Online Bot to Talk To: Ideas on How to Use Them and Increase Sales

Auto Chat Bot

There is a high chance that someone has suggested or maybe you have thought of using an online bot to talk to in your business website or Facebook page. In the marketing world, chatbots are already making a massive scene in providing significant progress for the sales and fame for the brands. This is by stepping up their game in customer service and giving a source of entertainment for their users. Chatbots are also very adaptable and you can apply them to different industries. This makes it easier to open more possibilities.

With the ongoing popularity of online bots, there are enormous amounts of research to make them more satisfactory. As the number of online bots to talk to is becoming more extensive, the number of demands for their services are also increasing. In fact, the birth of the best artificial intelligence (AI) are from the needs of users for curiosity, efficient management, and better service.

online bots to talk to

Making your bot

If you are thinking of making your bot now, start on gathering ideas. It will be hard soon enough to make the best one for your business. Due to the massive and harsh competition, other companies snatched most designs. And, it is not easy to make an online bot to talk to that will be remembered by users. However, remember that as a businessman, what you need is a bot that will answer every need of customers.

Tips on increasing your sales by using online bots to talk to

In business, you must find innovative ways of interacting with your costumers and increasing your profits. To do this, you should be able to devise plans of making people interested and curious about your products. You must always maintain good customer service and be able to entertain them at all times. This is why companies are using online bots to talk to.

Here are some ideas on increasing your sales by using online bot to talk to:

Deliver Welcome Messages

Catching the attention of your prospective customers while they are surfing the internet is with the help of chatbots. The interest of visitors to your business increases when your chatbots become interactive with them. It’s essential to take note that your business must be perceived from your website as friendly and accommodating. By simply greeting them with their names as they go along through your site is a significant plus point.

Also, popping some windows in the corners that scream about promos and discounts is not a lousy decision. Using this kind of strategies with your online bots to talk to strengthens your chance for more sales and revenues. Remember that your goal here is to eliminate the boundary that sets your business away from your prospect customers.

Recover Abandoned Carts

Of course, losing a regular or prospective customer would harm your business. The traditional way on how to topple this unfavorable outcome is by just bringing the best possible quality of their products and their services. But with the presence of online bots to talk to, they discover smart countermeasures. When your customers suddenly withdraw their orders, your chatbots can generate a warning message about it. This way, you can still subtly persuade your customers to revive their interest with your store. Chatbots can give you a bright solution to this matter in the least time –consuming way.

Trending today is the abandoned cart recovery chatbots that are widely-used around the world. This particular type of chatbots is one of the must-have chatbots in the e-commerce business. One of the reasons why e-commerce businesses have survived from abandoned carts is high interactive engagement. The most often case here is when the customers begin to order but do not move forward to checkout. In this way, your chatbots can interact with them and serve a discount to accomplish the purchase process.

Stop visitors from leaving with online bots to talk to

It’s indeed a milestone if you’re able to get the attention of your target viewers. But before you continue to celebrate, make sure that your visitors are able to stay long browsing your website from top to end. It’s indeed a tough challenge to hold the attention of your viewers. You know why? It’s because you don’t have any control over how they see your website. But there’s nothing you have to worry about because chatbots got your back. An engagement using online bot to talk to can grasp your customers to your website. As a result, their minds change their behavior so suddenly. Your customers perhaps stay and browse more about your business.

Another thing, transparent feedbacks from your customers would also be generated to help you locate some improvements in your industry. In this way, your visitors would tend to interact more with your online bot to talk to. You may not notice with your naked eyes, but chatbots can do this for you. Keeping your customers connected with your website is helpful to create a considerable impact straight to your business. As this engagement within your website continues to occur, their mind is under your control. Grab this chance to analyze your target customers and bring the best for your company.

online bots to talk to

Generate Leads

Aside from stimulating the attention your prospect customers, the engagement between them and your chatbots can be also beneficial in generating lead sales. As you ask some purposive questions using your online bot to talk to, you can quickly accumulate some essential data. Connecting your business to your target customers is a significant way to create a rampant lead. The existing method of producing leads is by using pop-up ads. However, pop-up ads and banner ads can be so much annoying for your website visitors.

That’s why; considering the use of chatbots is the wisest choice to counter-attack this market situation. Online bot to talk to do the same function as banner ads, but they are more user-friendly and less disturbing. The graphics are also designed to be interactive and convincing in the eyes of the visitors. Besides, the chatbots menu only occupies small corners on the screen and does not dominate all over. As a result, users are not distracted while doing their work. If you’re able to incorporate all these fantastic tips, expect to produce leads more than you expect. You may not get it right ahead, but it’s convertible to the customer later on. 

Answer Frequent Questions

Your customers inevitably ask repetitive questions over and over again. If it has to do by a real-human agent, this is not going to be useful anyway. You can’t have a person do the same tasks for the rest of their lives. For sure, the productivity level would be compromised in the first place. Another, customer service would also be ineffective sometimes. This is because it would be more time-consuming answering all the questions individually.

However, this landscape has all changed in the advent of chatbots. They can respond to individual questions from different parts of the world all at the same time. They are trained to handle perceptions and provide answers all at the same time. Even though they’re doing this stuff for repeatedly, they won’t get tired and won’t stop responding.

Check Order Status

With the presence of chatbots around, the shops present details of order status in the most convenient way to give access to everyone. Online bot to talk to is capable of having a straight connection to the database and offer valuable information to everyone.

Instead of merely greeting your customers, online bot to talk to can also act as your trusted customer service agent in this matter. Chatbots and your customers can interact the same way but can also talk about order status specific your account. Some information included are shipping number, product information, and many more.

Inform that operators are busy

It’s inevitable that sometimes, the operators are away and there’s no one available from the office to answer all the inquiries they cast on your website. So in this matter, chatbots can help a lot. With or without the presence of operators, chatbots can still do their task no matter what. Take note, operators, staff, and personnel are still human too.

Just like anybody else, they still need to take a break from everything that gives them pressure and stress. In this busy world, this privilege is often left away. Thanks to online bot to talk to that always remind everyone that they are still the person they have to be.

online bots to talk to

Take This Opportunity With Us!

If you want to create an innovative online bot to talk to like this, there’s still a lot more than you have to learn. Of course, you may need to coordinate well with a credible chatbot company and listen to them. Remember, business operations are all crucial, so make sure that you have launched the best chatbot that resembles your company well. Grab the opportunity with Hero Bot and make a significant move for your business. Visit us at

Here Is How Market Messenger Can Help You and Your Business

market messenger

Have you heard of the market messenger? Our world today is undoubtedly in the age of revolutionary technology. It is as if everything we need – can ever need is already within the firm capabilities of our ever-growing technological prowess. ChatBot Digital Marketing is one of the great examples of such claims. This technical marketing strategy makes use of intricate Artificial Intelligence technologies and fits exceptionally well with how various companies nowadays conduct their businesses. Indeed, it is a critical component in any present company’s marketing strategy in terms of guiding their customers through a marketing sales funnel.

The marketing funnel that is programmed into the AI ChatBot would be defined in relation to the products and services being offered into the market place from the company in question. A full-service digital marketing agency may well devise implementation of the particular social media digital marketing strategy.

market messenger

The point being made is that publishing your content on its own is not enough anymore; there is now the need to promote your company and building its own brand. However, this cannot be done by sole human resources alone, no matter how capable and skilled we may be. In today’s time, with millions and millions of potential competitors; for one to succeed, they must take full advantage of what they have. That is where the AI digital marketing and market messengers come into place.

So, What Is A Market Messenger?

The next time you attend a networking event or meet someone social networking online, think of them as a messenger. If you are familiar with how networking works, you probably already had someone share a referral with you. They talk thoroughly and openly about a product or service that they wholeheartedly believe can help you and completely sells you within it.

In general, people who network are aware that giving referrals is the name of the game. It’s common to attend a high power networking luncheon and ask for assistance with a project and get several suggestions of who to talk to. No matter what you need, your network can provide it, somehow through someone. You can treat as if marketing messengers are one of those people because that is exactly what they are purposely designed to do.

These intricate and complex programs are installed with their very own smart artificial intelligence. This gives them the capability to respond rightfully to whatever your customers are inquiring about your product or services. Meaning, you won’t have to do that hard labor by yourself! Let the machine, with its vast memory and tons of data, take in the queries of your potential customers and then answer them while promoting your product or service. Undoubtedly, this technological advancement has worked wonders in helping entrepreneurs reach their goals. Even if you are still starting up, an already blossoming one, or maybe a fully-fledged online marketer, it is essential now to have yourself a market messenger.

More about Market Messenger...

Many large and well-renowned business companies have already regarded using market messengers as the “new way to do business.” They even go as far as saying that this cutting edge marketing programs would become the norm for marketing strategies in the near future. And they aren’t far off with that statement. The fact that we are now in an era where technological advancements seem to have overtaken our everyday lives, it is indeed fundamental to always get one step ahead to succeed. Utilize every given resource, study every trend, and eventually, positive results will definitely be felt.

You won’t even have to think about it anymore; market messengers can genuinely help you and business in more ways than one. Here are some reasons why you need to install a market messenger on your website today.

It Offers Zero Wasting Time

Now imagine if you are a customer that has a specific inquiry. You went to the business’ website, and then there is no chatbot. This means that you must manually search for your particular question on their website. Perhaps in their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), maybe in their blog section, worse yet, maybe you’d be forced to sit through numerous videos just to look for an answer. You’d already be losing lots of precious time now for only one inquiry. But with a chatbot, you can have answers for most of the questions you may ask without any delay.

Every Customer Experience Is Different
market messenger

A personalized experience can be the driving force to help you convert your prospects into customers. With conversational and smartly designed chatbots, you can make your customers feel as if they are interacting with a real person, not a machine. This practically guarantees that every customer may have a different experience every time they use the smart program. Moreover, they offer the desired information or services instantly. For your online retail store, the chatbot will function like a salesperson that can help customers find the required info about what you offer. What’s more, it is definitely reliable and has the consistency that no man can ever replicate.

It Offers Better Customer Service Level

Personalized chatbots powered by great AI can process the natural language at various given levels. This includes discourse, semantics, syntax, and more. This means that chatbots are offered more in-depth insight into human psychology in order to respond to visitors with the appropriate service and information. And as promised, this info, as long as it is in their database, is provided instantly regardless of the number of the queries.

Has Improved User Engagement

Designers and developers of a given business’ website are always under pressure to be able to give out the right and perfect user experience. It is already a given that customer expectations have no definite limit. Meaning that improving the user experience will always be a risky journey that may end up nowhere with just a few mistakes. Chatbots, on the other hand, has been a gift sent from above for these concerns. If designed much or well, chatbots can truly help a business provide services and engagement that will make its customers genuinely happy.

It Can Target A Wider Range Of Audience

Various social media platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram, and Skype work with a chatbot. So, it has become a lot easier to target a much wider audience. To have success in a given business, one must have a broad reach to potential customers. The broader their virtual territories may be, the better chances they are to succeed with their given venture. Chatbots enable your business to reach further than ever before.

Business Intelligence

The latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning programs make this virtual assistant even more powerful. This means that it can collect and process a good deal of conversational data for researchers so that they may get a more in-depth insight into what’s inside the minds of buyers. For any business, no matter what industry they may partake on, it is of paramount importance to have the right intelligence for the business. With the help of chatbots, companies can improve and evolve their products and services.

It Performs Much Needed Survey

An intricate chatbot can definitely get a better idea of the customer experience when they buy a product or service. It stores the data provided by the customer, his or her tendencies, and the right information to understand the needs and wants of the customers better. The problem is that the survey system via emails and websites is not very successful as most visitors are apathetic due to lack of time and many other reasons. On the other hand, chatbots engage customers in a real-time conversation making the survey brief and customers.

These are just seven critical reasons why you, as an online marketer, should install a market messenger on your business website today. What harm can it do for you, right? After all, your end goal is to gain a whole lot more customers and provide a better user experience for them. Chatbots can genuinely help you in more aspects than you may currently realize and that should not be ignored. Your business growth depends on it in a particular way.

Herobot May Just Be The Help That You Need

market messenger

It is essential to make the business the best it can be to generate greater success and profits. There is a vast range of chatbot building platforms that are available for various expertise, such as e-commerce, banking, retails, leisure, travel, healthcare, etc.

HeroBot enables automation of your messenger marketing. With an open rate of 70% to 95% click-through rate above 20% and 3-5x higher conversion rate, Chatbots & Facebook messenger marketing are the future of digital marketing. Additionally, HeroBot makes it incredibly comfortable to grow your contacts and customer’s list by providing a complete set of online tools to convert anyone into a user or subscriber. Whether you already have a business or just starting out – we’ve got you covered! Contact us now at 1 800-622-8282 or visit our website by clicking this link.

Messenger Bots List: Factors to Consider When Making Your Own

messenger bots list

Nowadays, businesses are getting bigger and bigger as they grow smarter and smarter. And yes, this refers to the leverage of the technology integrated into the holistic process of the company. Have you ever ordered your coffee through a well-known brand with its online app? Have you noticed that AI-powered chatbots take your order? You can type your order, and then speak to it. And you can also have your order personalized while giving your special requests as if you are talking to a real service crew of the coffee shop. This is as an Artificial Intelligence developer is spreading messenger bots list across the globe.

It may sound a little exaggerated, but yes, this is happening. Smart companies are integrating and utilizing conversational bots into their marketing techniques. The artificial Intelligence of chatbots is transforming the quality of customer service experience. They can provide certain information to customers whenever they need it. These applications are programmed answer accurately in a human-like conversational way.

messenger bots list

Chatbot Technology

Chatbots are, significantly, software that has the ability to have conversations with humans. They can assist you in getting your prospects in a timely manner. If you give a list of prospective clients to your chatbot, then they will send a message to them one by one based on what you have set up. You will get results like a list of prospective clients who are possibly interested in having business with you.

This will save the company a lot of expenses and will get results in no time. As a startup business or even if you are an established company, you don’t want to be outdated with the trend these days. You may also notice that people are getting more involved online that physical interactions as it has the convenience everyone is looking for. Now, what should you do? You must come up with the factors and qualities to consider when making your messenger chatbots list.

You will get results like a list of prospective clients who are possibly interested in having business with you. This will save the company a lot of expenses and will get results in no time. As a startup business or even if you are an established company, you don’t want to be outdated with the trend these days. You may also notice that people are getting more involved online that physical interactions as it has the convenience everyone is looking for. Now, what should you do? You must come up with the factors and qualities to consider when making your messenger chatbots list.

So what should be the factors you need to consider in composing your messenger bots list?

Firstly, you may want to come up with a list of the factors you are to consider when choosing a messenger chatbots for your company. This list of factors will be your criteria upon making your messenger chatbots for your company.

1. Your chatbot should be using a natural language

If the chatbot sounds like a robot, that will be somehow an off. Even if we know that we are having a conversation with a robot, we might as well choose to talk to a robot that sounds more of a human. If the bots are using natural language, emoji’s and maybe GIFs, the feeling of interaction is higher. They are empathetic as if they feel what the client is going through so they say things like “I’m sorry!” This kind of quality is very common but often overlooked.

2. Should be emotionally intelligent

Answering frequently asked questions is what you think should you chatbots do. But that is not enough. They should also be emotionally intelligent. Chatbots can sense the mood of the person they are talking to and respond appropriately to the atmosphere of the conversation. They must know when to automatically escalate the concern of the person to the live support agent. Chatbots are capable of driving the conversation forward. Moreover, they might even predict what user needs and give a significant suggestion for they are focused on their users.

3. Proficient in Broadcasting Skills

 First and foremost, Artificial Intelligence developers programmed these chatbot applications to interact with the users in a human-like conversation. These chatbots applications are well-known for their accurate answering machine on the internet. Chatbot has the ability to broadcast their message correctly and clearly to its audience. Also, they need to attract their user with their broadcasting skills. Implementing these kinds of skills to a chatbot makes a better relationship between the potential customer and the company. Consider the messenger bots list as a guide on how people can determine the skills that a chatbot has.

Install chatbots for better business income

People heard a lot about these chatbots lately. But they are not moderately certain about these applications. Some people are confused when tackled about the concept of these applications. But actually, there are things about them that can be explained easily. These AI-powered applications called chatbots are a computer program designed to simulate conversations with human users on the internet. Chatbots are automated applications that perform different work through automation. The chatbot could do a lot more than people can imagine.

For example, this app is now able to use for advertisements based on their user’s preferences. Chatbots are expected to save the capital expenditure of many businesses. And more likely, most of the active business is using these chatbots to make money. Yes, they are not wrong. Making profits for business is their purpose in a company.

messenger bots list

On the internet, people can see several messenger bots list where people could consult about their technical problems. When business owners installed a chatbot in their system, they could reduce operational costs. These chatbot applications help their customers in resolving issues quickly. They are reducing the number of calls to the contact centers, and they are even improving business efficiency. Another way on how this chatbot saves company business money is by reducing their labor costs.

Most of the business reduce their employee count to save money, but the problem is that the numerous calls and chats are skyrocketing. But if companies are using these chatbots, they don’t need to pay them. This could save a lot of money and efforts in business. Moreover, a full-filling chatbot interaction experience can make the user go back for more. Business income will go higher if their customer is satisfied with their services.

Artificial intelligence and automation

Artificial Intelligence and automation are far different from each other but also come along with modern advance technology. Both are often used interchangeably, and they are associated with physical robots and other technological machines. However, there is the most significant difference between the complexity levels of their systems. Automation is capable of doing things automatically without human interventions.

Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of creating intelligent machines. Additionally, This Artificial Intelligence is making a machine that succeeds in mimicking human behavior and Intelligence. The automated system’s purpose is to let the machines perform a repetitive and tedious task. Unlike Artificial Intelligence that can decide on how to able to make their task productively. The advantage side of Artificial Intelligence is that it can change people’s daily lives with a wide area of day to day services.

But what could be the result if the two of them combined? Let us start with an example. If those two combined, the output would be more likely chatbot applications. The chatbot is an automated application and powered by Artificial Intelligence. These applications will automatically respond to their conversation with a human and decide whether they could add up some more advice. Artificial Intelligence and Automation combines the power of BPM, Machine learning, and the so-called RPA with low-code development.

Moreover, if you combine these two, and it could optimize the customer experience. Automation makes the chatbot automatically work while Artificial Intelligence allows the chatbot to decide on what to respond to the user’s queries. These components make the best ability that chatbots can have. These are the reason why chatbot applications function very well. Browse some websites on the internet, and you be able to see some messenger bots list related to these chatbots.

messenger bots list

Improve creativeness by developing your messenger bots list

The ability to imagine many things pervades people’s entire existence. Imagination influences everything people do. And absolutely, imagination is the key to innovation. Having a surplus of imagination can improve people’s creativeness. And with this imagination, several people could design or even build their chatbot applications with the help of the best chatbot developing platform. These chatbot developing platforms make numerous messenger bot on the internet.

In addition, they could also see some messenger bots list written on the internet. There lot of chatbots today with different capabilities. And to determine whether these applications are noteworthy, people can test their intellectual upon visiting or using their app. Chatbot intellect is based on its development platform. These chatbot applications are different not only because of their capabilities but also because they are created on various platforms. If you are hoping to find the best platform, here is one for you.  

HeroBot will help you create your chatbot. With the help of the platform combined with your creativeness, together we can build the most essential and useful chatbot. HeroBot has the brand new tools for the user to generate almost perfect chatbot that has a lot of capabilities. Visit our website and start creating the Artificial Intelligence-power machine chatbot that you dream.

Facebook View Bot: Virtual Corporate Collaborators

facebook view bot

Facebook is a worldwide sensation that it is used for various social life purposes. The prominence of this social media platform is convenient and entertaining for social online dependents. Indeed, it makes the daily living much easier, most especially in terms of communication and business. You can also use it for viewing purposes; you can watch online advertising and daily vlogs, and thousands of viewers can watch it. Facebook view bot is useful with this type of Facebook functions. It is enticing from all of the features of from facebook.

Nowadays, the said platform is upgraded to have more advanced that people can enjoy. Facebook live is introduced to the world as a way to become close in reality. Moreover, it can also help business – online selling or promoting products. It is a good way for people to accommodate their interests to venture in different modes of lifestyle. With this, ther use of Facebook view bot for businesses has become rampant.

facebook view bot

The Facebook view bot is here to help you at its greatest functions. They can help you organize your works and upload elements. If you are a business-minded individual pursuing to enter the big world of facebook. There are over billion users of this social platform, and if you’re willing to put your business here, then it can turn into financial worth sourcing. Your corporate timeline can be full of your business-related uploads that can be viewed by your customers so it should be visibly convincing.

What can the Facebook view bot do for you? We should know the power of this kind of bot to assess the capability to aid you when you needed an efficient work. Facebook is relevant for most of the modern communicators that can drive them in a good function.

Fantastic blending schemes

Invading the area of a corporate social media purpose and its popularity towards humungous utilizers should work as a fine wine. If you want your transaction to work out, then you need a strong collaboration.  Of course, schemes or plans are efficient as a plot out to a successful pursuit. Inviting Facebook view bot with you can help you maximize your product or business transparency. Your business can also be involved in a wide familiarity.

You can’t escape the overloading tasks that may irritate you because you have a lot of things to do personally too. It should blend in the entire function of your business platform timeline. You also have your time saved because you are being optimized by Facebook view bot. The bots can take your tasks in a snap of a finger, it can be considered as artificial intelligence.

Facebook view bots can take you to the best of their limit. It can generate to the best that they can. It can have different view functions. It can impose messages, post advertisements, and optimize likers and manipulate the over-all view of the upload performance.

Operating messages

Facebook view bots can help you in answering the inquiries and acquisition of your desired customers. It can make your life a hundred percent easier, and it will make you have your own way to deliver good communication. Operating the client’s message is important to deal with because it can make your client stay within your business. Quickly it can relay a message to the applicants that may avail what you are selling online. They can also give responsive feedback on your problems through their automated messages.

Find people

You can also find people in facebook on where who you want to present your offer. It’s like automatically convincing people within their specified interests. The artificial intelligence has an important role that it convinces people unto it’s best based on the bot’s performance. With social media chatbot like this, they can be a view for you to respond as an act of your responsibility. It can help you also deal with people that you wanted to connect your fundable clout with.

Motion to life connection

Facebook view bot can also act as an efficient drive to become more efficient when it comes to facebook live. It can accommodate viewer and can make your video on top of visibility. It becomes more interesting when you have viewers that are building up an interest in the content. The content of your live video can also be highlighted because it is optimized with viewers who are paying attention to what are you presenting. Using facebook view bots can also make your live viewing worthy of internal communication.

Popularity magnet

Facebook view bot can make your account rich in taking new potential buyers to your business. With the help of facebook view bot, you can make a humungous group of people that can check your business out. The exposure that they might get will be away for them to really pass the information into another group of people. Referrals are a way to get your corporate schemes or platform to be imposed well. The probability of your business prominence towards a big crowd might be transferred in a great condition.

Aiding bots

facebook view bot

With the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), your social media management schemes are going to take you on the new level. Facebook is a largely used platform, and it is contained with a lot of corporate connections. It aids you to make your business life virtually easy because it can lead to good progress result. Because the bots are artificially made with intelligence, it has a purpose to help humans to have it easy on certain tasks that they needed to do. Bots are helpful most, especially on facebook, because it can help you attain your short term goals.

Facebook view bot: integrating functions

Humans and artificial intelligence can go really well over collaboration activities. The overview with this is that the bots can make your life much easier in creating opportunities. The result of the combination of these two elements can make you go bigger in terms of exposing for prominence. Well, there’s a Herobot that can save you from unknowingly experience from a Facebook view bot. You can now encounter a lot of bots appearing in the social media that is really helpful.

The insertion of bots in social media is a total advantage. It is sufficiently worth it with so much knowledge to be delivered in an exposed manner. Facebook, Instagram, and witter is one of the most platforms that can make you feel at home digitally and virtually. You can have access to it quickly with just an internet connection. Facebook is also a huge marketplace for everybody.


Integration is an integral part to which you can combine the impact of human power and the internet community. There are several reasons why it has a great impact that the power of it is to influence greatly. The perceptions over the corporate concepts are just on the spot with collaborations existing. There would be no other way to escape from different realities. It can greatly enhance the progress of the funding and finances for your branding.

There is no way digital marketing has strong disadvantages over the course of this time and age. You can clearly default the traditional way of handling multiple transactions. In facebook, you can go over the limit of what they’ve asked for to do. Facebook view bot can handle every bit of your concerns with regards to the promotional runs. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) can also take part in fulfilling all of the holes in advertising.

Facebook view bot is the way for creating a wider range of convenience towards a wide range of audiences. There is a lot of time where you can take a season for your chatbox to be filled with messages from the customers. With the help of the Facebook view bot, you can actually take a step further from responding with their strong regards. It can take into some great places where you can put your market.

Conception on the utilization of the facebook view bot

A facebook view bot can help you in automating your tasks. For instance, if currently your business is presented in facebook, it must be viewed in a positive way. It can help you in matching recommended customers because it will initiate an interesting relationship. You’ll be able to utilize the facebook view bots in such messenger links that can direct you to matched conversations. Indeed, it is one of the best ways to quickly get your desired results from the customers.

Facebook view bots can also send you a code that can be scanned for a viewing of your discount or promo for products. The Facebook view bot can also be chained as the magnet downloads for an ad to be viewed in different areas of facebook. It can also be the best thing for you to get you with the best standard quality of the business project. It can also be utilized by the facebook view bots in powerfully sending your marketing schemes.

social media marketing

Moreover, a facebook view bot can help you improve your business profitability. You are able to create such service processes for you to attain your goals for it. The facebook view bots can also organize the data from the customers and clients that are about to invest.

Visit us!

Need to maximize your marketing scheme virtually and digitally? Herobot is here to take the lead for your business! You can visit our page! Come to us, and we’ll surely take you for outstanding digital automation.

Best Chatbot App You Should Have On Your Phone

best chatbot app

Maybe you got the latest and most high-tech mobile phone on your hand now, but do you want to bring it to the next level? Well, you cannot completely enhance your advanced-technology experience with your mobile phone without engaging with the best chatbot app today. 

The way we interact and communicate with the world is inevitably and continuously transforming as years go by. Today, we can actually feel that communication has changed a lot by just going through our mobile phones. Almost all of the transactions are automatized and possess real-quick process capability.    

best chatbot app

There are a number of chatbot apps invented to bring us convenience in our everyday activities. Nonetheless, you still have to know what chatbot apps best fit your needs and your interest to receive high-satisfactory experience. So we better go with these chatbot apps first to know more about it and determine how it is going to be beneficial to you and to your interactive experiences.

How Can We Say That Your Chatbotbot App is the Best?

There is no doubt that chatbot apps are all useful today in our everyday lives. Nonetheless, though bot apps are undeniably helpful to everyone, they are still not created with equal capabilities and capacities. Each chatbot app has its own strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, it still depends on how it functions to your everyday life in order to tell if your AI app is really helpful or not. In today’s fast-thriving world, there is already a wide range of bot apps around where you can choose from depending on your needs. If you are wondering how to tell if you got the best chatbot app on your phone, you must check the characteristics listed below:

1. Fully-equipped

Since chatbot apps are designed to administer our needs regarding information acquisition and input, your chatbot apps must possess all the necessary information to function productively. A good chatbot app does not need to ask for extended support from other websites. All related information must be searchable within the chatbot app itself. With a fully-equipped chatbot app, expect to have a river-smooth flow of transaction and interactive experience.

2. Humanoid Approach

If you had a transaction using a chatbot app and you were not able to recognize that you were actually talking with a chatbot, glad to say, you are using the best chatbot app. Moreover, the ultimate goal of chatbot apps is to provide human users with an interactive and instructive experience with a complete human touch in all sense. A good chatbot app responds to the inquiries the same way their employees do. Thus, human users would believe that they are getting across with a real human instead of a chatbot. With this, they have able to maintain a sense of conversing in a traditional human way.

3. Predictive

The best chatbot apps lead the conversation forward itself in a way that it lends valuable and useful suggestions to the human user. A good chatbot app possesses enough intelligence to identify the needs of the human user and has the ability to provide a direct solution to it.  Moving forward in a river-smooth interaction is also an indicator that you have a good transaction using this particular chatbot app. It can be noticed when inappropriate and irrelevant information does not hurdle along your way.

4. Performing a Specific Function

Chatbot apps that serve a specific function to a human user are indeed advantageous. Since they are directly driven to perform a definite function, they do have a better and more quick-witted comprehension over this particular part to operate more efficiently. As a result, human users can contain their interaction with function-focused chatbot app resulting in a long-lasting and constructive engagement. So far, natural language processing and machine learning are still difficult to incorporate with chatbots. That is why; chatbot apps that try to perform overloaded functions are still risky and impossible to operate so perfectly and smoothly.

5. Self-sufficient Reasoning

When a chatbot app is designed and programmed to be function-focused and predictive, no surprise that it would possess self-sufficient ability to reason out. A good chatbot app can fathom complex reasoning regarding its particular function to operate well and efficiently. Furthermore, they can easily identify a problem by just going through the histories encoded by the human user.

6. Anchored In a Model Identity

Chatbot apps are aiming to possess human-like features; thus, they must also have a personality. Just like humans, it would always be a plus if chatbots would carry an amusing and engaging personality. More so, it is also going to be helpful if your chatbot would parallel a personality whom most human users know. In this way, human users can actively engage and interact with the said chatbot since its personality is not new to them anymore. A good chatbot app has an interaction style similar and relevant to its target human users.

best chatbot app

Top Seven Best Chatbot App You Must Start Using Right Now


If you are a health-conscious person and quite addicted to keeping your body fit all the time, Lark is the must-have chatbot app for you. It is an ingenious and conversational application that tracks your fitness activity and monitor your fitness productivity. Moreover, what makes this chatbot app amazing is its ability to perform task like a full-time fitness and weight management coach. Also, Lark is a high-technology chatbot app that gathers specific inputs through your device’s in-built sensors and processes the collected data to provide you the best fitness solution. You can download Lark from your Android or iOS devices.


If you are getting a hard time managing your monthly or weekly budget, turn to Digit because it is always ready to help you. Digit is an AI-powered chatbot app and its purpose is to apportion your monthly income wisely and economize your expenditures properly. More so, this amusing chatbot app also has the ability to provide you a transparent record regarding your budget and expenses. If you wanted to gain a new perspective in money, better go to your play store or Appstore and download Digit.


Maybe, this is now the right time to bring your business into the next level with Chatterbot. This chatbot app also allows you to send a custom automated response to the inquiries encoded by your customers. It is helpful in such a way that you can enjoy additional help in handling and managing the inquiries of your customers. In return, you can have more time and focus on doing administrative tasks, which are way important than this. If you need the help of a full-time customer service agent, you no longer have to hire someone out there, just download chatterbot to your iOS or Android devices.


I am so much sure that traveling is the top wish-listed on your bucket list. Booking a flight or a vacation reservation is quite stressful when doing personally, that is why; Hipmunk is there to help you with your travel desire. It is an AI-powered chatbot application that can help you plan your vacation well. Technically, it synchronizes personal data from your e-mail and calendar notes to enhance and enable stress-free travel booking. Moreover, you must start now traveling the world with Hipmunk. You can download it from your Playstore or Appstore.


It is naturally difficult to maintain your body without someone who will guide you. That is why; Gymbox is created to bring your fitness struggles down. Gymbox is a Facebook Messenger chatbot app that helps you assess yourself while doing some fitness routines. More so, it can provide you your own training journal where you can find your personal fitness record and track your improvements. Expect this app to serve you with sharp statistical figures for day-to-day tracking. Gymbox is readily available for download from play store and Appstore.


Do you remember Talking Tom? Well, Mitsuku is its human counterpart. Mitsuku is an outstanding chatbot app that matches the qualities of a female human. Moreover, it is described as an eighteen-year-old girl who can intelligently hold a conversation with someone. Some of its distinguished features include language comprehension and mood recognition that allows Mitsuku to deliver answers to your questions. You might not know, but Mistsuku received Loebner Prize twice in 2013 and 2016. If you got nobody to talk to at home, get your android phone and download Mitsuku from your play store.

Baidu Melody Bot

If Baymax is your personal healthcare assistant, Baidu Melody Bot is your personal healthcare manager. Moreover, Baidu Melody Bot is a doctor app that helps you manage your hospital appointments. This chatbot app directs you straight to your doctors for appointments and inquiries immediately. Also, Chinese search engine leaders are responsible for developing the Baidu Melody Bot. After the invention, Baidu Melody Bot immediately became in-demand across the globe. Finally, if you want to have your personal healthcare manager, Baidu Melody Bot is ready for download for your iOS and Android devices.

bot communication


The drastic advent of chatbots to the world undeniably brings ease and improves everyone’s quality of life. The chatbot apps mentioned above are proof that everything is possible with technology. Chatbot apps are already famous across the globe, elevating our mode of living into another level. But, we must still know how to use these chatbot apps appropriately to gain the best and wonderful interactive experience. If you are interested in widening your knowledge regarding chatbot technologies, Herobot is just right here for you. Herobot is composed of trusted experts when it comes to chatbot technology and services. To know more, visit our website at

Free Chat Site Widgets that can Make your Business More Interactive

free chat site

Engaging in a business is quite challenging if you are not equipped with the right tools and planning. As a starter, your main goal is to reach your target market through a variety of platforms where you can introduce your products and services. Apart from that, the main essence of being interactive with your potential customers is the chance of getting avid fans and patronage. For this reason, it is very crucial to include having something to help you get in touch with global customers. Having said this, you may want to consider using free chat site widgets to make a more interactive website.

One great way to start interacting with your probable clients is through chatbots or chat sites. It is the most convenient way to outstretch your connections. Through the aid of these advanced assistants, you can be sure to manage your time according to your plan.

free chat site

The Importance of Chatbots for Customer Service

It became a standard to hire individuals when it comes to customer service needs. However, free chat site are now being used by a lot of companies. This is because consumers demand extra information to be sure to of what they are engaging in. Plus, it is the fastest way to answer inquiries and other product concerns. For all these reasons, it is clear that the success of every business depends on how the owners value their consumers.

If you have ever contacted a business through a representative, you already know how frustrating it is to interact with them and their slow process. Even if they go through massive upgrades, there’s not that much difference from the way they deliver their services. They still end up with the same slow-moving procedures. This is because the speed of the programs limits the agent’s access.

However, we now in a modern era where there are several technological innovations that can help us. These developments have made a way to an easier and more efficient solution for customer service: chatbot.


Having a chatbot is very useful in many aspects. It can be your assistant that can help you converse with multiple customers at once. Its capabilities are not limited by technology because the artificial intelligence (AI) technology is built-in to the software itself. Mostly, chatbot can be found in various messaging apps, such as Facebook messenger.

To communicate with a chatbot, a person is required to key in his/her question. After entering your query, the bot on free chat site will then respond with the detailed and right information. For instance, if a customer asks for product recommendations, the chatbot can dig into tons of data from this person and use this to be the basis of recommendations. Whatever you demand, you can expect to get precise responses. This is because chatbots are equipped with the most advanced technology that is specially built to help business owners.

Chatbots for Websites

Since you already know how chatbot makes a difference in a business, it is about time to get things fixed for your launch. Your free chat site can be more interactive if there’s a quick and easy tool that visitors can use to gather specific information. Chat widget can be a huge help.

This free chat site widget serves as your customer representative. It is an excellent tool if you want to make an impression to site visitors and potential customers. Through this, you wouldn’t find it hard to answer lots of questions all at once. Add the ability of a chatbot to deliver natural conversations, and you can be sure to attain topnotch customer service.

More about chatbots

The things that chatbot can do for your business are endless. For customer experience, free chat site are no doubt one of the most engaging platforms utilized. They provide high-quality customer service, well-presented product recommendations, effective marketing campaigns, and more. Given that technology continues to make further developments, we can expect more exciting features in the upcoming days.

Chatbots are also helpful in troubleshooting. For instance, if your customer experience unforeseen product issues, he/she can then connect with a chatbot to explain the condition. Once the customer is done, the bot then responds with suggestions on how to fix the product. Having that ability, your business is rewarded with hassle-free encounters. Plus, you are also able to get things in place without compromising any of your services.

The top reason why chatbots should be included in your website is that they are the most preferred customer service representatives by this time. It roots from its distinct characteristics to be faster and far less invasive. Another thing is that free chat site can save your time and money because it is considerably easy to set up.

Since chatbots are usually connected to messaging apps which have billions of users, there is a big possibility that customers are ready for your bot.  They are not just the future of customer engagement. The free chat site are the present rulers that can replace most of our search windows and other applications.

Setting up free chat site Widgets

free chat site

One of the basic requirements in managing a business website is the capacity to make a livelier interaction. With that being mentioned, having a free chat site widget is your last hope to increase customer engagement. If you want to grow your community, then being connected with your target market is the solution. To be acquainted with them, you need to provide them with great customer service. However, there’s no need to hire someone to assist you. With chatbot, you can multitask without the worries of missing inquiries.

If you are able to put a proper chat widget on your site, you are sure to get real-time updates and feedback about your products, services, and other contents. You can also potentially increase your sales if you are able to respond to every concern and site inquiries. 

To help you set up, here are the top 10 free chat site widgets that you can install on your website:

1. is an ideal instant messaging app for most websites. Whether you are using WordPress, Typepad, or other platforms, this one can be effective. What makes it better than other free chat site is that it is compatible AIM, GTalk, Yahoo! Messenger, and even Facebook. Through this, visitors are not required to sign up for an account. Instead, they can use their existing accounts for the supported messaging platforms.

2. phpFreeChat

This free chat site app app supports multiple chat rooms and private messages. It is a free PHP-based chat system that is packed with lots of features that are more common in desktop clients. The best thing about it is that you can customize the themes t ensure outstanding user experience.

3. CBox

CBox makes a move to combine the features of traditional IM clients with social media platform benefits. You will find it very convenient because the user app is straightforward and direct. It is effortless to install and understand because it only relies on client-side JavaScript and HTML. It is an absolutely free chat site. However, there’s also a premium version that is available for $2.00 per month. The premium version has added features and is completely ad-free.

4. Chatango

If you want a customizable chat room plug-in on your website, you can install Chatango. The main advantage of using this chatbox is that users can have their avatar. Also, it offers different user roles that give every participant the ability to become an admin or moderator.

5. Ajax IM

Ajax IM is a light-weight free chat site app for your website. It only weighs 78KB. The app default can be compared to Facebook’s web-based chat client where it is pinned at the footer of the website pages. It is a slick and open IM client for your business website.

6. AJAX Chat

As the name suggests, you will have the idea that AJAX Chat uses client-side JavaScript to run the chat box on your website. Aside from its primary purpose, it can also be used as a shoutbox where users can quickly leave a message and shout it out to other website visitors and administrators.

7. JWChat

This chat app is an Ajax-powered chat. If you want to get your chat widget running instantly, JWChat is for you. Since it only uses JavaScript and HTML, it is one of the fastest ways to set up chat boxes. You can picture it as the traditional IM client with lots of features, such as emoticon support and much more.

8. AjaxChat for WordPress

This is a free site chat widget that supports live chat functionality. It allows WordPress users to chat with other visitors without needing to refresh the browser.

free chat site
9. iJab

iJab is a web-based IM client that is developed by Google Web Toolkit. It is free, and it uses Ajax for client simulation. It is a good solution to achieve the same features like Facebook chat that people can use in their browser.

10. Mibew Web Messenger

Also called as Open Web Messenger, Mibew Web Messenger is a free and open-source chat application. It was generated with PHP and MySQL. It was developed with live customer support. However, it still works in other contexts.

If you want to make your business known globally, you need the perfect partner: the chatbot. With its abilities to deliver top of the line customer service, you can be sure to attain increased sales and extensive connections.

At HeroBot, you can get proper guidance in bringing your own bot to life. So, if you want to achieve business success, you should start by choosing the best customer service representatives. Learn more about chatbots by getting in touch with HeroBot today!

Speak Bot – How It Impacts Our Modern Business

speak bot

With the prevailing development of technology and the Internet today, it seems like everything now is really possible. As we continue living underneath the blanket of continuous digital advancement, we can easily bring to life whatever comes to our mind. Even taking chatbots technology into another level is no longer impossible.

speak bot

No doubt that chatbots have become so useful nowadays for each and every one. They are the present-day model of modern communication and interaction. Chatbots are designed to hold a significant conversation with human users. Normally, they respond to the inquiries through messenger chat. However, the typical write and read conversation may be quite boring for some human users sometimes. That’s why developers bring a significant chatbots integration and introduce speak bot to the world. 

Speak bot alters the casual performance of chatbots and shifts its existing technological landscape. With this new advancement, the once voiceless chatbots can now actually talk to you. It really brings the human users a virtual experience of getting into a valuable conversation.

It is really an amazing technological innovation because this speak bot is warmly-accepted and widely-used around the world. Not a surprise anymore, when one day, these chatbots take another milestone that would leave everyone in awe.

The Voiceless Chatbots and How It Rocks the Business World

Basically, chatbots are a computer program that performs an automatic task. Specifically, chatbots interact with human users through a chat interface to respond to their inquiries. Since chatbots are made out of advanced and high-technology formulations, they perform so well to the extent that human users can’t distinguish easily if they are talking to a chatbot or to a real human. That’s why people entrust chatbots to do some responsibilities regarding human communication and interaction. The widespread use of chatbots around the world is really inevitable.

In business, even voiceless, the use of chatbots is still widely-adopted. Commonly, most companies use this AI program to communicate and interact with a vast number of people, which is sometimes difficult to handle. As a result, companies receive additional help in managing their business. With this, accomplishing other workloads is not compromised, and daily track of internal operation becomes smoothly efficient. But beyond that, there is a lot more to what voiceless chatbots bring the business world.

Aside from the things mentioned above, voiceless chatbots change the business world with the following:

It makes the business updated to latest trends

It is undeniable that almost everyone is well connected to each other through the use of social media. So if you wish to have a tight connection with your customers and your clients, this is not going to be a difficult task. As we all know, Facebook is one of the top applications nowadays. That’s why chatbots over Facebook Messenger is really a great help to your business.

It helps your company monitor your customers

You can actually collect some feedback from your customers by reading through their answers from questions generated by your chatbots. Since chatbots are programmed with consistent interaction pattern, you can regularly check your business and transparently see the aspects that need some improvements.

It increases the company’s engagement to its customers

Since your chatbots are communicating with a vast number of customers, your company itself gains a lot of engagement to their customers. With this, it boosts the presence of your company up to the minds of customers. It increases the chance of your company to get remembered always.

How Can Speak Bot Help Improve Your Business Management?

Apparently, everyone’s most used communication skill is listening. According to some studies, people often spend 45 percent of their daily time to listening. With this, speak bot does not get a hard time immersing to the existing human culture and communication.  

Speak bot still functions the same as the conventional chatbots. However, it brings a different way on how to communicate with human users. Since speak bot can now actually talk to human users, you can be able to hear an actual voice talking to you. It sounds beneficial to most people because mostly, people can easily understand an idea by listening to an explanation.

In business, speak bot still does the same work. However, since speak bot incorporates listening to its interaction, it can safely say that speak bot is more interactive and instructive. Speak bot creates more direct engagement to its customers. As they can hear real voices talking towards them, they can actually feel that they are interacting with the real human user. As a result, your customers may feel that they are privileged with more freedom to interact with your company directly. You can easily get feedback from them and get straight to resolution.

Do not ever take it for granted. Always listen to your customers. As what proverbs always say, customers are always right. Hence, below are the benefits that your company can get if you listen to your customers:

speak bot
Maintain Relationship with Your Customers

Since you can receive consistent feedback from your customers, you can easily make a move to please your customers and give what they need. In return, your customers would feel you genuinely care towards them and towards their needs. That is why; you can maintain a good bond to them, which is very important to sustain your business.

Consistent Soaring Income

A consistent action to give the customer a better service is a very good move. If they hear such feedback from others, there is no doubt if you would gain new customers. As a result, you would surely have a stable and increasing income.

Honest Feedback

If customers feel like they can freely tell you whatever they want to say, you will surely receive honest feedback from them. It is better to receive such kind of feedbacks than to receive some fabricated feedbacks. You can easily locate something that is not right and gives some action against it. No need to hear it from others and use it against you.

Things You Might Not Know About Speak Bot

It is evident that speak bot possesses a lot more high technology qualities than chatbots. That’s why speak bot is perceived by many as more effective and more efficient in many aspects. Since speak bot becomes now a part of our daily business interaction, sometimes, we can no longer notice how this artificial intelligence really helps us. In connection with this, below is the list of some helpful things that often get overlooked in speak bot:


Compared to a casual chatbot, speak bot is really more convenient to use. Imagine you are comparing what is more convenient between text messaging and phone calls. What will you choose? If you are holding a conversation with someone regarding a critical matter, better choose phone calls. Likewise, directly talking to a speak bot with no distraction of typing your message is way better. In this way, you can really focus on the conversation itself.

No Typographical Issues

We all know that chatbots are extremely dependent on natural language processing. Different series and organization of words, sentences, and paragraphs are stored inside the chatbots’ databases. Hence, the comprehension level of chatbots highly relies on this collection. As a result, chatbots cannot easily recognize and interpret typographical errors. I contrast with speak bot, typographical errors are not possible. With this, we can say that holding a conversation with a speak bot is going to be more effective than chatting with a chatbot.

Works Like A Call Center Agent
speak bot

Speak bot serves as the new extravagant helper, especially to industries that provide customer service. Speak bot can easily comprehend and recognize a series of patterns after having it learned. With this, speak bot has the ability to identify the problem of their customers and the solution that suits it the best. We can safely say that this speak bot can really work as a full-time call center agent. Investing for a speak bot is more cost-effective than hiring a full-time call center agent.

The amazing technology of speak bot may really sound fancy, but beyond that, it is really great help, especially to business industries. Investing for a speak bot is a great move for your company that you should not miss. Your company always deserves the best. However, above all, customer service is still the backbone of your company. Being a good and reputable company, you should always put first the welfare of your customers under your service. From what has mentioned above, speak bot is really the best choice to manage your loyal customers. Knowing what they need and handling what they are redressing about is your first move to reward your loyal customers with what they deserve. So do not hesitate to turn to speak bot for help.

If you already made up your mind and decided to turn to speak bot for your business, there is a place where you can go to— Hero Bot. Here, we can provide you with everything you need when it comes to chatbots technology. Let us start to engage with chatbots and help your company bring the best customer service in town. For inquiries, you may visit us at