of the business people are engaging themselves in embracing the benefits and advantages of technology in achieving success. They abandoned the traditional way of marketing strategies and chose a much more convenient way of gaining customers, which is through Facebook marketing automation.

People are spending most of their time browsing on Facebook every day. According to some studies, Facebook is a way of recreations and social communication for billions of people around the world. In that case, business owners try their best to present their brand and products by posting it on their Facebook pages. You’re probably aware that creating a robust online presence is very important for your business. Your online presence refers to the way you present products and your brand on any social media platform. It will help your business appear more professional and may increase conversions and traffic, as well. Meanwhile, this can be achieved by having a functional Facebook marketing automation.

What is Facebook Marketing Automation in the Face of Business?

Your business’ website plays a crucial role in establishing the trust of your possible customers. Businesses with well-designed and useful websites tend to appear more credible to users. Online visitors’ trust has a significant influence on how many conversions you receive. With this, the internet is now the first place most people look to learn about a new product or company.

Social media is an excellent way of getting attention as well as establishing trust among its users. Hence, maintaining active involvement is a must, along with conducting frequent customer interactions. Facebook brings a more accessible and reliable way of business marketing strategies. It is one of the best ways to reach your desired audience. Although there are several popular platforms, Facebook is the most popular social media platform. What’s more, the platform offers a range of advertising tools that provide a convenient way to create persuasive business marketing strategies.

Facebook Marketing Automation is making a considerable mark in the field of business industry today. It is powered by artificial intelligence that works in automating Facebook pages and posts’ likes instantly. Moreover, Facebook marketing automation is considered as an automation tool that communicates through messages that integrate into websites, applications, or instant messengers to help users give better customer service. It is also famous for its numerous benefits that can help in business success. So what about thinking of using Facebook marketing automation as your business partner? Surely it can give you the satisfaction that will lead you to the success of your business.

facebook marketing automation

Ways to Use Facebook Marketing Automation in your Business

Internet users who participate in social media can contact any other user at any time of day if the network is large enough. As a result, users become comfortable with those people in the community of their choosing and often substitute traditional forms of communication via an online medium. From a social network giant, Facebook to microblogging sites such as Twitter social media allows users to create healthy relationships in entirely new ways. One of the best examples of how social media is being improved is with Facebook marketing automation.

It is essential to create a harmonious relationship between the business and the online users that can serve as a way of establishing a good social media strategy. Justin Smith, editor Be as authentic in your marketing as possible. Inside social networks, trusted referrals are the most powerful marketing message. It is the primary value that adds to marketing in social networks.

Moreover, social media marketing indicates that the organization or marketer must leave room for the consumers to communicate with each other. The primary purpose of social networks and other social media platforms, while they are involving in the conversation, is to create a relationship with their consumers. However, intense involvement by an organization can be overwhelming for the audience and not seem genuine. People don’t want to be sold. They are doing their best to avoid commercials.

Use Direct Response Advertising

Direct response advertising involves sending out targeted messages that encourage your audience to take specific actions. It could be buying a product, reading posts, referring a friend, or anything else that can contribute to your business’s success. This Facebook marketing automation features are enabling direct response advertising to gain social interaction and response instantly.

As a matter of fact, most of the comments, messages, and advertisements from businesses that you are receiving nowadays are automatic. It just proves how Facebook marketing automation are useful in the digital market. Due to this, more and more customers are finding online stores and services to be more reliable than transacting in person.

facebook marketing automation

Conduct Audience Analysis

You can only say that a business is successful if it can keep its customers happy while gaining profits. This is why if you are going to build a brand today, it is better if you will have a social media account to connect better with your consumers. By connecting with your audience through Facebook marketing automation, you can ensure that the feedback that your customers are giving are all positive.

Moreover, Facebook marketing automation can help you in analyzing your customers more accessible and faster. It can easily collect messages and reviews about your products and services. After the collection of data, these will be segregated and labeled into positive and negative ones. This is where the analysis of the data begins. It will be useful for reference on marketing plans and marketing prerogatives.

Select Advertising

Most people nowadays despises the existence of advertisements on their social media accounts. They hate it every time they are scrolling through their newsfeeds, and an ad will show up. Moreover, they even hate it when they receive spams about the products that they never wanted in the first place. However, how will you make people know your business without these unwanted things? The answer to that would be Facebook marketing automation.

With Facebook marketing automation, you can monitor the pages and posts that a person is liking. This way, you will have an idea of who are the people might be interested in the products or services that you offer. Then, the automated marketer will post Facebook ads and will send messages only to selected persons. As much as this is helpful for the business, this is also beneficial for the consumers. It can help those who are having trouble finding things that they want.

Benefits that You Can Enjoy with Facebook Automation Marketing

You Save Time

If you ever heard of Facebook marketing automation, you will automatically think of the time you can save with it. We all know how exhausting managing an online business can get, especially if you are starting. With this, it is only practical for you to result in automating tasks as much as you can. This can include answering messages through chatbots and posting advertisements by using several applications. Because the system does not need your constant attention, you can surely save time and utilize it for attending other tasks.

Your Brand Never Sleeps

As we all know, sleep is essential to humans. However, there is this difference in the body clock of people nowadays that makes attending to their businesses while awake impossible for a single person. Some prefer working and being awake at night rather than those people who are morning persons. With this in mind, most establishments today are offering 24-hour services for everyone. However, this will be hard and costly. You will need to hire people who can work at night shift, and this costs a lot more than the regular working hours. Meanwhile, Facebook marketing automation can offer you the best and consistent services day and night.

facebook marketing automation

You Can Grow Your Follower Count

One of the essential things in social media marketing is gaining followers. If you have more followers than other businesses, people will tend to think that you are more reliable than others. Also, this can increase your active presence to netizens, which will also increase the probability of expanding sales. However, this is not an easy feat, especially for those who are only rookies in the industry. But with Facebook marketing automation, you can create an illusion that your business is growing and has an active presence in social media. This will have a significant impact on your business.

Have the Best Automation with Herobot!

Having the best Facebook marketing automation can give your business a boost on income and interested followers. Moreover, advertising and posting will also be more accessible. Because it is automatic, you will only have to give your attention to it while you are creating it and having trials. After you are sure that it is functioning well, you can leave it on its own and have your ways. If you are interested in having your systems easier, start by creating a chatbot with the help of Herobot. Not only is it easy to navigate, but there are also templates ready for you to use anytime. Visit our website to learn more.

Why Businesses need the best AI chat?

best ai chat
best ai chat

Living in a fast-paced world opens the innovative inventions and creations as a product of our powerful technology. No wonder, almost all life aspects are now dependent on certain applications, platforms or medium – all technologically advanced tools that are proven to make things easy and convenient. One of these being the best AI chat.

Answering queries, shopping, banking and many other activities today – doesn’t require a human person to actually do it. Surprisingly, many businesses today goes online because of the convenience and technological advances that helps business owners to run it smoothly without hiring too much personnel to do separate jobs.

Defining best AI Chat bots

It doesn’t vary what specific business line a person owns. The fact that it is a business, it has the primary goal of gaining clients and potential customers. To make it happen, your business have to have a consistent and smart communication, interaction and service to individuals – the introduction of the so called best AI chat gives way for these things to happen.

Chatbot itself is a robot assistant to do certain tasks that are supposedly done by a human assistant. Basically, it gets into the conversation, asks the client what he or she needs and finds an answer and way to get it done. In today’s busy world, we should not underestimate the power of AI chat as it performs various important roles. No wonder, many popular applications and even messaging platforms uses what they think is the best AI chat for their profession or line of business. Some of them are found on the known apps like Facebook, Telegram, Slack and more.

Best AI Chat bots for Better Customer Experience

The goal of every business is to always satisfy their customer with its service. To make it happen, we make sure that all their needs, wants, issues and feedback are valued and being addressed. Good thing, the introduction of AI chat gives way for businesses to make their customer service even more satisfying. It opens the opportunity to give customers a wonderful customer experience while having the concerns answered in real-time.

By having the best AI chat integrated to a business, customers can actually get the following:

Quick Response

Emails are very much important for business however, chat bots make it even more useful. Since emails before may have an offline and online time, there is a need for some customers to wait for response. And in some cases that they need immediate response, the tendency is for them to lose some patience. Whereas in best AI chat  bots today, there will be a rapid response as soon as the system receives the message.

best ai chat

Handles high-volume of queries

 Due to high volume of queries, some tends to be bombarded with messages regardless of how urgent it is. With AI chat, it can handle high volume of requests and have it ALL responded at a time.

Offers Frequently Asked Questions

Sometimes, customers ask for the basic fixes. With the help of chat bots, there is no need for each question to search for answers over the net. It offers people with the basic and frequently asked matter and gives the answers right away.

Less errors

 Since the cognitive technology is inclined to the bot, it interprets and analyzes the queries better. Thus, it results to fewer errors compared to what a real customer service agent does.  It has a big memory and can store many automated responses so it will offer concrete and accurate solutions to customer concerns.

24/7 support service

Don’t miss any important event and make your business available on the time you are not! Chat bots have no need to sleep. If your response team is not available in the moment, you will not miss a query and ask the person for the available time a real agent can be present.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Since we’ve already tackled how customer experience has been enhanced by AI chat bots, it is also a plus to know how your business can benefit from it on other ways. Too, it is very important to know the basic knowledge about AI chat bots so you are aware on how it works.

Measure the analytics of your bot performance

The key metrics to use on determining how a bot works in through analyzing the user interactions. AI chat bots future open ways to in-depth customer insight through automated data collection and analysis.

A more Human-Like service experience

 AI chat bots aim to deliver a service that are more human-like as years go by. Through the use of artificial intelligence, it makes a more customized service that makes it sounds more real.

Advanced Assistance

Since many online stores and online retailers are using chat bots to address queries, there are still lots of advancement that awaits. People are looking forward to a voice-assisted bots and text-based bots. This is to make checking, purchasing, and delivery of shopping items more convenient to the part of the consumer.

Creating the best AI chat for your Business

Since you will be implementing the bot on your brand, it is very important to take in consideration some important factors to make sure you are building it perfectly. This is to make sure that you will have a positive end result and you will benefit on your marketing efforts through the use of AI chat bots. Below are the things to check and consider while building your chat bot:

Chat Bot-Building Platform

It is very important to invest to a good platform while creating the chat bot for your brand. Since you will be using it to make an increase on your sale and to deliver quality and satisfying services, it is important that the platform works smoothly. You should look into the deals and offers a platform can have, take orders smoothly and can accept major payment systems.

Set your goals

You have to be clear with your business goals so you can stick with it. Define it clearly and also set some expectations. This will help you set your plans and expect the obstacles that you will have to face. Moreover, this will set as your standard to know if you are succeeding or not.

Furthermore, setting your goals comes with thinking about your brand. Think and give your best AI chat bot a unique name that the people can easily remember and recall. Make sure it has a great impact on the online community so it can stand out among others.

Set your most relevant keywords

You can set the keywords to which the chat bot could detect. For example, when the system detects the word “shipping”, the customer might want to ask regarding shipping information or might as well have a shipping concern. It is very important to identify other important keywords for your business and have it setup on your bot.

Introduce your bots to customers accordingly

While many people are getting confused on what a bot is, you have to help people to understand how it works. You can as well consider doing the following:

  1. Greeting Message
  2. Create a “Get Started” button to lead them
  3. Indicated an introductory message and let the user understand how to use it
  4. Use a button on your social media pages and website

Make conversations simple

Do not complicate the conversation while dealing with clients. Make the responses simple and concise so people can easily understand. Remember that not all your customers are going to be professionals. Make your best AI chat avoid using too much jargon in order to make your conversations understandable.

Set some default replies

It is actually optional to set default responses but it is a good way to test the intelligence of chat bots. This will be very beneficial when the system detects “unidentified” words or concerns. Especially when the customer sent an unrecognizable terms, you can have a default reply like “can I forward your question to one of our customer service agent to serve you better?”

Perform some test before actually launching your bot.

If you are not sure on how people would react to the best AI chat bot, you can perform a test to measure results. Give it a trial session and only allow a small number of persons to interact with it at a given time. Through this, you can observe if your bot is working fine and see if it can interact with users well. You can, as well, collect some feedback to know the things to develop for your chatbot.

Monitor your competitors

Since there are lots of competitors online, you have to get on track of their progress. Know how they find the best ways to stand out and get ahead of them. Also, list down all the things that they are doing and monitor the feedback customers are giving to them. This way, you will know what things you can and cannot adopt in creating the best AI chat.

Build your chat bot on Herobot

Since the very first thing to consider in building a chat bot is to identify the best chat bot-making platform, it is very important to have it done on a complete marketing platform like Herobot. Whether your goal is to generate leads, instant growth, improve efficiency or reduce some cost, we give you the power to do them all. Build your best AI chat bot with Herobot today!

Virtual Talk AI Chatbot– An Amazing Invention For Virtual Communication

virtual talk ai chatbot
virtual talk ai chatbot

Communication is vital to everyone’s daily life, as it makes the world go round. Basically, it’s the grandest way of information exchange between people and other living things. But going more to it, communication acts beyond what most people know. The constant flow of communication fuels up the world for a brighter perspective for everyone. It converges people, reconciles disputes, and even brings the whole nation together. That is why people are now getting hooked with virtual talk AI chatbot.

The exchange of information started only from basic methods and processes. Before, people were just talking personally or via snail mail. It was quite inconvenient for many, that’s why; brilliant developers invented devices like mobile phones and the computer to make life much easier for everyone. Good Lord, these devices have been a good companion to all, regardless of their purpose, even up to this date. They were just improved more to reach a certain level of convenience for everyone when it comes to communication. Today, there’s a lot more enhancement that you might not know about yet regarding this essential human matter. Do you believe that messages can now be transferred around an imaginary avenue called the internet and reach all the people geographically? Well, you should. Virtual talk AI chatbot can prove it to you. Let’s get to it and find out why.

Learn More About Virtual Communication

If you’re enjoying digital life to the extent that you can actually talk to your loved ones overseas with the help of the internet and a device, give thanks to the advent of virtual communication. Generally, this form of advanced communication method pertains to a specific type of technology that allows people to talk conveniently, even without the presence of physical interaction. Virtual communication provides real-time conversation between two or a group of people where they can actually hear and see each other by the presence of a third-party device.

This particular electronic device can be in the form of a mobile phone or computer. Inputs sent by humans are collected by these devices and distributed to from the sender to the receiver in the presence of a stable internet connection. It can be possible with a simple call, plain text or chat messages, and a clear video call. Actually, this kind of communication was already hurdling in society during the late ’90s. However, the audio and video quality produced during that time were poor, unsecured, and inconvenient. It was just so recent when people had already come up with a better and much more effective alternative. It comes in many forms, but all of them are highly-functional in addressing the wide-ranging needs of everyone in the world.

For a more rounded idea, below is the list of some forms of virtual communication: 

Virtual Games

It may be in subtle ways, but leisure and recreational activities are also a type of human communication. That’s why; developers also make this mode of communication on top. They came up with a brilliant concept to bring all the exciting and enticing games into cellphones and other devices. So there’s no need to get surprised when most people today prefer to stay at home with their phones, instead of going outside to play underneath the glazing sunlight.

virtual talk ai chatbot

Online Video Chat and Conference

Since the world today has already grown too much, the demand of people for instant gratification has also become more prevalent than it is before. That’s why; casual phone call or text message is no longer appealing in today’s present time. Nowadays, online video chat and conference is where most people are looking forward to. It can be applied to personal purposes or professional necessities. If you feel you want to talk to someone over the phone, you can direct to a mobile video call. More so, if your team from different corners of the world requires having a connective company meeting, a video conference call will go ahead to rescue. At this point, it’s safe to say that this technological advancement, along with virtual talk AI chatbot , has gone far in helping people to continue their lives with a more proclaimed ease and convenience.

Digital Classroom

Believe it or not, this recent advancement has also extended even up to the educational aspect of the present society. If the student-wanna-be feels that physical presence may be too difficult for him or her to continue with his or her education, virtual communication is right there around to rescue. It can all be possible through specific software where students and teachers can actively interact with the daily discussion, examination, quizzes, etc. More so, this virtual talk AI chatbot can also cater to the necessities of every student to expose to the knowledge and apply it to them while going through their everyday life. Basically, this set- up can be successfully possible with the use of scanners, web cameras, and a stable and fluid internet connection.

Portable Environment

The main course of virtual communication is perhaps setting a new environment where people can actively interact with each other without being compromised by distance and unwanted circumstances. This can all happen as long as the potential users have enough interest and willingness to get the devices needed, which include mobile phones, computers, and the internet. These three kinds of stuff are the fundamental necessities that each people must bring with them if they wish to survive the world today. Just a friendly reminder, the world today includes a different and new dimension with virtual talk AI chatbot . And therefore, living your life in a specific way where you grow accustomed to may no longer effective anymore.

Virtual Talk AI Chatbot as your Virtual Communication

Take note of this, virtual communication can’t be so successful without the presence of third party technology. It can be in various types like software or a physical device. But one name that rocks the digital world today is virtual talk AI chatbot.

Virtual talk AI chatbot is a new and free mobile application that is almost similar to other social networking software. It allows people to talk to whoever they want to. Hence, the four main key points discussed above regarding virtual communication is bundled inside this particular chatbot application.

Here are the best features of virtual talk AI chatbot that can make sharpen your communication necessities: 
  1. You can have a good conversation with some virtual characters. 
  2. You, yourself, can set up your desired name and photo for these virtual characters. 
  3. If there is something you wish to add or improve in their vocabulary, you can teach them directly without too much hassle. Virtual talk AI chatbot is one of the smartest artificial intelligence ever invented. 
  4. Conversing with various people within the chatroom is now possible. 
  5. You can also send some personal messages to some people you may know with virtual talk AI chatbot . 
  6. Anyone can receive some unexpected messages from strangers. 
  7. If you feel that there’s something you want to share with your followers, you can instantly post some inspiring quotes or beautiful images. 

Benefits of Virtual Communication Software like Virtual Talk AI Chatbot

Aside from messaging, calls, and other social network services, there are still a lot more with virtual communication software. More than you can imagine, there’s still a lot more to it. Virtual talk AI chatbot has already gone far in everyone’s lives and helps them in simple ways they are not aware of.

Listed below are the known advantages of trying out some beneficial virtual communication:

It offers maximum convenience.

Why do you still need to go out to talk to someone if you can do it indoor using your phone? Less hassle. Less trouble. All you need to do is get your phone or laptop, set up an account in virtual talk AI chatbot, download the app, and done. You can boundlessly talk to people you want to using a mobile phone and this software.

It helps you save time and money.

Since there’s no need to go faraway places just to settle the businesses, you can absolutely save time and money. All you need to have is a well-working mobile phone and a stable internet connection to make virtual talk AI chatbot work.

It serves an immediate response.

It can’t be denied that everyone in this world is now living in a very fast-paced environment. There’s no time for turtle-moving transactions between people and businesses. That’s why; the advent of virtual talk AI chatbot software really comes of the greatest help to everyone. It provides instant response to everyone and keeps all the transactions go smoothly than ever expected.

Wrapping Up

Communication— whether it’s virtual or physical— this is something that every individual living in this digital world must never disregard in every option possible. It maintains the daily operation of the people in great harmony. Once this particular aspect gets out of the scene, the world would surely turn down and crumpled. So while you still have the means, never compromise what you have on your hands. As much as possible, use all the virtual resources laid in front of you. Interested? Get some more from Herobot— the best partner where you can turn to with regards to virtual talk AI chatbot. Visit us at for more information.

Funny Chatbot: How to Create a Personality for your AI

funny chatbot
funny chatbot

Since it was invented, there have been different bots created to fulfill the needs of humans. Today, the variety of AI is still expanding and developing as time goes by. There are business bots that were used for customer service, sales, and finance. Moreover, there are even chatbots for health and therapy. More than these, the one that most developers are struggling to succeed in creating a funny chatbot that will entertain everyone.

In this modern society, one of the biggest enemies of everyone is boredom. We can’t seem to focus on a thing unless it is fun and entertaining. This is the reason why most companies are paying for advertisers who can create funny and catchy slogans. This also applies to digital marketing, which relies on bots. To make their customers stay and continue the conversation, they create a funny chatbot with a pleasant personality. However, this is not an easy task to do.

More than the entertainment, funny chatbot also make it seem like users are conversing with actual persons. They break the impression of humans that bots are stiff and emotionless. If you can create a capable AI, it will be like you give a system a sense of humanity in it.

The truth behind the fame of funny chatbot

The world is continuously evolving, but it seems like people are getting busier and busier. It is already evident that workers may have a problem listing the word fun in their busy schedule. However, what is appalling is that it seems like even the young people are also experiencing this. With the strict academic system, students do not yet have time to sleep well and relax their minds. This does not only affect their mental health but also their relationship with other people.

With these arising problems, developers thought of a way to entertain people most conveniently. People seem to avoid distancing themselves on their phones. Because of its suitable size and features, anyone can take this gadget anywhere they want to. So, the most practical is to create a mobile application that can take users’ minds off their worries— funny chatbot.

Rather than playing online games, people are now able to practice their communication skills with funny chatbots. Talking to someone can ease your mind and make you feel like you belong. Moreover, it takes your account away from your worries and problems. If you talk to a funny chatbot, you will be able to put your attention solely in a bot. This mantra is also now applicable to the digital market.

funny chatbot

The danger on creating a funny chatbot

They call this generation the “woke generation,” and people seem to be more hypersensitive than ever. Because they seem to be aware of the things that should and should not be talked about or made fun of, it is hard to throw a joke without offending anyone. Moreover, it is hazardous to put a personality on a bot, mainly because you will let this bot work and learn by itself in the future. This is the reason why most developers are doing their best to only put safe jokes for the bot. If not, they prefer to forget putting jokes into their creation at all. Hence, there is only a limited number of funny chatbot that is available on the internet.

There are even bots in the past that have created quite a noise online. One of them is Microsoft’s Tay, which is an artificial intelligence designed for Twitter. It interacts with people on the platform and creates its personality through the interactions it has with users. Within 24 hours of its stay on Twitter, Tay was removed as she praised Adolf Hitler in a post. With this as an example, more developers are now afraid to create funny chatbot or even create it with a distinct personality.

Tips on how you can create a funny chatbot

If it still does not sink in, creating a funny chatbot is quite hard, especially in this generation. You need to take risks while also being careful enough not to earn the most hate in the online world. However, if you are eager about your decision, you can make a bot with some simple tips. Here are some of the things that you can follow to succeed in creating the best funny chatbot online.

Know your goal

If you want your bot to take the center-piece of the comedian bots, you will have to make sure that you already have plans in your mind. If you only have a vague idea, there is a big possibility that you will not achieve what you truly want. Moreover, you should consider your users and their preferences to make sure that your jokes and statements will not offend anyone. You can do research or launch a survey online. This way, you can analyze before actually creating your funny chatbot.

After the analysis, you can now decide on what kind of personality and humor you want your bot to develop. Now, all you need is to apply this and to make sure that you will not stray on your original plan. Moreover, you can create jokes for your funny chatbot, depending on the character you want to display. It may be filled with dad jokes or plain sarcasm. Some people would appreciate dark humor, although it is very risky. Also, make sure that you will be able to relate your joke to the pop culture and the trends.

Get the perfect timing

One of the most important things that you must remember about joking is that you must always know the ideal timing. This is hard, especially if you do not have the talent to make people laugh. However, if you are dedicated, make sure that your funny chatbot can find the perfect moment to laugh and throw a joke. Also, make sure that your bot will not forget its real purpose rather than making it speak nonsensical jokes.

funny chatbot

To make this possible, you can design your bot to create small talks with its users and assess the mood, especially the personality of the person. However, make that your every punchline will always lead your users back to the original conversation. This way, you can avoid your bot to be a big distraction from its primary purpose.

Learn to accept defeat

Not all people have the same definition of fun—we have to admit that fact. Some like to keep their conversations formal and business-like. If your bot ever encounters a person who may not appreciate jokes, make sure that your bot can take a hint and refrain from joking. However, do not be disappointed because that is life. We have differences, and we must learn how to accept this.

Moreover, just like any comedian, some jokes about funny chatbots can be corny and lame. However, you need to accept this fact and move on. If you think your bot is not having good feedback than what you have expected, analyze it. It may be the timing or because the plan is not polished. After doing this, make sure that you accept your mistakes and embrace changes. After all, not all changes are adverse. Right?

In this case, it was merely a mistake. Some content was designed to be read one way and was, unfortunately, understood in another. But I wonder if there’s a way to protect our chatbots from this in the future?

Test the water

If you want to avoid any mistakes or to turn into an annoying bot who cannot take things seriously, you have to test the water. Talk to multiple users and collect data that will help your bot learn how to distinguish the personality of the person it is speaking with. This may be by assigning keywords to your bot. Also, getting feedback from users can help your funny chatbot learn from its mistakes.

Moreover, remember that you have to be empathetic. Put yourself in the shoes of your users and assess what things or words should be taken seriously or not. If not, you will only be labeled as an annoying bot who is trying too hard instead of being a funny chatbot.

If you manage to make your chatbot test a success, then you can now proceed on launching it officially and make it interact with more people. You can make it as quirky as possible or be filled with sarcasm if you want. Moreover, you will not only help yourself or your business. Users will also appreciate your effort in making every conversation fun and relatable.

Save the humor with Herobot!

If you are planning to create a funny chatbot for entertainment or business purposes, you do not have to stress out. With the new technological developments, bot creation is now made more accessible than ever. You have to drag and drop features and widgets that you want for your bot. Herobot also offers a variety of templates that you can choose from. Visit our website for more information.