Speak Bot – How It Impacts Our Modern Business

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With the prevailing development of technology and the Internet today, it seems like everything now is really possible. As we continue living underneath the blanket of continuous digital advancement, we can easily bring to life whatever comes to our mind. Even taking chatbots technology into another level is no longer impossible.

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No doubt that chatbots have become so useful nowadays for each and every one. They are the present-day model of modern communication and interaction. Chatbots are designed to hold a significant conversation with human users. Normally, they respond to the inquiries through messenger chat. However, the typical write and read conversation may be quite boring for some human users sometimes. That’s why developers bring a significant chatbots integration and introduce speak bot to the world. 

Speak bot alters the casual performance of chatbots and shifts its existing technological landscape. With this new advancement, the once voiceless chatbots can now actually talk to you. It really brings the human users a virtual experience of getting into a valuable conversation.

It is really an amazing technological innovation because this speak bot is warmly-accepted and widely-used around the world. Not a surprise anymore, when one day, these chatbots take another milestone that would leave everyone in awe.

The Voiceless Chatbots and How It Rocks the Business World

Basically, chatbots are a computer program that performs an automatic task. Specifically, chatbots interact with human users through a chat interface to respond to their inquiries. Since chatbots are made out of advanced and high-technology formulations, they perform so well to the extent that human users can’t distinguish easily if they are talking to a chatbot or to a real human. That’s why people entrust chatbots to do some responsibilities regarding human communication and interaction. The widespread use of chatbots around the world is really inevitable.

In business, even voiceless, the use of chatbots is still widely-adopted. Commonly, most companies use this AI program to communicate and interact with a vast number of people, which is sometimes difficult to handle. As a result, companies receive additional help in managing their business. With this, accomplishing other workloads is not compromised, and daily track of internal operation becomes smoothly efficient. But beyond that, there is a lot more to what voiceless chatbots bring the business world.

Aside from the things mentioned above, voiceless chatbots change the business world with the following:

It makes the business updated to latest trends

It is undeniable that almost everyone is well connected to each other through the use of social media. So if you wish to have a tight connection with your customers and your clients, this is not going to be a difficult task. As we all know, Facebook is one of the top applications nowadays. That’s why chatbots over Facebook Messenger is really a great help to your business.

It helps your company monitor your customers

You can actually collect some feedback from your customers by reading through their answers from questions generated by your chatbots. Since chatbots are programmed with consistent interaction pattern, you can regularly check your business and transparently see the aspects that need some improvements.

It increases the company’s engagement to its customers

Since your chatbots are communicating with a vast number of customers, your company itself gains a lot of engagement to their customers. With this, it boosts the presence of your company up to the minds of customers. It increases the chance of your company to get remembered always.

How Can Speak Bot Help Improve Your Business Management?

Apparently, everyone’s most used communication skill is listening. According to some studies, people often spend 45 percent of their daily time to listening. With this, speak bot does not get a hard time immersing to the existing human culture and communication.  

Speak bot still functions the same as the conventional chatbots. However, it brings a different way on how to communicate with human users. Since speak bot can now actually talk to human users, you can be able to hear an actual voice talking to you. It sounds beneficial to most people because mostly, people can easily understand an idea by listening to an explanation.

In business, speak bot still does the same work. However, since speak bot incorporates listening to its interaction, it can safely say that speak bot is more interactive and instructive. Speak bot creates more direct engagement to its customers. As they can hear real voices talking towards them, they can actually feel that they are interacting with the real human user. As a result, your customers may feel that they are privileged with more freedom to interact with your company directly. You can easily get feedback from them and get straight to resolution.

Do not ever take it for granted. Always listen to your customers. As what proverbs always say, customers are always right. Hence, below are the benefits that your company can get if you listen to your customers:

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Maintain Relationship with Your Customers

Since you can receive consistent feedback from your customers, you can easily make a move to please your customers and give what they need. In return, your customers would feel you genuinely care towards them and towards their needs. That is why; you can maintain a good bond to them, which is very important to sustain your business.

Consistent Soaring Income

A consistent action to give the customer a better service is a very good move. If they hear such feedback from others, there is no doubt if you would gain new customers. As a result, you would surely have a stable and increasing income.

Honest Feedback

If customers feel like they can freely tell you whatever they want to say, you will surely receive honest feedback from them. It is better to receive such kind of feedbacks than to receive some fabricated feedbacks. You can easily locate something that is not right and gives some action against it. No need to hear it from others and use it against you.

Things You Might Not Know About Speak Bot

It is evident that speak bot possesses a lot more high technology qualities than chatbots. That’s why speak bot is perceived by many as more effective and more efficient in many aspects. Since speak bot becomes now a part of our daily business interaction, sometimes, we can no longer notice how this artificial intelligence really helps us. In connection with this, below is the list of some helpful things that often get overlooked in speak bot:


Compared to a casual chatbot, speak bot is really more convenient to use. Imagine you are comparing what is more convenient between text messaging and phone calls. What will you choose? If you are holding a conversation with someone regarding a critical matter, better choose phone calls. Likewise, directly talking to a speak bot with no distraction of typing your message is way better. In this way, you can really focus on the conversation itself.

No Typographical Issues

We all know that chatbots are extremely dependent on natural language processing. Different series and organization of words, sentences, and paragraphs are stored inside the chatbots’ databases. Hence, the comprehension level of chatbots highly relies on this collection. As a result, chatbots cannot easily recognize and interpret typographical errors. I contrast with speak bot, typographical errors are not possible. With this, we can say that holding a conversation with a speak bot is going to be more effective than chatting with a chatbot.

Works Like A Call Center Agent
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Speak bot serves as the new extravagant helper, especially to industries that provide customer service. Speak bot can easily comprehend and recognize a series of patterns after having it learned. With this, speak bot has the ability to identify the problem of their customers and the solution that suits it the best. We can safely say that this speak bot can really work as a full-time call center agent. Investing for a speak bot is more cost-effective than hiring a full-time call center agent.

The amazing technology of speak bot may really sound fancy, but beyond that, it is really great help, especially to business industries. Investing for a speak bot is a great move for your company that you should not miss. Your company always deserves the best. However, above all, customer service is still the backbone of your company. Being a good and reputable company, you should always put first the welfare of your customers under your service. From what has mentioned above, speak bot is really the best choice to manage your loyal customers. Knowing what they need and handling what they are redressing about is your first move to reward your loyal customers with what they deserve. So do not hesitate to turn to speak bot for help.

If you already made up your mind and decided to turn to speak bot for your business, there is a place where you can go to— Hero Bot. Here, we can provide you with everything you need when it comes to chatbots technology. Let us start to engage with chatbots and help your company bring the best customer service in town. For inquiries, you may visit us at https://powerpres.com/.

The Ultimate List of Must-Try Chatbot Application on the Net

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Try to remember the last time that you’ve ordered a pizza over the internet. Are you sure you were talking to a real human? With the growing adaption of chatbots among marketers, we’ll never really know, nowadays, there is a wide ocean of chatbot application available on the internet.

With the great entrance of chatbots in the world of technology, the idea of artificial intelligence (AI) and its robotic appeal to people surprisingly died out. Chatbots are now dubbed as the “new apps” still because of their amazing contributions in making lives more convenient.

But since apps were already mentioned, we’ll first head-on in knowing what chatbot applications really are, and why you should start using them.

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Chatbot application – what is it?

Well, these chatbot apps are defined as tools which use human-mimicking behavior, powered by Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Natural-Language Understanding (NLU), triggering and enabling app-to-human conversation.

Apparently, the only thing that separates these applications from the “regular” apps is their user interface. Also, the regular ones have a visual interface which is comprised of icons and buttons. Chatbot apps, on the other hand, have a chat interface wherein users literally chat with the application itself and operate it that way.

Types of chatbot application

Goal-Oriented (G-O) and Purpose-Oriented (P-O) are the two types of chatbot applications.

Goal Oriented Chatbots are open-ended, and they’re there for a conversation. They will talk to you until you wish and don’t have any immediately underlying motives behind their design. Purpose-Oriented Chatbots is a means to an end; they exist to make existing processes easier or better performed.

“Would chatbot apps do me any good?”

You would not even dare to ask if these apps would do any good to you since they can do things other software couldn’t even dream of. So you can assure that they are not just computer programs. They can be your virtual romantic partner, your healthcare assistant, your life coach – you name it!

Let’s get to the business!

While there were over a hundred thousand active bots, there is probably no easy way of telling which can be hailed as “the best of all chatbots.” Yet, you can always explore some of the outstanding examples of AI bots and applications that are listed below. They might be created with different marketing tactics; still, they are all with the same goal of making our lives easier and even more interesting.

Mitsuku – Your New Chatbot Friend

There are really times when we just get bored but, unfortunately, got no one else to talk to. Worry no more because you have Mitsuku! This chatterbot application was created by Steve Worswick and is a two-time recipient of the legendary award of Leobner prize for being recognized as the most human-like AI bot. You can talk to “her” via Kik messenger, Telegram, and can also be accessed as a flash game online. It might not be the most useful chatbot app, but it will surely impress you with its amazing way of conversing to users.  

Behold, as Mitsuku can understand the language you are using, can sense your mood and answer your questions like an 18-year old girl (which she claims as her age). Also, it uses supervised machine learning that cannot be corrupted with false statements since a human manager is verifying it. Indeed, wonderful!

Melody – Your Medical Chatbot Assistant

If you are tired of getting hold of your doctor’s schedule, Melody might be the key. Also, it is an on-demand app launched by a Chinese search engine giant. It has the ability to connect its users with the local doctors, answering inquiries, and arranging appointments. With its simple conversational interface, you will not surely encounter difficulties in accessing it.

Moreover, Melody can also collect your information details, examine the symptoms you will be citing, and suggest possible diagnoses to help you decide whether you should see a doctor or not.

Hello Hipmunk – Your Travel Chatbot Buddy
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Are you in search of a travel assistant? Well then, the chatbot application named Hello Hipmunk was created to effortlessly help you book flights and find hotels perfect for your trips. The reason for Hello Hipmunks’ success is that it purposely targets the most laborious thing for travelers – the booking process. One thing is for sure, by using Hello Hipmunk, you can really save money and time as it also manages your calendar and emails for a much better travel experience!

Chip – Your Saving Chatbot Partner

Taking the whole finance management thing to a new level is this application called Chip. Also, it stands out from the other apps of the same nature as it functions to automatically remind you of the amount you will be spending, how much would your savings be and how much you could actually save. Interestingly enough, the messages it sends to the users are mostly informal and friendly, filled with emojis and GIF images.

Poncho – Your Weather Chatbot Companion

Having thoughts on whether to bring an umbrella or not? Poncho, a very entertaining cat chatbot, has always an answer! The application is very loved by its users because it sends out weather forecasts and alerts in the most humorous way possible. Poncho has a vibrant personality that uses stickers, GIFs, memes, and games to keep you engaged and entertained. This can be accessed via Facebook Messenger, Viber, Kick, and Slack. Certainly, a must-try!

Meekan – Your Personal Chatbot Secretary

If you are getting headaches of scheduling your appointments, Meekan got your back! This chatbot serves 28,000 happy users, and this chatbot application may already be available with your Slack, Hipchat, or Microsoft account. Moreover, Meekan possesses the capability of reminding you for your upcoming dates, meetings, or events. In setting reminders or meetings, typing “Meekan” and keying what you need is the only thing you will do and all will be set automatically!

Polly – Your Survey Chatbot Aide

Distributing hard copied surveys to thousands of customers is indeed a nuisance. Polly enters the scene with the offer of providing you a level of ease and interactivity that is not promoted in any typical survey tools and applications. It is readily accessible to Slack and Microsoft teams, which are mostly used in gathering employee data – from personal information to satisfaction questionnaires.

Fitmeal – Your Chatbot Nutritionist

Are you dreaming of becoming slimmer and healthier but cannot afford a nutritionist to help you? Downloading Fitmeal chatbot application might be the answer! Well, you have to know that nutritionists are not just for Hollywood celebrities! You can have your own by only accessing Fitmeal app in Messenger, Telegram, and in Slack. Also, this application works by tracking what you are eating. By only texting Fitmeal of what have you eaten for breakfast or lunch, it would immediately report your diet condition. It also suggest things you should do to keep your body on shape. Amazing, right?

H&M Chatbot – Your Personal Chatbot Stylist

Just so you know H&M had created their own chatbot that would solve your problem of taking much time on choosing what to wear for the day. It is available for KIK platform that guides you in deciding for the perfect outfit that is certainly fitted for hitting the runway! H&M chatbot asks for your style preferences then suggest which are best for you. You can immediately buy the set through the bot or save it to purchase later. Totally a new and exciting shopping experience!

CNN Chatbot – Your News Chatbot Reporter

If you are that person who had always been curious about what is happening on the world, then maybe you can try accessing CNN’s chatbot to keep yourself updated. Now, you won’t need to wait any longer for the news to be uploaded in websites because this chatbot will readily send you breaking news from all around the world.  This bot remembers your news preferences, and suggest topics that might interest you.

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Hellojoy – Your Mental Health Chatbot Support

You should care for your mental health just as Hellojoy cares for you! Aww! This mental health chatbot support uses AI and NLU to function and help those who are in need. Moreover, it offers services from clinical assessments, behavioral analysis, and imparts actionable insights. Also, it tracks sleep, exercise, and movement data in delivering much-personalized care. Another good thing about this chatbot application is that you can share the data you received from the bot with your local clinician. It works with your own timings, sending motivational messages weekly or even daily.


Chatbots are indeed the future of communication. As you can see from the list, chatbot application can transform to meet almost all of customers and industries’ needs. Again, they might be of different marketing appeal, but they all have one thing in common: THEY ALL WANTED TO HELP YOU! So, the only thing you should be doing by now is to try them all and see how they can be of best help to you!

But if you are interested in creating your own that will add up on the most innovative chatbots listed, then you should definitely visit HeroBot and start building your very first amazing chatbot for free!

Travel Chatbot App: Your Destination Awaits

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Traveling seems like one joyride towards captured memories and stored happiness. But it takes a complete process for you to be able to set your foot on your desired location. You need time and effort to organize your flight bookings to take in a great placement. Since it’s the 21st century, the transaction goes hand on hand electronically with chatbot app.

Heave-ho! A chatbot app will be your saving grace to a system of hassles. These types of apps make you feel at ease for they can attend your traveling concerns.  Conversations over this kind of app will allow you to have traveling inquiries. Basically, online travel agencies attend to their online prospects and treat them with digital hospitality. The world of chatbot enters the traveling industry as well, so it is now easily accessible for travelers to connect with their concerns.

Moreover, Conversing digitally with your inquisition about booking your journey with an impact from the chatbot applications is “digimazing.” The utilization of chatbot applications is pivotal gaming in the digital commerce industry that showcases an excellent interactive phasing and convenience. It is interactive because it quickly responds to the appraisal of the customers. While it is convenient to the part of a dependent with an all in one package of deals and services that is satisfying with their proceedings.

Chatbot in E-Commerce

E-Commerce is one of the gigantic industries on this day and age, creating an expansive internet job for techno-savvy people. A chatbot app offers great help on businesses to attain the supreme state of communication of their beloved customers. After all, traveling is really fun, isn’t it? You’ll be going to witness the overwhelming view of some places, and even collect memories of what’s happening at the moment. If you think booking of your flight schedule or travel schedule is hard, well, worry no more!

Integration of A.I. in chatbot app

Using Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) in undertaking the deemed of the users makes it a rapid-fire productive communication for the interested recipients. Chatbots are being run by the A.I.’s that can also be used promotional matters, online interaction (communication), and as a tactical ally on social media.

Furthermore, with AI’s birth, it’s quite a handful combined with advanced technology machines – micro and macro gadgets. Aligned to this is the time of executing your traveling plan as soon as possible, your vacation has a time limit into it. It is the moment when travel chatbot A.I.’s needs to step in, they can be your online friend in delivering effective communication.

Customer Care Service

Customer Care Service is, of course, should be prioritized, most especially the customers who want to have a vacation in an already fixed timeline. Vacations may depend on the possible errands or work, attending school schedules, so it’s quite dependent on time. Reservations can be easily handled using chatbot apps they can provide you with a highly productive competence. The said trend is not a joke! – it barely is. Send your requests, and they can answer you back with no hesitation.

The personalization or building a solid relationship with your customers is also a must. A.I.’s can make you satisfied and stay for you to come back with what they can offer. Also, chatbots can make an evasion to the 3rd party outsourcing, for business it is highly cost effective. The A.I.’s is active and visible on social media applications such as Facebook Messenger and Instagram that has a large number of users to be reached. Chatting is one of the most favorite activities on social media, and it is convenient for easy access.

During chat performance between the Artificial Intelligence (A.l) and a customer, it can direct you to links and registrations. Chatbot apps are helpfully vital, well, you can be assured that they are automatically responding on certain acquisitions. Meanwhile, they can’t solve complicated problems that you’ll send in. It is monopolized to initiate a response and be a digital representative for that task. A certain travel agency is accommodating you through a travel chatbot application empowered by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.).

Now, let’s take an excavation on the advantages of considering travel chatbots in to account. Delve in as you may leave your agreement on the notable statements beyond this exploration of good words.

Expedition on the advantages

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1. A Breezy Reservation Agent

Basically, they are acting as a travel agent but not having a personal interaction with the customers. With just the work of your fingers chatting with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) they can book your travels on the spot. They can productively take in your preferences or package choices in line with your travel plans. Thinking of hotel reservations is sometimes a scratch in the head; with just an instant, they can help you in reservation processes. With this, you’ll have no worry if you have nothing to stay during your vacation or even places to land in as your trip goes on.

2. Can be an easy online payment center

With an online travel agent, you’ll be at ease too if you are worried about how to pay. The A.I.’s will do its tasks by sending you payment forms online through links, and then the transaction will start for your payment. The travel chatbot apps will lead you to easy access regarding financial transactions. Given as an example, they can give you instructions through Facebook Messenger, and that will direct you to forms of payment exchanges. There are different ways from various travel chatbot apps you’ll just have to attend your interaction on it thoroughly.

3. A portal-like world for recommendations or suggestions

If you are new in using chatbot applications specifically in traveling chatbot applications just so you know, they are tasks-flexible. They can also offer you new packages to add up in your decision on traveling. On the other hand, they can take your duty to plan for your travel or trips. The travel chatbot application can make you choose on the recent and latest recommendations on where to and what to choose as a tour package and deals. They can also suggest places, hotels, and restaurants to visit while you’ll do your vacation schedules.

4. Acts as a customer service representative

Inquiries can be a hectic corner to answer for a travel agency because their customers are heterogeneous – a lot to give responses. Servicing the customers to the fullest effort is truly commendable, but now the conversations are also done electronically. Chatbot applications are also capable of taking care of their customers. They can meet your problems and gives a solution to the best that they can. They are also aiding the question marks to be shaded as black as a sign of effective communication.

5. Time savior

If you have a lot of schedules to do and cannot go personally in a travel agency then you are advised to use a travel chatbot app. Keep the hassles away from you and inquire to the A.I.s of a chatbot with their rapid performance. In just a couple of clicks on your own gadgets then you can settle your travel plans easily. You can reserve the exhaustion for reservation and bookings that can be done by the effort of online travel chatbot applications. Time is precious, so don’t let it waste away by spending too much time fulfilling the progress for journey applications.

6. An excellent data and record caster

Encountered some problems within your application or registration can take away your trust to an agency. Chatbots, as empowered digitally, can restore certain memories from your previous conversations. Also, they can manage it for business purposes or some problems encountered throughout the sign-up process for travel. As it is stated they can retrieve data from the communication between A.I.’s and the customers. It can be useful for the queries if there are some regards regarding the online process that have done.

7. All around competitive performance (from flight to walk trips)

Airport booking for flights, hotel room reservations, restaurants to eat, with easy access, it is good in one go. They are one for a competitive package that is swiftly attended. With taps, it will go all the way towards the airport – booked for travel. Hotel Reservations they have a lot of hotel offers, and you can choose from your chosen quality. The nearest restaurants that you can walk in from, they will manage to suggest you the best of the best. It is competitive to it’s finest as far as you know because they will cater you a fast yet excellent service.

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Your journey starts here! Try a travel chatbot app!

A lot of people want to wander around with fluid access online. If you own a travel and tours agency, it might be ideal to integrate a chatbot app with your business. Or you can even create a Facebook page and let a chatbot handle your customer services. Don’t know where to start? Well, here’s Herobot that will help you all throughout your chatbot venture. We offer the best and reliable chatbot services that will make you up for more from us. Let start now! Together, we’ll bring your business to another level. You can visit our website through this link.