Why is Bot Marketing the Bright Future of Business? – Herobot.app

bot marketing

In the world where all things are now digitized, customer service has become the firm foundation of any business. However, it is a known fact that not all booming businesses can offer the perfect customer service with bot marketing. Why? This is due to the fact that, in the digital world, there is no time to be idle.

bot marketing

This means that things just keep on rolling, and is never-ending. And if anyone can stay afloat of this unbreakable sea of marketing traffic, they are those who make customer service top priority. To fortify their customer services, businesses take advantage of using bot marketing. However, this cannot be utilized without proper knowledge and understanding. What comprises a successful business?

What comprises a successful business?

A successful business can be comprised of a myriad of factors. These factors range from values to ethics especially for chatbot marketing. However, all of these factors point to one single objective and that is to the betterment of the business.

1. Business Culture

According to the Collins dictionary, “culture is the manifestation of strong beliefs and achievements that are considered important for the development of principles in a social group.” In the business world, culture is the well-defined unification of people who would be successful in that specific establishment. This becomes the firm ground on which employees have the same objective to one another. Also, having a mutual business culture makes it easier to attain collaboration in the business and bot marketing.

2. Point of View

The point of view of the chatbot business does not only limit itself to you, the owner. Rather, the point of view or attitude in the business must be well-known in every part of the business. However, as the owner of the business, you must always see to it that having a positive attitude and a clear view of the goal requires a diligent understanding of your people.

3. Business Strategy

Strategies come in a myriad of forms. However, to make a business strategy work, you must consider 2 key points: simplicity and effectiveness. First, a simple well thought-out one-page documented strategy always beats a long and complex strategy. Why? This goes to the second key point, effectiveness. Effectiveness is how well can the strategy be implied in the business. A successful business plan drives the activities and defines the behavior of the entire business. Look at it this way, without a strategy, a bot business is a delivery truck with no wheels. You got the service but no way on how to deliver them throughout the market.

4. Training

Everything around you is constantly changing and evolving. This is why you should make it a habit as a business owner to implement learning as a viable resource in the organization. Many successful business owners continually spend time and effort in investing in training. However, to make this training be worthwhile for the business, you must achieve a link between it and your chatbot business strategy.

5. Technology

Today, technology plays a huge role in any business. Throughout the years, the ever-changing course of technology has molded business and marketing to what it is today. This change defines customer service on a whole different level.

What really defines success in business?

To understand what defines success in a bot business, one must know what the business’ goal is. Setting goals may be simple enough. However, attaining the right points is fairly difficult. The only thing that matters when it comes to a successful business is the conformity to customer service.

Key points of Customer service in a Business:

1. Flexibility

Being able to comply with customer complaints is essential to any business. Frequently asked questions from customers are critical for a chatbot marketing to thrive. This is why customer service lines and live chat integration has been used in many businesses.

bot marketing
2. Knowledge

Knowing what you offer is crucial for customer care. Since most customers drop a call to complain about the product or service that you have offered. Being knowledgeable about what you offer makes the difference. Always remember that your customers will search for real and concrete answers rather than possibilities and chances. When provided with tangible answers, retaining customers on bot marketing becomes much simpler.

3. Communication

Communicating with your customers is vital when you want your business to boom. Why? Immediate and quick responses to your customers’ questions and complaints are regarded as quality customer care.

4. Teamwork

As a business, individuals must learn to work as one body. This will ensure that the company handles complaints and other customer-related services as a whole. Being a team makes it less complicated for the business to analyze and interpret the problem and deliver an agreeable solution.

5. Organizational Skills

A good customer service representative knows where to find information at any moment. This requires team members to be well organized and trained in where to find information. However, if a team member is unsystematic, this can cause additional hindrance by forcing a customer to wait.

What ways can a Chatbot boost customer service?

Here are some ways you can use your chatbot to boost customer service and conversions:

1. Get personal

Your customers want to feel like they have access to real people. With this said, take full advantage of social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp) and write replies when your customers post on your page. Post photos and bios on your website. This shows your customers that you are real people working on their behalf. Utilizing a bot to be representative of customers is the new trend in marketing today. How? First, you can customize it to respond as a human would. Second, certain chatbots offer integrated ways to comply with customer needs. Lastly, they are easy to manage and could be set up quickly.

2. Be Available

Make sure that your customer can reach you immediately. For example, if your business is primarily online, meet in person occasionally with local customers and offer video calls. However, it cannot be denied that sometimes you are cramped up with lots of work and can miss some important meetings with customers. This is where chatbots play a useful role as an announcer for your business.  A chatbot can notify you that a certain customer is in need of your service quick.

3. Cater to your customers

Make sure you are fully meeting your customers’ needs. Consider assigning reps to specific customers so they can build a relationship. Offer treatment for your best customers to let them know they are appreciated. For instance, what special services might your customers like? In fact, chatbots can utilize this too, you can program your chatbot to provide and send useful messages for your customer. For instance, they would want to know what specials are you offering, chatbots can filter the needed resources and send them to your customer.

4. Create communities

Your customers will feel even more valued if you treat them as important members of a community. You can bring various customers together in numerous ways, including webinars, interactive websites, and social media. Also, don’t forget that while your customers come to these forums to learn from you, you can learn as much–if not more–from them when it comes to bot marketing.

Why do businesses need bot marketing on their strategy?

Utilizing bot marketing in your business strategy is one advantageous step to a successful business in the future. Here are some of the reasons why your business will benefit from bot marketing.

1. It Targets a Wider Audience

Bot marketing guarantees a bigger customer base for your business. Installing a chatbot on your website can provide you a bigger scope of audience. You can integrate your chatbot to reply with different languages upon request or by ruling them out in the software. Also, the quick and immediate response that chatbots carry out can supplement the time when you are not around.

2. Personalized Experience

Personalizing your chatbot can help you convert your would-be customers to legit customers. Through the use of conversational chatbots, you can make your chatbot react like a real person and not a machine. More so, you can use your chatbot as a representative that will help your customers find the required information about what you offer.

3. Artificial Intelligence

A chatbot can function as a virtual assistant and a powerful one, so to speak. Artificial Intelligence on chatbots can process a big load of information, question, and queries. This data are then analyzed by people of the organization so that they can get a better insight into the customers. For any business, this becomes a crucial course on which the business can act and innovate their services and products.

4. Great Surveying Tool

Chatbots provide customers real-time chat experience with no idle time to spare. This becomes a great tool for business owners who do not have much time to leave it to the bots. Also, bot marketing can record and survey the process on how the conversation that it had.

Technological advancements played a great role in refining the quality of life. In addition, some technological expansions make things complex, especially in the business domain. However, when managed and employed properly, these advances can bring a great improvement to your business. And if you are searching for a flexible and organized chatbot for marketing that is quick to install and integrate, then look no further than Herobot. This chatbot will certainly change the pace on which your business runs. You may visit our website at https://powerpres.com/.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

messenger chat bot

Eight billion is the number of messages that are sent over Facebook Messenger every month. 1.3 billion, on the other hand, is the number of active Messenger users each month. With these numbers, it’s hard to deny the potential that a messenger chat bot has as a marketing tool. This is a new tactic called “messenger marketing,” where businesses use a mobile chat app to connect with customers. Messenger marketing is not just limited to Facebook Messenger, but its also available to other platforms like Telegram, Viber, WeChat, etc. It provides users easy access when subscribing to business campaigns, updates via widgets like chat bots.

The use of messenger chat bots today is in full swing. You don’t need to pay someone to deliver messages as chat bots are everywhere. Its use is highly valued in the labor market for its ability to engage in conversation without the supervision of a human agent. Since it’s automated, it saves time for both the customer and the business. This time-efficient feature is what makes customers subscribe to the brand faster and what keeps company resources.  Marketing professionals and tech experts agree that in a few years from now, chat bots will handle customer inquiries completely.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

To add, messenger chat bots are no longer simple input-output machines. While they are still great information collectors and organizers, they have evolved to do so much more. This is due to the integration of artificial intelligence or AI, which expanded chat bot functions exponentially. Newer, AI-powered bots can now engage in small-talk and learn from past user interactions. Hence, this opens up new opportunities to utilize them in digital marketing strategies.

Choose Your Fighter: Messenger Marketing vs. Email Marketing

Choosing between the two seems absurd since both have their specific purposes. Messenger marketing is useful in terms of growing the brand’s audience and service awareness through social media apps. Email marketing is prominent for sharing things like news, brand updates, and promotional offers right into a user’s inbox. But since people are unlikely to open their email inbox, they cannot respond urgently to messages. In short, it’s one-way communication most of the time, unlike messenger marketing that encourages real-time two-way communication. Whenever customers have questions regarding the brand, they are likely to ask via messenger instead of email.

Meanwhile, combining these two is not a bad idea. Using both channels can help you address customer demands quickly. Utilize this as much as possible to increase engagement with your audience. The only limitation here is the internet connectivity. In this way, you will be updated with the progress of your business as well as with your customers. Generate FAQs not only increase engagement and traffic to your site but also to gain the trust of prospected customers.

Why Messenger Chat Bots?

Messenger chat bots are now essential to improving sales. Aside from cutting down on routine tasks, they help gain customer loyalty due to the speedy replies in processing customer requests. These bots are also a convenient widget that can deliver content as they have a higher response rate, unlike traditional marketing channels. They can send relevant information and notifications regarding upcoming events. These chat bots can also offer excellent opportunities to re-engage prospects.

Traffic and lead generation are the two things to consider when talking about online marketing. The truth is, it is the biggest challenge among online marketers. Knowing the benefits of marketing methods alone is not sufficient to reach target customers. While most marketing strategies can be both challenging and expensive, messenger chat bots are easy to make. What’s more is that you can integrate them without breaking a sweat. Thus, businesses are resorting to messaging apps, given that messaging app users are continuously growing. Today, it has become a platform where brands and customers meet.

The best part is, they’re a business solution that doesn’t break the bank. With human agents, companies need to factor in salaries, employee benefits, bonuses, and all that jazz. Human agents are limited in the sense that you can only have a number working at a time, which can hurt sales. With a chat bot, your brand can accommodate tens to hundreds of users at a time, without the hassle of working hours or agent availability.

What Messenger Chat Bots Do

Gone are the days of waiting for hours on end to get a call back from a business. Engagement between brand and consumer is now a click away. This is the newfound power that comes with messenger marketing–near-instant response times. Companies, whether they’re only starting or established competitors, are now incorporating messenger chat bots in their daily operations. But exactly how do they use this new technology to drive sales?

Here are some of the capabilities of messenger chat bots today:

1. Customer Service Improvement

Searching answers to the FAQ section can consume precious time. Most users do not have, or rather, do not want to spend their time scrolling for the answers to their questions. Waiting times are also a bother, as customers do not like to wait around. These problems are made obsolete by messenger chat bots.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

2. 24/7 Uptime

Messenger chat bots are one chat away. Writing and sending your questions on an item or service can only take minutes to be processed. You can also write to them at any time of the day since chat bots don’t need to rest. You need not worry if you’re asking about a particular product or service at around 3 AM since these chat bots have your back.

Engaging Conversations

Instead of reading through a great wall of text, you can be at ease when talking to a messenger chat bot. You can get the information you want and when you want it. These chat bots help you navigate through the sea of information on company websites.

3. Faster Response Times

The thing about messaging apps today is that everything is instant. With a stable internet connection, it will only take moments for your message before its sent. This is as if you were asking them in real-time. Chat bots can reply as soon as possible, and this helps converts more visitors into buyers.

4. Saves Company Resources

In a nutshell, messenger chat bots lessen employee workload. Chat bots can handle the usual day-to-day questions while employees can focus on resolving more complicated issues in the customer inquiry department.

Reach New Heights with Messenger Marketing

Compared to other marketing techniques, messenger marketing is something else. It’s no longer a competition of who has the flashiest graphics or visual design. Today, it’s about who can reach the most customers faster. Brands are now racing on various social media apps on who can get the most likes, shares–the most user engagement out of everyone else.

And the birth of messenger chat bots has changed the game. These chat bots have now put customer engagement at an all-time high. And it will only get higher as more people download messaging apps. It’s the perfect time to attract potential customers and convert more leads with this new technology. Thus, it’s crucial to follow this trend before other brands follow suit. Here some of the ways that you can level up your messenger marketing efforts:

Provide meaty content

People access the internet for information. Satisfy them by giving adequate information about your brand and services. Instead of sending them the content via email or SMS, you can send it straight to their messaging app.

Lead your followers to relevant content

While providing content to your followers is your utmost concern, you can also direct them to content with messenger chat bots. Suggesting related sites or content helps them engage with the business, even if they don’t know what they’re looking for yet.

Remind people about upcoming events

Constant updates like this can make your customers value your brand better. An active, hands-on business is more attractive than a passive business.

Use ads to reach your audience

Since the typical user feed is chock full of ads, it is quite impossible to reach your customer without noise. By using messenger ads, you will redirect your customers towards your website. You can also re-engage past leads through ads. This gives you additional opportunity to reconnect with potential customers.

Get More Clicks Using a Messenger Chat Bot

Jumpstart your Business with Herobot

Messenger marketing is all the rage right now, and messenger chat bots are the newest tools in the digital marketing scene. And at a time where everything is digitalized, there’s no better opportunity to start using them other than today. Watch your brand grow as you boost sales and convert leads faster than before. Hop on over to our website at Herobot.app to learn how you can get started with your messenger chat bot. From bot creation to bot support, our specialized team will guide you through the whole process. Contact us for more details!

What is the Best Messenger Bot Builder for Business?

best messenger

Isn’t tiring to answer every message that arrives in your inbox? Same questions on how to this and that from your customers every single day? Well, worry no more! Chatbots are here to save your day! Technology is evolving very fast that people have developed more efficient ways to make their daily tasks as easy as possible everything just like answering your messages on Facebook. Best Messenger chatbots are computer-generated software that is made to automatically respond to different kinds of queries.

Bot Development is considered as the most essential works on the internet right now. Developers and Companies created this kind of software to answer their costumers easier.

best messenger

What makes Herobot better?

Herobot is the best messenger bot builder used as a marketing and social media automation platform that allows users to create Facebook Messenger bots, conversion funnels, and drip campaigns for marketing and lead generation. Herobot is easy to use and free!

Unlike other chatbots, Herobot also offers various services like email broadcasting, messenger engagement, email autoresponder. You can make your own chatbot with the right construction of the message you want your customers to know. This software can really make your work easier and time-efficient.

Reviews from different companies said that it is the best messenger for business because it helped them to gain more customers and disseminate the products that they are selling. And the best is that Herobot helped them to expand their business and have international business partners.

Benefits of using Herobot

Herobot is said to be the best messenger bot builder for business and other services. That is why users can gain a lot of benefits from using this software. Like if you are working in a big company and answering different types of queries about your product is very time-consuming. This tool will definitely help you so you can take care of other tasks that you have for the day.

One best feature of Herobot or should I say the bread and butter of this tool is that you can actually have your own virtual assistant without losing a penny, They will automatically answer your emails, helps you upgrade the companies best Messenger Ads, and they can find local competitors so that you will know the other trends your consumer wants. It is your customer service expert providing a real-time response to your customers while making sure that the connection between the company and its consumers have a personal touch.

Best Messenger Bots for Community

It focuses more on building a community in order to expand the company’s market. You can get in touch more with your consumers that will help in having a larger audience in which the company will receive more feedbacks that will help them improve their products more.

Lastly, Herobot is free, unlike other software that would ask for money for their services. Herobot is just one click away. You can use it anytime and anywhere. Who wouldn’t love this tool! You get to have your service for free and earning at the same time as your business! This is the reason why Herobot is the best messenger bot builder for business.

Herobot changing the Business Game

Competition may also appear with this kind of product because every day more and more developers are creating chat bots that can also be used by other companies and business owners. That is why Herobot makes sure they are always one step ahead on being the best messenger for business.

best messenger

How does Herobot is changing the business game? Since the continuous growth of technology has become more broad and useful. Online businesses became a popular venue for people to easily sell or promote their goods. Like literally everything that you need whether it’s for personal care, foods that you are craving for, and even stuff for plants! Awesome right? It has been all over the internet starting from the best Messenger app up to Instagram and also other apps that are specially designed for your shopping pleasure.  

Best Messenger Bots in Marketing

Even though Online business is booming, it is not a guarantee that you will succeed easily. Business owners are pretty challenged in terms of how well they respond to every customer they have. and how will they promote the products they are selling in a fast way. That’s when the best messenger bots enter the business game.

Best Messenger bots make customer service reliable plus business owners can focus more on improving their product. And the most awesome thing is all you have to do is simply create your own chatbot with Herobot and you already have customer service at its finest which makes it the best messenger for business.

What are the Different kinds of Chatbot

Best Messenger bots are not always about business, promoting brands, and customer service. They can also be used for entertainment, errands, academe, sports, and even in creating memes. Here is a list of chatbots and what they are for. See if you can find the chatbot that perfectly suits your concept.

Out of Bacon

This messenger bot is used for people who always need a reminder of the things they need when they are grocery shopping. Just type in the things that are running out on your pantry and out of bacon will automatically make a list of the things that you need. And What makes this chatbot very useful and handy is that users can open it on telegram and what’s app.


If you are a person who loves going out for a new adventure then this is the best messenger bot for you. Hipmunk is a messenger bot that can help you find cheap and affordable ticket deals for your next destination and also gives you travel tips.

The Score

This Messenger chatbot is for sports lovers because it gives you the latest sports updates and news about NBA, NFL, and Soccer leagues like what are the winning teams and many more. You can also ask them about your favorite team and follow them on all their social media accounts.


If you are a fan of Albert Einstein then this is the perfect chance for you to know more about his life and achievements. Facebook has created a chatbot that lets you have a chat with the greatest scientist of all time. This Messenger chatbot has focused more on the academe and since it’s a child-friendly chatbot kid can freely explore the chatbot and learn in a fun and exciting way.

Meme Generator Bot

Spending almost half of your day on Facebook? Well, you might want to try to meme-making chatbot! Meme Generator bot can help you create your own meme with the use of your own pictures and words. You might become the next most famous person in the meme-making world!

Kylo Ren

Another type of entertainment bot. This chatbot will convince you to join the dark side with the help of the supreme leader Kylo Ren. This can also give you the history and fun facts about the star wars trilogy. Perfect for all Star Wars fans!

best messenger


This chatbot includes mystery games and problem-solving. So if you are into crime-solving games then this might help you come up with better strategies.

Chatbot makes things easier

You see, everything that can help us make our lives easier is possible with the help of technology. People might call or consider this as a shortcuts but what matters is the quality of work and the work being done on time. These are just one of the million things that technology contributed in our daily lives. It helps companies reach their targets and still be in lined with their missing and vision. With the help of Herobot, business owners or companies can focus more on ways on how to gain more profit and it will also play a vital role in the company’s future success.

Fortunately, these type of tools have been created to enhance and go beyond what is expected in a company. Although other companies might find these type of changes challenging to keep up with. Sooner or later, They will have to learn more about these developments in order to get ahead of their competitors. Herobot became famous for providing a service that shows how a company is open for change?

Want to make the best Messenger bot?

Innovation is important in the business industry hence every company seeks tools or products such as chatbots to maintain and establish their brand. The secret to one’s success in any kind of industry is customer service and Herobot can not only provide good customer service but also excellence that can create a legacy for a company.  Herobot is innovation and is indeed the best messenger for business. So if are looking for a unique, hassle-free way to jumpstart your business? Have a reliable customer service team such as Herobot and you are ready to go.

How Message Bots Revolutionalized The 20th Century

message bots

Now that we are in the era of technological advances, everything seems to get easier and better than before. The Internet has given us a lot of opportunities online, opening the gates of endless success. Different industries are now taking advantage of the surge. They use the benefits of artificial intelligence through message bots as a medium of their online businesses. May it is in healthcare, food, clothing, or car booking, message bots are technically everywhere.

Growing your business means gaining more customers. These customers are very demanding and attention-seekers. They want to be taken seriously and be your utmost priority. As customers discover the deepest corners of the Internet and become more active online, message bot becomes a crucial part of eCommerce. But how are these conversational bots crucial in eCommerce?

message bots

What is a message bot?

Also known as a chatbot, a message bot is computer software that simulates conversations and mimics human-like actions. They store conversational data from previous conversations and use it for future interactions. It is amazing how artificial intelligence allowed businesses to leverage the low-end and broad technology to gain more customer engagements.

Messaging is the heart of every mobile experience that’s why message bots are well suited for mobile users. Initially, they are less functional that the first time they were introduced online. Gone are the days where they only collect user’s phone numbers or email addresses. Developers have found a new way to integrate artificial intelligence to simple chat conversations and customer support. Now, message bots are setting a new definition of technological success.

Why is it important in e-commerce business?

Message bots have set a new and exquisite standard of marketing. Many businesses, whether big or small brands, prefer to use automated messages to assist customer’s queries. But what do these entrepreneurs see in using message bots as their number one marketing tool? Here are some of the reasons:

Message bots are highly drugged email marketers.

Are you using email marketing to gain a wider network of customers? Imagine if you make an email that automatically responds to users to answer queries. Message bots are both automatic and personalized so that users on the other end won’t think they are talking to bots. They are like emails, drugged with steroids, and thinking on their own. If there will be someone who responds to users on-set, you have a higher chance of successful customer gain.

Message bots upsell and cross-sell.

The e-commerce industry is a very competitive race. You are lucky enough to get customers who will patronize your brand.  Chatbots are necessarily more potent communication mediums. You are probably wondering how these message bots can upsell customer’s purchase and cross-sell if necessary. These bots provide personalized product tips and suggestions that will persuade your customers to buy a more expensive product. Using bots is a great way of boosting your sales as they guide your customer on their shopping journey. You may think that they are far much better than those sales ladies on traditional brick and mortar stores.

Message bots reduce operational costs.

As mentioned above, customers are very demanding and attention-seekers. These customers hate late responses that usually take a few hours. However, message bots change the usual gameplay. Bots are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Technically, there would be no room for late responses. They can solve and answer customer’s queries and even repetitive questions with no fail. More complex queries will be then left for human service agents, helping an increase in agents’ productivity.

Things To Consider When Building A Message Bot

1. Identify qualified business problems your bots can solve.

Before creating your chatbot for your business, make sure to identify how it can help you. Identify how it can lessen the load in customer support and minimize the use of human agents. Think of questions your bot can answer and tasks your bot can do so that it only deals with the people it can help.

2. Identify your primary use cases.

Uses of message bots are limitless. It is so broad that sometimes, misuse can lead you off-rails. Try to start from specific use cases depending on your industry or functions. This can keep your bots on track and avoid conflicts. Use cases with a specific focus as easier to test, use, and modify. They are more likely to be successful compared to bots with broader applications.

message bots

3. Consider your users.

It seems so natural to consider who will be your users, yet, they are always overlooked. Keeping in mind who are likely to use your bots is essential as it will help you build a more human-like engagement. Designing a user-friendly chatbot will avoid possible conflicts for your business.

4. Use a good dialog engine.

Using a good dialog engine when creating a chatbot is very important to avoid frustrated users. This will determine how good your bots can be.

Uses Of AI In Other Industries

Different industries are taking advantage of the benefits of message bot usage aside form e-commerce. However, these bots can vary in different industries depending on their effectiveness. Here are some of the industries that benefit greatly from using message bots.


Innovations in science and technology greatly benefit the medical field. Chatbots are now very essential for patients to book consultation appointments, medication intake reminders, prescription refills, and even meal plans. Message bots with advanced artificial intelligence can even monitor a patient’s health vitals, make diagnoses, and give medical tips and advice.


Now that people are giving value to their hard work and investments, bank savings are very in demand. Nowadays, banks utilize chatbots so that users can check their current account balance, make money transfer from one bank to another, and even calculate taxes real-time.

HR Recruitment

Recruitment agency chatbots can now automate candidate evaluation for a certain position. Most companies are now using this trend to process job applications and assess if a candidate fits for the job or not.

Real Estate

Now that real estate is booming, a lot of home seekers and apartment hunters are using the benefits of message bots. These chatbots help gather customer’s needs and preferences to offer more personalized suggestions or recommendations. Most of these bots can answer repetitive and common questions. Through this, they can help real-estate agents of brokers spend less time answering questions.

Travel and Tourism

Most of the travel agencies use chatbots to assist their customers. These bots can help travelers buy tickets, book a flight, reserve a hotel, and even have discounts or best deals. They are also handy and helpful as these bots inform users about weather forecasts and best travel destinations.

Challenges Message Bots May Face

Because of numerous technological innovations, chatbots or message bots stabilized their place in the market. But no matter how great and approachable a message bot can be, there may be challenges that might come along the way. They are just sets of binary numbers that need to be taken care of. Below are some of the most common:

1. Message Interpretation

One of the most common challenges when it comes to customer support is the bot’s ability to understand and interpret the user’s intent. Users have different ways of sending messages, may it be long, short, colloquial, or hazy. Advanced artificial intelligence is necessary for bots to be able to understand the message clearly from keywords, as much as possible.

message bots

2. Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing or NLP has limits and it is a big challenge when you customize and make adjustments for your bot’s behavior. NLP is the backbone of chatbots and making mistakes while programming could make miscommunication.

3. Style of Chatbot

Customers will hate it if they found out that they are talking to machines, especially if it’s about product complaints. They want affectionate interactions, more human-like. This means chatbots must act like humans.

4. Chatbot’s Personalization

Personalization simply keeps your user history intact. Since bots should save data from previous conversations for future interactions, users became more engaged. If a user is more engaged, it will keep him happy throughout the whole conversation. But the problem will arise from adapting appropriately to the user.

Revolutionize Yourself With Herobot

Science and technology are very revolutionary. Each year, innovations are being introduced, shaping new ways of lifestyle for humans. Now that message bots have just begun to revolutionize the 20th century, a deeper definition of success is yet to come. These bots put brands at the frontline of customers that are ready to buy. Using the best and finest bot mobiles is a great advantage.

If you haven’t used any bots for your business then now’s the time. We have the best solution for you that offers the most sophisticated mobile bot for your enterprise –the Herobot App. Using the most advanced tools available and best professional crews, you will be able to have the best customer engagements and enormous brand growth from chatbots offered by Herobot App. Check out more offers and great opportunities for your business at Herobot.app now.

Facebook Messenger Bots List for Marketers

Facebook Messenger Bots List

Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular social media platform on the internet. Due to its huge demand, it is only natural to take advantage of it. Thus, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, made some necessary plans to monetize it by using artificial intelligence. This made it possible to develop computer software programs like bots to take over customer service of businesses and accumulate more sales. To help you learn more, I made a Facebook Messenger Bots list for marketers in this article.

Facebook Messenger Bots List

The utilization of Facebook Messenger bots for businesses brings a win-win situation for the marketers and the social media platform itself. Facebook collects data about the preference of its users and how they usually interact with the bot servers. They can use this information for enhancing their AI. Meanwhile, marketers will be able to cater to more customers and have more sales with the help of the services of bots.

Why you need Facebook Messenger Bots

As I mention above, aside from Facebook, marketers are also gaining from Facebook Messenger bots. From the huge range of benefits it can give, the most important would be its ability to rise the conversion rates from a good conversation with customers. However, to do this, you must first develop a good plan on how you want your bot to interact with your customers. Here are some of the things you could do to increase your conversion rate and create a good dialogue for your users.

Improve customer service

First things first, the customer service needs to be exceptional. Always remember that the main role of your bot is to provide good customer service. Thus, you need to up your game and make a perfect bot server as much as possible. However, do not forget that you need to make the bot sound as humane as possible. Create a character that will never get mad for customers but still know the rights of the company.

Build brand awareness

Brand awareness is very important if you want your business to grow. This will affect your sales and your impact to people. But, how is it possible to build brand awareness by using a bot? Keep in mind that your bot will be the main representative of your company. You have to make necessary plans and make the character of your bot more distinct than the others. Other than making it knowledgeable, kind and respectable, it is necessary that you will add fun and quirkiness on it depending on the nature of your business.

Encourage people to visit your product page

While making the dialogue, take not on how you can encourage your customers to visit your product page. After making the bot greet and introduce itself, you can make the bot ask questions to know the motive of your customers on contacting your company. After inquiring and analyzing the needs of the users, make your bot recommend your products and services. Make sure to include a direct link to your product page or blogs (if you have any). This will increase the traffic your page and will help you on gaining more domain authority later on. Moreover, it will increase the chance of gaining more sales form interested customers.

Include augmented reality

There is just no limit to technology. There are always new developments and ideas to make everything easier for humans. In fact, one of the latest ideas on online marketing is the inclusion of augmented reality on chatbots. It enables users to try on products by using camera filters. This is more suitable for businesses in line with fashion and cosmetics, though. Marketers in line with restaurants and hospitality can also use augmented reality to show customers the places.

Facebook Messenger Bots List

Facebook Messenger Bots List

For some people, mere notes and advices are not enough to know more about things. Thus, we created a Facebook Messenger bots list in order to give you some examples of the best and promising chatbots in the social media platform. You can also take note and visit them if you want.

1. Fynd’s Fify

Fify is one of the most promising in our Facebook Messenger Bots list. As their blog claims, it is a very intelligent fashion discovery and a good transaction bot as well. Its developers made sure that Fify is not only equipped with enough knowledge about their business but it also has a good character. Its machine learning capability makes it possible to act differently depending on its history of conversation with the user. At first, it will only talk about their brand but later on, its conversation will range from the latest fashion trends to gossips about celebrities. If you want to make your bot business a success, you might need to learn a thing or two with this chatbot.

2. Burger King

If you will consider the customer service of fast food chains when it comes to online purchases, Domino’s might come in first. However, Burger King proves that an AI does not need to be expensive in order to deliver a good service for its customers. With their bot, you simply need to order by choosing menu items and clicking the closest BK food chain in your area. With this information, the bot will automatically provide an estimation for the delivery time and the total price of your food. Indeed, it is one of the best customer service innovation in line with the food industry.

3. Wall Street Journal

It never hurts to have someone notify you and give you details with the latest news from time to time. Thus, Wall Street Journal delves into the world of chatbots and created one that can provide an easier and faster service for readers. If you subscribe to this Facebook Messenger Bot, The Wall Street Journal Bot will give you messages regarding the news about your place and even provide information regarding stock markets and economic charts. It can even send pings to people when there is a new update about the stories or companies they follow online. It is like having your own secretary/ informant without spending money.

4. HealthTap

Facebook Messenger Bots List

If your business is more on the complicated section than simply online shops, then you should take note of this bot. HealthTap is a bot that can provide a connection to its users from more than a hundred thousand of doctors in different specialties. It works by letting its users ask some health questions. After that, the bot will go through the internet and search for articles and blogs that can answer it. Because it deals with health and medical matters, it can even answer high-level questions that you don’t normally see on other bots. Thus, businesses like law firms and other offices should really learn from this.

5. Besure Messenger

This bot is best for those in line with tourism and hospitality. Besure bot is a bot that helps its users to find great restaurants by telling their locations. It can even provide websites and links for the customers. However, the only downside of this bot is that it is limited to two places only as of now. It ranges from restaurants around Copenhagen to San Francisco. However, if you will be able to create a bot that will provide more coverage, it will surely be a hit for foodies and tourists around a certain area. Moreover, resorts, hotels, and tourist spot destinations can surely get more sales with this kind of bot.

6. Zork

Most people tend to find entertainment in almost anything. This is why some marketers add games and promos to make people more interested in their products. However, with Facebook Messenger Bots, you can now create a game while selling your product. Zork is the best example of this. By doing this, your conversation with customers will never be dull and will be filled with excitement instead.

Create the best with Herobot!

Planning is very important and can be fun if you have the proper resources in order to make it possible. This is why you need a good chatbot platform that will make things easier when you are creating a bot. Herobot provides a drag-and-drop feature that is very easy to do. Moreover, it even offers variations of templates that you can choose from. Visit our webpage to know more.

AI Bots: Is it better rather than asking a Human?

ai bots

With each passing year, the technology keeps on advancing and new developments keep on emerging. Moreover, these new inventions and discoveries are helping people live a more comfortable life. With the help of technology, we were able to be more productive in our work and responsibilities. And with this, one of the trendiest techy stuff that you would meet on the internet would be the AI bots.

Furthermore, inventors are growing and developing more technologies that could help us in our daily tasks and it includes commercial ones. With AI bots, companies are able to expand their business engagements and connect with more people. Meanwhile, customers also find chatbots convenient as it helps them contact a certain company much faster and easier. This proves the mutual impact of AI on both consumers and brands.

ai bots

What are AI bots?

If you still have questions regarding AI bots, let me discuss its meaning and uses briefly. To start, AI stands for “Artificial Intelligence” and it is a computer program that is able to do things that require human intelligence. Moreover, chatbots are seriously useful for various businesses and different careers. As customer support, they are effective due to their lack of personal emotions and issues.

May it is a small-scale or large business, every entrepreneur is all excited of getting their hands on it. This is because of all the good reviews that its users are giving. Not only is it efficient, but AI is also a good solution for cost-cutting in the company. A single AI system can finish a work of ten or more employees without a need for breaks and day off. Moreover, worrying about spending more on graveyard shifts and holiday pays is totally useless.

Advantages of Using Chatbots

Can work non-stop

Unlike humans, AI bots can work nonstop without getting paid for extra hours. Machines don’t need breaks, not like humans. Because it is only a computer system, what you need to worry is only the programming of a chatbot. If you are able to create one without any mistakes, then you will surely have the best experience with it.

Accurate decision making

The complete absence of emotions from a machine makes it more convenient as they can decide on a short time. You will never see an AI bot get easily swayed by abusive customers because it only acts as how it is programmed. Its answers will rely solely on the guidelines and dialogue that its programmer inputs.

Less error

AI bots reduce the chances of error on communication and information in every task. With its high artificial intelligence capacity, it can use all the encoded information on conversations. Moreover, its machine learning capabilities are able to help to adapt to new trends and pieces of information it can gather.


Keeping up with the trend is very important when it comes to business. This is because you need to your target customers to strategize more efficiently. Now that messenger applications are widely known to all people, it is very important that you have AI bots for your business.

Connects with the global market

If you are planning on advancing your online business to the next level, you should start focusing on the global market. With AI bots, this will be possible. Unlike humans, you can generate your chatbot with different languages that help you be more accessible by foreign consumers.

Some of the disadvantages of AI bots

High-Cost Creation

Building a bot will cost you much if you are going to hire professional programmers. Moreover, it will take a long time before they finish a perfect bot which will waste most of your time. However, you can create bots fast and easy with the help of good AI bots platform such as Herobot.

Increase of Unemployment

Some businesses and companies are now relying on the services of AI bots which causes the unemployment of several employees. Technological innovations have a nickname “creative destruction” of the employment of some on other sectors. Meanwhile, it will open new opportunities for the employees on other careers.

ai bots

Limited Thinking

AI bots can do what they only need to do, which makes them know nothing about other things. However, they can still adopt through time and experiences with their users. This is possible with chatbot’s machine learning.

Lacks on Creativity

AI is only basing on scripts. It does not really have any ability to generate its own answers unless it has pre-programs that enables it to do so. However, most chatbot platforms are offering widgets and special features which forces the creativity out of bots.

Weighing down

Now that you already know some of the pros and cons of the existence of AI bots, this is now the moment of truth. Is AI really beneficial for the people? Well, it depends on the situation. If we are going to talk about the efficiency of a business and its production rate, then we can say that it is really beneficial. It is due to the automation that chatbots offer.

Meanwhile, it will really be disadvantageous for some employees that are relying on jobs such as customer service and social media management. As AI bots are convenient, some companies tend to disregard the importance of the abilities and personalization of humans.

However, there are still some speculations of commerce specialists. Even if companies lessen their employees, they still need human support for the things that AI bots will not be able to handle. In conclusion, the existence of technological innovations for business is equally important as the service of human intelligence.

What you could get from a good chatbot platform

  1. Easier to connect with. Using chatbot platforms is really easy and most have chatbot supports that you can easily connect with. You do not need to wait long if you have any questions or encounter any problems.
  2. Chatbots are simple to operate. It could have an interaction with the customers as human assistance do. Also, chatbots have unlimited patience, so you could use your time thinking about what you need to ask.
  3. Cost Efficient. Having an AI bots platform around will help you save a lot rather than contacting a professional programmer. Most of them have high rates because coding is not an easy task. However, chatbot creators, such as Herobot, are really easy to use and do not cost a lot.
  4. Cater to User’s Need: Chatbots can quickly evaluate and identify what a customer wants and needs, which chatbots after identifying the problem, they’ll come up with a solution immediately. Moreover, it can answer questions simultaneously for accurate information.

Be with Herobot!

If you are having trouble connecting to more customers on the internet, Herobot is here for you! This AI bots platform is an application that will help ramp up your business in a short period, and it will boost your sales and quadruple qualified leads.

Moreover, Herobot is considered a complete messenger marketing platform that you could find. It will help you grow your business, and it is effortless to use to multiple your contacts and customer’s list by providing you with a complete set of tools which can make anyone into a subscriber.

ai bots

Also, HeroBot will give you the power to create Facebook Messenger bots which can answer the customer’s question and inquiries very well, and it is super easy and free. Having HeroBot part of your business, you will have no regrets and will satisfy you and your customers. It will also provide your customers with an impressive and delightful experience once they use the HeroBot and your company will gain the customer’s attention and trust.

You’ll love using the chatbots because they will provide the answers that you wanted to ask about HeroBot! Look no more, since they are the best and a well-known app that you could undoubtedly make your business successful. They produce high quality and accurate chatbots. So hurry up now and sign up on HeroBot to build a successful business!  

Online Chatbot Buttons: A Way to Enhance your Bot

online chatbot

This digital age aims for one thing: to make everything easier and more accessible for everyone. This is the reason why almost every gadget and appliance has buttons that you just need to click to do a certain task. Meanwhile, the online community adopted this to make shortcuts in particular transactions or web pages. However, how important are buttons in the online chatbot?

bot buttons

Buttons are available everywhere in the digital community. Whether you are using a website or browsing an online shop, you use buttons to do a task. Moreover, clickable elements are helping users to make everything faster. Now, the online chatbot also contains actionable buttons that business pages are using for their conversion growth. However, even though almost every online chatbot has buttons available, they differ as they appeal to different reactions. 

Now, if you succeed in creating online chatbot buttons, you will surely experience the most of user engagements. An increase in the engagement will signal an increase in business conversion, thus resulting in sales development.

What is online chatbot buttons

An online chatbot needs to have buttons. These are designed to be clickable elements that can be sent to a user. This helps customers in sending replies because they will not need to formulate sentences stating their concerns anymore. Instead, they are given options that they only need to click so that they can proceed through the conversation. This makes the transactions faster and easier for the bot to understand. Moreover, most mobile users find this more convenient and prefer this than the traditional way of conversing with a bot.

Furthermore, most people use various applications available on their phones simultaneously. Rather than waiting for something to load, they prefer to do other things that they can dedicate the extra time. Moreover, almost all people can be distracted by messenger applications and other types of notifications. Due to their limited time for different tasks, developers thought to make conversations more convenient and easily accessible. This is by using clickable buttons that will complete the tasks that customers intend to do.

With buttons, an online chatbot can become a window to different parts of the internet. It is because you can do various actions such as opening new pages, having an option from a menu, or even dial a number. It answers the needs of the new generation in terms of multi-tasking. Moreover, buttons make the conversation of users to online chatbot more dynamic and interactive.

Furthermore, they are also able to narrow down discussions and allow you to control the conversational flow with the bot. As we can see, it is not enough that the natural language processing of an AI is getting better. Businesses need a foolproof device and actionable buttons that can easily control possible scenarios on conversations.

Importance of online chatbot buttons

As we know, an online chatbot is highly in demand in different industries of the digital world. May it be on business or just for entertainment, people are dying to get their version of AI that can enhance their website or social media pages. However, rather than complicating the development of a conversational flow of a bot, people opt for a more natural route.

Buttons are now being used by many developers to make their online chatbot more user-friendly. These clickable functions are sent to users during conversations to give them ready-made options rather than letting them type their concerns. Moreover, these buttons are commands for specific actions. Also, other controls are real-timer access, which leads to another page where visitors can proceed with their transactions. These things add to other things that a bot can do to help businesses build audience interaction.

Also, online chatbot buttons act as the guide of new users who is not very knowledgeable about the bot and its functions. It can help in sustaining a conversation and monitor the way a user interacts with the AI. Moreover, this affects the responsiveness of customers with the page as it affects their mentality of clicking buttons provided.

bot buttons

Tips on creating chatbot buttons

Although it is effortless to use and navigate, many people are still struggling with how they can create an active online chatbot button. Just thinking of possible conversational flow and how you can attach these clickable options without making it look bland and pushy. If you are interested in using buttons for your bot, then here are some tips that you can follow.

Make words as brief as short as possible

Nowadays, people tend to have too much on their plate, which is why they want things as simplified as possible. This is also the reason behind the fame of online chatbot. They are now commonly used to answer frequently asked questions without spending too much time waiting for a response. Remember that when customers see long sentences, they tend to lose interest in the conversation because reading those costs too much time.

Meanwhile, to make transactions more brief and accessible, you should take note that your conversational flow should not consist of lots of paragraphs. As much as possible, make sure that the conversational flow is made up of 1 to 10 words per sentence only. Furthermore, this tip should also be applied to clickable buttons. Make sure that they are easy to read and will not confuse users. This will surely increase customer engagement with your bot.

Avoid using “yes” or “no” buttons

Usually, people will think that having yes” or “no” buttons are staples on creating a bot. However, these are things that you should avoid when you are making an online chatbot. Polar questions tend to make people feel like you are not giving them enough options and can make you seem pushy. These are not called closed questions for anything.

Also, when you are making polar questions, yes-or-no buttons fail to explain and elaborate on the functions that a person is going to proceed to. Rather than doing this, create buttons indicating the action it is for. This could also help businesses by getting more positive reviews. When you are asking a person about her satisfaction with your services, it is better to give them more options for an answer.

Make your buttons simpler

If you know anything in marketing, then you might already know this one. If you are making a bot, make sure that it has a friendly nature. Rather than giving it sophisticated features, please make it as casual as you can. People tend to be more comfortable engaging with someone that is at the same status than her. This is because if your online chatbot seems too professional, it is easy to get intimidated with it.

To give your online chatbot a lighter feel, avoid using jargon as well as complicated terms. Instead, opt for simplified synonyms of your sentence. If your chat buttons are not easy to understand, customers can lose interest and leave without proceeding to available transactions. If you are successful in doing this, then you are doing well in your task.

Use visuals on your buttons

There are times when words are just not enough. If you are planning on making an online chatbot button, make sure that it is easy to understand. Remember that this will be the window of your customers towards a specific response or action. Moreover, it is essential to put visuals in your buttons so that it will be more pleasing to look at. Try using emoji to make the intentions of a button clearer. Keep in mind that you should make conversations with customers as engaging as possible. Putting images aside from emoji is also helpful in driving attraction from your customers.

Limit the options you offer

Before, I warned you about giving closed options to your customers. However, you must also remember than everything that is too much can be problematic. This is why you must limit your options but not to the point that customers will feel like they are trapped within “yes” or “no” options. Remember that people say that buttons work best if you are going to offer them in just a small number.

online chatbot

Moreover, if you are going to create buttons for your online chatbot, make sure that you are only going to develop 3-5 options for your customer. This is so that you will not need to make more complicated commands. This also helps in making marketing analysis.

Have the best buttons with Herobot!

Buttons are significant in making an online chatbot. This helps the life of customers more manageable and make transactions faster. Also, developers are given fewer reasons to create more complicated conversation flows. Moreover, buttons can have various functions that can help your customers have more engagement with your page and your bot.

Now, if you are looking for a way to create an online chatbot with the best clickable buttons, Herobot is the one for you. Herobot offers various services to help you create bots without any hassle. It is very accessible due to its drag-and-drop feature and offers numerous templates that can guide you easier. Visit our website to learn more.

AI Bot Online in the Entertainment Industry

AI bot online
AI bot online

AI bot online has been helping digital businesses for quite a long time already. However, none of us are thinking about how a chatbot could help the entertainment industry to capitalize. Instead of just collecting private information and asking them to buy your products, there are so many more possibilities for bots. AI can be a great way of improving the online experience of its users. As much as other parts of the internet can benefit from it, bots can also give the entertainment sector a lot of opportunities.

Moreover, chatbots are now very trendy and can be an excellent means of endorsing a film, artist, concert, or even merchandise items. With the power of AI bot online to engage in people, more people will undoubtedly be willing to spend their time and money fangirling or fanboying to the person or band in the entertainment industry. Furthermore, it is very convenient and user-friendly. Because it was powered by artificial intelligence, users feel at ease talking with bots without getting irritated.

What are bots?

Bots are Artificial Intelligence Systems that mimics human communications. They are made to convince a user that they are not having a conversation with an AI. The best ones have a more human-like feel to it because it performs convincing simulation of human behavior when conversing. You’ve probably interacted with one without you even noticing. Professionals can already see bots replacing apps and making our lives easier. Despite being around for a long time, it was just recently that they gained popularity. 

Bots are everywhere: ranging from virus inflicting bots to very useful chatbots. Chatbots are bots that communicate through messaging platforms. Using it as a marketing tool is a good idea because recent statistics shows that people spend more screen time using messaging apps in their social media. It is estimated that more than 80% of people online have used some messaging app. Moreover, it makes the platform optimal for those looking for an increase in online presence and tons of potential customers.

AI bot online

Benefits of using AI bot online for entertainment

If you already know how chatbots work, chances are you know how beneficial it is for various industries online. There are already lots of sectors using the AI bot online to aid their needs that individual servers are supposed to do. However, it is still widely used by the entertainment because they haven’t figured out the perks that they could get from AI.

Global broadcasting

For those in the entertainment industry, being known around the world is the best thing that could happen. However, if you are just a rookie or you are from a small country, this is impossible. But with the help of AI bot online, global broadcasting is just an easy thing. Because it is available 24/7, it would not have any problems with the timeline. Moreover, it can speak multiple languages, depending on the developer. With these things, promoting around the world is just an easy thing to do.

Audience engagement

AI bot online can be your best partner when you are engaging with your audiences. It can be as friendly as you want and as knowledgeable as you need it to be. Moreover, developers can apply it in numerous messaging platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and Twitter. Therefore, bots are very accessible for all of the people online. Due to its automation, the audiences. If you use them to endorse your name, event, or even merchandise, you will surely gain the attention that you need.

Easy browsing

If you are already on an application like, let’s say, Facebook, it is too much of a hassle to get into a new tab to receive a notification. Moreover, audiences can avoid downloading other applications to discover and browse new content. Also, with AI bot online, users can get information that they needed without having to browse and read several unrelated articles.

AI bot online

Personalized alerts

Another impressive feature of a bot is its power to suggest. Once a preference is selected, the bot can come up with suggestions. It caters to the user’s interest by recommending relatable movies and songs, sending news alerts, and event invites all based on the selected preference.


Bots can control the content delivered to people. They are used to avoid overwhelming the audience and only giving them the content they may be interested in. Look at is as a dam for a raging river of content.

Event registration

The advancement of technology allows bots to provide information for queries about events and tours and also book tickets. Bots can also help organizers to audit the ticket sales.

How AI bot online could be used

AI bot online is making a big scene in the entertainment industry and is proving that it is an all-around digital assistant that everybody needs. It is a certified money-maker as it engages customers with excellent performance. Now here are some of the examples of how chatbots can be used in the entertainment industry by properly utilizing it.

Endorsing Movies

Movie Campaigns expresses a new marketing strategy through AI bot online. Bots send promotional messages and invitations to people who may seem interested in a particular movie.  The bot will analyze the interest of the persons by looking through their interactions and the topics followed by the user. For example, if a user follows comic-related pages, an invite for the next “superhero” movie will be sent.

Connecting with fans

Famous people have a lot on their plates. They are too busy that they cannot reply to every single message that their fans send. One solution to this problem is using an AI bot online. The bot may be used to respond to fans and connect a little more. It can be programmed to answer as if the real person is answering.

Featuring Artists

A lot of the revenues of an artist’s product or “art” are based on the number of people reached. Their success depends on streams, views, and even the sale of their work of art. There are few things as useful as direct messages endorsement, which AI bot online can do. Of course, this should highly depend on a user’s likes and interests. For example, a user follows the rapper “Drake,” and then an artist from a similar genre may get featured in messages and promotions.

Selling Merchandise

Marketing and selling merchandise is one of the more popular uses of an AI bot online. A bot can endorse any product by initiating in online forums and conversations emphasizing the product. As usual, the users that would receive the message were chosen based on their interests and likes. A bot can also perform the actual sale of the product. It can gather necessary information from a buyer like a name, address, contact numbers, email address, and many more. The process would require little to no help from an actual human person.

What makes an AI bot online good?

In the age of flooding contents and information, the number of chatbots is at a steady rise. With the emerging of AI bot online, some inevitably appear to be inferior to others, and their quality varies greatly. But how would you determine a good one from a bad one? It is quite obvious: when the conversation doesn’t feel right. Here are some qualities that a bot should have to be considered useful:

Natural Approach

The single most effective way of identifying a lousy bot is when it doesn’t even try to act like an actual person. A good bot should incorporate the attitude of the company it represents without sounding too generic but rather emphasizing its human-like approach. For example, the AI bot online should have a little response time to add the feeling of talking to a human because humans, in general, do not answer a question immediately.


Developers invented chatbots to make our life much more comfortable. They help us perform our daily tasks. Moreover, they should have the ability to provide us the information required to finish our assignments and deliver a positive experience. Users should find all the information needed through the AI. Furthermore, it is easier to deal with a bot than to read a whole article on websites and figuring out than only one out of the fifteen pages you read is essential. The entire point of using an AI bot online is to avoid the need to visit a website for inquiries.

Brief answers

The usual chat conversation between two human beings is composed of concise messages being exchanged. This should also be the case with a good chatbot. Overwhelming a user with the information they don’t need may result in an unpleasant chat experience. If a long line of information needs to be sent, the bot breaks it down to several smaller texts because that’s how humans do it. Usually, bots collect previous conversations where you left off in their memory. Also, you don’t have to reread past topics, and just continue where it ended.

A personality like no other

Every human being has a character, so, logically, a good bot should have one too. This personality should embody the brand it represents. For example, if you will have a weather app, it should act smart and trustworthy. If you will represent the rock icon Slash, the bot’s personality should be relaxed, calm, and collected. This way, users can enjoy the conversation with this bot even more.

Make your bot shine with Herobot!

If you are planning to flourish your entertainment career, you should already try using an AI bot online. You can apply them to your social media accounts as well as your websites. However, if you are finding a place where you can create your bot, visit our website now. Herobot is a chatbot platform than can make bot creation easier. You will not need any professional skills, and there are plenty of templates than you can use at your disposal. Click here to find out more.

Conversational Chatbot : A Good Virtual Companion in Life

conversational chatbot

Along with the technological advancements, the conversational chatbot is making a mark in the field of business and customer service. As of now, many business entrepreneurs engage in using AI in running their companies. This is because bots can help many brands in connecting with its customers and promoting their name. However, not only the business people are benefitting in this program. Consumers are also able to save their time and effort with the automation of customer support.

It is one of the convenient ways of giving information to the customers who are interested in the products or services that a business offers. Also, it is effortless to use, and the customers could get the answers and services that they demand with just a simple click on their keyboards. Moreover, the bots also give fast responses and so the process is speedy and desirable.

conversational chatbot

Uses of conversational chatbot

A conversational chatbot is a computer program that is used to produce a conversation with human users online. It is also used by several business people to finish tasks that humans are supposed to do. Moreover, most of the companies proved that bots are effective for their customer engagement and social media management.

A conversational chatbot is often used online and in messaging apps but is also now included in many operating systems as virtual assistants. Believe it or not, you have probably interacted with a chatbot without you knowing it! Here are some of the benefits that businesses can get from bots.

As virtual assistant for owners

Some of the standard applications of a conversational chatbot are for scheduling meetings. It will automatically look for everyone’s calendar and then choose a date where everyone is available and can be ready. Moreover, it can tell us about the weather without opening any other applications that may take time to load. Bots can even give information about the current condition of the place.

As a personal assistant for customers

AI also has various uses in the line of business entrepreneurship. Conversational chatbot makes life easier for consumers. Moreover, it serves as a personal assistant that can communicate with people through text messages. There are also bots that can have a speaking voice which makes everything more convenient. Instead of waiting for a staff, AI is here to help you through the whole process of availing services or products.

As an effective adviser

Going through various steps to research and complete a purchase on a particular website is a hassle. If you are availing a cosmetic product, you have to make a research about the ingredients and the effects of each. After that, you also have to check the reviews and be careful with fake ones. However, a conversational chatbot can answer your every question and give you the complete information that you may need.

As a sales agent

With the help of conversational chatbots, companies can gain more sales and customer attraction. It is easier to connect with them and persuade them to avail of the products or services that you offer. Moreover, there are even some restaurants that offer chatbot services for receiving orders and getting the necessary information correctly. Furthermore, sending and receiving money transfers.

Save time using conversational chatbot

Running a business is not an easy thing to do, and it requires you to be as productive as possible to become a successful busines owner. Moreover, with the use of a conversational chatbot, you can interact with people even though you are busy with other things. To be productive, you always have to remember that time is gold.

With the help of the fantastic conversational chatbot, you can always save time for it will just take a second or two to answer most questions. Also, as we all know, not everyone is available online for the whole day. Moreover, most people find it hard working at night because that usually is their sleeping period. With these problems, the best solution that they could have is using a conversational chatbot. They can simultaneously have conversations with thousands of people at all times. Better than human, it works 24 hours a day without getting exhausted despite not having a resting period.

conversational chatbot
Illustration of speech bubble icon

Be cost-efficient with conversational chatbot

Aside from saving time, you can also save money from using conversational chatbot. This is a critical matter for all business people. Using chatbot is cheaper than hiring more workers to do the same job. Instead of spending money to add more human resources, you can use the supposed allotted budget for other things such as materials needed.

Moreover, as per the customer’s satisfaction, your company can have the rate of a perfect 10 by using AI. This is because they can give responses to the customers anytime of the day. Due to this, consumers stays interested with your brand. Furthermore, one of the best characteristics of a conversational chatbot is how it treats its customers with utmost respect and politeness. No matter how intolerable the customer is, AI can still be unbothered and proceed with the conversation. It also has the ability to talk with multiple languages and cater people around the world.

Challenges on using chatbot

Using conversational chatbot makes the life of both the business entrepreneurs and the consumers more comfortable. But we cannot change the fact that every good thing has its counterpart – a challenge. It may be some technical issues that need the help of professionals. Meanwhile, there are also some simple problems such as bugs that you can find in the system.

Security issues

Generally speaking, one of the biggest challenges in using conversational chatbot is the assurance of security among users. This has been an ongoing issue for a long time. According to some critics, it is very dangerous how the bots can collect data from the users, whether directly or indirectly. Some of the information may be sensitive and personal, and the person using it only intends to tell it to the bot. However, this information will automatically be collected and sent to the main developer, and this is slightly questionable. Moreover, there is even the risk of potential hackers who can get right into the data within the bot and expose some sensitive information.

Language Fluency

Moreover, vernacular languages can also be one of the challenges of using a chatbot. Although English is the universal language, there still a lot of people worldwide who are not good at speaking English. Furthermore, the problem is that most developers assumes that people can easily understand it. With this mindset, they fail to find ways of putting data and information about other languages in the bot. In fact, you should remember that chatbot is conversational and there is no use if users cannot understand it.

Conversational Chatbot as the best solution

Despite all these challenges, the entrepreneur should always keep in mind his/her business goals and work hard for it. Because running a business will never be a smooth road to take, it takes effort, patience, and hardships. Always think on the brighter side if ever there are problems to encounter. It takes courage to take risks towards success, especially in the line of business.

Conversational chatbot is so fascinating because of all the fantastic things that it can do without the involvement of human. It can also do a lot of things that are very useful to a human. And using it is one of the easiest ways for humans to interact with computers to get their stuff done. Likewise, chatbots provide assistance or access to information quickly and efficiently. No doubt, there are a lot of things that you can do in the presence of the internet and digital devices. Even a computer program can solve worries and can answer most of the questions better than humans.

Get your own chatbot now!

If you are an entrepreneur or a company owner and you are looking for the best conversational chatbot to use, then HeroBot is the best answer! HeroBot is a global conversational chatbot and considered the leading messenger marketing platform. It is the perfect companion that you will ever need, whether you are a pro or you are just starting your business. Not to mention, its absolute goal is for your business to grow and earn high profits by being the best business partner to reach out to your customers.

conversational chatbot

Talk to AI: Learn with Tutorbots Innovations

talk to AI

As days pass, we are starting to accept that Artificial Intelligence is making a significant change in our world. People talk to AI for several things. It may be to inquire about a product, send complaints, and buy stuff. Several chatbots cater to different industries, such as gamingmedical, and entertainment. Today, one of the most significant innovations bots contribute to is in the educational field.

talk to AI

With AI bots, numerous educators, as well as educational institutions, are benefitting. Corporations and several schools and universities are even collaborating to provide students with the best turbot. Moreover, students were able to have a personalized learning environment that only bots could offer. Its tools are practical game-changers in the world of educational technology.

Personalize education when you talk to AI

As we know, every individual had different capabilities and skills, especially when it comes to academics. This is the biggest problem that even the largest and most luxurious educational institutions are facing. They were not able to provide the customized experience the students need. This is the reason why chatbot is their best solution for more effective education.

One of the most significant projects about tutorbots is the one that involves Facebook and Summit Public School. It is possible through the help of the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation. They created an idea where chatbots will act as the virtual advisers of the students. There are differences between an ordinary educator and the tutorbots. One of them is that they adapt their work and curriculum based on their students. As they talk to AI educators, students can learn subjects at their own pace.

It is what will happen in the Summit Learning project. The students will talk to AI tutors, and the AI will determine their weaknesses and strength in subjects. The collected data will serve as a basis for the personalized learning program that will focus on parts where the students are falling behind. These bots will then monitor the advancement of students’ learnings and guide them throughout.

Benefits students get when they talk to AI

Automatic Grading & Performance Assessment

The common problems of the teachers are when they are about to keep up on the grading system. Computing may be accessible, but handling 50 students per class of 10 sections will be a tough task. Moreover, teachers are actual persons, and they have biases regardless of how strict they are. But with AI technology, the grades will automatically be evaluated without any preferences. Experts are also expecting to have more developments regarding the assessment of the AI bots.


Today, AI has gained significance in the industry of online proctoring. In this area, bots are entitled to ensure that the students’ answers on each test are authentic. They need to prevent cheating from the test takers. As the curriculum differs for every student, it will be beneficial. Moreover, bots can distance students from each other while they are taking the tests. It is essential to know the real assessment of the students in subjects.

Feedback Sessions

Every end of semesters, the teachers give feedback on students. It is by printed commentaries about the areas they excel and where they need improvement. This can also be done when they are returning the exams, notes, and assignments. However, this area is made more accessible by bots. They collect data and feedback from the students and send them straight to their teachers. This provides students more comfortable access to giving feedback.

Learn from Tutorbots

Artificial intelligence has brought numerous changes to the educational system. It made everything more accessible with its automized features. Moreover, these bots have more potential than they can offer today. Developers have plans on giving bots more knowledge and capabilities of changing the educational system in the world.

talk to AI

If you want to talk to AI and learn things, here are some examples.

Duolingo – Chatbot for Learning Foreign Languages

Last October 2016, it was announced that Duolingo would launch a bot that will help its users learn foreign. This can be installed on the iPhone and offers languages such as French, Spanish, and Italian. Users will interact with this bot using their natural language until they can talk to the bot with the style they want to learn. It also has features that will help you reply with foreign languages if you are having a hard time. You can also search for the translations of the words from the app.

Moreover, Duolingo claims that their machine learning aims to help in personalizing lessons for every user. By analyzing the sentences used, they will know what improvements the user will need to focus on. They also recommend several immersion practice worksheets basing on the progress of the user’s learnings.

Today, there are more than 150 million users of the Duolingo. There are even some independent research studies that Roumen Vessellinov and John Grego are conducting. They aim to know the effectiveness of Duolingo on learning languages.

EdTech Foundry – Talk to AI Assistant

This is a company based in Norway, which has released Differ recently. This AI is designed for assisting students with higher education. Differ can answer questions from students. These range from general questions until they reach more detailed questions about the work expectations and the curriculum.

Moreover, they can give suggestions about the articles that students can site for their coursework. They also guide the students on how they can contribute and engage in their classes and forums. This teaching assistant is even praised for increasing the engagement of students in each subject.

These are all possible for AI as it uses algorithms and analyzes the students’ questions and the activities they get from the teachers. This collected and examined data can help them in giving suggestions for their future students. According to EdTech, the pilot programs’ results demonstrate how it accumulates five times more student engagement than what a human teacher can do.

Thirdspace Learning

Thirdspace Learning is founded just last 2012 and describes itself as one of the largest platforms for one-on-one virtual tutoring in the United Kingdom. This company aims to integrate artificial intelligence into its operations. It seeks to track the progress of students as well as to optimize the services they offer. As for their online tutors, Thirdspace is planning on utilizing their bot to give feedback for their work as they talk to AI. It is by identifying the steps the tutors are not able to provide their students.

talk to AI

They hold a record of thousand hours of tutor lessons every week. They were able to provide experiences with additional contexts. More than 400 Math majors were trained and recruited to accumulate hundreds of thousands of math tutoring lessons.

Thinkster Math

Thinkster is an AI that is used for having feedbacks on Math tutoring instructions. This platform is integrating artificial intelligence with machine learning to help math tutors on tracking the performances of the students. It also helps the students visualize their thought process as the student works on math problems.

Furthermore, this tutoring platform will record the students’ work and track the steps they take to solve math problems. With these, match coaches can identify the problematic areas where the students cannot understand clearly. It helps in improving the performances of the students as they personalize their learning experience.


iTalk2Learn uses Machine Learning for fraction solutions and customized lesson plans. This AI is a virtual tutorial system for Math subjects of Elementary students. As most students are having problems understanding complicated problems, this is a big trend on the internet already. Its program focuses on fractions, where elementary students are struggling to figure out. They emphasize the visual representations of real-world applications and visual images in fraction concerts. Through this, the bot can balance activities on the subject of Mathematics to interactive and practice-based works.

talk to AI

Moreover, this program has a unique feature that can recognize the speeches. English-speakers can only use the technology of machine learning, but they are planning on integrating with other languages. As they talk to AI with math fraction problems, their abilities will be analyzed by iTalk2Learn. Its developers aim to emphasize the importance of real-time analysis of experiences and the results of the users. The students will be able to achieve this as the bot monitors them while they are solving mathematical problems. Right then, the AI will provide them with feedback that they can use for future improvements.

Make ways for students to talk to AI

The world is advancing to the digital world, and the technological developments are increasing day by day. With this, it is only natural for educational institutions to use technology for their benefit. This is why several schools, academies, and universities are utilizing bots for a better learning system. If you want to be a part of these innovations, it is best to make a bot that students can use.

With Herobot, we can assure you the best way of creating a chatbot. It is effortless, and you will not need any coding skills to be able to create one. Visit our website, and we will guide you on building your tutorbot. We also have several templates that you can choose from. Just make sure that with your content and ideas, students can to AI and learn many things.