Best Bot Creation Tool and 6 Best Innovative Bot Examples to Help Build Your Own

best bot

Chatbots are widely used today for various purposes. It can be used for entertainment, news updates, sports, and most especially for improving the marketing strategies of businesses. Development of AI technology has made marketing automation more effective. Making the best bot saves significant amounts of money and time, allowing business owners to maximize their time and effort for more critical matters of their business.

Moreover, it brings a substantial increase in businesses’ revenues. Whether big or small companies, chatbots prove to be beneficial; that is if designed and developed properly. Bots that are more personalized and have more exciting features will bring better results. And here in this article, we will discuss the best innovative bots out there.

Chatbot Ecosystem

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The most difficult part of using chatbots is creating an effective conversation. Most brands use chatbots struggles when it comes to this part. You could create warm welcoming conversation structures, but still unable to get traction. Or you may overhaul your pitch, but still unable to acquire leads. You can use funny and interesting emoji or GIFs in sending discount, offers or other contents, but still, get little interaction and response.

The strategies mentioned above have worked efficiently well. That is when the Messenger Chatbot Marketing was still less populated and social media enables organic leads. Nowadays, the chatbot world has become more competitive, and it’s difficult to stand out among thousands of bots out there.

Today, chatbots are being developed to become more human-like and as personal as possible. According to INC, Facebook Messenger is the second most used messaging app in the world. And in fact, more audiences continue to adopt messenger as the main communication medium for business or other transactions.

The world of chatbots has drastically changed. However, the main objective is still the same: To deliver creative, convenient, and fast-responding services.

Presently, you must refrain from sending nonspecific broadcasts or contents to your customer list. This is because it doesn’t work most of the time. In a fierce and strict competition, the best innovative bot should direct customer problems with the most effective and correct solutions.

Useful tips from Best bot of 2019

In this part of the article, we shall start discussing the list of best bot out there, and get some excellent tips and ideas if you want to create your own chatbot:

1. National Geographic chatbot

National Geographic had an excellent idea to give users a chance to talk with Albert Einstein – well at least with a bot that answers like Einstein. They developed a chatbot that would speak like Albert Einstein, in order to endorse one of their show titled “Genius”. Unlike most of the companies which will bombard you with massive promotional messages, Einstein chatbot engages users in a fascinating conversation. In addition, Einstein chatbot will sometimes respond with some information regarding “Genius” and other shows of National Geographic.

How did this benefit National Geographic? According to Social Media Week, they had 11 turns each conversation, 50% user re-engagement, involved community of followers and an average of 6-8 minute conversations. Truly, the best bot that brought excellent results. All these good results by choosing a user-friendly and interesting bot strategy.

Points to learn:

  • Rethink concepts in a brand new way. Several companies use chatbots to improve their customer services. Refrain from using same conversational sequence, over and over again. Instead, create and use something new that no one has ever seen.
  • Make chatbots that deliver intimate conversations. Users of Einstein bot felt and thought they were talking to the real Einstein. Einstein chatbot has given excellent answers to both personal and professional questions asked by the users. Because of this, users have felt an intimate connection with the bot, and then the show it has promoted.
  • Make effective engagement with humor. With a natural conversation, essential information and a good sense of humor, your chatbot can keep on engaging users.

2. KIA’s “Kian”

Automotive is considered as an industry with the fiercest competition in the world. However, with KIA’s chatbot called “Kian”, they had made messenger a feasible channel for information. According to Mobile Marketer, Kian interacts with 115,000 users a week, 21% conversion rate, and has created interaction three times than the corporate site.

Points to learn:
  • Enable humanlike interactions. Kian chatbot gives answers to any questions regarding any of KIA’s car models, just like an actual human salesman.
  • Use data collecting ability of bots and enhance retargeting. Like Kian, you should create a chatbot that captures every customer’s needs and information. Therefore, your leads won’t just vanish and shall drive future sales and marketing strategies.
  • Provide several services in a single place. Don’t use chatbots to do a single task like getting lead information. Utilize them for doing multitasks, such as bills payment, physical store searching, and other more.

It is common for a chatbot to answer basic questions. But if you want to build the best bot, you must design it to answer the multiple needs of your customers. The best bot should provide the best customer service.

3. Emirates Vacations Chatbot

CTR (Click-Through Rate) of display ads averages an all-time low of 0.35%. Because of this, Emirates Vacations integrated chatbot to their display ads. This resulted in 87% increase in engagement rates since it was implemented in 2018.

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Points to learn:

  • Provide a smooth experience. To be able to book a flight right within the ad proves to be convenient for most of Emirates Vacations’ customers. Customers won’t need to be directed to other pages and click a lot of links, therefore making sure profits.
  • Help user achieve their goal. Before browsing the net, users already have a goal in mind. Like Emirates Vacations’ bot, you should develop a bot that will help them complete and achieve their goal within a short amount of time.
  • Be relevant. Instead of sending generic messages to all of your subscribers, provide a different sequence for your business’ homepage, Facebook page, and product pages.

4. Budlight Chatbot

Bud Light’s chatbot provides a fun experience to their customers. With their chatbot, they offer beer deliveries in less than an hour during game days. It also sends specialized team cans and even reminds customers to stock their refrigerators for every coming game day. This resulted in 83% increased engagement rate from its launch.

Points to learn:
  • Do it slowly, but surely. Making the best bot does not happen in an instant. Surely you will want to make a bot that can do everything. But the key to building a successful bot is to take it easy. Make a step-by-step improvement. Doing everything at once during start-up fails most of the time.
  • Send timely and appropriate contents. Just like Bud Light’s chatbot, you should create a bot that will blast customers with random irrelevant contents. Instead, you should send appropriate contents and make sure your timing is also correct.

5. Civilized Caveman Chatbot

One of the first adopters of messenger chatbot quiz was the Civilized Caveman. They provided a 1-minute quiz and then followed by a 7-day detox. This resulted in a fortified relationship between them and their customer.

Points to learn:
  • Include quizzes to start conversations. One of the best way to catch the interest and engage customers. Moreover, by clicking on the “Get Started” button, users already become subscribers.
  • Improve engagement with the use of relevant images. Emoji, GIFs, and images will hold customers’ attention a little longer. This will help you bring customers deeper down to your marketing funnel.

With civilized caveman chatbot’s humanlike approach and excellent conversational tone, they reach their customers’ emotion. Making them curious and interested, until they become a regular subscriber.

6. Whole Foods Chatbot.

Whole Foods’ chatbot is renowned for allowing users to find recipes in an instant, therefore driving significant traffic to their website. Not only recipes they are offering, but a variety of creative cooking inspiration and product recommendations as well.

Points to learn:
  • Make chatbots that simplify searches. One best thing about Whole Foods’ chatbot is that users find it very easy to find recipes and other information they are searching for. With the use of filters, their bot simplifies the search, and moreover, they provide a preview of the recipes. When users decide to click on the showed result, they will be directed to Whole Foods’ website to fully view the recipe.
  • Make it personalized. Making a personalized chatbot can be challenging. However, if done well, a chatbot can create better engagement and customer interaction. It makes users fee a bit happy to feel pampered and special, and not just like one of your many users.
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Create your own now!

We hope these best bot examples have inspired you and enriched your knowledge in regards to chatbots. It really is easy to build chatbots with all the tools available. However, the world of chatbots today have fierce and intense competition. Therefore, the real challenge is to build a chatbot that will stand-out among the rest that exists.

Captivate your users. Stimulate their curiosity and interests. More importantly, provide them the best customer service that you could offer through your own chatbot. What are you waiting for? Start your chatbot ventures now! Herobot will help you in every step of the way. Come visit us.

How to Capture a Potential Customer Using Tricks Like Monkey Message?

monkey message

Internet is a global computer network that provides a variety of info and communication facilities that consist of interconnected networks that use standardized communication protocols. With the help of the internet, people can communicate with each other through the use of online communications. One of these is the monkey message. Also, online communication is the fastest to interact with people across the globe and said to be a subject that is multidimensional and includes several aspects in its range.

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In addition, it also includes everything from emails and online messaging. Imagine that you received an online monkey message on the internet. Isn’t it funny? Business owners use a lot of tricks to capture the interest of their potential customers. They aim to have more target customers than they currently have to ensure that their business won’t fall out. Moreover, communication is important because it is essential in business, transactions, and consultations and for personal purposes.

One of the smartest inventions in advanced technology is the chatbot applications. Chatbots are the higher-level application when it comes to communications.  The fact that they have the Natural Language Processing, which gave them the ability to respond to a human and interact with them just like a real human being. However, building a human-like chatbot is not that easy as it sounds. But with the help of new advanced modern technology, it is possible.

Chatbots’ demands for customer service is getting higher and higher. Users always seek help in resolving their personal problems. Moreover, people use these applications for they think that it is too easy and effective. Above all, the users want to get their information as quickly as possible, and only a machine could do that.

A monkey message?

Not literally a monkey message will appear online. It is not even possible. However, there is a chatbot developing platform that applies a monkey as their model. This chatbot platform named mobile monkey is a tool in building chatbot applications. MobileMonkey is a chatbot platform that is easy to use a chatbot builder and absolutely fastest-growing. Also, it has the Facebook Messenger advertising tool on the app market. This platform is useful for building mobile-friendly chatbots for new generations and in optimizing conversions.

MobileMonkey supports funnel marketing activity that includes appointment setting, website chat, and advertisement. Their goal to achieve is to build a marketing software unicorn that has the best working environment and industries. In addition, they could also help businesses in creating and launching mobile chatbots on their unique Mobile Marketing Platform. This platform is led by a proven executive team that has a massive Martech success.

What is a Martech Breakthrough? Martech is another for marketing technology. It is a term for software and tech tools for planning, executing, and measuring marketing campaigns. Additionally, Martech Breakthrough is an independent organization which recognizes the best companies, technology, and their product in the marketing industries. Martech breakthrough showcase both marketing technologies and companies who have succeeded in exemplifying the best in Martech solutions all over the globe.

The Martech industry is now serving these marketing professionals who are now actively competitive. It is also used to automate or streamline marketing processes, provides various means of reaching, and also engage with the target audience. Martech stack is a suite of tools that a company leverages for the marketing process. If you can’t still understand Martech stack, here is another note for you. Martech can also be understood in the context of its four technology layers in enterprise digital marketing architecture.

The difference between chatbot platforms

Chatbots developing platform is far different from each other. Additionally, these chatbot applications nowadays are becoming popular differently with their varying levels of capabilities by different programmers across the globe. AI-powered applications are now evolving and providing incredible value to their users. Most of them are used to help organizations boost their revenue, extend business productivity, and innovate business operations. Chatbots are useful, but it is based on their skills.

Chatbot’s intelligence can be determined on how they can interact with their users, assist in conducting business, and resolving people’s problems. However, some of the platforms only develop a text messaging chatbot application, which sends some monkey message. And some only build voice automated chatbot, and more likely maybe there is a platform that creates both kinds of chatbots. There are various ways to build a chatbot application with a different method on different platforms.

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The most platform develops a chatbot for business websites. These chatbots are suitable for both desktop and mobile devices. Another one is Facebook; these include Facebook messenger. In addition, it also develops for SMS Text. And lastly, the Ecommerce platform, the system that works or adapt with an e-commerce platform. Even though they have lots of differences, they also have their similarities. Chatbot platforms provide features such as Natural Language Processing, Machine learning, Context and Coherence, Collaboration Model Training, and many more.

Without these features, these platforms are meaningless. No programming platforms are useful for chatbot development with these kinds of features. Moreover, when it comes to their modeling interactions with the users, they use standard Artificial Intelligence Markup Language. Every platform has its own uniqueness. Some have an interface with the face of a robot, and some create an opening monkey message to capture customers.

Just how smart the chatbots are?

Nowadays, Chatbots are taking numerous of human-being skills. There are chatbots for customer services and their others that are used for personal purposes. Other chatbots are capable of teaching or instructing people. Developers prove that these chatbots applications are said to be the next professional teacher. But that’s not all. It also has the ability in promoting businesses. Most of these chatbots application is programmed to build better interactions between the companies and their potential customers.

However, even though they are machines that are programmed to be a perfect digital assistant, they could also make errors. But that does not negate the significance of chatbot applications. Additionally, these chatbot applications are important for they could provide customers with extraordinary user experiences. Also, artificial Intelligence-powered machines play the biggest role in perceiving the customer’s behaviors for creating their personalized experiences.

Let’s assume what a chatbot could bring in this world. These chatbots are programmed to create conducted conversations through auditory or even textual methods to automate communication and generate a business relationship with their target audience. Even though there’s no human that can perfectly create a perfect chatbot application, still these chatbot applications are close to being perfect.

Not only is it smart, but it could also adapt to human psychology. Also, the robot now acts as a new generation of humans. This might sound scary, but imagine a robot functioning 24/7 and taking care of its user. Artificial Intelligence-powered machines, just like JARVIS in the movie Iron Man, can do anything that their user asks. With the advancements of technology, everything might be possible just like monkey messages or robots falling in love.

Acknowledge the competencies of HeroBot Platform

Learn something new and different in the world of technology with the Herobot platform. Artificial Intelligence developers introduced the platform that can be useful in developing your own chatbot applications. HeroBot is the most complete messaging platform that already helped over 60,000 satisfied users all over the internet. Also, this platform is rapidly improving and upgrading its tools for the development of their chatbots. Additionally, the developers of the Herobot platform prove that they can create something spectacular with the use of advanced modern technology.

In addition, this platform is most likely at the top of the marketing applications. With just a simple drag and drop, the user can now have their own chatbot applications. In addition, Herobot has free registration and grants the user access to several functions. Moreover, Increase your chatbot’s revenue and efficiency with Herobot’s technological tools. Herobot is a platform that you can depend on.

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With its capabilities, the user could do a lot in creating and designing their own chatbot applications. Just like any other platform, Herobot has its model too. As discussed earlier, some unique platforms way of attracting its people, for instance, using a monkey message. Some come up with the idea of a monkey that messages people. If you want to be an expert in building a chatbot, then you should visit the Herobot website. There, you can see learn how to build your chatbots. Enable your business with these chatbots that could also increase your relationships with the customers. To acquire more knowledge about one of the greatest chatbot platforms named Herobot, visit Herobot’s website and together will make a big difference in the world of technology. Click this link to explore the world of HeroBot and their chatbot applications.

How can Your Business Benefit from Online AI Chat?

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The influx of customer populations means a higher demand for customer services and information centers. Chatbots or online AI chat is an automated conversation system that was designed to interact with costumers. However, some business owners still doubt its efficiency due to their fear that these bots may not work the way they want it.

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But actually, there is a wide variety of bots that can answer the customer care needs of the company. They can work with financial services, telecom, travel, and retail. By using chatbots in the right way, you can make a significant impact on your business’ image and even help in its expansion and growth. It is because these bots are created with a high artificial intelligence set to answer and understand a great number of different questions.

How does Online AI Chat work?

Powered by an artificial intelligence system, a chatbot program mimics a real-life interaction of customer service and its users. It gathers conversational dialogue data and analyzes them to copy scenarios and answers for questions encountered.  This will help the bot in reacting to spoken or written requests of costumers.

As they have more interactions with more users, online chat is able to improve over time. Their artificial knowledge about more questions being given to human agents will also expand. Despite its complexity, this conversational interface will be a really big step for the growth of companies.

Benefits of Online AI Chat in Your Business:

Improved customer service

Customer assistance is one of the ways online chat can help your business. Costumers tend to need support and assistance while they are shopping. This is because they want to know more information about the products that they want before actually purchasing it. Also, through some assistance, products can be well marketed with some customers who have doubts about it. They also tend to feel more special when someone is assisting their shopping experience, which makes them more comfortable in your business. Chatbots offers real-time assistance with interactive communication to answer queries and problems from costumers.

Moreover, it is very questionable how companies tend to only respond to users when they are being contacted and never initiates communication with them. However, with the harsh competition in the business world, brands do not have the audacity to act passive anymore. This is why chatbots are here to have more intimate and personalized communication with their customers. They fill the lack of manpower needed to initiate conversations with consumers.

Staying trendy

Researches made by Business Insider shows that more users are using messaging applications rather than other social media networks. This is the main reason why Online AI Chat is beneficial for customer interactions of businesses into its users. Because it provides faster and easier access to communication, businesses are now able to reach more numbers of costumers by using bots. This makes it easier for the business to be acknowledged and reach its potential costumers.

Moreover, it is now unusual for users to download applications other than Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, and Twitter. Other than it being a hassle and time consuming, it also takes up more phone storage. Because these messaging applications are trendy, chatbots are now more accessible for customers who have queries and clarifications. It is also a better way of saving time and money than making your own applications.

More Availability

Customer service is a necessity for the growth and development of a business. While the customer is getting higher demands, the availability of customer care is also expected to reach higher. It is a huge help to have a system that can provide instant answers for queries and information from the costumers 24/7 of the time. This affects the willingness to buy and the satisfaction of costumers. However, with the lack of workforce and time, costumers are just getting on hold while trying to connect with the customer services center.

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With this in mind, Online AI Chat was able to engage with users all the time. Businesses will not need a tremendous amount of human resources anymore. This is because the chatbot system can answer all customer’s needs+ at the same time without getting exhausted. If done right, your business can lure more costumers from different parts into buying products or services you offer.

Law Maintenance costs

Creating and having a full-time functioning chatbot is actually cheaper than hiring more people or even developing new web applications for your business. It is really challenging for employees to deal with and handle two or more persons at the same time. If you want to demand more time and effort from these employees, then it means that you will also need to give them higher salaries. Meanwhile, if you hire more persons, then this will also mean higher workforce costs. By using artificial intelligence, these things, as well as human errors, can be avoided by the company.

Enhanced Customer Interaction

It is essential to keep your costumers’ engagement with your company. With the best interactions with costumers by social media, companies were able to increase the expenditures of costumers from 20% to 40%. Other than creating social media pages, chatbots are also a significant contributor to creating interactive engagements with consumers.

While conventional customer services provide more information to its customers, chatbots receive more information from its users. This is by only providing a small amount of information and gathering more questions about the concerns of costumers. With this, costumers do not actually get bored by only getting the right and exact information they need. Also, more data can be collected and analyzed by the company. It is very helpful in the marketing department of the business. Also, rather than receiving answers more than what they asked for, costumers save time by dealing with bots.

Monitoring and analyzing consumer data

Chatbots are best used and really helpful in promoting an online AI chat. However, they are also able to receive feedback and concerns from the costumers. Simple questions made by costumers are collected as data that can be used by the management in analyzing the problems in their brand or company. With, companies are able to make intensive improvements and careful plans for their better management.

For example, if five costumers are already having problems with the shipment of your products, then you can make a fast solution for these. Also, if there is data gathered about the problems on one of your web pages, then you can utilize a plan to improve it.

Moreover, using chatbots can also help in monitoring and keeping track of consumer behaviours and purchasing patterns. This will be used by the management in knowing the demand of costumers to company products. Companies can track the responses and commands of the costumers to the chatbots and predict possible responses depending on the consumer language.

Easier Global Market Approach

Customer care services are having a hard time dealing with its international costumers due to language differences. However, a chatbot is here to save you from your hassle in your global business. This is by providing a server that can communicate with multiple languages. Also, considering the different timelines, it is really hard to answer the demands of consumers all around the world 24/7 of the time. This is why it is very convenient for companies to have chatbots available all day every day.

Better Lead Generation
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Through personalized messaging, bots are able to assist consumers in their experiences in shopping. With information from its consumers that chatbots receive, they were able to answer users’ questions and persuade them. Moreover, bots can generate a lead for your company, which helps in productivity.

A chatbot can also help in determining qualified from unqualified leads through relevancy, timeline, budget, and resources. This will not only generate potential customers while notifying sales teams. Bots will also prevent you from dealing with leads that are unimportant and only time-consuming.

With online AI chats, there are many changes made with the experiences of the online market. Rather than using and downloading complex websites and taking up too much of your storage, structured menus are turned into a simplified command line. This helps not just in the management and analysis of the company but also in utilizing the budget of the business. Bots are not only effective in large companies but also in small-time businesses. It takes only a small amount of maintenance time and is really easy to build.

This can also help you in using different languages for more global costumers rather than employing or training employees to be multilingual. Chatbots are also cost-effective and can help every type of business. If you are interested in creating the perfect chatbot for your company, you can visit Herobot, and everything is already paved for you. It is hassle-free and will not cost you a lot of money. If you are worried about your IT skills, you also do not have to worry because using a chatbot is actually really easy. Visit our website for more information.

Bot Business: Perks of Having One

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In this world of a high-rocketing number of social media users, it is no surprise how using artificial intelligence is now a trend. Bot business is now emerging as the biggest helper of business people on operating their shops. This has also let them connect with their costumers more intimately and faster. It was made possible by using chatbots, which imitates human conversation and interacts with its senders.

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A business bot is a computer program devised for automated communication and information gathering. Trade industries are common bot users. However, entertainment and gaming companies are also using bots to make their pages and applications more interactive. Moreover, some consumers prefer engaging in conversation with bots than human servers.

Bot Business – Why Should Your Business Have One?

If you have to look at how business competitiveness is measured nowadays, it is based on the efficiency level of their respective customer service. Knowing that every business is now using chatbots to manage their customers, why would you let your business get left behind? SO to give you some ideas, below are the reasons why your company should use bot business right now:

1. Bots are now dominating the world of commerce

Social media marketing and online shopping are now growing. Before, industries were shaken by applications and infographics. Nowadays, something has already stolen the spotlight— business bots.

Most businesses are now entering the online community to increase their customers. Be it in the fashion and beauty industries, gadget shops, or even restaurants; they now have their online sites to accommodate more costumers. Even bank and loan companies are also using this nowadays. Some of the examples of companies using bots are Starbucks, Spotify, Fandango, Sephora, Wall Street Journals, and McDonalds.

As more online customers are discovering the hype and convenience of online shopping, companies have new problems. They do not have enough employees to answer the inquiries of heightened costumers. With this, bots came to the rescue. Today, there are around 100,000 active online bots in the Messenger community already.

Moreover, bot business is not only used for communicating with costumers and answering their inquiries. Most users create their bots for other business tasks such as a collection of costumers’ information, reducing overhead costs, and organizing meetings. Marketing is now expanding, and more population are now engaging in more online activities. This is the reason why the numbers of people who are using bots are now increasing.

2. Brings in more costumers

Due to the effectiveness of bots, costumers of companies are now reportedly increasing. Sephora has heightened its makeover appointments by 11% due to the Facebook Messenger App. Meanwhile, 1-800 flowers reported that they increased their messenger orders by more than 70% by using bots. Over billions of users of messenger applications, it is most likely that bot businesses can find their most loyal customers online.

Moreover, bots increase the company’s brand and image. Communication with costumers is the embodiment of the customer service of the company. Artificial intelligence has fewer tendencies of acting personal due to their lack of emotion. Despite these, good chatbot can communicate with the customers better and more intimately than some employees.

Upselling is also one of the functions bots can do. Shopping is like an addiction, and after a person bought something, they are more likely to crave for something more. This is an excellent opportunity for upselling to take place and recommend more products to the customer. Furthermore, it can also do predictive analytics. It collects data and information about the liked and bought items of the customer. It would then analyze the products the consumer is likely to buy next. According to McKinsey, a report says that 35% of Amazon’s consumer purchases came from product recommendations based on algorithms.

3. Smart Messaging

Online chatbots use smart messaging to save time and efforts by automating customer support. According to Gartner, by 2020, over 85% of customer interactions would be handled without a human. Furthermore, costumers find bots more convenient. Companies were able to answer their inquiries much faster with it. By inputting complete brand and product information, pages and sites were also able to clear misunderstanding much better.

Moreover, they can update costumers about the status of their accounts and the new promos available. Bank companies also use bots to automatically warn their clients about issues and dangers in their bank accounts. Personalization also helps businesses a lot. According to an Accenture report, consumers are 75% more likely to buy from a retailer that recognizes them by name or recommends options based on past purchases.

Moreover, this saves the company effort and time that they can use for other things like creating more products or planning more diverse promotions.

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4. Human Relations

Human Relations is one of the important factors that companies must always consider. However, most HR employees are having problems in maintaining a high level of engagement of employees. These days, business bots are now on their way of improving HR in companies as much as possible. They help the employees’ engagement in their work. It also decreases HR headcounts, costs, and efficiency.

Moreover, by becoming the middle layer, bots integrate with existing systems and offer a much easier user-friendly experience for the employees. Artificial intelligence also helps in the recruitment process effectively. After job postings, they easily inform and communicate with potential employees. It evaluates their background, qualifications and gives them scores automatically afterward. Applicants were also tested by asking them simple questions like a hiring assistant.

Business Without Chatbots – How Would It Look Like?

Since bot business is now widely used today. Its benefits become a vital part of the business foundation. Now, if we eliminate chatbots from the picture, do you have any idea how our business world would look like? Well, let’s try to take a look:

1. Increasing Operational Costs

Believe it or not, your bot business won’t survive without customer service. Customer agents are the ones who manage your customers from their requests to complaints. Hiring full-time or groups of full-time customer service agents are too costly. They are being paid monthly in return for their hard work. Therefore, without chatbots serve as an alternative customer service agent, expect a continuous operational cost.

2. Slow Marketing and Sales Progress

One thing that chatbots always guarantee is maximized customer engagement. Additionally, chatbots can accommodate a vast number of customer concerns and provide assistance right away. That is why many of your customers receive more interactions from your business. So, imagine your business interaction without chatbots? Expect that customer concerns are not quickly addressed and responded.

3. Reach Fewer Customers To Introduce New Products

When your business is launching a brand new product, it is essential to broadcast its details to a vast audience right away. One thing you can do to reach them out certainly is to let your chatbots talk for you. Since chatbots have an amazing capability to speak to several people simultaneously, introducing your new products would be so much efficient. However, if it has to be done manually by real-human marketers, this may take a quite long time before reaching a large number of potential customers as much as chatbots can do.

4. High-satisfactory Customer Service is Quite Hardly Attainable

Pleasing our customers is indeed a tough challenge for business owners. All their demands are continually changing and becoming more demanding as days go by. Therefore, chatbots, which can send efficient and immediate responses to their customers, are what you need to gain high-satisfactory remarks from your customers. Nowadays, most of them demand instant action, which is quite difficult for real-human customer service agents to provide.

5. You Have to Do the Same Operations Repetitively

There are some similar tasks that you have to do at least every day. Some of these operations could make you feel dull eventually from doing it again and again. However, chatbots have one feature that addresses this business issue. Chatbots introduces automation to the world of business. With this, some daily operation, like sending updates, business reporting, and other related tasks, can benefit a lot from automation. Just imagine your business day-to-day business operations without chatbots; your days in the office would be relatively the same.

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6. You Lose the Chance to Better Understand Your Customers

Chatbots can collect and record a number of personal information of their customers while talking to them over the chat. That is why bots can provide a transparent record of data that business owners can use to analyze their customers. Using these records, the analyst can also locate some sign of improvements within their business and identify how their customers behave. Real-Human customer service may indeed get a hard time doing this all at once. Chatbots are directly connected to the business’s entire database that is why; chatbots can put in and put out data easily. 

Connect With Us!

If you have a business and you do not want to be outdated with the latest trends, you need to have these trendy bots. However, creating an interactive artificial intelligent agent that the user would trust is not easy. However, with HeroBot, you can easily make the best bot business that can satisfy your needs. For more information, you can visit our website by clicking this link.

Awesome Chatbot List: The Reasons Why You Should Love Chatbot

love chatbot

Have you ever fell in love with a chatbot? If yes, well, I cannot judge you. There really are a lot of reasons why you should love this innovative platform. From the beginning of chatbots when Alan Turing published the question, ‘’Can machines think?” which gave life to of Artificial Intelligence, to the most sophisticated chatbots the digital world has, there really are a lot of reasons to love chatbot.

love chatbot

Let me tell you a story. There was once a renowned psychologist named Robert Epstein who fell in love with a girl named Evana. Way back in 2006, Epstein, who was also the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today had a couple of month-long online affair with Evana. But, there was a problem, Evana turned out to be a product of Artificial Intelligence. AI platforms like Evana are more commonly known as chatbots. Of course, this is not the kind of love that I mentioned a while ago. However, I can give you a long list of reasons why you should love chatbot as well as the list of innovative chatbot platforms online.

The Brief History of Chatbots

Since the first AI-powered chatbot was already mentioned, let me first take you back to the history of bots.

As mentioned, it was in 1950 when an English computer scientist named Alan Turing proposed the question, “Can machines think?” which gave birth to the first artificial intelligence platform named Turing Test.

In 1966, the contemporaries of Turing tried to pass his test. Joseph Weizenbaum created ELIZA, the first-ever chatbot. However, ELIZA failed to pass the Turing Test.

ALICE was the most advanced chatbot in 1995. Although this bot was not able to pass the Turing Test, it received a lot of awards for being the most innovative bot of its time.

It was in 2010 when Apple brought Siri to life. Siri is an intelligent assistant that is able to operate using voice command.

In the present, Amazon wants to improve their AI voice command named Alexa by making her an intelligent social bot who can talk to anyone, anywhere.

Reasons why you should love chatbot

Just like your crushes, chatbots also have some good qualities that users find attractive. But, before I give you the list of AI-powered platforms that you should fall for, let me first enumerate the reasons why chatbots are getting famous nowadays.


Chatbot interfaces today are equally accessible, regardless of language proficiency. Additionally, the latest chatbot interfaces can now be used by people with visual impairments. For instance, chatbots can read texts aloud for people who are visually impaired.


There are a lot of data breaching issues in the midst of the digital world’s fame. However, chatbots became more secured. These bots are transparent on the data they collect; furthermore, users can now choose what information the bots can collect.

On Point

Chatbots can put what you need right in the palm of your hands. Whether you are shopping for clothes to buy or accessories to use, chatbots can help you find it with just a couple of clicks. Moreover, chatbots are task-focused. You can describe the clothes and accessories you want, and this chatbot will definitely find it for you.


Based on the prior conversation, chatbots can predict the next thing that you might need. In addition to this, these AI platforms can give suggestions whenever they get the chance to. With chatbots, you name it, they have it.

Emotionally Intelligent

An ideal chatbot has a reasoning capacity and can predict whether a customer is happy, sad, or angry even without the aid of a live agent. Moreover, it can also decide what it should do next for the good of is customers.


Get over your common and boring online customer experience. Chatbots are now offering fun and unique ways for customers to connect with businesses. Additionally, chatbots are more personalized than traditional customer services, which makes it suitable for any type of customers.

9 awesome examples that will make you love chatbot

What is the list of qualities if nothing possess these qualities, right? Ever since the birth of the Turing Test, chatbots continued to develop until they became what they are today. A lot of businesses are now using chatbots for their own leverage. Likewise, the use bots not only to market their brands but also to make sure of their customers’ satisfaction. 

Having said these, here is the list of 9 chatbots that business customers will surely fall in love with:

The Starbucks Barista Bot

This digital friend of ours is the reason why coffee fanatics love chatbot. Starbucks Barista Bot uses Facebook Messenger to order your coffee without the need for you to interact with real-life people. This chatbot has the most valuable purpose for coffee lovers and spares them from having to endure the long lines in coffee shops. Such convenience will give more time for customers to finish their tasks while their shot of energy booster is being made for delivery in the location they selected through the chatbot.

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eBay ShopBot

This is created for people who love to go online shopping spree. eBay ShopBot debuted on Facebook Messenger in the year 2006. This chatbot is perfect for people who love shopping but hates browsing for a long time. As time passes by, the digital world is offering more selection to online shoppers, and choosing what to buy can be time-consuming. With eBay ShopBot, predictive choices based on how you describe your preferences will be sent to your Facebook Messenger.

Poncho Bot

Think of the last time you went out of your house without bringing an umbrella, and the rain caught you by surprise. It would have been nice if you were warned about the bad weather at that time, right? This is the reason why Poncho was created. This bot is a weathercat from Brooklyn that sends you daily forecasts based on the location you selected when you registered for the bot. In addition to this, Poncho also answers to simple, weather-related questions. “Will it rain today?” and “Should I bring an umbrella?” for instance, are some of the question that this weather friend can answer.


This chatbot is perfect for travel enthusiasts. Hipmunks sends deals and promotion on Facebook Messenger based on the user’s preferences. Travelers visit a lot of sites before booking for a certain destination, but with the perfectly tailored capabilities of Hipmunk, traveling was made more convenient.


Learning another language other than your native one can be difficult most, especially if you try to learn it on your own. For this reason, Duolingo was born. The chatbot developed a feature in its app where language learners can converse with native bots through Facebook Messenger. Additionally, Duolingo has a feature where users can take the Duolingo English Test (DET), a language certification exam that is accepted by over 200 universities.

Whole Foods

This Facebook Messenger bot is famous cooking recipes, recommendations, and inspirations. More so, customers who use this chatbot can send an emoji, a bell pepper, for instance, and the bot will send recipes that involve this ingredient. This exploratory chatbot proves that there are many ways to engage shoppers and improve their shopping experience.

Google Assistant

This is Google’s recreation of Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Apple’s Siri. Google Assistant has made amazing progress ever since its launch in 2016. It supports both text and voice entry, which can be activated by saying, “Hey, Google.” Google Assistant can control your devices and smart home, find information online like weather forecasts, latest news, and even giving you directions. Additionally, Google Assistant can also give you real-time spoken translations.


The HealthTap chatbot is also connected to Facebook Messenger. This bot answers your health-related questions which are reviewed by physicians who are associated with HealthTap. People who are feeling unwell no longer have to wait for the doctor’s diagnosis, they can already know what is happening to their body with the help of this chatbot. However, the bot’s recommendation may be insufficient so they can still opt for a live video consultation on the app.

love chatbot
National Geographic Einstein Bot

Have you ever wondered how Albert Einstein would’ve talked if he’s still alive? National Geographic has the answer to your curiosity. Einstein Bot, created to promote their show Genius, use conversations with users to promote their show. Additionally, they send interesting bits of information that creates engagement with users.

Let’s face it, we cannot live in a world where Facebook and Facebook Messenger does not exist. For this reason, all the chatbots listed above are connected to Facebook Messenger. Aside from this, Facebook and Messenger are the platforms where people spend most of their time, so chatbot developers target possible customers through these platforms. To cut things short and to summarize everything listed above, this is the reason for you to love chatbot: because it makes your digital life easier and more accessible.

If you are in need of chatbot that will help you target customers and raise your business engagements online, HeroBot is here to help you. Visit HeroBot now and we will bring the chatbot you need for your business.

Personal Language Tutor? Talk to A Bot Online

talk to a bot online
talk to a bot online

If you would be observant nowadays, you’re going to notice that Artificial Intelligence almost dominates every aspect of our lives. Online transactions, marketing strategies, almost everything you could imagine is powered and automated already by Artificial Intelligence. A hundred years ago, this was just fiction, but now, it already becomes a vital part of our lives. Surely, you would no longer get shocked if I tell you that you can learn and master a language by just going through your phones and talk to a bot online.

The Internet has evolved a lot that even makes this aspect possible. Imagine, you no longer have to enroll for a costly language course to learn it. It is just a click away. Learning the language is very interesting and full of fun, but going through the process may be challenging. The technology is already there to help you. Now, success is still in your hands. Dedication and perseverance are the good combos to learn the language from a chatbot application. These chatbots guide us, but the acquisition still depends on how we would persevere to have it.

So if you are now ready, let get straight to it.

The Perks of Learning A Foreign Language

More than you know, learning a new foreign language opens the door to many opportunities. However, not everyone appreciates language because most of us are not aware of what it could bring us. So, let’s now take a look at the things below; it might help you open yourself to some foreign languages:

1. It reduces social discrimination

As most people say, language is the soul of a country. That is why; if you grasp more about its language, it no surprise that you could also learn more about its culture and society. In this way, you can easily broaden your understanding and decrease unpleasant judgment towards their culture and their customs.

talk to a bot online
2. It helps you understand more about your own culture

Since language has taught you to understand the culture of other countries, you can also learn more about your own culture. It happens because you can able to compare other culture with yours that leads you to a keener knowledge towards your own culture.

3. It makes your international travel more convenient

If you’re planning to travel, it is important to learn at least the basics of their language. Remember, the key to a successful travel experience is communication and interaction.

Benefits of Learning A Foreign Language Using Chatbots

Who would expect that with the advent of chatbots in today’s digital world, learning the language would be possible through virtual assistants? Now, it is possible to understand the fundamentals of a language you desired to learn by just going through your computer or mobile phone and talk to a bot online. You may feel awkward at first because such courses are too complex not to be learned from classrooms. However, when you try once, you would realize it is almost the same. Below are some of the benefits you can get by using chatbots in learning a foreign language:

1. Adaptive to the needs of students

With language tutor chatbots, you can learn the language compared to the classroom because it focuses on you. It records data about your progress and finds some ways exclusive to improve your learning experience based on your records. If you consistently talk to a bot online with the high-intelligence level in languages, you would inevitably get influenced by it as well.

2. Feedbacks right away

You can instantly receive feedback as immediate as minutes after your last transactions. In this way, you can still recap and able to figure out where you did go wrong in the process. Compared to school-based sessions, it sometimes takes one semester before receiving your grades and feedback. Imagine, you have to talk to a bot online, and you could get immediate feedback? Not bad anymore.

3. No Intimidation

Do you know why most people are afraid to try? It is because they are afraid to receive criticisms from their failure. Luckily, chatbots are not programmed to criticize people when they fail to learn a course at first try. In this way, if you choose to learn language from a chatbot, you would never feel intimidated. They are programmed to help you locate the aspects of your performance that needs improvements and help you enhance it through constructive directions.

Learn a new Language! Talk to a bot online!

One thing that you could get from a virtual language tutor is convenience. In real-life situations, it is tough to find someone who can teach you language with enough perseverance and patience. That is why; the birth of Language tutor chatbots is a blessing. You have to talk to a bot online to learn a very complex item like language. So to give you an idea, below are some language tutor chatbots that you can try:


Duolingo has a good reputation when it comes to language learning chatbot platforms. It is widely-used across the United States, and it is the most popular among any other platforms. This virtual language tutor can process the context of human users and respond distinctively and substantially. Learning a new language with less embarrassment is possible when you’re doing it with a chatbot like Duolingo. You can repeat it endlessly when something seems not clear. Unlike when you’re learning a new language from a native speaker, asking the same questions repeatedly would surely feel so awkward.

talk to a bot online

Are you fond of traveling to different countries around the world? Well, it’s about time to check your first thirty-three countries because Mondly can offer you the language support. You can now wander around and go to restaurants or malls because without hesitations because you can’t talk with their language. Mondly can surely help you talk their language and to tell them straight whatever you want to say. What’s nice about this chatbot application is you can able to choose between written or verbal responses. In this way, you can both learn how to spell and pronounce words that seem too unfamiliar to you. Mondly is undoubtedly a very nice language tutor who can teach you the basics of the language you want to learn. 


As we all know, the English language is our universal language. Therefore, it is a must to learn the fundamentals of this language to have successful transactions with other people, businesses, and other industries. However, don’t worry because Andy, the Chatbot is there to help you. Andy provides different lessons about the English language that specializes in grammar and vocabulary. It can also offer you some games and refreshers to check how much you learn. This is not yet the most advanced language chatbot app in the market, but it can help you to learn the basics of the English language.


Trying to learn Japanese, Korean, and Chinese characters is a very difficult task. However, if you are passionate to learn those, Lanny is what you’re looking for. This language chatbot app is equipped with extensive capabilities to teach a different language. Compared to other language chatbot apps, Lanny would also broaden your knowledge on the history and culture of the country where your selected language originates. This chatbot app supports iOS and Android devices.


Not to mention, this chatbot application received the “Best App Winner Award” in Google Play Awards- 2017. What makes this chatbot app distinct from other language chatbot apps is its ability to offer other courses aside from language tutorial. Memrise supports twenty languages across the globe, so you have many choices to choose from. It also specializes in reading and vocabulary with native speaker vibes. Because of its advanced technology, you can use your phone camera to take a picture of a particular thing you want to know the name in your preferred language.


We can’t still underestimate the power of education attended in schools or universities. It is still the best source of quality knowledge and experience. Chatbots and other platforms powered by Artificial Intelligence only serve as our guide to utilize the knowledge we have gained from school properly. Additionally, learning becomes more complex nowadays as our world moves forward. That is why; chatbots were made to keep us in touch with such information and knowledge.

If you want to learn things, even those who are not related to language, you can talk to a bot online. They are well-designed to give us access to an almost infinite source of knowledge. There’s still a lot more with chatbots and its benefits; you can try to reach us at HeroBot if you wish to learn more about chatbots. We have chatbots experts who can make you understand the complexities of engaging with chatbots and its services. Visit

Meet Your AWESOME Bot Creator: HeroBot

bot creator

More and more people are embracing the use of chatbots for a couple of years. And if you are to ask why to see it for yourself how they are giving enough power and confidence to most of our marketers.  Apparently, these helpful “co-workers” are truly paving the way for efficient and faster than ever interactions. As technology continues to advance, so as our ability to creating and customizing chatbots to become more user-friendly and yielding the best results of all the marketing tactics. With the use of bot creator, everything will be easier.

Aside from being a program powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), chatbots are also defined as an automated messaging system that works to provide real-time transactions with its users. Meaning, it is a service giving customers a chance to send messages or inquiries to businesses as if they are just talking to a friend. They can also be used to accomplish personal tasks, from getting updates, scheduling meetings, and even ordering a PIZZA – all is possible with chatbots!

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Interestingly enough, since chatbots are using Al, they are fetching languages and information from a user. This is also the reason why they have the potential of becoming more intelligent as they interact with more people. Thus, chatbots are more beneficial if you are knowledgeable of its capabilities and if you can find a bot creator that can make the perfect chatbot for your business.

The Edges of Having a Chatbot

A lot of statistics already proved how chatbots used for businesses are growing rapidly. An example of this could be the study showing the number of chatbots docked on Facebook Messenger increasing from 30,000 in 2016 to over 100,000 as of this moment.

Several companies and industries already turned and declared they have used chatbots to relay their marketing strategies effectively. So, it is wrong to say that chatbots are futile and hopeless of changing the world. However, some are still unaware of chatbots’ capabilities. Thus, the following are some of your edges if in case you decided (you really should!) creating your first chatbot with bot creator:

1. You can save a lot!

When we say a lot, we do not just talk about saving lots of time if you own a chatbot. Apparently, creating a full-functioning chatbot through bot creator is much cheaper than hiring employees to accomplish varying tasks.  Since chatbots automatically functions, they can help businesses handle many customers simultaneously and effortlessly. With chatbots as your “employes,” you are not only saving your employee costs but also preventing your businesses from human miscalculations or errors.

2. You can increase your customer engagement

Keeping your customers engage in your brand is indeed essential. Apart from leads contribution made through social media, chatbots are said to transform transactions into something more creative and interactive.

3. You can track your business status and collect customers’ insights

Chatbots can help you gain feedback from customers. These insights are also your way of knowing which product or services should be improved to generate more leads.

4. Your customer services can be recognized

With chatbots, you can provide great customer support 24/7. These chatbots can easily be programmed to answer simple questions in case the business owner is a way for other tasks. Thus, customers will not feel that they are ignored and will wait with an assurance their questions will be acknowledged after a while.

5. You can assist and manage global market

You might be a big company who is already catering to the audience internationally or a small business that are up to the worldwide business, behold as chatbots can assist you in attending with these big clients.  Worry no more with multiple incoming requests because chatbots are living to help you.

You can imagine that the perks mentioned above were just roughly of all the reasons why should you certainly get yourself a chatbot. Now, it’s time to understand how you can start creating one for your business.


bot creator

This might be the question that you might encounter after knowing how excellent chatbots are. Well, the process of creating one might sound daunting, but it’s totally doable.

You will need to decide first if you are to choose a basic chatbot that strictly follows commands and rules, or the other way around having fancy and advanced features.

Afterward, you need to examine what will be your chatbot’s purpose and to which platform should your chatbot live on (Facebook Messenger, Slack, etc.). Lastly, you have to choose a tool or service can help you build one.

Yes, someone will be doing it for you, so it is vital that you choose not only the best but the most amazing bot creator in town – and thus, we are pertaining to HeroBot!

Getting to know more about bot creator and HeroBot

Bot creators or makers allow one to build an efficient and much-personalized chatbot. In this space and time, there are thousands of chatbot makers all over the internet. They all have the objective of crafting excellent chatbots which can make your business in the lead. Thus, people tend to be confused using bot creator, which can create an incomparable chatbot and present outstanding results.

HeroBot then enters the scene with an offer of bringing you the best platform to develop your first business chatbot. Hailed as the most complete messenger marketing platform, you can assure that your messenger marketing journey is in good hands. With is the very goal of helping your business grow, HeroBot is your way of gaining more customers as well as business contacts.

Whether you own a start-up or a long-established business, HeroBot got you covered. HeroBot already had helped 68, 854 happy and satisfied users and it’s still counting. This also entails 49,000+ of leads generated and 500,000+ of contacts reached captured. It only proves more people are discovering the superpower strength of HeroBot which you should see for yourself.

HeroBot’s Messenger Marketing Abilities

With HeroBot you can create Facebook Messenger bots, conversion funnels, and drip campaigns for marketing lead generation and support. Good thing, it is absolutely easy and free!

You can now automate your messenger marketing and minimize your efforts because HeroBot is doing your thing. With an open rate of 70-95%, a click-through of above 20%, and 3-5x of higher conversion rate, automated chatbots are really the future of digital marketing.

Social media scheduling, posting, tagging, commenting, discovering, or Hashtag searching, HeroBot makes it all possible for you. Rest assured that in no time, you will stay connected to your valued and future customers.

HeroBot can provide and help you upgrade Click-To-Messenger Ads that will capture instant leads and follow-up.  Apparently, there were also available widgets and application integrations with first-rate tracking features.

HeroBot’s Powers

Just like any other superhero, HeroBot possesses a different power set which helps this stand among the rest of bot creator. The following are just some of it:

The Power of Superb Chat Broadcasts

Sending information, updates, and promos can never be easier through the help of HeroBot. It can guarantee you an 85% open rate which is indeed a great start for your business.

The Power of Excellent Client Management

Having no employees, you can still assure that HeroBot can provide you excellent growth tools, detailed analytic reports, and user administration.

The Power of Automating Comment Responses

HeroBot’s AI is responsible for replying, tagging, liking, and sending a private message automatically may it be in Instagram and Facebook comments.

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The Power of Overriding Live chat

Good thing, HeroBot has this one great feature that allows users to immediately override their messenger bots when needed. Thus, giving one the power to provide seamless transactions with customers and contacts.

The Power of Integrating Brilliant Quizzes

HeroBot helps you formulate outstanding contests and quizzes that are automatically integrated to your Facebook bot to effectively promote your business or products.

The Power of Multiple Audience Segmentation

HeroBot also allows users to segment audiences based on their interest or demographic factors. Therefore, this will help them to disintegrate and qualify audiences based on how the user wants it.

The Power of Fantastic Quality Leads Notifications

With the help of HeroBot, you can now receive alerts for each leads captured with your messenger bot. Alerts can be received through SMS, Slack, email, and other customized apps.

The Power of Exceptional Bot Templates

Herobot has a lot of pre-made templates available to use in just one click. You can also customize it based on your business requirements.

The list goes on with the powers HereBot can provide you. HeroBot is upgrading and developing their services periodically to achieve nothing but total customer satisfaction. Expect a 400% increase in leads, 97% reduced marketing cost and 154% increased engagement with no additional cost once you start subscribing to HeroBot. This is the best bot creator to powerup your business.

Want to hear more of HeroBot’s capabilities? Visit HeroBot’s website now and bring forth supremacy in your business. Breakthrough from the dark power of poor marketing and weak leads generation. Come in the light with HeroBot’s chatbots and together, we’ll rule the business world!