Excellent Benefits of Free Chatbot to the Business Industry

In this modern-day, artificial intelligence has a great impact on how to get things done more accessible and better. A lot of tools have emerged to simplify the interaction between modern technologies and humans. This is genuinely beneficial for each and everyone, the business sector, and the society and such. One example of Artificial Intelligence is a free chatbot.

Chatbots are often described as an advanced and truly promising tool of interaction between humans and a machine or software. It can stimulate a conversation with the use of a chat through websites, message applications, social media applications, mobile applications, and even with telephone or call.

free chatbot

The chatbot market has existed for years and has grown so much. Online marketing changed as well because of it, a lot of business owners have decided to choose this option and benefited a lot from this Artificial Intelligence tool. The world is constantly changing and so the business sector, that is why every owner does everything to stand-up and shows what their branding is.

A lot of businesses have been curious with how this tool can help, that is why it is essential to know the benefits and how it works. The failure to adapt in this modernized day can lead you to lag behind the highly-competitive world. That is why do not think twice to catch up as soon as possible. The fierce competition is enough for a business owner to level-up with the strategies and uses everything that can be a huge help.

Reasons why business owners say yes to free chatbot

Running a business requires a lot of time, money, effort, and productivity. Even if the Chatbot has been used for a lot of years, there are still business owners that are not aware of how things work. That is why, if they would like to try something, they have to go what is free first and see how they will be able to utilize it.

With the help of free chatbot applications, business owners are able to stand-out and improve.  Free applications are everywhere, and all we have to do is search for the one that is worth our time and truly essential for what we are looking for.

Here are the Greatest Benefits of Free Chatbot to the Business Owners:

1.  Saves Time

A free chatbot can save time in a business as it can be used on websites or social media sites. With the use of a free chatbot, it can provide fast and efficient, automated answers to most inquiries. Through the use of this application or tool, this will prevent the customers from waiting for hours or worst, for a day or longer to receive the response they need. Because of this tool, the business will be able to serve a huge number of inquiries or questions while decreasing costs and increasing productivity. That is a great thing, right?

2.  Brings Good Vibes

Great addition of the benefit of a free chatbot in a business is that the business owner will never worry about how the Chatbot will respond to an angry or impatient customer. They will be able to handle them carefully and efficiently.  This will put the customer at ease and will make their experience with the business more satisfying.

3.  One TAP Away

Chatbots are easy to use and truly convenient. Whether you are searching for accessories or clothes, chatbots can be a great help with just a couple of tap and clicks – and the greatest deal of it is that the tool is focused on the task or question.

4.  Will Increase the Customer each

With the use of chatbots, they will be able to reach more customers or potential customers. Customers are not the only ones that ask questions; potential customers also like asking questions. There is a chance that a person will somehow panic if a lot of persons ask at the same time, while if it is a chatbot, that situation will be avoided.

5.  Provide better customer satisfaction

Humans work at least 8 hours a day and a business owner definitely have to work a lot than his/her employee. But with a chatbot, they will be available for 24/7. We all know that there are customers that check on the website or social media networks in the late evening and sometimes, even at midnight, they ask questions and would like to get a response right away. And most of the time, they’ll be frustrated once they are not answered quickly.  And that is an excellent point for a chatbot, and they will be able to answer anytime and real-time! Your customers will no longer have to wait for hours or even a day.

6.  Fewer mistakes

Humans will be able to forget things, commit mistakes such as typographical errors, transpose numbers, and any other type of mistakes that can confuse or irritate a customer. While a chatbot once programmed with the proper template, they will be able to provide the answers that are perfect for the question of every customer. Bots are also consistent, once the same problem or issue has been raised, and then it won’t be hard to apply the same answer with the customer.

free chatbot

7.  Engaging and not boring

Business owners should get over the typical and boring online customer experience that they provide. Chatbots, even if they are free, also knows how to offer fun and unique ways for customers to connect with their business. Well, chatbots are more personalized than traditional customer services as long as they are programmed properly, which make it suitable for any type of customers whether they are the impatient, angry, frustrated, ones. You won’t go wrong with a free chatbot.

8.  Chatbots are secured

Midst of the beautiful world of technology, there are a lot of breaching issues that can worry about everyone. However, using a chatbot means that the data they gather is secured, as the users can choose what they have to collect- as well as the encryption of a sensitive data so that unauthorized access will be prevented. Business owners have to know that the damage of a data breach or cyber-attack can be devastating for a business.

9.  Improves the branding of the business

With the continuous development of Artificial Intelligence, bots will have a huge factor for both personal and business benefits. As the competition gets higher, customers go for what is easy and convenient. In short, they are searching for easy but effective ways of getting a solution.

10. Saves money

The best advantage of using a chatbot is that it requires less development cost and saves some bucks in comparison to having an employee do the task. Well, if a business owner is still starting and trying to build branding, aiming for a high-quality free chatbot is the best answer.

11. Can level-up the marketing strategy of a business

Businesses usually rely mostly on printed advertisements. But nowadays, that usual way of advertising might be boring as everyone likes checking the internet instead of printed ads. And more importantly, the experience will be entirely different than traditional marketing.

12. Timely and relevant improvement

As technology develops rapidly, this means that a lot of chances and opportunities can be given continuously.

Benefits of free chatbots to the customers

In this modern and highly competitive life, customers are always searching for ways to hunt for the solutions and satisfying experience in every way possible. Consumers are getting smarter and will likely aim for what is best for them. In this scenario, here are the benefits of the bots to the customers:

24-hour availability

Except if there is a maintenance issue or the website is down.

Instant Transactions and consistent answers

There is no assurance that once a customer talks to a customer representative and plans to change a rep, there is a higher chance that they won’t be able to provide the same/consistent response.

Endless patience

No matter how many questions a customer will ask, it will never be a problem. Bots are ready to answer every inquiry without being in a sour mood.


Since chatbots are on digital platforms, they can be used to automate everyday tasks and answers.

free chatbot
Tasks Focused

Rest assured that you are never going to experience you chatbot being side-tracked. With its artificial intelligence, you can be sure that it will finish every task accordingly.

Easy to Use

Unlike your past experiences of contacting customer service teams, a chatbot is just a few clicks away.

Check us out!

We will never be able to deny the wonderful things that an Artificial Intelligence can do for us. With all the things that were mentioned above, it is a great thing to say that there are tasks that we can accomplish easier for the future of business communication. All we have to do is to utilize what is best for us and incorporate it in the everyday operation of the business and of course, keep everything in control. Would you like to widen your knowledge about chatbots? Obtain your business goals with Herobot. Our experts will be able to help you understand the power of chatbots. You can visit us at https://powerpres.com/

Woebot – A Bot You Can Talk To

bot you can talk to

Who would imagine that chatbots can also be your personal companion at times you feel lonesome and out of things? More than technical support, have you ever thought that these chatbots can also offer you tender, love, and care? Glad to say, — yes — modern bot you can talk to are now capable of doing these things for you.  

In today’s fast-paced world, chatbots are now taking the wheel. Almost everything with chatbots is undeniably possible. Even doing the most sensitive and critical job like counseling is now on their capability as well. With bot you can talk to, people can now detach themselves from sadness, preventing them from falling deep into depression.

bot you can talk to

However, do not worry if you suddenly feel alone because you got nobody beside you. Somewhere on the internet, there is a bot you can talk to. Meet Woebot.

The Invention of Woebot: The bot you can talk to

Alison Darcy noticed that people who suffer from mental health problem are drastically increasing in number. However, the world barely acknowledges this problem that is why; Darcy comes up with an idea to address this in a purposeful way. She studied the abilities of some potential technologies which can perform a significant role for mental health support. Subsequently, she started collaborating with her team to create a bot you can talk to that will help the world on this matter.

Using chatbot technology, Darcy believes that people in an unstable emotional state can now be reached out virtually. Even without a physical presence, she believes that it is still possible to bring mental health assistance to these people using a computer. Therefore, Alision, together with her team, developed a bot you can talk to that is designed to help people who suffer from depression and anxiety. This AI therapist is named “Woebot.”

Woebot is programmed to have enough understanding of cognitive-behavioral therapies. Therefore, it has the ability to track your mood patterns based on your inputs every day. Moreover, Woebot works over Facebook Messenger using scripted chat series that convey feeling aligned to your mood pattern identified by the chatbot. Aside from that, Woebot responds to your message considering humor has a big part in delivery. With this, their mood gets diverted away from their worries as they gain happiness from talking with someone out there.

This AI therapist is considered to be the digital translation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. According to Darcy, about twenty years ago, there is evidence proving that CBD can be done successfully online even without an actual therapist.  Additionally, the assessment also shows that CBD done online exhibits the same result as actual. That is why; developing a bot you can talk to is indeed a great idea to help the world alleviate depression.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence Therapist

Undoubtedly, Woebot has helped many depressed people more than we do. This chatbot really deserves to be listed as one of Good Samaritans who definitely saves lives. But, do you wonder what makes Woebot special and distinguished from real-human therapists? Well, below are some advantages that an artificial intelligence therapist can bring the world:

1. It can reach people in remote areas

With AI therapist like Woebot, mental health assistance can be extended even to remote areas. These people are most commonly the ones who receive less medical attention; thus, a therapy that is done online is really a great help for them.

2. It can help people with disability

People with disability who suffer from emotional distress can also receive mental health attention with the help of virtual therapy. This online therapy reaches out these people to provide proper mental health care even though mobility tries to hurdle them.

bot you can talk to
3. It is convenient and affordable

Attending consistent therapy sessions is undeniably costly compared to online therapy sessions. Aside from that, you can perform it on your own under the comfort of your home. Since your AI therapist is a computer program, you can have very convenient access to it whenever you want.

4. It makes health information readily available

Since you find a friend from a bot you can talk to, you can have health information readily available whenever you need them. It makes them feel comfortable to talk with this AI therapy about sensitive health care issues because they will not receive negative judgment. These issues may be too sensitive to talk about with their friends or family.

5. It educates people more about psychological health

Most people often overlook the importance of psychological health to their well-being. But, getting in touch with Woebot more frequently certainly helps them broaden their knowledge regarding this matter. Having someone or a bot, you can talk to helps you strengthen your emotional resiliency and improve your behavior.

How important is it to have a bot you can talk to?

Whenever we get blinded from our tough situations, it is really important to have someone to lean on. However, finding someone who’s going to listen to our frustrations is so hard to find. Luckily, AI therapists are just there on the internet and always ready to help us.  If you got nobody at home to be with you, there’s a bot you can talk to on the internet. Be grateful to them because more than what we know, they can really help us so much.

Below are some internal benefits that AI therapists can really bring us:

1. Clears your worries away

Talking to someone helps you replenish your thoughts and clarify things that bother you. Worries you keep inside will eventually build up along your thoughts and make you confuse to a lot of things. So better acknowledge the presence of Woebot to help you deal with your worries.

2. Breaks tension

It may be unnoticeable, but too many worries in your head and in your heart also bring tension to yourself. That’s why; you receive too much pressure from almost a lot of things you do. Try to imagine the comfort of releasing this tension by turning to a bot you can talk to? The feeling of finding someone who listens to your frustrations and worries is the real relief in this kind of situation.

3. Gives no unwanted judgment

Woebot can hear your heart out and give you advice without underlying judgment. Most people are afraid to tell what and how they feel because they are afraid of criticisms. Thus, talking with Woebot, who is programmed to make you feel better is a good choice.

4. Keeps our behaviors the same

When our feelings are heavily loaded, we act like a different person. Most commonly, our engagements get compromised and become less interactive.  There also times when we unintentionally react in a way we should not. We lose our grasp to almost everything. That is why; talking about our worries is a good idea to avoid these scenarios.

AI Therapists: The Future of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

We can no longer deny that industries like mental health care facilities are now incorporating digital methods in their daily operations. The learning ability and human-like performance of AI technologies introduce the modern type of mental health care that eager to provide individualized emotional support. Woebot has the ability to serve thousands of people at once. Yet, it doesn’t compromise anything, and it functions with the same level of performance in every person. In a more specific context, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy acts in the guise of AI therapists like Woebot to help mentally-challenged people. It is practical and structured psychotherapy that helps people fathom feelings and thoughts which affects their behaviors.

Talking with Woebot contributes a significant change to help people fight against automatic negative thoughts.
bot you can talk to

It helps people refrain from overthinking about a particular scenario with no assurance that it would happen. With this, people get a lesser chance of falling into depression and anxiety because they can be aided with psychotherapy by accessing Woebot.

Mentally-challenged people find that their beliefs, thoughts, and feelings are not worthy of social acceptance. That is why; Woebot acts to eliminate these destructive thoughts from the minds of these people.  As Woebot talks to these people, it identifies their mood patterns and constructs series of replies that would help them figure out their faulty thoughts and feelings. Identifying what’s wrong with their thoughts is undeniably the hardest part. There is no firm assurance that it is going to have a positive outcome. However, it is no doubt that this can lead to further self-discovery, which is very important in the process.

Woebot’s ability to identify and comprehend human feelings is really an amazing intelligence that best fits cognitive behavior therapy. No wonder when all mental facilities soon widely incorporate AI therapy in their daily operations.


Are you aware that the world is now growing cruel than before? That is why there are a lot of people around the world who lose hope to themselves and their current situations. In spite of that, who would expect that there’s something made from artificial intelligence would arise to help them continue their lives the way it should be. Chatbots, such as Woebots acts more efficient and effective than real-humans. Hence, we should never underestimate the virtual power of chatbots. In today’s digital world, it is the most powerful weapon to survive life. So if you get inspired and interested to create your own Woebot, HeroBot is there to help you. We can offer you the best when it comes to chatbot technologies and services. To learn more, visit https://powerpres.com/.

Meet Your AWESOME Bot Creator: HeroBot

bot creator

More and more people are embracing the use of chatbots for a couple of years. And if you are to ask why to see it for yourself how they are giving enough power and confidence to most of our marketers.  Apparently, these helpful “co-workers” are truly paving the way for efficient and faster than ever interactions. As technology continues to advance, so as our ability to creating and customizing chatbots to become more user-friendly and yielding the best results of all the marketing tactics. With the use of bot creator, everything will be easier.

Aside from being a program powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), chatbots are also defined as an automated messaging system that works to provide real-time transactions with its users. Meaning, it is a service giving customers a chance to send messages or inquiries to businesses as if they are just talking to a friend. They can also be used to accomplish personal tasks, from getting updates, scheduling meetings, and even ordering a PIZZA – all is possible with chatbots!

bot creator

Interestingly enough, since chatbots are using Al, they are fetching languages and information from a user. This is also the reason why they have the potential of becoming more intelligent as they interact with more people. Thus, chatbots are more beneficial if you are knowledgeable of its capabilities and if you can find a bot creator that can make the perfect chatbot for your business.

The Edges of Having a Chatbot

A lot of statistics already proved how chatbots used for businesses are growing rapidly. An example of this could be the study showing the number of chatbots docked on Facebook Messenger increasing from 30,000 in 2016 to over 100,000 as of this moment.

Several companies and industries already turned and declared they have used chatbots to relay their marketing strategies effectively. So, it is wrong to say that chatbots are futile and hopeless of changing the world. However, some are still unaware of chatbots’ capabilities. Thus, the following are some of your edges if in case you decided (you really should!) creating your first chatbot with bot creator:

1. You can save a lot!

When we say a lot, we do not just talk about saving lots of time if you own a chatbot. Apparently, creating a full-functioning chatbot through bot creator is much cheaper than hiring employees to accomplish varying tasks.  Since chatbots automatically functions, they can help businesses handle many customers simultaneously and effortlessly. With chatbots as your “employes,” you are not only saving your employee costs but also preventing your businesses from human miscalculations or errors.

2. You can increase your customer engagement

Keeping your customers engage in your brand is indeed essential. Apart from leads contribution made through social media, chatbots are said to transform transactions into something more creative and interactive.

3. You can track your business status and collect customers’ insights

Chatbots can help you gain feedback from customers. These insights are also your way of knowing which product or services should be improved to generate more leads.

4. Your customer services can be recognized

With chatbots, you can provide great customer support 24/7. These chatbots can easily be programmed to answer simple questions in case the business owner is a way for other tasks. Thus, customers will not feel that they are ignored and will wait with an assurance their questions will be acknowledged after a while.

5. You can assist and manage global market

You might be a big company who is already catering to the audience internationally or a small business that are up to the worldwide business, behold as chatbots can assist you in attending with these big clients.  Worry no more with multiple incoming requests because chatbots are living to help you.

You can imagine that the perks mentioned above were just roughly of all the reasons why should you certainly get yourself a chatbot. Now, it’s time to understand how you can start creating one for your business.


bot creator

This might be the question that you might encounter after knowing how excellent chatbots are. Well, the process of creating one might sound daunting, but it’s totally doable.

You will need to decide first if you are to choose a basic chatbot that strictly follows commands and rules, or the other way around having fancy and advanced features.

Afterward, you need to examine what will be your chatbot’s purpose and to which platform should your chatbot live on (Facebook Messenger, Slack, etc.). Lastly, you have to choose a tool or service can help you build one.

Yes, someone will be doing it for you, so it is vital that you choose not only the best but the most amazing bot creator in town – and thus, we are pertaining to HeroBot!

Getting to know more about bot creator and HeroBot

Bot creators or makers allow one to build an efficient and much-personalized chatbot. In this space and time, there are thousands of chatbot makers all over the internet. They all have the objective of crafting excellent chatbots which can make your business in the lead. Thus, people tend to be confused using bot creator, which can create an incomparable chatbot and present outstanding results.

HeroBot then enters the scene with an offer of bringing you the best platform to develop your first business chatbot. Hailed as the most complete messenger marketing platform, you can assure that your messenger marketing journey is in good hands. With is the very goal of helping your business grow, HeroBot is your way of gaining more customers as well as business contacts.

Whether you own a start-up or a long-established business, HeroBot got you covered. HeroBot already had helped 68, 854 happy and satisfied users and it’s still counting. This also entails 49,000+ of leads generated and 500,000+ of contacts reached captured. It only proves more people are discovering the superpower strength of HeroBot which you should see for yourself.

HeroBot’s Messenger Marketing Abilities

With HeroBot you can create Facebook Messenger bots, conversion funnels, and drip campaigns for marketing lead generation and support. Good thing, it is absolutely easy and free!

You can now automate your messenger marketing and minimize your efforts because HeroBot is doing your thing. With an open rate of 70-95%, a click-through of above 20%, and 3-5x of higher conversion rate, automated chatbots are really the future of digital marketing.

Social media scheduling, posting, tagging, commenting, discovering, or Hashtag searching, HeroBot makes it all possible for you. Rest assured that in no time, you will stay connected to your valued and future customers.

HeroBot can provide and help you upgrade Click-To-Messenger Ads that will capture instant leads and follow-up.  Apparently, there were also available widgets and application integrations with first-rate tracking features.

HeroBot’s Powers

Just like any other superhero, HeroBot possesses a different power set which helps this stand among the rest of bot creator. The following are just some of it:

The Power of Superb Chat Broadcasts

Sending information, updates, and promos can never be easier through the help of HeroBot. It can guarantee you an 85% open rate which is indeed a great start for your business.

The Power of Excellent Client Management

Having no employees, you can still assure that HeroBot can provide you excellent growth tools, detailed analytic reports, and user administration.

The Power of Automating Comment Responses

HeroBot’s AI is responsible for replying, tagging, liking, and sending a private message automatically may it be in Instagram and Facebook comments.

bot creator
The Power of Overriding Live chat

Good thing, HeroBot has this one great feature that allows users to immediately override their messenger bots when needed. Thus, giving one the power to provide seamless transactions with customers and contacts.

The Power of Integrating Brilliant Quizzes

HeroBot helps you formulate outstanding contests and quizzes that are automatically integrated to your Facebook bot to effectively promote your business or products.

The Power of Multiple Audience Segmentation

HeroBot also allows users to segment audiences based on their interest or demographic factors. Therefore, this will help them to disintegrate and qualify audiences based on how the user wants it.

The Power of Fantastic Quality Leads Notifications

With the help of HeroBot, you can now receive alerts for each leads captured with your messenger bot. Alerts can be received through SMS, Slack, email, and other customized apps.

The Power of Exceptional Bot Templates

Herobot has a lot of pre-made templates available to use in just one click. You can also customize it based on your business requirements.

The list goes on with the powers HereBot can provide you. HeroBot is upgrading and developing their services periodically to achieve nothing but total customer satisfaction. Expect a 400% increase in leads, 97% reduced marketing cost and 154% increased engagement with no additional cost once you start subscribing to HeroBot. This is the best bot creator to powerup your business.

Want to hear more of HeroBot’s capabilities? Visit HeroBot’s website now and bring forth supremacy in your business. Breakthrough from the dark power of poor marketing and weak leads generation. Come in the light with HeroBot’s chatbots and together, we’ll rule the business world!