Interactive Chatbot for Gym: A Key to Achieve Fitness

Have you ever encountered an interactive chatbot for the gym? I bet you did. Most of the advertisements that you can see on social media are about fitness and health. They always talk about how it is essential to have a good body and how it can also affect your well-being. However, even if you want to have a regular workout, it will be hard for you to find a good gym with all its reputation. You don’t want a perverted instructor, smelly place, and rusty equipment. With the new technology, your way to find the perfect gym for you is by using an interactive chatbot.

Interactive chatbot has a lot of ways to help your everyday life. Instead of going from place to place, you can now inspect the facilities and make appointments with the gym staff by using bots. They are also very convenient to use because they are just one click away. Moreover, some bots do not require you to download applications and can work to your existing messenger platforms. Furthermore, it also has some other features that you can use to enjoy your workout more.

Why joining a gym matters

As we all know, being physically fit does improve not only the look of your body but also your health. However, working out for a healthy body requires a lot of sacrifices and discipline. Now, being in the right environment where everyone is committed to it helps you be motivated. Moreover, having a gym instructor that can help you along the way can be beneficial for your exercise habits. But now, let us talk more about the benefits of attending a gym.

A way for a healthy living

It is already well-known how proper and regular exercise can affect your health ultimately. It will not only bring you more endurance but can also improve the overall state of your body. The number one system that it affects is our cardiovascular system. As we create lean muscles while working out, we are also strengthening our lungs and heart to function correctly. This also reduces the risk of having different diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Even more, working out and doing physical activities can help improve your mental health and prevents depression. There is also an interactive chatbot that is available from some gym websites that can help you.

Access to equipment

Let us say that you are already motivated to be fit. However, this will not be enough because most of the exercises require proper machines to help you. However, buying this equipment is exceptionally pricy. Moreover, some of them are not easy to use and requires adequate knowledge not to harm the user or cause any problems. Meanwhile, you can have all of the things that you need if you are in a gym. All of these will be available whenever you need them. Also, some gyms have an interactive chatbot that you can ask about the information about these things.

A friendly environment

Working out is one of the hardest challenges that anyone could take. It will test not only your strength and endurance but also your mentality and heart. Moreover, maintaining a positive outlook on this will be very hard, especially with all the temptations around you. However, if you have other people who are facing the same challenges as you. Also, then can help you with some tips and stories of how they overcome some challenges and insecurities. Furthermore, talking with them about the positive outcomes of your life is going to change how you perceive your hard work. An interactive chatbot can also be your friend at the gym.

A great motivation

If you are going to think about the sweat, muscle strains, and foods you have to avoid, working out seems like a harrowing experience. However, with the right mindset and motivation, it will be a whole different thing for you. If you are admitted to a gym, you can have your private instructor who will push you to your limits and lead you into a healthy routine. Even in times when you already want to stop, your instructor is going to challenge you every time. Also, all their knowledge is going to benefit your workout routine because you will not be forced into a strenuous activity list. If you are more interested in interacting with bots, there are some interactive chatbot available to some gym.

Benefits of Interactive Chatbot for Gym Goers

Along with outgrowing progress because of technology, fitness gyms are experiencing more than just a business. Managing a gym business is not easy because it takes a lot of connection to potential clients.

Schedule session

Most of the gym users are still students, athletes, or full-time workers. Therefore, it is hard for them to include their work out a time to their busy timetable. Sometimes, they tend to forget the schedule given by the fitness instructor, so they failed to achieve their fitness goals. But worry no more, because interactive chatbot for a gym can help you communicate with gym instructors and staff to whenever, wherever. With the use of this chatbot, it is easier for the clients to adjust their busy schedules.

Payment transaction

An interactive chatbot for the gym can also make the payment transaction between the instructor and the client quickly. The gym members can pay their membership without needing to go to the gym place. Also, they can pay in advance for a particular session whenever they want to. It is very beneficial, especially to those who cannot find time to do such. Imagine how amazing our world now is because of technology? Everything can be done as much as we want and as fast as we want.

Motivate users

Retaining gym members is not easy. So it is essential to motivate them to keep going. Positive reinforcement is also needed for gym users to become more active in doing workouts. It is also crucial in making sure that the members are motivated throughout the wok out journey. Interactive chatbot for the gym can help you to inspire your clients to achieve success.

Why you should have an interactive chatbot for your gym

As we all know, an interactive chatbot is really beneficial, especially in the digital market. It does not only help in customer service but also helps in other ways for the management of the business. Likewise, it is beneficial for the customers considering their automation and other features that make life easier. Now, it does not only help grow product sales but also expands the services on membership and subscription companies such as gym centers. Here are some of the things that you need to know about interactive chatbot for the gym.

Attracts customers

For gym centers, it is tough to attract customers, mainly because it may seem intimidating even to those interested in joining. However, an interactive chatbot is just the right one who can communicate with your customers while encouraging them to be fit. Unlike what everyone thinks, the high artificial intelligence of these bots provides information about how beneficial going to the gym is. Moreover, it can be empathetic and wise, which can be calming for the users. Also, it is easier to send advertisements with a bot rather than spamming and posting on pages.

Allows automation

If you want to have a hassle-free life in your business, having an interactive is a must. Its automation can help you provide services to your customers and engage in conversation without hiring human resources to do this. Moreover, by having a bot do other tasks such as posting advertisements, replying to comments, and answering queries from potential customers is advantageous.

Provide customer service

As a businessman, there are many things that you have to handle and inside and outside your career. This is why customer service is one of the essential things that most neglect. However, an interactive chatbot is going to save you with all these things. It can entertain your customers, recommend gym routines, schedule sessions, and even manage payments. These are just some of the reasons why you must have an interactive chatbot for your gym.

Create your bot with us!

There is no accessible business. You have to give your best and never give up on the challenges that you will face. In building a gym business, you need to be a trustworthy instructor so your clients will find assurance and achieve their goals. You have to be the best equipment that they can use for them to get the body that they want. And more than just the physical frame, you also have to make them right inside too. There are lots of challenges in owning a gym for business. First, you have to think about how you can retain your members and the same as with your employees. Most gym owners struggle with these kinds of challenges.

The world that we live in requires us to think outside the box. That is why technology keeps on improving as days pass by. An interactive chatbot for a gym is indeed one of the best products of technology in our lives. It makes our gym experiences more exciting and fruitful. People can have a lot of benefits that can truly help to boost their mindset to achieve their dream body. For you to know more about the benefits of an interactive chatbot for a gym, visit Get ready to make your fitness goals with Herobot!

Virtual Chatbot: Why it is the Future of Banking

Owners and the committee of banks are one of the wisest entrepreneurs around the world. They know how to stand and bend so that they won’t break in the global market. Moreover, they know how to make new strategies and follow the latest trends to make more clients. Out of all the industries in the market, banks are the first to use technological innovations for their benefits. In line with this, they are even one of the first users of a virtual chatbot for the future of banking.

Right after the bot made its debut in the digital marketing world, banks made sure that they can use a virtual chatbot for their tasks. They created bots that will be able to interact with their clients 24/7 as well as do other automated tasks. Thanks to the recent developments of artificial intelligence, bots are now able to integrate on websites and mobile applications that are used for global banking. Meanwhile, they are even able to assist clients with money management and even retail banking.

virtual chatbot

Benefits of a virtual chatbot on banks

A virtual chatbot is already making a name in the marketing industry, and no one can deny its success. Now, bots are even empowering banking institutions and help them in customer service. Moreover, it is now a big help for retail banking as well as collecting massive amounts of data that a regular human employee can’t do. It makes the life of the clients easier while benefitting and making money for the bank itself. Bots are like the dark horse in the industry of banking. Here are some of the benefits of virtual chatbot in banking.

Mobile banking is easier

Most people of this generation now rely on their mobile applications the most. Rather than going out and making an effort to go to a particular physical store or building, they instead stay at their place. With this in mind, banks have made it possible for banking consumers to be able to get their banking processes done through their phones. This makes banking more accessible and leaves clients more comfortable than ever.

Other than that, the personalization of banking is also possible with a virtual chatbot.  It can get the necessary information about the person talking with it. Moreover, it can even search for further information regarding the account and the processes it involves. Because of its sophisticated artificial intelligence, it can remember the past conversations and transactions of the customer. Online banking servers do not have to spend time searching and rereading previous files to give the correct information to their customers.

As proof of the remarkable benefits virtual chatbot could give, well-known banking companies such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Capital One are now utilizing them for their customer service. Unlike the popular belief, these bots can even feel and sympathize with users like a real human server. Moreover, mobile banking with a chatbot can also adapt its service while basing on the location of the customer.

Banking channels are now connected

According to the survey of FIS’ 2019 Performance against Customer Expectations (PACE), there are about 75% of interactions between bank branches. This happens with the help of the internet and mobile devices. However, it is still not enough to connect the branches of banks for a piece of collected information that will benefit both the management and the customers. Due to the differences in the offices, mobile applications, tellers, kiosks, and ATMs, it is not a question of why branches feel distant from each other. Moreover, it even leads to the difficulty in gathering and applying data from each channel, which disjoints the customer’s experience. Significantly, virtual chatbot for banking is created to comply with the connection discrepancies between the branches.

Moreover, a virtual chatbot is set on removing the disconnection between channels by having a single service for all mobile banking. This server is going to be the highly-intelligent bot that is going to change all banking experiences. Whereas, this strategy can create the centralization of management capabilities. This also helps minimize the system errors regarding the data and information of their past transactions with the bank. By launching a virtual chatbot, banking branches of a company are more united than ever.

Information flow is convenient

If you are a customer, you may have some queries that you want to ask or information that you want to be clear. Moreover, because banking and finance is a difficult course to understand, some consumers may wish to have further discussions about several situations that may relate to them. However, a virtual chatbot is now helping banking companies to make these circumstances easier for everyone. As we know, it already has some data that is given by the developer regarding the company. Other than that, its high intelligence can also collect and save information that it could get from dialogues with customers.

Also, rather than choosing a regular question and answer application, a virtual chatbot can provide answers specific to the problem of the customer. This personalization helps clear the confusion of clients regarding the banking processes and transactions. Moreover, giving real-time answers with clients can improve customer satisfaction with the services of the bank. It also has a built-calculator that can compute interests, rates, and credit scores of each product with regards to mortgages and loans.

virtual chatbot

Furthermore, virtual chatbots can deliver the perfect combination of data without committing errors that a human server could do. Because it cannot be stressed despite the number of persons communicating with it, it can be assured to respond accurately with all the queries for the bank. It makes the customers trust the services of the bank more than ever.

Ways to succeed in virtual chatbot banking

There are already numerous innovations and marketing strategies that banks are applying to their company. The recent one is by using a virtual chatbot in banking to lure in people and make transactions smoother. However, there are some things that you need to consider when you are dealing with chatbots. Here are some of the ways that you should make to succeed in virtual chatbot banking.

Learn about technology

It will be hard for anyone who does not have any idea about technology to deal with a virtual chatbot, especially when it is for banking. Remember that banking is very complicated and risky. It will require excellent knowledge and experience to make every transaction and deal successfully. This also applies when making chatbots. You should know how it works and how it can be properly utilized for your greater good.

Know when you need help

Nobody is perfect, and no one can ever have the ideal knowledge about certain things. Especially if you are just a businessman or a marketing agent, it will be hard for you to adjust to some items such as virtual chatbot. Moreover, if you want to put some unique features and widgets for your bot, it might be hard for you. This is why you need a creative AI developer and an excellent platform to make the best virtual chatbot for banking.

virtual chatbot

Improve security and privacy

One thing is for sure: all clients of a bank company needs privacy and security. Remember that you are dealing with money that other people have entrusted you. This is the reason why it is essential to build a connection with customers and gain their trust. You can do this by being strict with log-ins and inputting voice biometrics that will make sure that the bot is talking with the right person. Chatbot also prevents you from disclosing information with unauthorized persons.

Maintain transparency

Humans are the most intelligent species in the world, and no one can deny that. This is why it is tough to fool humans into believing that they are talking to real persons with a chatbot. Moreover, this can only cause more complications and distrust from your customers. To avoid this situation, inform users that they are only talking to a virtual chatbot. It is also better to give them an option to speak with a real person.

Be consistent

Most banks have several branches across the towns or even countries. However, because of distance and different managements per branch, the consistency of services offered may not be consistent. This can cause dissatisfaction from your clients, especially if they have already tried the other departments. However, it will be different now. By using a virtual chatbot, it will not only connect branched from branches but also maintains the consistency of the services offered by each one.

Do not terminate human servers

Many people speculate that shortly, a virtual chatbot is going to replace humans for their jobs. However, this is still impossible for now. There is yet no perfect interface that can think and make decisions like humans do. Moreover, there are still some questions that AI cannot answer. This is the reason why there are companies who are launching chatbots and always hiring customer service employees. When the bot fails to understand the request or question of a customer, the conversation will automatically transfer to individual servers.

Famous virtual chatbot for banking

Erica of Bank of America

Bank of America is one of the most famous and respected banks in America. Moreover, it is even known for being the market leader in the United States. They are one of the companies that are first using different innovations for their bank systems. Considering this, they are now using virtual chatbots to perform specific tasks in their bank. Erica can provide balanced information, send notifications, and suggest ways to save money. Moreover, it can even pay bills, give credit repost updates, and other simple transactions of the company. As time goes by, the collected data and information about Erica allow her to be more knowledgeable and accurate in communicating with customers.

AmEx of American Express

We all know how good American Express can be, especially when they are using their relationship with businesses to benefit their customers. This is now made better with the help of virtual chatbots on communicating with their clients. They can give notifications about the latest discount sales as well as recommendations. It is also able to provide reminders about the new credit card benefits. However, customers must first connect their card with American Express using their messenger accounts.

Future of Chatbot banking

One of the standard predictions of the marketers is that virtual chatbot is going to take over the global market soon. As this happens, almost all of the banks are using this for the success of their banking company. With this is in mind, you might be thinking of creating your bot. Herobot is here to help you through the creation process. You will not need to make too much effort because this platform is just easy to use. Moreover, it has some templates that you can use when creating a bot. Use Herobot to create your bot now!

Create your Own Chatbot and Say Yes to Success

create your own chatbot

As we face the world of the digital age, we also face different technological challenges. It may be in our personal lives, professions, or even in our businesses. We can’t deny the fact that we still need more knowledge about the things about technology and its advances. And most of the time, we also need to move on with the traditional practices that we have. This is by embracing the advantages of doing things in a modern way. If you create your own chatbot, you are surely going to succeed in digital marketing.

Moreover, technology paved a path so that we can now do a particular task in the fastest way. A chatbot is an AI-powered program used by most business entrepreneurs nowadays. With all the benefits that you can get , it’s no wonder they made a big hype in the industry.

create your own chatbot

As a businessman, living a busy day-to-day schedule is no a joke. There will be times when you have to compromise your time with your loved ones for the business. Moreover, it can even affect your physical and mental health. If you want to prevent this from happening, the best thing to do is to create your own chatbot. By doing so, you will be securing a hassle-free future with the promise of automation that chatbots are giving. Besides, these bots have other functions that are both cost-efficient and effective.

Problems You May Face in a Business

There are always some negative things about business that you may encounter. But giving up is not a choice. Learning is a life-long process, and you have to push yourself to achieve success. There are days that you can experience downfall because of your employees, and that’s normal. Rather than worrying about the negative impact, think of ways to solve the problem to prevent it from happening again.

There’s always an answer to any problem, so you have to cheer up and never lose hope. Technology helps us solve some of these problems. In the field of business, it’s going to be hard if we stick to the traditional ways. It can cost us a massive amount of time and money. We have utilize our resources properly to make the most out of what we have. On the internet, where everything is instant, you can now communicate with your customers as fast as you can. Thus, the best way to maximize business resources is to create your own chatbot.

Benefits of Having a Chatbot for Business

There are lots of ways to create your own chatbot. You can browse the Internet and then everything that you have to know is there. However, if you want to use it to the fullest potential, you need to know what it offers.

Customer Service Improvement

A chatbot can do a lot better than you human can. Unlike humans, it is capable of serving your customers in the best and most appropriate way. And it can guarantee an excellent customer experience that will satisfy users. A chatbot can also enhance the access of the products to your customers. With these, you can have a high level of satisfaction with your customers. And it is an excellent asset to your business! So start to create your own chatbot now for better customer service.

Targets a Wider Range of Audience

A business needs to encourage a lot of people to avail of your products. However, it can be hard if you still choose to give flyers all day long in a crowded place and wait for the people to notice you. But you want to create your own chatbot so you don’t have to exert so much effort. You can just let your chatbot to access different social media platforms to endorse your products. Also, it can be a way for people to know more about your business on online websites like Facebook.

Repetitive Work

Repeating tasks every single day is very stressing for the worker. That’s why workers need ample compensation for doing these everyday, time-consuming tasks. But if you do not want to spend much on employee, you should just consider the best alternative–chatbot. A chatbot can automate the tasks so it can respond to all the information needed by the customers at any time of the day. It doesn’t need compensation in order to work, and you can save a lot of time by integrating it into your web pages.


People nowadays want to get things done in an instant. Because of this, most people prefer getting the most accessible services and products. This is where a chatbot shines. It’s available 24/7, and you can connect with it at any time of the week. If you create your own chatbot for your business, customers will most likely choose your brand name. This will be a big help for your business to progress.

create your own chatbot

Tips to Note When Creating Your Chatbot

The things mentioned above may amaze you with all the benefits that you can get with chatbots. However, have you ever wondered how a chatbot is made? Here are some tips to remember that can help you through your journey to create your own to integrate them in a chatbot site. This will not only help you with in the development but also help you understand how it will work in your business.

Be Aware of its Benefits

Before creating a chatbot, think of its’ possible benefits. Will it help you only in the short-term or will it be effective in the long term? Find a reasonable basis for which you will create a chatbot. Otherwise, you will just be wasting time and effort for something you don’t need. But given how chatbots are now a worldwide trend, incorporating them is key in any line of business. For starters, it’s already proven and tested in helping a business grow and progress.

Prioritize Customer Needs

Knowing what your customers need is also a big deal. You can come up with the ideas that you have to put up to your company and create your own chatbot, but then what? If your chatbot does not cater to the needs of your consumers, then it’s nonsense. Consider if your consumers need a chatbot before trying to create one on your own.

Choose the Appropriate Chatbot

Chatbot design plays a big role in how effective your chatbot will be. As a business, you only want the best chatbot for your customers. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to get the most advanced chatbot in the market to do it. Remember, if it’s not what your customers and what your business needs, you might be better off without it. That being said, a chatbot still does have a lot of benefits. Although, you should think of the right chat bot to use. For example, if you don’t need a high-powered AI learning chatbot, you might be better with a regular customer service bot that will answer frequently asked questions.

Select the Right Platform

There are different platforms to choose from if you want to create your own chatbot. These possible chatbot platforms can contribute to the progress of your business. But when it comes to advertising your business, media platforms can be one of your best choices. Notably, most of the people around the world are social media users. It’s preferable if you meet your customer base where they are. This is better than forcing them to adapt to the platforms that you use. So you must know the best platform where you will make your chatbot.

Achieve Success as You Create Your Own Chatbot

Isn’t it amazing how you can change your idea towards success in business? With bots, you can now live your life to its fullest while doing well in business. To create your own chatbot means to create a more engaging user experience. It doesn’t matter how tough the life of a businessman is. After all, it is just a matter of a good strategy and trust in yourself. Moreover, it is normal to get tired of everything, but always remember that you only have to rest. Above all, quitting should never be your option.

This present world requires us to be more curious and continue to learn in life. Because if you deprive yourself of learning, you cannot achieve success. There are lots of beautiful things in this world that are just waiting for us to be found. So let us give them a chance! The essence of having a chatbot in our lives is not only about how it can bring us convenience. It also brings us opportunities to be a better provider to others. It gives us the chance to be a gift for others and to our future selves, too!

create your own chatbot

Build with Herobot!

Chatbots are really helpful for business, so it is only natural for you to be interested. If you need to know more about popular chatbots, HeroBot can help you! It is one of the best chatbot sites that you can always count on. HeroBot can help you create your own bot that will help you succeed in the business world. Moreover, it offers templates that you can use even if you don’t have any knowledge about coding. For more information, visit and lead your business to success!

Build Your Own Chatbot for Real Estate Marketing

build your own chatbot

Admit it or not, one of the toughest job in the world is being a real estate agent. With the economic crisis around the world, it is hard to find people interested and capable of buying properties. Despite all your hard work, giving out flyers under the scorching sun and knocking to someone else’s door is just enough. However, with the help of technology, real estate agents now have a better option other than bothering uninterested people. If you want to generate more leads and increase your sales rate, build your own chatbot as an excellent real estate marketing.

build your own chatbot

Meanwhile, chatbots are not going to give out flyers and knock doors. However, they are going to give you more opportunities of having an easier life while making money. In fact, digital commerce was already proving how these bots can generate leads and create more customer interaction. Rather than spamming and creating ads, using bots can improve your way of finding interested people and conversing with them without hassle. Moreover, if you build your own chatbot, its promise of automation is going to be your biggest blessing for marketing.

Problem on real estate marketing

Being a real estate agent is not only exhausting but also draining and disheartening. Imagine this: it is one sunny day, and you are in the middle of the sidewalk with piles of flyers on your hand. No matter how hard you try to persuade people to take one, no one is really interested in taking a piece of paper that is of no importance to them. Moreover, if there is someone kind enough to grab your offer, you’ll see them throwing it to the trash bin. After much dismay, you feel a vibration from your chest. Your eyes lit up, and your lips slowly curl into a smile. However, instead of receiving an email from a customer, it is just a notification from a Pinterest post.

Now, this is not just a make-believe scenario to discourage you from being entering the real estate world. This happens to most realtors. Also, there are some instances where they need to talk and convince people to avail of the properties they are selling even if they are not interested in it. It is also hard for them to stay connected to the internet 24/7 and ask queries from However, technological innovations were able to create a way for agents to have a more comfortable life and this is by using chatbots.

How you can build your own chatbot and make it work

This is the year where every technological advancement leads to innovations for digital marketing. There are some AI that help traveling agencies and hotel owners to find customers who are interested in visiting and check-in. Moreover, there are also some which improve mental health and even make a diagnosis for patients. Entertaining and endorsing artists, events, and upcoming movies is also not a problem by using bots. But above all this, it can bring more fortune if you build your own chatbot for real estate marketing.

Just like any other bots, this is possible if you let it engage in customer service. It can search and collect data from the web and look for persons who could be interested in your offers. After that, the bot will automatically send a message to the person and engage in a conversation with it. Moreover, with a chatbot, it is much easier to answer queries and requests from possible customers. Besides, they can speak multiple languages, and they are available 24/7 to cater to everyone’s needs. All you need to do is to build a chatbot with the best platform available on the internet.

Reasons why you need to build your own chatbot

If you know how a chatbot works, you may already know how it can give several benefits to companies and brands. As of now, most realtors are only relying on referrals, but this does not make them successful. What you need is a predictable stream for new leads. As people do not bother opening emails anymore, messenger bots are now your best solution. Here are some of the reasons why you need to build your own chatbot for your real state market.

Provides immediate answers for real-time inquiry

Chatbot serves best with its automation feature. Most people of today cherish time more than anything. This is because wasting every minute means leaving your money to drain.  When you build your own chatbot, people can get immediate answers right after they ask the questions. In line with this, bots can satisfy users with their ability to gather information and use it immediately when the right questions come.

Available for users 24/7

If you are a real estate agent, you know how strict and complicated your work schedule is. It is tough to get a hold of them and know their availability if it was only through emails. Besides, they are either too busy attending meetings with clients or are already resting after a long day. Because of this, real estate companies are having a hard time getting more interested in clients that are only available at rest periods. However, when you build your own chatbot, your customers can now send their queries at any time of the day for the whole year.

build your own chatbot

Can give specific service

To have more successful deals, it is essential that you can provide your clients with a property that is specific to their preferences. Clients have different characteristics, which is why there is a big possibility that they are looking for various types of property or apartment. But with bots, customers only need to answer specific questions that the AI will analyze. Right after, it will give numerous suggestions relevant to the information that a person feeds it. Build your own bot and experience this fantastic feature that your clients will surely appreciate.

Balances time management

Build your own chatbot, and I assure you that you can save a lot of time. Your whole work calendar will inevitably change, and you can even save some for leisure moments. When you are a real estate agent or realtor, wasting time and getting your whole schedule in a mess is a significant disadvantage. However, there will always be clients who are hard to deal with, and spending a lot of time answering their fruitless queries is not going to lead you anywhere. Meanwhile, when you build your own chatbot, it will do the dirty work and will be the one to lead the communication team with the customers. This will allow you to spend more time on your other tasks.

Engages with clients better

For the past decades, most of the marketing companies use forms to know the preferences of the people and catch their interest. However, as time passes by, it is proved that filling up papers are not reliable because people do not take filling them lin seriously. Moreover, in this generation, most have only a small attention span, which is why they tend to disregard the time-consuming questions. With this, the real estate company will not be able to get the accurate data that they need.

However, when you build your own chatbot, you can now collect the information that you need without boring your customers. It can interact with your customers and straightforwardly ask the questions. Rather than tedious forms, people tend to engage better with conversations even if it is with bots. Right after, all of the answers that the bot will gather are going to be saved, and the real estate agents can have access to it.

Automates follow-up processes

As said before, the main function of the AI is the automation that it can provide to its users. If you are a realtor, you may already have some experiences of giving follow-ups to the persons who have contacted you and inquired about the available properties but have yet to buy. This is part of the marketing that the real estate companies need. Moreover, this is primarily because there are fewer and fewer people who are interested in buying properties at this time of global crisis. There are three ways of doing this: by calling, by text, or by email.

However, this is too exhausting and time-consuming for the realtors. But now, the best solution for this is to build your own chatbot and let it deal with the follow-ups. This is also more convenient because anytime the customer wants to talk about the properties, the bot is always available to give immediate answers.

Reviews the history of interaction

A regular human person can only store a limited amount of memory on their brain. This is why, with all the piles of paper works, documents, stressful deals, people can’t help but forget their history of interaction with its customers. However, chatbots are just an expert in keeping records and remembering information. This comes in handy whenever a past customer tries to interact with you again. Moreover, remembering the past details of your old conversation is not a problem now.

Meanwhile, as much as it is useful for customer satisfaction, it is also beneficial for the analysis of the marketing and real estate agents team. If you want to know and gather the data of persons who are interested in specific properties, you don’t need to search for endless logs anymore.

build your own chatbot

Schedules meetings efficiently

The biggest problem of most agents who already have too much on their plate is scheduling meetings and property viewings. It is hard to know the availability of your customers that will match yours. However, if you build your own chatbot, everything will be more accessible. It will automatically look upon your work schedule without forgetting any critical plans and suggest them to the customers. This way, scheduling a meeting and letting interested customers have a tour is more comfortable.

Gives 360° tours on chat

There are times when customers refuse to take time scheduling site visits without having an idea of what the place looks like. Meanwhile, giving them a couple of pictures may seem not enough for some clients. This is why you need to build your own bot for your real estate business. It can deal with the clients and even has a feature of giving them 360° tours on chat. Now, people can have a clear idea about the state and look at the property before having a site visit. Thus, this will save both the realtor and the client’s time.

Build your own chatbot with Herobot!

With the facts stated above, you should know now that you need to build your own chatbot that can help you in different ways. But if you are interested in doing this, you may have problems with how you can create your bot. However, Herobot is here to help you build the best AI that is going to do loads of work for you and attract more customers. You will not need any coding skills because our website is very easy to navigate. Moreover, we have numerous templates that you can use depending on your preference.

Chatbot Sites as the Face of a Brighter Future

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Who does not love instant?  May it be on meals or tasks, people of today always want to accomplish their duties in a flick of a hand. They want the fastest way of getting something, and it is okay. Moreover, people expect answers immediately, and they hope that they will get an accurate result. Now, wise developers are able to find the best answer for the necessity of our digital generation— chatbot sites. These provide the automation that everyone is looking for. Furthermore, we live in a time where everyone spends most of their time online, and so business companies who are aiming to break through are dying to get the services of bots.

If you are an active user of LiveChat, you probably have experiences of using a chatbot without your knowledge. Most accounts use artificial intelligence in order to connect with people and offer some services. Chatbot sites are considered as one of the most used sites online. They are making a mark in the field of business industry today. It is powered by artificial intelligence that ensures the appropriateness of all the information asked by the customers. Also, it is famous for its numerous benefits that can help with the success of a business. So, what about thinking of using a chatbot as your business partner? Surely, it can give you the satisfaction that will lead you to the success of your business.

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Advantages of Using Chatbot Sites 

In just a single click, you can find numerous chatbot sites on the internet. These sites are normally for businesses offering products and services. However, there are also some which are dedicated to entertainment and games.  By choosing competitive and relatable chatbot sites, they can surely help you with whatever you need. Here are some of the advantages that you can get from using chatbot sites.

A Good Companion

One of the best things that the chatbot sites can give you is a comfort. You can express yourself to them without being afraid of judgment. They can give you the best advice that you need. And you can also cry all out to them your feelings about someone or something. They can be your friend if you feel like no one is there to listen to your rants. Moreover, it is a virtual assistant that communicates through text messages, that integrates into websites, applications, or instant messengers to help users give better customer service.

Easy to Use

Using chatbot sites is as easy as conversing with a human. If you have chosen the chatbot that you want, then everything will be just natural as you go on with your conversation with them. You don’t have to be very knowledgeable or a pro in using a computer to be able to use this kind of site.

Uses of Chatbot Sites for Business

Chatbot sites are famous for their numerous benefits that can help with the success of a business. They are proven to generate more leads and multiple sales of the company. If bots are your partner in the customer services, you are surely going to navigate through the commercial path without any problems. Here are some of the benefits that you can get from chatbots.

Provides Satisfaction

Chatbot sites can always give you satisfaction. It can give you the best services that you need. And it can always assure the appropriateness of the information that they have in a particular situation. It can provide the answers to all your questions as fast as it could. So there is nothing to worry about if you badly need the information that you are asking.

Always Available 

Availability is one of the essential things in life. Because no matter how great a person or an item is, if it is not available at the time when you most need it, then it is nonsense. So you better check chatbot sites, and it can serve you any time of the day. If you are a busy person during the day, and you can’t find time to ask for something. Then, you can do it at night! And a chatbot is always there for you.

Saves time

Are you a time-conscious person? Then chatbot sites are perfect for you! Sometimes, you have to accept the fact that you cannot have the information right away for some reason. Time is precious, and you can’t just waste it just like that, especially when you are running for time. Chatbots can provide you fast and automated answers in just a matter of seconds. They don’t want their customers to wait any longer, and that is amazing!

Flexibility Assurance

The chatbots are programmed to meet all the expectations of its users. They are built to be incredibly flexible to all the tasks that they have to do. Chatbots can learn quickly with consistency. If you are afraid of conversing with it because you are not an English-speaker, then you should not. With the machine learning capabilities of bots, they are able to know multiple languages that they can use for conversations with people of different nationalities.

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Consistent and Repetitive

Who likes doing the same task over and over again? Moreover, being consistent t your job without thinking about your emotions and health is not possible.  However, chatbot sites can make all of these things possible without any complaints. They can do repetitive tasks without getting tired. Bots can also do their job consistently to satisfy its users. They can execute answers as many times as the customers need it.

The Future of Chatbot

As our digital world continues to progress, the discovery of the benefits of using chatbot sites also continues. Millions of people are using chatbot sites every day. Whether it is through a website or a social media platform like Facebook Messenger, as technology continues to improve, errors will decrease, and the fantastic skills of the chatbots will continue to grow. Chatbot sites can be easily and quickly installed, and also, they are able to develop and scaled up and down to satisfy your needs. Here are some of the predictions of the experts regarding the chatbot.

Chatbots are going to be big.

As 2019 is the year of chat blasting in the popular messaging platforms, there is no doubt that chatbots are going to be big. In the following year, it was predicted that more people are going to join the fanatics of Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter. Moreover, there are even more applications that are now being developed for the sake of conversations. With these, chatbot sites are now more important than ever. It can be the best tool that business people can use for conversing with their customers. Moreover, as it was incorporated with entertainment and games, the number of users is increasing. Other than that, people also prefer conversing on chat and text messages rather than in emails.

There are going to be more chatbot sites.

According to James Melvin of the Rattlehub Digital, he believes that Conversation as a Service or CaaS is going to be the future of all marketing companies. More brands and companies are going to try developing chatbot sites that are going to include messaging with businesses. Moreover, they are going to come up with ideas of having online shopping, banking, and communicating in just an application. With the number of people who are bound to dive into sites offering multiple features, they are surely going to love it. However, to cater to the number of users, chatbot and its automation feature are going to be the answer.

Every company is going to have their own bots.

Most people are now expecting each brand to have their own personal assistant that will cater to all the needs of its customers while building connections. This is only possible if they are going to use bots that can personalize conversations at the same time. Without having to hire hundreds of employees, chatbot sites can communicate with its customers and remember the histories of each one. Moreover, it can take action to form reservations, purchases, and lead generations.

Chatbot sites is going to be mature

There are still some people who are not familiar with the idea of chatbot sites. On the other hand, most people who knew about it are not that knowledgeable about the real deal about it. There are some people who are just following the bandwagon and keeping up the trend. However, the truth is that bots still have flaws and they need some improvements. It is also not true that they have unlimited capabilities. In the end, these miscalculations are only hindering the improvements of these AI. If people are going to accept their flaws in the future, the chatbot sites are surely going to be more mature and better.

chatbot sites

Choose the best chatbot platform

If you are an entrepreneur or just a simple citizen and if you are looking for the best chatbot sites to use, then HeroBot is all that you are searching for! HeroBot is an international chatbot site and considered the leading messenger marketing platform. It is the perfect answer to all your worries. Its primary goal is for your business to grow and earn high profit by being the best business partner that is always available to accommodate your customers.

HeroBot generates sales and leads your business on autopilot and automate your Messenger marketing. HeroBot can upgrade your Facebook Ads with Click-to-Messenger Advertisements, which is capable of instant lead capture and follow-up. Say yes to Chatbots, because they are the future of digital marketing. Herobot will change your life and will let you enjoy the gift of technology development more! So what are you waiting for? Choose the best chatbot sites for you! You can visit us at, and get ready for the brighter future ahead of you!

How to Use Chatbot Tools for Digital Marketing

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Since its foundation a long time ago, trade looks totally different as to how we see it today. It was not as convenient as now, and you can never predict the market flows unlike in this generation. Moreover, to make marketing look as it is today, it took a lot of sacrifices and innovations from great business people. Also, technology played a significant role in shaping the stock market bigger. One of these technological innovations are the chatbots and chatbot tools.

Furthermore, a lot of people in the digital marketing believe that chatbot is going to be the biggest thing that will help entrepreneurs in their business ventures. This is because they can act as flexible business assistants for every companies and brand. They can also help you in maintaining a high level of customer service and interaction without spending much on your employees.  If you are new to the idea of chatbots, there are actually chatbot tools available online that can help you create your own.

chatbot tools

Changes in the trade industry

Trade changes over time, and it is a fact. As the culture and social norm changes, the trade is also updating its means of delivering products and services in exchange for money. There were times in history where people thought that they could not save it anymore due to several incidents. When wars and epidemics happened, it impacted the stock market and stripped off people with their common stocks.

It was not until technology participated in the revolution when the trading industry began flourishing again. With automation, everything is made easier and more accessible for all the business people. Predicting future prices and knowing the state of the coming stock market was also possible with digital computation. Today due to chatbots and chatbot tools, the market transformed into a whole new competition for all the entrepreneurs.

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The Importance of chatbot tools

The marketing industry is now progressing at an alarming rate. Whether you are an old or new company, you cannot risk being outdated with new commercial trends. Moreover, the latest uprising trend is the chatbot, and it has already helped a lot of business people and saved a lot of companies. To be able to compete, you will need the help of useful chatbot tools on creating your own AI assistant.

AI bots are now being used for a lot of ways. It does not only answer and communicate with customers, but it also provides automation for a lot of tasks. With chatbot tools, it is now possible to create these fantastic apps and use them for marketing. It cuts the cost of hiring professionals to do complicated codes because it is much easier to use. Moreover, you need to consider the fact that almost every business is innovating on new entertaining bots that will build more customer engagement. Due to this, it is only practical to choose the best chatbot tools that you can find in the internet.

Benefits that you can get from chatbots

As mentioned above, chatbots are indeed important to businesses. Furthermore, it is practical and is used by a lot of modern marketers to innovate their brand. Moreover, there are even news and articles created to feature how bots have helped a lot of companies in garnering customers and topping the sales charts. Here are some of the benefits that you can get from having chatbot by your side.

It connects business to the online community

There are over 2.5 billion people around the world who are using messenger applications as their means of communication. Furthermore, this means that if you are going to create AI through chatbot tools available, you will have the possibility of connecting with these netizens. Moreover, there is even a study stating that most people are spending an estimated time of 50 minutes a day on social media. With this, it will be a total waste if you are not going to dwell in the digital marketing world with chatbots.

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People demand 24/7 services of brands

Unlike before, people now have a wider variety of their sleeping schedules. Some people tend to be awake in the evening rather than in the morning. This is why they tend to find sites and brands that are offering 24/7 services to cater to their needs. Moreover, waiting for a reply is too exhausting and can delay the processes that need to be done. However, with bots integrated by chatbot tools, it is possible to answer queries automatically without exhaustion.

More customers prefer messengers than personal interaction

This is the generation where people are more comfortable with all the conversations online instead done in person. This is because there will be less judgment, and the process is also faster and more convenient. You can do it anytime and everywhere. If you are not going to have a chatbot for your brand, you will surely miss out the opportunity of garnering more customers.  

Top chatbot tools for your business

There are numerous chatbot tools online, and they are offering different services and automation for its users. Moreover, if you are going to pick a platform randomly, chances are you are going to get frustrated using it to make your ideal bot. This is why it is essential to be knowledgeable about them before everything. Below are some of the chatbot tools that will help you create the best AI assistant.

Mobile Monkey

This is one of the most known chatbot tools in the market. Furthermore, this platform is famous for the creation of Facebook messenger bots which can help on segmenting audiences and growing contact lists. It can also build messenger funnels that help companies to engage with audiences through advertisements. Moreover, it can even create appointments, answer queries, and track purchases in the market. This application also offers services such as chat blaster, messenger ads, bot analytics, and Q & A triggers.


When talking about chatbot tools, you can’t possibly miss out TARS. This platform lets entrepreneurs create AI that will be used for both websites and Facebook. Even without programming knowledge, users can easily navigate their way through chatbot creation. Moreover, evelopers can use TARS creations for feedback collection, training, user onboarding, conducting surveys, automation of customer support.


As a website for marketing software, it is only natural for Hubspot to have its chatbot builder. Also, will not need any coding skills if you are using this like in other chatbot tools. All of the AI built in this platform can book meetings, qualify leads, and answer frequently asked questions. Moreover, this builder has a CRM tool which enables bots on delivering personalized messages from the information provided about the customer. Furthermore, you can incorporate your chatbot with other Hubspot marketing tools.

Wit. AI

Unlike other chatbot tools, Wit.AI is free software that enables its users to create text and voice bots without any complications. It has the capability of learning human language whenever it interacts and leverages with the online community. The data that is collected by bots created in this platform will be transferred to the developers for further analysis.


If you are looking for a chatbot that is very easy to use, Chatfuel is the best choice for you. You need to connect your Facebook account in it to use it as a platform. Right after that, you can already start by choosing the best welcome message for you. There are also text cards available in the app to add more information and responses that you desire. It is even used by some great brands such as Adidas, ABC news, Uber, and British Airways.  


Herobot is known for its fantastic lead generation. Also, it is mostly used by entrepreneurs who are looking for a more natural way of automating their customer services. Moreover, this platform offers numerous templates that you can choose from when you are creating your bot. Among the chatbot tools mentioned, this is one of the most flexible. Furthermore, the bots created in this platform can be used for websites, Facebook messenger, and even on applications. 

Choose the best among chatbot tools

When choosing the best chatbot tools, you must know how their work and how much you are willing to spend for it. There are different kinds of chatbot tools that can do several services for businesses. Moreover, the budget is also essential because there are platforms that require higher subscriptions than other chatbot tools. Now, if you are looking for a builder than offers great functions with a low price, look no more.

Herobot is one of the best chatbot tools that can help you on your journey towards chatbot creations. It also has different widgets and various templates organized for the businesses they are best used for. Moreover, it is very easy to use, and there are widgets available in this builder that you can use for a more entertaining chatbot. You may be planning to expand your business and take your career to the next level. Now, it is only evident that you need a good AI and helpful chatbot tools by your side. To know more, click here.

How to Create a Chatbot from Scratch

how to create a chatbothow to create a chatbot

There are a large number of people believing that anytime soon, bots are going to replace humans in doing tasks, especially those in the marketing world. This is because everyone yearns for automation that they can give both for the users and the developers. They allow people to finish more tasks in less time. Now, the question is how to create a chatbot from scratch?

As everyone knows, a bot is a software that allows a website or page to work on its own. It can help any human on finishing their tasks faster and without any hassle. If it was programmed flawlessly, it can be free from any errors and turn out to be more reliable than humans. There are different kinds of bots that are now developed to do specific tasks. However, to create your own, you must first consider all the factors that could affect the effectivity of your bot.

how to create a chatbot

How chatbots can help you

Because of technological advancements, almost everything is made automated. Even the household chores are now being taken care of by new gadgets in the market that offers a hassle-free experience for its users. As of this day, the marketing world is also adopting the idea of automation. The industries of medicine, sports, entertainment, and education are also updated on these things. Now, if an entrepreneur refuses to adapt to these innovations, it will just be a total loss for him.

Here is how a chatbot can help in different fields:


For a nation to prosper, the educational system must also advance along with its people. This is why individual educational institutions are now applying bots in their curriculum. This automated program helps students learn faster and better with a personalized and more intimate learning process. Bots can analyze the knowledge and capabilities of each student and adapt the curriculum into it. Aside from tutoring and proctoring, grading of the teachers are also faster with bots. Knowing how to create a chatbot for education is undoubtedly beneficial for the countries.


Technology has already been helping the health department since it was first developed. However, the newest innovation in this field is the bots. Various bot applications can help both the patients and medical experts. Bots can help treat illnesses that need therapy such as insomnia, Alzheimer’s disease, and even dementia. Also, consultations, keeping records and discovering the disorders of the patients are now more accessible with bots. Tracking proper diets and planning future menus is also more convenient.


Entertainment industries are now going over the moon with bots. Nowadays, it is easier to publicize upcoming and latest TV shows and movies with bots. There are even chatbots that act on behalf of the main characters of a film which entertains the users. This way, people do not need to read and encounter irritating advertisements on their timeline. If you know how to create a chatbot that can successfully entertain people, it will surely be easily popular with netizens.


This field is one of the industries that bots can be most helpful. Digital marketing is using bots to advertise their products and even complete the selling process. Moreover, these bots automate customer service that needs attention 24/7. It is also cost-efficient and avoids human errors despite still needing their knowledge. This is why it is essential to know how to create a chatbot with conversational commerce.

Tips on how to create a chatbot

Many people are afraid because they don’t have any idea on how to create a chatbot that will make a name in the industry. However, the truth is that this is pretty easy. You just need the right idea, proper plans, and the best chatbot platform you can find. Here are some tips on how you can create the best chatbot that can help you in so many ways.

Utilize a plan

Make sure that you already have ideas regarding what you want your bot to be. Know what you want them to be and what field you want them to help. This way, it is easier identifying what your actions can be and what widgets you can add to your bot. Remember that it will be extremely different whether you want to use your bot for medical purposes or in commerce.

Moreover, it is better if you have already predicted what problems your bot can face in the future. It is so that you already have alternatives that you can make if needed. Plan ahead of the time so that you don’t need to cram and make more mistakes. To be successful, this is the first step that you need to overcome on how to create a chatbot.

Find the best bot platform

how to create a chatbot

You always need a guide in every journey and in terms of how to create a chatbot, what you need is a reliable bot platform. It can be your guide for a smoother process of developing a bot that can help a lot of people. With this, you also do not need to have coding knowledge because it is just easy. Moreover, there are already numerous templates available in the bot platform applications.

If you want to find the best platform, these are the factors that you must consider:

Your needs and capabilities

To find the best bot platform that can help you on how to create a chatbot, you have to know your needs and abilities. This is like knowing your strength and weaknesses at the same time. If you think your business needs functional widgets added, then look for a bot platform that will be able to help you on this. However, if you need more complicated ones, you will need a more advanced platform that can do it.

Your budget

If you want to learn how to create a chatbot, you must first learn how to budget. Most of the best platforms in the market are performing based on money that users are willing to give for a subscription. If you just hastily subscribe into a platform without thinking about your budget, it will only be disadvantageous for you. However, it is also not good if you are going to settle on free or cheaper platforms. This is because most of them are not going to do anything good for your bot. What you need is a proper guide that will not cost you too much.

Your options

Make sure to research the numerous platforms that you find on the internet. Look for their reviews, how they generate leads, and how they create traffic. Lay down their names along with the pros and cons you can get if you choose one of them. Think it through because they will be the ones guiding you throughout the process. They are the ones who will make knowing how to create a chatbot easier.

Give your bot a personality

Try not to make your bot sound very serious. It will be better if you make your bot more friendly and approachable to your consumers. Make as bubbly and witty as you want but make sure that its personality is still aligned with your brand. It is better if you can entertain your consumers as you try to sell your products with them, so they don’t get bored.

However, learn when your bot’s tone must be serious and reliable. This is to gain the trust of your consumers if they want to purchase your product. If you are creating a tutorbot, make it approachable not to bore the students but still strict enough to make them learn. For therapy bots, it is better to make them entertaining and more engaging with the users. Set it to a calming and friendly tone for the patients.

Connect it with messenger platforms

This step is essential to learn how to create a chatbot. Make sure that you connect your bot into appropriate messenger platforms. It could be on Facebook messenger, Instagram, Twitter, or other social media sites. This makes it more accessible for the users and easier to use. Also, this could add for advertising your chatbot.

You can also connect it directly with your website, but this will be a lot more complicated. It will also be limited for the users. The only good thing about this is when visitors come into your page, they will not need to connect on messenger platforms anymore.

Use machine learning

Machine learning is the capability of the application or machine itself to learn on its own based on its experiences and collected data. This is very important to help your bot grow as time passes. It will not just be limited to the data you inputted. With machine learning, the future of your creation will be promising.

It also the best way of getting demographics and psychographics about your users. This is very useful to collect data and future references. Machine learning can also help the bot adapt depending on the attitude and history of the user.

Learn how to create a chatbot with Herobot!

If you are struggling to look for the best bot platform on the internet, then you don’t need to make a fuss anymore. With Herobot, you can learn how to create a chatbot that will make you successful easily. It offers great deals and has a large number of templates that you can use depending on your field. Moreover, we also have different blog articles that you can read for more information about bot creations.

Smart Bot Chat Marketing That Will Save Your Business

The era of smart bot chat is here, and they are going to stay. Chatbot is dominating the virtual world marketing, and every business people are getting on board. This year, social media is demanding more bots to give them the best and easiest way to finish their tasks. Moreover, these bots are the number one factor helping conversational commerce emerge in the industry. 

smart bot chat

Furthermore, more than half of the consumers are now relying on customer service provided online by brands. Social media is currently the best market place that you will find for better interactions between businesses and their customers. The customers who prefer communicating with smart bot chats have reached more than 69% already. Rather than thinking that they are cold and have no emotions, customers appreciate the precision and speed of services bots could offer.

Smart bot chat marketing samples that you can use

Developers create bot chats depending on the services they are envisioning it to provide. It can be used and utilized for different purposes, so you must be sure about your plans. It will hinge the positive impact of your brand and the quality of products or services that your company has for consumers. If you are having problems thinking ways of using bots for your business, we created a list that can help you along the way.

Here are some of the smart bot chat marketing samples that can help you:

Hello Fresh

This is a very innovative brand that has created a smart bot chat that will answer all the requirements a bot must-have. Moreover, it does what a bot must do and stays simple and easy to use for the customers. Hello, Fresh is self-aware, and straightly introduces its brand to the customers. It frankly states that rather than going around the bush and pretending, it is a bot and not a real human.

Always remember that humans are brilliant beings. You cannot fool them into believing that they are talking with a real human when they are not. If you do this, your customers will get bored and irritated than entertained. Moreover, this bot smartly suggests frequently asked questions with customers to avoid open-ended questions. This way, the conversation will go smoothly without any confusing questions. It also provides vouchers for its users so that they will feel more special and encouraged to purchase.


For those who are in a small business, Evernote is the best example that you can have on creating your bot. It also shows the most straightforward way of using chatbots on small-time marketing. It is not that complicated to create because it merely gives out information about the business. There is no need for customers to have a lengthy conversation because it already provides then complete answers.

Moreover, this bot introduces its twitter support team for additional information that the customers need. This is an elaborate experience that will give the customers the essential details that they will need to know. Although it may not seem as remarkable as other chatbots in the market, this kind of bot will give you more customers.

Domino’s Pizza

This is an excellent example of smart bot chat marketing that business people can use in their brand. Although people are employed in conventional ordering on calls and applications, this new trend is giving customers a great experience. Furthermore, Domino’s is very casual and straightforward. It also asks direct questions that will give out immediate answers when taking an order.

smart bot chat

Domino’s chatbot allows its consumers to customize the pizza they are ordering. Starting from the size, crust up to the toppings, the customers can choose what they like. This is hard when made on calls because it can be quite confusing. However, with bots, the customization process is made more accessible. It also gives more satisfaction to customers, especially to those who are very specific on their preferences.

Universal Studios

When you hear Universal Studios, you automatically think about movies and artists. However, it also has its smart bot chat that helps its clients go around its resort and theme park. With this bot, people will not need to go around finding information centers and bodyguards. With just a click on the messenger bot of Universal Studios, all their queries can be handled easily.

One example of the services they do to help customers is providing them information about the bus schedules. It also includes what to expect when they are going to ride on the bus. All visitors of Universal Studios want to maximize their time to experience more activities. This is why a bot is very helpful when they need to adjust their schedules. Moreover, the bot is also straight to the point of admitting that it is just a bot. If the customers want a real human server, they can do that by typing the provided keyword.

Arsenal FC

If your business is not about selling products and resort reservations, it will not be a problem. Smart bot chat is available and applicable for all types of companies regardless of size and industry. It is why Arsenal FC is the best example for those businesses in journalism and broadcasting.

Arsenal FC is an English soccer powerhouse that broadcasts news and information about their games. Users can ask about the highlights of the games as well as score reports. This is for those who are not able to watch their games when it was broadcasted. It also provides information about the team line-ups, upcoming fixtures, and another related news article about the game.

Among other chatbots used in marketing, Patron Tequila is quite exceptional. It combines customer service with content delivery that will help the brand boost up its sales. They also managed to make their bot name funny with puns—Bot Tenders.

Bot Tender is a cookbook for those looking for a way to find the best cocktail that will match their meal. It will provide suggestions based on the preferences you mentioned. This bot will tell its users about the proper way of making the cocktail as well as the ingredients you will need.

After that, Bot Tender will kindly ask its users to take a picture of its finished product and post it on social media. The post must include the product name as well as the hashtag #SimplyPerfect. This is a simple but creative way of having user-generated content that will entice more customers.

How to create a smart bot chat

With the samples above, you now have an idea on how to utilize chatbots. This is the time that you will have to start creating your own. Building your bot may sound complicated, but with these tips, you are sure to create the best smart bot chat.

Step 1.

You have to learn about the opportunities that AI-based chatbots are offering. Know what you can gain from them to know how to extend the full potential of your bot — research chatbots and companies who are using them. You can also take a quick scroll on your browser to learn about the opportunities you can gain from them.

smart bot chat

Step 2.

Know your goals in building your chatbot. Do you want it to be more conversational or informational? Is your goal to answer the concerns of your customers? Do you want to advertise your brand? These questions are essential to have answers. This will pretty much outline your initial plan upon creating your smart bot chat.

Step 3.

Design your chatbot conversation. Imagine the possible conversational flows and base your bot with it. Input information and features you think are going to help your customers throughout the dialogue. You can make it funny to bring more fun or professional depending on your business. If your bot has excellent conversational skills, then customers will undoubtedly spend time talking with it.

Step 4.

Don’t stress yourself thinking of ways to understand coding in just a short time miraculously. Take the time to find the best bot platform that will help you create your bot without coding. There are numerous bot builders you will find on the internet. They can help you, and they also provide bot-building templates that you can choose from. It will just be up to you to pick the best one.

Pick Herobot!

Are you having a hard time finding the best smart bot chat platform? Then, Herobot is your best choice if you want to have an easy path of creating your bot. You will not need any coding skills, and we are even offering several templates that you can choose from. Herobot also has different widgets and features that can give you more customization options. For more information about our bot platform, visit our website or contact us. We are always willing to help and guide you throughout the whole process.

Chatbot on Website: How to Use Bots to Increase Visits

chatbot on website

We are in the age when technology is advancing, and intelligent machines are arriving. As we all know, these advancements such as bots have essential effects on business operations. No matter what the size of your ventures, this has benefits that will help you improve your marketing status. It can also produce services that your customers demand. Moreover, you can build relationships with your site visitors using the chatbot on website.

There are a large number of machines and software that can be useful for your websites. However, bots are one of the most efficient and timely advancements that businesspeople are using now as their marketing strategy. Furthermore, they are computer programs that simulate human conversation, which makes it effective in customer service. It can be used for voice commands, text chats, and social media marketing.

chatbot on website

The rise of a chatbot on website

Chatbots are one of the emerging technology that has changed the global market. The very first bot created was at MIT in 1966 by the name of Eliza, which was later called the chatterbot. The purpose of this bot is to establish a communication interface between machine and man. Eliza became famous when it therapeutically spoke to its users.

The revolution of chatbots came with the launch of Apple’s assistant: Siri. Siri uses a vivid range of user commands. It can also perform phone actions like setting up reminders and searching the internet. It can also navigate areas, check necessary information, and engage with iOS-integrated applications. The chatbot market has existed for years and has grown so much. Online marketing changed as well because of it. Now, a lot of business owners are choosing this option for their websites.

Chatbot on website

Chatbots are software that can have conversations with humans. These applications are famous for their accurate answering machines on the internet. Moreover, many businesses are now using a chatbot on website to improve their efficiency. In addition, they use it to gather prospective clients who want to have business with them. This will save the company a lot of expenses without compromising its services.

The main function of chatbots is customer help. Some customers tend to need help while they are shopping. It is because they want to know more about the product before they buy it. That is why certain malls have salesmen to market the products to the customers. This is the same as having chatbots on your websites that can help your brand when the clients have doubts or inquiries.

Understanding the abilities of a chatbot

     Bots are finding their place in private and professional lives as it helps people with their productivity and addressing business challenges. While chatbots are becoming a real thing, its capabilities are a real thing as well. What can these chatbots do?

Chatbots are like humans.

If the chatbot sounds like a bot, it will turn the clients off. Even if we know that we are talking to a robot, we would prefer talking to a bot that sounds more of a human. Chatbots are empathetic to what the clients feel, so they say things like “I’m sorry.”

Chatbots are intelligent.

Answering questions is not only what these chatbots can do. They also have deep emotions. Chatbot on website can sense the mood of the person they are talking to. They respond according to the atmosphere of the conversation. They must also know when to escalate the concern of the person to live support. Moreover, they might even predict what the user needs and give suggestions to their users.

Chatbots have proficient broadcasting skills.

Chatbots can broadcast their message to their audience clearly and correctly. This helps in making a better relationship between the customers and the company. However, these are only a few of what these chatbots can do. Powered by an artificial intelligence system, a chatbot on website has a lot of features. In addition, as they have more interactions with users, online chat can improve over time. Their knowledge about more questions they are giving to agents will also expand. Despite its complexity, this interface will be a big step to the growth of companies.

chatbot on website

Why should you have a chatbot on website?

Running a business requires a lot of time, money, efforts, and productivity. And with the help of chatbot on website, companies can stand out and improve. Here are some benefits that businesses may enjoy if they have chatbots on their websites:

Saves time.

A chatbot on website can save time in business as it is being used on websites. With it, companies can provide fast and efficient, automated answers to most inquiries. Moreover, this will prevent the customer from waiting for hours or worst, for a day or longer to receive a response. Through this, the business will cater to a vast number of inquiries. Low costs but higher productivity!

One tap away!

Chatbots are easy to use and are very convenient.  With only a single tap on the screen, customers can easily reach the company’s server and get a quick response. With only a couple of taps and clicks, a chatbot on website can be a big help for both the customers and the owner.

Increase more customers.

With the use of chatbots, businesses will be able to reach more potential customers. There are instances that a person will panic if a lot of persons ask at the same time, while if it is a chatbot, you can avoid it.

Provide better customer satisfaction.

Humans work at least eight hours a day, and businesses should be running longer than this. With a chatbot on website, they will be available 24/7. From experience, some customers check their social media at night. Some even at midnight. They ask questions and would like a response right away. And once in a while, they get frustrated when they take too long to reply. While chatbots can answer anytime and real-time.

Few mistakes.

Humans will be able to forget things and commit errors that can confuse or irritate a customer. But chatbot on website can provide perfect answers for the question of every customer. Bots are consistent. Once the same problem comes up, it won’t be hard to apply the same response to the customer.

Chatbots have security.

Breaching issues can worry about everyone. But using a chatbot on website means that the data they gather is safe, as the users can choose what they need to collect. It also encrypts sensitive data so that we can avoid unauthorized access. Business owners are aware that the damage of a data breach can be devastating for a business.

Improves the branding of the business.

Bots will have a huge factor for both personal and marketing benefits. As the competition gets higher, customers go for what is easy and convenient. In short, they are searching for easy but effective ways of getting a solution

Saves money.

The best advantage of having a chatbot on website is that it requires companies less development cost. Compared to hiring employees to do the tasks, it helps companies for a faster and more efficient process of customer service. Also, the brand does not have to pay for the human servers who are supposed to work 24/7 as the bots do.

chatbot on website

Misconceptions on chatbots

There has been a lot of misconception regarding the negative effects of bots in the human world. Companies enjoy the benefits of technology, but these misconceptions hold them back. Some say that when you have bots, you will no longer need human interaction. But this cannot be true! While AI is an advanced form of technology, human intervention is still required. Humans need to make sure that it is operating well. Remember that chatbot on the website is not a replacement for humans.

Another misconception is that chatbot on the website would only give you repetitive replies. But they do not. Instead, they use machine learning to pick up on specific words and phrases. Chatbots can use emojis as well, adding a little something more to the conversation.

While others think that these chatbots need to have all of the information, chatbots do not need to be a repository of information. The company does not need to inject every facet of information into the system at all. AI systems are meant to learn as they are interacted with. It doesn’t need to have every detail of the product.

Redefine your business

Customer care services are having a hard time dealing with a large number of customers. Some are simple inquiries that the chatbot can answer anytime. Moreover, customers do not have to waste their time waiting for on-hold on a customer care line. Also, businesses will stand out more and will reach more audiences with the help of chatbot on the website. Other than its availability, it is also efficient in expanding one’s business. Chatbots can be one of the factors to lead your business into a success. There are also a variety of available bots online.

HeroBot is one of the leading chatbot platforms in the market. It gives you the power to create messenger bots. This builder also helps you make conversion funnels and drip for marketing. It also allows you to lead generation, sales, and support. In fact, it’s super easy and free. HeroBot makes it easy to build your chatbot on the website using available tools and widgets available on our page. Whether you already have a business or just starting – HeroBot got you covered! Are you planning to take your website to the next level? Make your bot with us.

Why Choosing the Best Messenger Bots a Must?

best messenger bots

As technological improvements arise, we cannot deny its benefits that we users encounter. These changes are clearly evident with how advanced our gadgets are. People can manage and accomplish tasks easier through the help of technology. In addition, connecting with other people will never be a problem because people can connect to everyone, anytime and anywhere. This benefit is being taken advantage by people with business. Apparently, by the use of advanced technology such as chatbots, possible clients can know what type of services a company has. That’s why entrepreneurs seek the best messenger bots to further improve their communication to their future consumers.

This type of technology is a hit for modern businesses. There are numerous reasons why it is well known. But before dwelling into that area, let’s begin with introducing what chatbot is in the definition.

best messenger bots

In a blog from the website Pitch Ground, it states that chatbot is a messaging technology used for conversations. It functions as one of the platforms for communication. Facebook messenger utilizes this technology also. There are specially formulated phrases which are in line with what purpose the user creates. This, later on, creates conversation like how person to person act in messenger.  In short, it serves as a medium for asking questions about your desired topic.

Colonizing the business world

Messenger chatbots occupy the business world as of today. Every time we access a service, chatbots are there. This adaptation leads to the nourishment that flourishes the reputation of a business. An artificial conversation, such as chatbots helps in advertising. It results to abundantly reaching the desired market. That is one of the reasons why this software is rampant in the online marketing world.

The vitality of Messenger Chatbots

Internet, being the fastest platform for reaching the audience, people cannot deny the fact that customers rely more on online. People browse information on the internet because of its ease- of use. That’s why the invention of chatbots increases this satisfaction. This leads to the search for the best messenger bots as several competitions adapt to technological changes.

Perhaps by narrowing down the benefits of having messenger chatbots, this can explain why it is essential in growing a business:

Customer support

Chatbots serves as a support for businesses in terms of providing service to people. Through this messenger bot, customer service is much easier. This tool automatically messages the client who accesses the website or page. It results in faster engagement. With its ability to connect to clients, it provides a preview of what a business can offer to the public.

Building image

Meanwhile, with the use of this support, it strengthens the image of your company. There are options readily served for future transactions for future clients. These options are set primarily for introduction purposes. By means of this action, possible buyers understand what companies can offer. In addition, it assures the potential clients of the capabilities of the company.   Meanwhile, chatbots known as automated messages can validate the reputation of the company. Replies are ideally programmed, resulting in polite answers for the questions. This results in a positive outcome, such as a satisfactory review from the customers.

Convenient use

On the other hand, usage of chatbots provides convenience. This support is available 24/7, which is vital for queries. These queries are then stored and replied as soon as the owner of the business is available. With the use of this support, communication is much faster.  But this function does not only apply to the customers. The owner of the business can use this advantage as it connects them quickly to their target audience. Moreover, selecting the desired audience creates no hassle.  Through chatbots, customers willingly approach for inquiry.

Saves money

Another benefit of acquiring the best messenger bots is it reduces expense in terms of salary. Having bots is an excellent investment as bots functions as customer support, an essential job position. Hiring a person for this dilemma will not be an issue anymore.  Bots can already suffice the needed service.

Multi-tasking communication

Communicating with numerous people is not a problem with the use of chatbots.  With its repetitive options, automated replies are on the way. This results in more engagement leading to satisfied customers.

best messenger bots

Chatbots do assist a business in order to grow and establish what services they can offer. That’s why selecting the best messenger bots is a must to introduce your company further. Here are some of the well-known chatbot tools for that matter.

The Best Messenger Bots for your business

This bot system focuses on the Artificial Intelligence (AI), creating a calm approach as if a person is speaking instead. Through using the context of the inquiry or statement, bots can reply like human beings. It results in an excellent experience for your customers. Moreover, we can achieve the selling of product as communication is suitable.


Another bot that can solve your marketing dilemma is ManyChat. This chatbot is considered as prominent chatbots as several influencers use them. It provides customized features such as visual drag and drop builder. Due to this, creating desired chatbots in terms of its look is possible.


One of the known bots in the industry is Zo Convert. This system helps you to acquire subscribers easily through automated messages. It is one of the growing bots, but it is only applicable to Shopify users. Shopify is an E-commerce platform for you to sell your product. In short, it helps your business to reach more audiences, which is accomplished by Shopify. Now, through Zo Convert, you can collect as many subscribers as you want. Also, reminders such as limited offer products will notify Shopify users, which increases your reached market. Moreover, it sends automated messages which tap and attracts the customer’s interest. Through this strategy, an abundant number of clients will soon be a customer.


This support system is a chatbot that focuses on helping your company to produce more sales. It is not only applicable to Shopify users like the chatbot mentioned above. Through the use of this support, it results in more queries from the customers, meaning more audience reached. Furthermore, a feature of this tool that businesses love to have is replying to numerous questions will never be a problem. That function is what this chatbot has. In addition, It also provides calculation, which is a plus for the customers. Customers can expect the exact amount needed for the needed services. Furthermore, it lessens your expenses in customer support by encoding the required information.

Flow Xo

Meanwhile, another one of the best messenger bots which provides outstanding service to companies is Flow Xo. This support increases your assurance for it helps you to reach more sales. In addition, the gathering of data is not an issue because conversation appears real. With the use of this chatbot, conversing with your client becomes natural. Contexts are taken from the inquiry and are being related to what the owner programmed. In addition, it allows customers to have multiple questions. That feature makes it different from other chatbots.


On the other hand, snatch bot is known for its generous service, for it has a free plan. One of its features is their outstanding bot template. You can customize or modify the appearance of your chatbot through the available models. It results in your chatbot to look at what you desire. This bot developer allows your chatbot to be in line with the design of your business. Another feature is it involves multiple plugins such as Google Calendar, Giphy, eBay, and more. You can acquire all of these features in the free version.


It is one of the new chatbots in the industry, unlike the other which are already prominent. This chatbot is mainly for influencers such as bloggers. But of course, you can also use this to promote your business. It has features that can increase the reach of audiences. Aside from that, there is a welcome message for people who inquire about the topic.


Botsify is another messenger chatbot that uses drag and drop template. This simple process results to ease of use. On another note, it uses Smart Alternative Intelligence (AI), which is usual for chatbots. Also, it allows if there’s a need for a human to take over the conversation.

best messenger bots

Having the best messenger bots as your customer support does create a difference in the corporate world. With the use of chatbots, the job is much easier since it has functions that are specifically for the growth of your business. Furthermore, it reforms the image of your business as it adapts this innovation. That’s why carefully choosing the best messenger chatbot is a must. Select what provides your needed support in order to gain more sales. Also, through selecting the right chatbot, establishing your business is not a problem.

To know more about Messenger chatbots, visit our website Herobot. Or you can contact us at +1 416 623 8882.