How a Chatbot Developer Give Life to Your Chatbot

chatbot developer

Chatbots make one’s job lighter and faster. From sending emails to answering queries, a chatbot can do it much faster than a real human can. At first, it could be questionable if a chatbot can really do the work of a human without any error, but due to the development of technology, chatbots gained a good reputation online.

The seamless transition from a real-life assistant to these machine agents can now be observed by merely using our phones and browsing through the Internet. Thanks to a chatbot developer, the online world can now taste the sweetness of chatbots and the benefits it can bring us.

chatbot developer

But, have you ever wonder how these technology-based assistants work? Inevitably, you sometimes ask yourself how a message pop-up to your Facebook Messenger without a live person sending it.

How does a chatbot come to life?

The life of a chatbot is no mystery nor magic, but, one can never deny the fact that it brought a lot of benefits to human works ever since it was created. A bot is programmed to work independently from a human operator. For this reason, you will sometimes ask yourself if a chatbot is a computer planted with a human brain.

Humans are fascinated continuously with self-operating and artificial intelligence-powered machines. Due to this, they consistently ask themselves, “How does a chatbot come to life?” To feed your mind with the answers to this question below is the process the digital friend of ours is made.

1. Setting your goals

Like everything you do or work on, it is essential to get a clear set of your goals. Is your bot for Facebook Messenger, for other online messaging applications, or should it be a talking bot? These goals will define what your chatbot is for and how it would help you as well as your clients in your tasks. You should also make sure that you are prepared since building a chatbot can be time and resource consuming.

2. Know your target audience

Before a chatbot is designed, it is essential to know where it would be used for and what kind of customers will it interact with. By identifying who your target audience is, you will be able to visualize how your bot would look like. The design of your chatbot must be suited to the service it offers so that it will attract more customers.

3. Designing your chatbot

In this process is where a chatbot’s personality, interaction to users, as well as how it will answer to question is defined. It is important that your chatbot functions to perfectly assist customers without anyone operating it. The whole finished result of a chatbot is based on how it is designed. Additionally, where the chatbot will appear is also defined in this process. Do research on what existing platforms can you generate more sales. For instance, it was reported that Facebook Messenger helped Sephora increase its sales ever since the store implemented a chatbot system. By doing this process, you will be able to know where your chatbot should create its reputation to the online market.

4. Creating your chatbot

Building a chatbot is divided into two main processes. First, understanding its potential users’ intent and secondly producing the best answer to every query. A chatbot’s first task involves understanding whatever tits user will input. On the other hand, the second one will involve the data processes as to how the chatbot will respond to questions.

5. Monitoring and maintenance

After being able to develop a chatbot, monitoring how it works must be done in order to see if there are flaws and usage problems. By monitoring your bot, you can improve how it works as well as you can improve the user’s experience. On the other hand, to keep the smooth speed of your chatbot, it should be consistently maintained. The manual input must also be done so that your bot will not lose its smooth speed.

Chatbot Developer – What is it?

While it is important to know how chatbots are made, it is more important to know the people behind this useful innovations: the chatbot developer.

A chatbot developer is a person or a platform behind the exquisite works of a chatbot. They have the knowledge to create a system that thinks exactly like how a human brain does. There are a lot of chatbot developers available online with both their paid and free versions. While creating a bot requires knowledge about coding, some of the chatbot developing platform online does not require you to be coding and IT, experts. Additionally, most of the chatbot developers now are targeting Facebook Messenger and other messaging platforms because they know that they can get more clients there.

Here is the list of some chatbot developers in 2019:

1. Botsify

A simple chatbot builder that lets its users create Facebook Messenger-based chatbots easily. With Botsify, you do not need any knowledge about coding and programming since it has an easy interface. The developer also comes with some integration features. Botsify lets you integrate your chatbot to some other platforms like Spotify, Alexa, and WordPress.

2. Manychat

Manychat is another simple and effective chatbot development platform. Although this platform is exclusive for Facebook and has a monthly fee, it is perfect for integration to Facebook advertising, a series of messages, and mailing.

3. ChatterBot

chatbot developer

A chatbot developing platform that lets people step up into more complex chatbot building, ChatterBot. The platform has tools that aid in simplifying the chatbot training process. In ChatterBot, you have to create a series of entry in the knowledge graph so that your chatbot responses are correctly represented. After the input process of the knowledge graph, the developer then creates a Python Library that is language independent, which allows the chatbot to be trained based on the developer’s desired language. Undeniably, this chatbot developing platform is not for beginners.

4. Dialogflow

This platform is powered by Google’s machine learning. Grounded in natural language conversations, Dialogflow aids people to create either text-based or conversational bots. Additionally, it creates a connection to Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and more. Dialogflow has inbuilt machine learning and natural language processing technologies that a chatbot developer can access. For this reason, the bot developers can focus more on the integral parts of their AI-powered system rather than on establishing in-depth grammar rules.

5. helps developers to create bots that can understand and respond to human commands and questions. is for those advanced chatbot developers. Using this platform, developers can build bots that can respond to real humans through text or voice. This platform gets smarter as you continuously interact with it because it stores data needed for future usage.

6. Botkit

Perfect for chatbot developers who want to interact with other bot developers, Botkit is not just a platform but also a community of more than 7,000 developers around the globe. The platform is empowered visual conversation builder, open-source libraries, and thoroughly tested codes from some of the best chatbot developers, all available for you to use in powering your chatbot.

7. Pandorabots

You can say that this developer is already a professional in its area since it is one of the oldest and largest chatbot hosting services in the world. The creators of this platform aim to support the development of open-source standard support in making artificially intelligent bots. In addition, Pandorabots lets users create chatbots for different purposes like virtual assistance, messaging, command, and control. Moreover, the platform supports the development of Artificial Intelligence Markup Language open-source, a system used for creating natural language software agents.

8. Chatfuel

Aiming to make chatbot developing easier, Chatfuel is a bot builder for Facebook Messenger that lets a chatbot developer make his platform without having to have the knowledge about coding. Additionally, this platform has an intuitive visual interface that lets non-technical users build their very own chatbots and make conversational flows. Chatbots create connections between humans and machines through the use of messaging applications, so, creating a chatbot using this platform is really advisable.


This is another zero coding chatbot developer. Additionally, they also have different templates stored in their system that you can edit and use in giving life to your chatbot. However, TARS do not have a free version, and its price is somewhat higher than other chatbot developing platforms.


Sequel empowers developers and creators to build their own conversational and engaging human-like machines. Content creators – brands, game designers, journalists, and consumers, for instance, can create a platform that is entertaining and smart using SEQUEL. Moreover, SEQUEL has a growing number of messaging partners like Facebook Messenger, Kik, and Telegram.

11. HeroBot

chatbot developer

We saved the best for last. HeroBot is the most excellent chatbot developing platform on the web. Create your bots without the need of complicated coding or any other hassles. What’s more is that HeroBot grants you access to several useful functions for free. Yes, you’ve read that right, it’s free. With HeroBot, you have the power to create your own chatbot with a simple drag and drop. Increase your revenue and efficiency without the need to spend additional costs.

Empower your business with a chatbot that will increase your engagement to customers. To be able to do that, what you need is a chatbot developer that is perfect for your business and preferences. Connect with HeroBot now to the best chatbot for you!