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How Message Bots Revolutionalized The 20th Century

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Now that we are in the era of technological advances, everything seems to get easier and better than before. The Internet has given us a lot of opportunities online, opening the gates of endless success. Different industries are now taking advantage of the surge. They use the benefits of artificial intelligence through message bots as a medium of their online businesses. May it is in healthcare, food, clothing, or car booking, message bots are technically everywhere.

Growing your business means gaining more customers. These customers are very demanding and attention-seekers. They want to be taken seriously and be your utmost priority. As customers discover the deepest corners of the Internet and become more active online, message bot becomes a crucial part of eCommerce. But how are these conversational bots crucial in eCommerce?

message bots

What is a message bot?

Also known as a chatbot, a message bot is computer software that simulates conversations and mimics human-like actions. They store conversational data from previous conversations and use it for future interactions. It is amazing how artificial intelligence allowed businesses to leverage the low-end and broad technology to gain more customer engagements.

Messaging is the heart of every mobile experience that’s why message bots are well suited for mobile users. Initially, they are less functional that the first time they were introduced online. Gone are the days where they only collect user’s phone numbers or email addresses. Developers have found a new way to integrate artificial intelligence to simple chat conversations and customer support. Now, message bots are setting a new definition of technological success.

Why is it important in e-commerce business?

Message bots have set a new and exquisite standard of marketing. Many businesses, whether big or small brands, prefer to use automated messages to assist customer’s queries. But what do these entrepreneurs see in using message bots as their number one marketing tool? Here are some of the reasons:

Message bots are highly drugged email marketers.

Are you using email marketing to gain a wider network of customers? Imagine if you make an email that automatically responds to users to answer queries. Message bots are both automatic and personalized so that users on the other end won’t think they are talking to bots. They are like emails, drugged with steroids, and thinking on their own. If there will be someone who responds to users on-set, you have a higher chance of successful customer gain.

Message bots upsell and cross-sell.

The e-commerce industry is a very competitive race. You are lucky enough to get customers who will patronize your brand.  Chatbots are necessarily more potent communication mediums. You are probably wondering how these message bots can upsell customer’s purchase and cross-sell if necessary. These bots provide personalized product tips and suggestions that will persuade your customers to buy a more expensive product. Using bots is a great way of boosting your sales as they guide your customer on their shopping journey. You may think that they are far much better than those sales ladies on traditional brick and mortar stores.

Message bots reduce operational costs.

As mentioned above, customers are very demanding and attention-seekers. These customers hate late responses that usually take a few hours. However, message bots change the usual gameplay. Bots are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Technically, there would be no room for late responses. They can solve and answer customer’s queries and even repetitive questions with no fail. More complex queries will be then left for human service agents, helping an increase in agents’ productivity.

Things To Consider When Building A Message Bot

1. Identify qualified business problems your bots can solve.

Before creating your chatbot for your business, make sure to identify how it can help you. Identify how it can lessen the load in customer support and minimize the use of human agents. Think of questions your bot can answer and tasks your bot can do so that it only deals with the people it can help.

2. Identify your primary use cases.

Uses of message bots are limitless. It is so broad that sometimes, misuse can lead you off-rails. Try to start from specific use cases depending on your industry or functions. This can keep your bots on track and avoid conflicts. Use cases with a specific focus as easier to test, use, and modify. They are more likely to be successful compared to bots with broader applications.

message bots

3. Consider your users.

It seems so natural to consider who will be your users, yet, they are always overlooked. Keeping in mind who are likely to use your bots is essential as it will help you build a more human-like engagement. Designing a user-friendly chatbot will avoid possible conflicts for your business.

4. Use a good dialog engine.

Using a good dialog engine when creating a chatbot is very important to avoid frustrated users. This will determine how good your bots can be.

Uses Of AI In Other Industries

Different industries are taking advantage of the benefits of message bot usage aside form e-commerce. However, these bots can vary in different industries depending on their effectiveness. Here are some of the industries that benefit greatly from using message bots.


Innovations in science and technology greatly benefit the medical field. Chatbots are now very essential for patients to book consultation appointments, medication intake reminders, prescription refills, and even meal plans. Message bots with advanced artificial intelligence can even monitor a patient’s health vitals, make diagnoses, and give medical tips and advice.


Now that people are giving value to their hard work and investments, bank savings are very in demand. Nowadays, banks utilize chatbots so that users can check their current account balance, make money transfer from one bank to another, and even calculate taxes real-time.

HR Recruitment

Recruitment agency chatbots can now automate candidate evaluation for a certain position. Most companies are now using this trend to process job applications and assess if a candidate fits for the job or not.

Real Estate

Now that real estate is booming, a lot of home seekers and apartment hunters are using the benefits of message bots. These chatbots help gather customer’s needs and preferences to offer more personalized suggestions or recommendations. Most of these bots can answer repetitive and common questions. Through this, they can help real-estate agents of brokers spend less time answering questions.

Travel and Tourism

Most of the travel agencies use chatbots to assist their customers. These bots can help travelers buy tickets, book a flight, reserve a hotel, and even have discounts or best deals. They are also handy and helpful as these bots inform users about weather forecasts and best travel destinations.

Challenges Message Bots May Face

Because of numerous technological innovations, chatbots or message bots stabilized their place in the market. But no matter how great and approachable a message bot can be, there may be challenges that might come along the way. They are just sets of binary numbers that need to be taken care of. Below are some of the most common:

1. Message Interpretation

One of the most common challenges when it comes to customer support is the bot’s ability to understand and interpret the user’s intent. Users have different ways of sending messages, may it be long, short, colloquial, or hazy. Advanced artificial intelligence is necessary for bots to be able to understand the message clearly from keywords, as much as possible.

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2. Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing or NLP has limits and it is a big challenge when you customize and make adjustments for your bot’s behavior. NLP is the backbone of chatbots and making mistakes while programming could make miscommunication.

3. Style of Chatbot

Customers will hate it if they found out that they are talking to machines, especially if it’s about product complaints. They want affectionate interactions, more human-like. This means chatbots must act like humans.

4. Chatbot’s Personalization

Personalization simply keeps your user history intact. Since bots should save data from previous conversations for future interactions, users became more engaged. If a user is more engaged, it will keep him happy throughout the whole conversation. But the problem will arise from adapting appropriately to the user.

Revolutionize Yourself With Herobot

Science and technology are very revolutionary. Each year, innovations are being introduced, shaping new ways of lifestyle for humans. Now that message bots have just begun to revolutionize the 20th century, a deeper definition of success is yet to come. These bots put brands at the frontline of customers that are ready to buy. Using the best and finest bot mobiles is a great advantage.

If you haven’t used any bots for your business then now’s the time. We have the best solution for you that offers the most sophisticated mobile bot for your enterprise –the Herobot App. Using the most advanced tools available and best professional crews, you will be able to have the best customer engagements and enormous brand growth from chatbots offered by Herobot App. Check out more offers and great opportunities for your business at now.

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